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Henry Yu's Racism

Started by Gary Oak, February 08, 2015, 12:46:12 PM

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Gary Oak

I have been watching some youtube videos on Henry Yu. He is teaching history ? Look at the fallacies ? The chinese built the railroad ? They only built a bit of the BC railroad and non of the rest. They didn't even do half of the work on the BC railroad. White people arrived in Vancouver and saw all the chinese and natives and thought "we must get rid of them" Where did he dig this fact up ? His vivid imagination ? He sounds like he should be teaching in a mainland china university not a Canadian university.The Chinese were displaced along with the natives by white people ? They were here first ? This appears to be what he is insinuating. One issue that alarms me is that is the same kind of bogus claims that China has used to take Tibet, Xinjiang,Inner Mongolia and is using now to take islands away from The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Viietnama and Japan as well as their claim of the entire nation of Mongolia. By claiming Ghangis Khan and a Chinese emperer this also means that all the lands between western Europe and China are also Chinese. Chinese like natives ? most don't even know a polite term to call them in chinese. HUNG FAN is very derogatory. If you want to see for yourself call a chinese guy a WONG FAN with WONG meaning yellow as HUNG means red and FAN means FOREIGN uncivilised barbarian. Did chinese write the laws that are largely responsible for why Canada is such a great nation ? He is forgetting to mention how chinese as a rule think of filipinos, natives,blacks,whites. I read the very interesting book The Trail Of 1858 which is about the BC gold rush. Our first governor deliberately tried to lure nonwhite immigrants in the hope that they would be more willing to fight the Americans who were flooding into BC and as this is how Britain lost Oregon by Americans flooding into Oregon and then merely assuming Oregon as their own. Thus this highly offensive statement by Henry Yu PHD that white people came on the train on the railroad THAT THE CHINESE BUILT and saw all these chinese and natives running around and thought we must get rid of them" is very incorrect. Of all the nonwhite immigrants that came to BC only a headtax was put on the Chinese and as I find it hard to believe that the pioneers were inherantly evil it most likely had to do with the obvious mentality that is explained in the below paragragh. Now why is it not racist to state the fact that white Americans were flooding in and could very easily takeover but to state the obvious that Chinese were hoping and trying to takeover by flooding their population in as they have in so many places is racist ? In the late 1800's some towns were half Chinese in population. I highly doubt that Chinese were any less racist then than they are now. When the Chinese percentage of a population gets large enough they tend to start showing their true nature and it surely would have alarmed the pioneers there of those eras. I find it hard to believe that Canadians have ever been as racist as Chinese were then , now or in any of the eras in between.

Now Professor Henry Yu is calling for a much higher percentage of chinese educators to reflect the higher percentage of chinese students now enjoying the benefits of living in Canada and our education system. Heney Yu though enjoying the benefits of living in Canada and the benefits being employed by one of Canada's prestigious universities is allowed to teach outright falsehoods and half truths. If our education system is taken over by his fellow Chee Gong Tong brothers then how many falsehoods would they influence students with ? This is what I believe is their aim in asking for a much higher percentage of Chinese school administrators and teachers. Chinese think in the very long term. It does seem obvious to me that Professor Henry Yu is trying to lay a false claim to be used later to justify moves contrary to the best interests of non chinese Canadians.

Gary Oak

Can you imagine a white person talking about white persecution as this Henry Yu talks about Chinese persecution by whites ? Even a Klansman or a Nazi would tell him to shut up. If racism is the issue then why is there no mention of Chinese persecution of Mongols in Mongolia ,Tibetans in Tibet ,Polynesians in Taiwan etc.... ? Henry Yu is obviously a fanatic. Does white treatment of Chinese at any time compare to the treatment of Indonesian maids in Hong Kong today ? Many are working 7 days a week in spite of the law demanding they get one day off a week. One woman beat her Indonesian maid with a stick until she was hospitalized with broken bones and only got a 500 HK$ fine [ approximately 80 C$ ] . I read the entire 1996 edition of The Rough Guide To China [ approximately 1,200 pages and in at least two provinces the governor ordered ALL foreigners killed including woman and children and they were. How is it that Professor Henry Yu doesn't feel this is worth mentioning ? Did Canadians ever do this to Chinese ? If you don't believe that Chinese men are far more racist than whites then learn Chinese. Sidney Lau has a superb series of books for learning Cantonese. I will warn you though that they will try to get some people to keep an eye on you as they will be worried about any Canadian finding out about their many FAN QING FU MING activities against Canada and Canadians. Filipinos are coming to Canada now and I don't hear any of them complaining about how evil white people are ? They like us and try to be Canadians and most Canadians including me like them too. They don't get alarmed that I speak tagalog as most Chinese men do that I speak Chinese.

The reason that Chinese were excluded is that one doesn't need to understand their oaths and rituals and that in these oaths and rituals the QING refer to the nonpeople who let them immigrate. FAN QING FU MING means overturn- FAN the uncivilised FOREIGN barbarians- QING and it is common knowledge that FU MING means support Chinese. Chinese immigrants know that it is the goal of many chinese to take over. Ask a Malaysian or a Thai how they like being taken over by Chinese.It is a very safe bet I believe that this UBC history professor Henry Yu is a member of a tong [ the Chee Gong Tong that is ] which has FAN QING FU MING among it's oaths and rituals and this tong also includes all top triad members all over the world as are top chinese espionage employees, top chinese military [ including top chinese Canadian officers enjoying the benefits of being in the Canadian military while being sworn brothers of top Chinese military personnel ] top chinese politicians [ including Canadain Chinese politicians enjoying the benefits of living in Canada with Canadians ] ,top chinese police all over the world etc.... Kill the Qing destroy the Qing, extirminate the Qing etc... is also in the along with FAN QING FU MING. I have read that UBC professor Henry Yu is wants higher Chinese immigration to Canada to atone for the head tax which did prevent many Chinese from coming here. Now is it simply coincidence that one of the ways Chinese uses to take over nations is to flood a country with Chinese citizens ? If white people are such inherantly evil white supremists here then why isn't he encouraging Chinese in Canada to get on refugee boats and flee Canada ? I have not seen him complaining once about the ONE BILLION DOLLARS that Canada loses per month to Chinese spying. I don't see him talking about how CSIS has found that Chinese Canadiscams will spy for China for free if asked and that Chinese Intelligence agencies don't even expect to have to pay a Canadian Chinese to spy for them against Canada and Canadians. As Henry Yu frequently mentions white supremists are not ALL those who take oaths and rituals which include FAN QING FU MING not Chinese supremists and sworn enemies of Canada and Canadians ? Being a member of this tong not only makes him a sworn brother of all top chinese mafia [ triads ] all over the world but also Chinese intelligence agencies,top Chinese military,top Chinese government,top Chinese politicians, top Chinese businessmen etc...

Don't be fooled by humble behaviour. If one reads The Asian Mind Game"> ... 0892563524

you will discover that Chinese get applauded for behaving in different manners to decieve the enemy. China's top heroin smuggler [ the trillionaire ] behaves as though he is a meek little elderly man. In reality the non chinese wife of a highly connected Chinese man told me that her husband says that this man is far more vicious that Stanley Ho the man who used to have a monopoly on the gambling in Macau. The Asian Mind Game is a must read for anybody doing business with Chinese.

Gary Oak

Can you imagine a white person talking about white persecution as this Henry Yu talks about Chinese persecution by whites ? Even a Klansman or a Nazi would tell him to shut up. If racism is the issue then why is there no mention of Chinese persecution of Mongols in Mongolia ,Tibetans in Tibet ,Polynesians in Taiwan etc.... ? Henry Yu is obviously a fanatic. Henry Yu talks often about righting historical wrongs but obviously Chinese historical wrongs don't interest him. Does white treatment of Chinese at any time compare to the treatment of Indonesian maids in Hong Kong today ? Many are working 7 days a week in spite of the law demanding they get one day off a week. One woman beat her Indonesian maid with a stick until she was hospitalized with broken bones and only got a 500 HK$ fine [ approximately 80 C$ ] . I read the entire 1996 edition of The Rough Guide To China [ approximately 1,200 pages and in at least two provinces the governor ordered ALL foreigners killed including woman and children and they were. How is it that Professor Henry Yu doesn't feel this is worth mentioning ? Did Canadians ever do this to Chinese ? If you don't believe that Chinese men are far more racist than whites then learn Chinese. Sidney Lau has a superb series of books for learning Cantonese. I will warn you though that they will try to get some people to keep an eye on you as they will be worried about any Canadian finding out about their many FAN QING FU MING activities against Canada and Canadians. Filipinos are coming to Canada now and I don't hear any of them complaining about how evil white people are ? They like us and try to be Canadians and most Canadians including me like them too. They don't get alarmed that I speak tagalog as most Chinese men do that I speak Chinese.

The reason that Chinese were excluded is that one doesn't need to understand their oaths and rituals and that in these oaths and rituals the QING refer to the nonpeople who let them immigrate. FAN QING FU MING means overturn- FAN the uncivilised FOREIGN barbarians- QING and it is common knowledge that FU MING means support Chinese. Chinese immigrants know that it is the goal of many chinese to take over. Ask a Malaysian or a Thai how they like being taken over by Chinese.It is a very safe bet I believe that this UBC history professor Henry Yu is a member of a tong [ the Chee Gong Tong that is ] which has FAN QING FU MING among it's oaths and rituals and this tong also includes all top triad members all over the world as are top chinese espionage employees, top chinese military [ including top chinese Canadian officers enjoying the benefits of being in the Canadian military while being sworn brothers of top Chinese military personnel ] top chinese politicians [ including Canadain Chinese politicians enjoying the benefits of living in Canada with Canadians ] ,top chinese police all over the world etc.... Kill the Qing destroy the Qing, extirminate the Qing etc... is also in the along with FAN QING FU MING. I have read that UBC professor Henry Yu is wants higher Chinese immigration to Canada to atone for the head tax which did prevent many Chinese from coming here. Now is it simply coincidence that one of the ways Chinese uses to take over nations is to flood a country with Chinese citizens ? If white people are such inherantly evil white supremists here then why isn't he encouraging Chinese in Canada to get on refugee boats and flee Canada ? I have not seen him complaining once about the ONE BILLION DOLLARS that Canada loses per month to Chinese spying. I don't see him talking about how CSIS has found that Chinese Canadiscams will spy for China for free if asked and that Chinese Intelligence agencies don't even expect to have to pay a Canadian Chinese to spy for them against Canada and Canadians. As Henry Yu frequently mentions white supremists are not ALL those who take oaths and rituals which include FAN QING FU MING not Chinese supremists and sworn enemies of Canada and Canadians ? Being a member of this tong not only makes him a sworn brother of all top chinese mafia [ triads ] all over the world but also Chinese intelligence agencies,top Chinese military,top Chinese government,top Chinese politicians, top Chinese businessmen etc...

Don't be fooled by humble behaviour. If one reads The Asian Mind Game"> ... 0892563524

you will discover that Chinese get applauded for behaving in different manners to decieve the enemy. China's top heroin smuggler [ the trillionaire ] behaves as though he is a meek little elderly man. In reality the non chinese wife of a highly connected Chinese man told me that her husband says that this man is far more vicious that Stanley Ho the man who used to have a monopoly on the gambling in Macau. The Asian Mind Game is a must read for anybody doing business with Chinese.

Gary Oak

For a good basic understanding of Chinese history and the Chinese business empire I recommend Lords Of The Rim by Sterling Seagrave"> ... Of_The_Rim You will get a good idea of how Chinese cooperate together to take over the economies of nations and of what an "off with people heads " culture they come from.

It should also be kept in mind that though UBC history professor Henry Yu constantly carries on about white racism in Canada surely he must know that while he enjoys a far better salary and is treated far better at a Canadian university than he would if his dream came true of Chinese taking over Canada. White and other non Chinese university professors at Chinese universities have many people watching them at all times for things to use against them which Henry Yu also surely knows yet there is no comments from him on this fact. If Canada is so racist then why is it that Vancouver has a Chinese police chief ? No city in China would even allow a non Chinese to be a police chief. It also has occured to me that these same people that are enjoying all the benefits of living in Canada who whine about wrongs they believe white people are responsible for and have absolutely nothing good to say about white people yet even though they are free to leave this land and people they believe mistreats them so horribly they do not want to leave and encourage us to allow more of their countrymen to come to Canada. The reason that they have nothing good to say about us is because they don't like us and often hate us. Do we really need more people who hate us and support Chinese taking us over ?



Quote from: "Green_Hornet"More of your spamming of your racist lie about the FAN QING FU MING oath, Gary Oak aka Henry Yu.

How come your blog does not repeat your racist lie, Richard Bennet?"> ... -qing.html">

Pink Shirt Day is on February 25, 2015.  I checked some of the resources of the hate crime and cyberbullying for Pink Shirt Day.

I think you would be a perfect person to submit to the"> with your hate crimes and cyberbullying.

Depression Quest developer and doxing victim Zoe Quinn launched an online "anti-harassment task force" toolset, staffed by volunteers familiar with such attacks, to assist victims of a recent swell of "doxing" and "swatting" attacks.

The Crash Override site, built by Quinn and game developer Alex Lifschitz, offers free services from "experts in information security, white hat hacking, PR, law enforcement, legal, threat monitoring, and counseling" for "victims of online mob harassment."

Hello Green_Hornet, welcome back.


Rambo Wong

British came to rob and kill. Chinese built Canada. Remember the railroad. The British came to the west and saw all these chinese and natives and said " let's get rid of them" . English being the language smacks of colonial mentality. The Name British Columbia also smacks of colonial mentality. Chinese should be a language of Canada just like French and English and it is smacks of colonial mentality that Chinese is not.


Quote from: "Rambo Wong"British came to rob and kill. Chinese built Canada. Remember the railroad. The British came to the west and saw all these chinese and natives and said " let's get rid of them" . English being the language smacks of colonial mentality. The Name British Columbia also smacks of colonial mentality. Chinese should be a language of Canada just like French and English and it is smacks of colonial mentality that Chinese is not.

Thank you for your opinion Rambo.

Gary Oak

I wonder what Seoulfag/Rambo Wong/Green Whorenut think about Henry Yu's racism of white Canadians?

Rambo Wong

Holy Angeline Jolie ! Henry Yu is a humble preofessor of history and all you can do is pick on him because jhe is Asian.

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Holy Angeline Jolie ! Henry Yu is a humble preofessor of history and all you can do is pick on him because jhe is Asian.

Rambo you mentally ill skid..what's shaking.... :howdy:  ac_dance  ac_beating  acc_devil


Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Holy Angeline Jolie ! Henry Yu is a humble preofessor of history and all you can do is pick on him because jhe is Asian.

Rambo you mentally ill skid..what's shaking.... :howdy:  ac_dance  ac_beating  acc_devil

I am certain he's angry about something.

Gary Oak

Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Holy Angeline Jolie ! Henry Yu is a humble preofessor of history and all you can do is pick on him because jhe is Asian.

Rambo you mentally ill skid..what's shaking.... :howdy:  ac_dance  ac_beating  acc_devil

Rambo Wong/Green Hornet is looking for a blonde with big tits because he has very high earning potential.


Quote from: "Gary Oak"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Holy Angeline Jolie ! Henry Yu is a humble preofessor of history and all you can do is pick on him because jhe is Asian.

Rambo you mentally ill skid..what's shaking.... :howdy:  ac_dance  ac_beating  acc_devil

Rambo Wong/Green Hornet is looking for a blonde with big tits because he has very high earning potential.


Gary Oak

Henry Yu likes Chinese only neighbourhoods but finds it a disgrace if there are any predominately white neighbourhoods in Canada. Chinese running Canada is the future and whites running Canada is an evil colonial legacy and is the past. So he deems white people in Canada a thing of the past and our desires ,goals etc... are now obsolete due to our allowing such a large number of Chinese to immigrate. I consider this a huge slap in the face. It's obvious that he fully supports the FAN QING FU MING of Canada and no doubt has sworn his loyalty in his Chee Gong Tong oaths and rituals."> ... -does.html">

Does Henry Yu have Triad affiliations and has he taken the Triad Oath: Faan Qing Fuk Ming...?!

Henry Yu – A UBC History Professor? [racist?]

Henry Yu is Dangerous for Canada

This history professor thinks Chinese only neighbourhoods in Canada are wonderful and progressive but a neighbourhood or boardroom without Chinese in Canada is a disgraceful legacy of evil, wrong, racist and a colonial legacy. Notice how he never has anything good to say about Caucasian, European or British Canadians. This obviously is because he discriminates about them. Does Canada really need to allow untold millions who don't like Canadians and work towards colonizing with their countrymen to enjoy the benefits of our far more just society? When one reads Lords Of The Rim  by Sterling Seagrave   it would assist in explaining obsession, wanting Chinese in every Canadian companies boardrooms. Of course this allows covert PLA Agents in who's aims would be contrary to the interests of those companies.  Conversely, Henry Yu doesn't feel the need for non-Chinese in their companies boardrooms.

Henry Yu – A UBC History Professor?

Henry Yu"It struck me last weekend when I was shopping in Kitsilano what an aberration that neighborhood is – one of the few areas in Vancouver that has not been transformed in the last three decades by new migration from Asia – Kits for instance does not have a significant ethnic Chinese Canadian presence in a city where almost every other neighborhood has percentages of ethnic Chinese that range from 20 to 55%. What is wrong with Kits? The same thing that is wrong with so many newsrooms and boardrooms in Vancouver, where a quick glance around at who shapes opinion and leadership decisions reveals a blinding uniformity of faces as white as driven snow."

UBC Professor Henry Yu has been a strong advocate for mass immigration and multiculturalism and has gone on to say that the use of English as an official language smacks of racist white supremacy. Canada's official languages should reflect changing immigration patterns of those arriving with limited proficiency in English or French. There are now over 600,000 people in Canada that can barely speak a few words in either of the official languages. This results in failed integration and self-propagating tribalism in mass quantities that is set to destabilize the country into numerous factions.

Yu resents a Canada in which Chinese is not one of the official languages. And that by maintaining English as the official language, a great injustice against multiculturalism and diversity is taking place.

It would also appear that Yu believes that Canada's history is that of injustice and that the only way to rectify things is to legitimize racism and cultural dismissal of the country's majority. That any visual 'remnants' of Canada's majority in any neighborhood or workplace should be interpreted as backward or racist by definition. It would seem based on his viewpoints that anyone with white pigmentation is an embarrassing legacy of a country built on wrong or evil.

Despite the seemingly racist view towards Canada and the majority of its people, Yu has received millions of dollars in federal grant money to pursue his agenda. It would seem rather strange that someone that is openly racist and has inflammatory comments towards a group of people born with certain pigmentation is allowed to maintain his prominent teaching spot at one of Canada's premier tertiary research institutions and receive taxpayer dollars to promote his viewpoint further.

With a weak national identity and with no framework around multiculturalism or public dialogue on mass immigration, it would appear that Canada's current official languages could face ongoing and intense challenges in the days ahead. Any suggestive effort of asking newcomers or contemporary orthodox cultural / ethnic leaders and their followers to be Canadian could be scoffed at by those that feel that Canada's identity is completely open for interpretation. That linguistic and cultural Darwinism by a mismanaged mass immigration program should dictate Canada's identity will be seen as the 'natural order' of Canadian nation state evolution. Undoubtedly, countries with major diaspora in Canada that have geopolitical interests will fund and or support agendas that counter Canadian unity.

Is Yu a contemporary academic leader that is simply reflecting a new version of Canadian identity? Is it time for Canadians to accept their changing multicultural identity in the days of mass immigration and advanced capitalism? Or is Yu using multiculturalism and mass immigration to pursue a divisive social policy that champions Chinese hegemony in Canada?

Who is Henry Yu truly representing? Does he have Triad affiliations..we wonder

Rambo Wong

Only a racist twirlybrain choking the chicken crap'n drool fruitcake moron sinophobic homophobic islamophobic nutcase  loser like Gary Oak Choking the Chicken would disagree with a humble UBC professor of history.