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The Cook Islands, Anyone Been There?

Started by Securious, November 10, 2012, 11:45:47 AM

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I may be interested in moving there in a few years. I will be posting all things "Cook Islands" so everyone can share.


Their Government Online">




... =0CMYBELYD">

Cook Islands is a self-governing parliamentary democracy in the South Pacific Ocean in free association with New Zealand. It is composed of 15 small islands whose total land area is 240 square kilometres.

Population: 10,900 (2011)

Capital: Avarua

Dialing code: 682

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Official language: English Language, Rarotongan Language

Currencies: New Zealand dollar, Cook Islands dollar



A thing to remember would be their storms and their surges, plus sea level rise. Some apprehension exists around this topic. Mostly based on Climate Change panic, but some realistic.


Quote from: "Shen Li"Really?? Why the Cook Islands may I ask?

The best kept secret in the Pacific/peace and tranquility..paradise found! These are loving people and I want to be around them. That simple Shen Li.

Gary Oak

I have found polynesians to be a cheerful fun bunch. They usually have a good sense of humour. One of the happiest times of my life was the time I spent with my filipino friends in Mindoro.



Quote from: "Securious"and these Gary are the happiest people



Gary Oak

There have been anti chinese riots in some Pacific islands as our friends are trying to take all of them over too naturally. The chinese look down on polynesians and despise them and the polynesians can feel it


Cook Islands

Key facts


Foreign Relations

Relations with New Zealand



Travel advice



Key facts  


Official Name - Cook Islands

Land Area - 240 sq km (comprising 15 islands)

Population - 10,777 (2012 est.)

Religion - Various Christian denominations

Capital City - Avarua, Rarotonga

Official Languages - Cook Islands Maori and English

Currency - New Zealand Dollar

EEZ - 1,830,000 sq km


Political system - Parliamentary democracy

National government - Cook Islands Party

National legislature - Unicameral Parliament, comprising 24 MPs, which sits for a four year term.  Ten MPs are elected from the main island of Rarotonga and the other 14 represent outer islands.  The current cabinet comprises six Ministers.

Last election - 17 November 2010

Next election - 2014

Head of State - Queen Elizabeth II. Sir Frederick Tutu Goodwin is the resident Queen's Representative.

Head of Government - Prime Minister Hon Henry Puna

Key Ministers

Deputy Prime Minister Tom Marsters

Mark Brown

Teina Bishop

Teariki Heather

Nandi Glassie

Key Opposition MPs

Wilkie Rasmussen, Leader of the Opposition

Jim Marurai

William 'Smiley' Heather

Ngamau Munukoa

Main political parties

Cook Islands Party and Democratic Party


GDP - NZ$276 million (2010/11)

Real GDP growth (%) - 2.5% (2010/11)

Exports (fob) - $4.9 million (2010)

Main exports - Pearls, fish, copra

Imports (cif) - $290 million (2009 provisional)

Main imports - Foodstuffs, textiles, capital goods

Inflation - 2.1% (2010/11)

Gross External Debt - $114.8 million (est to end 2010-11 FY)

New Zealand Trade

NZ Exports (fob) - NZ$96 million (June 2010)

Main Exports - Petroleum oils, food preparations, timber, meat products, beverages, tubes and hoses, motor vehicles.

NZ Imports (cif) - NZ$5 (June 2010)

Main Imports - Scrap metal, fruit juice, pearls.

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OverviewNew Zealand and the Cook Islands have a special relationship founded on close historical ties, unique constitutional arrangements and a common citizenship and currency.  The Cook Islands became a dependent territory of New Zealand in 1901 when it was annexed.  In 1965 the Cook Islands adopted a Constitution enabling self-government in free association with New Zealand. Free association is a status distinct from that of full independence in that it allows the Cook Islands to maintain New Zealand citizenship, while administering its own affairs.

The bilateral relationship is cemented through strong people to people ties, with an estimated 58,000 (2006) Cook Islanders now living in New Zealand.  The two governments agreed to establish regular ministerial-level consultations to underline the special constitutional ties and progress matters of mutual interest, such as economic development.  The first Joint Ministerial Forum was held in May 2011.


The Cook Islands was settled in the 13th century by people from nearby islands, now part of French Polynesia, and from Samoa.  The first recorded European to land on and survey the Cook Islands was Captain James Cook, between 1773 and 1777.  Continuous European contact with the islands came with the introduction of Christianity and the arrival of representatives of the London Missionary Society.  After a number of important ariki (traditional leaders) were converted, support for Christianity spread throughout the Southern Group.

In 1888, acting on a petition from the principal ariki, a Protectorate was declared over the Southern Group – then known as the Hervey Islands – by Britain.  Protectorates were declared over several islands in the Northern Group in the early 1890s and the remaining islands were subsequently annexed.

On 27 September 1900, the New Zealand Parliament approved the annexation of the islands to New Zealand.  From 11 June 1901 the boundaries of NewZealand were extended to include the Cook Islands.  The Cook Islands was administered by New Zealand as a dependent territory from 1901 to 1965 when, following an act of self-determination under United Nations auspices, the Cook Islands became self-governing in free association with New Zealand.

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Political Situation

The general election held in November 2010 saw a change of government with a decisive swing to the Cook Islands Party (CIP), which won 16 of the 24 seats.  CIP leader Henry Puna was sworn in as Prime Minister by Queen's Representative Sir Frederick Goodwin on 30 November, and the new Cabinet was sworn in over the following week.  Prime Minister Puna's tenure has been politically stable, in contrast to the shaky politics of 2010 when Cook Islands politics was characterised by ministerial dismissals and resignations.

The Cook Islands has a unicameral parliament with 24 elected members, and a parliamentary term of four years.  There is full adult suffrage and while registration on the electoral roll for elections is compulsory, voting is not.  There is also a 15-member House of Ariki (chiefs), which was established in 1966.  It comprises six ariki from Rarotonga and nine from the outer islands.  The House of Ariki advises Government on customary and land use issues.

Economic Situation

The Cook Islands is among the best performing Pacific economies, but faces increasing pressure over the sustainability of government debt levels.  Its narrow economic base (underpinned by tourism and marine resources) makes it vulnerable to external shocks, including the global economic crisis.  Threats to economic growth include environmental damage, infrastructure constraints, weak policy, limited planning and project preparation capacity, and a labour shortage.  The economy is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, as demonstrated by the substantial damage caused by a series of cyclones in 2005 – and in Aitutaki in 2010 when Tropical Cyclone Pat caused significant damage to housing and public infrastructure.  New Zealand provided a $6.4 million reconstruction package to assist the Cook Islands Government to implement its recovery and reconstruction plan for the island.

Gross Domestic Product per capita is high compared to other economies in the region.  Tourism is vital to the Cook Islands economy and is estimated to account for around 65% of GDP, with some 100,000 tourists visiting each year.

In August 2009, Standard and Poor's downgraded its outlook for Cook Islands from stable to negative, due to uncertainty about projected tourism numbers and a deteriorating debt position.  The Cook Islands 2012-13 budget increased Government Debt to take the debt to GDP ratio to 33% in 2013/24 (in order to finance water and sanitation upgrades).

The marine sector, both the pearl industry and fishing, is a significant export earner although it has not performed to its potential, or to expectations.  The pearl industry is important to the economic development of the remote northern islands and improvements in farming techniques should lead to an increase in export earnings from pearl farming.

There are two separate fishing fleets in the Cook Islands.  The northern fleet of 20 vessels lands its catch in Pago Pago, American Samoa, for canning.  The southern fleet, consisting of 7 boats, offloads in Rarotonga and provides fish for domestic consumption (including tourists) and export.

Population loss remains a concern to the Cook Islands and is an economic risk. The 2008 figures put the resident population at 14,200.  This is estimated to have dropped to 10,777 in 2012.  The remote outer islands are experiencing a particularly marked decline: about 65% of the population now lives on the main island of Rarotonga.  Cook Islanders (which is an ethnic identifier, not a legal one) can live in New Zealand and Australia due to their New Zealand citizenship.  This exacerbates the rate of migration from the Cook Islands, particularly among young adults seeking education, training, experience and profitable work overseas.  Labour shortages, particularly in the tourism sector, are being addressed through the employment of foreign workers, particularly from Fiji and the Philippines.  Foreign workers are estimated to account for approximately 10% of the resident population.

Over the past decade, and in response to international criticism, the Cook Islands has sought to address issues around its tax and offshore banking sectors.  In 2002, the Cook Islands made a commitment to the OECD to improve the transparency of its tax and regulatory systems.  In 2005, the Financial Action Task Force, a body established by the G7 and European Commission, delisted the Cook Islands as a non-cooperating body over money laundering and terrorist financing.  The Cook Islands signed a tax information exchange agreement with New Zealand in 2009, following this up with agreements with Australia and the Nordic countries.  However, these agreements have yet to enter into force.  In 2009 an amendment to the Banking Act to limit controversial operations by offshore banking operations was proposed, but legislative changes have not yet been passed.  Phase One of the OECD's  Global Forum Tax Review of the Cook Islands took place in May 2012.  The Cook Islands is now ready to move to Phase Two.


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Foreign RelationsThe international legal personality of the Cook Islands has developed steadily since the Cook Islands became self-governing in 1965.  The Cook Islands has diplomatic relations with more than 30 countries and maintains a diplomatic post in New Zealand.  Honorary Consuls represent Germany and France in the Cook Islands.  The CookIslands has Honorary Consuls in Sydney, Oslo, Monaco and Istanbul.  The Cook Islands is also a member, in its own right, of a range of international organisations, but – due to shared citizenship with New Zealand – is not a member of the United Nations or Commonwealth.  The Joint Centenary Declaration (2001) requires the Cook Islands and New Zealand to consult regularly on foreign affairs matters.

Relations with New ZealandBilateral Linkages


Air and Shipping Services

The Cook Islands has good air services.  Air New Zealand operates daily flights into and out of Rarotonga from New Zealand as well as less frequent flights from Sydney and Los Angeles.  Pacific Blue began flights from New Zealand to the Cook Islands in March 2005.  Shipping services are currently under review.


New Zealand is responsible for the defence of the Cook Islands under the terms of the 1965 Constitution.  In practice, however, this responsibility would only be acted upon at the request of the Cook Islands' Government.  A Mutual Assistance Programme (MAP) is administered by the New Zealand Defence Force.  MAP assistance to the Cook Islands focuses on supporting Pacific Patrol Boat operations, small arms use and security, search and rescue, and the provision of a technical adviser to the Pacific Patrol Boat project.


The Cook Islands education system follows the Cook Islands curriculum and utilises the New Zealand Qualifications Framework for assessment and qualifications at senior secondary level and beyond. Education is compulsory for all children between 5 and 15 years of age. The Government provides free secular education at primary and secondary school levels. The Trade Training Centre and Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre provide tertiary training. The University of the South Pacific has an extension centre providing vocational, foundation and degree courses.


Cook Islanders have New Zealand citizenship and as such have free access into New Zealand.

An entry permit is not required by persons who are entering the Cook Islands as bona-fide visitors for a period of no more than 31 days.  However, bona fide visitors travelling on a New Zealand passport are exempted from requiring an entry permit for any stay of no more than 90 days.  Beyond these periods, an extension of stay must be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration.  Holders of visitor permits, including expatriate New Zealanders, are not allowed to work unless a work permit has been granted.

Development Cooperation Programme

Over the period 2009-2012 New Zealand (and Australia under the harmonised programme) has contributed approximately $44 million of bilateral funding to the Cook Islands.  Bilateral contributions from Australia equal AUD $2.2 million per annum.  It is anticipated that bilateral funding over the next three years from the 2012/13 financial year will total approximately $61 million. Focus areas are economic growth and infrastructure (approx. $12 million per year), health and education (approx. $4 million per year) and governance (approx. $1.6 million per year).  The Joint Commitment for Development, signed in July 2011 is the key document shaping the New Zealand Aid Programme in the Cook Islands going forward.


Tourism, estimated to account for around 65% of GDP, is vital to the CookIslands economy.  Visitor numbers in 2009/10 held up despite the global economic downturn, reaching an all time annual high of more than 99,000.  This number was projected to rise to over 101,000 in 2010/11, with New Zealanders making up the majority of visitors (63.4%).  The introduction of low-cost airfares from New Zealand has significantly increased tourist volumes.  The Cook Islands Government has revamped Cook Islands Tourism branding and intentionally focused on the Australian and Northern Hemisphere markets.

Multilateral Linkages

The Cook Islands has entered into a wide range of bilateral and multilateral treaties in its own name and is a member of a number of regional and international organisations.  The Cook Islands is a member in its own right of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and International Maritime Organisation (IMO).  It is also a member of regional organisations such as the Pacific Islands Forum and its agencies, and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.  In August 2012, the Cook Islands will host the 43rd Pacific Islands Forum, and then assume the Chair for the year 2012-13 (from New Zealand).  The Cook Islands last hosted the Forum in 1997.

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VisitsRecent Visits to Cook Islands

•Prime Minister John Key and Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully and New Zealand Delegation attend the 43rd Pacific Islands Forum in Roratonga, August 2012

•Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully for pre-Pacific Islands Forum meetings in August 2012

•Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully for the Joint Ministerial Forum in May 2011.

•Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully visited the Cook Islands in April and December 2010

•Prime Minister John Key and a delegation visited the Cook Islands in 2009

•Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully visited the Cook Islands in March 2009

Recent Visits from Cook Islands

•Prime Minister Henry Puna in June 2012 to attend the EU-PIF Troika

•Finance Minister Mark Brown to Wellington in March 2012

•Prime Minister Henry Puna for the Pacific Island Forum and Rugby World Cup in September 2011

•Prime Minister Henry Puna and Finance Minister Mark Brown visited New Zealand in June 2011

•Prime Minister Henry Puna visited New Zealand in February 2011

•Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hon Robert Wigmore visited New Zealand in February 2010

•Prime Minister Marurai visited New Zealand on a partial Guest of Government visit in September 2009

Representation•New Zealand High Commission Rarotonga [external link].

•Cook Islands High Commission Wellington

Travel adviceThe Safetravel website provides a travel advisory for travellers to Cook Islands [external link].

Enquiries may be directed to Consular Division at the following numbers:  Phone:  +64 4 494-8500; Fax: +64 4 494 8506.


[size=150]There are signs that The Cooks are now a preferred place to launder money specially from China...[/size]"> ... ealth.html">