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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

Nine slaughtered in the World's Greatest Democracy!

Started by Bricktop, June 18, 2015, 01:35:39 AM

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Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Romero"I don't believe in hunting for sport. I'm okay with hunting for sustenance. Humans are still in the process of evolving from hunters to consumers, so there's no surprise there's going to some hunting still going on. Many peoples still depend on it and can't go to the store. For many in the "civilized" world, it's just something that mom and dad used to do back in the day.

So many factory farms are horror shows. Picking up a package of meat at the supermarket doesn't mean the animals didn't suffer. Probably more so.

One wild buck lives a good life and ends up feeding a family for a season. It could have been a family of humans or cougars. The circle of life.

One factory farmed cow lives a life of hell. Crammed cages, lying in filth... no outdoors, no mating... and it'll be lucky if it's put out of it's misery the first go around.

I'm telling ya - compared to sustenance hunting, buying meat at the store isn't any more civilized and it can be downright ugly.

Thank you Romero for putting the issue in perspective. Well said.

Apparently SPECTRE thinks he is more civilized than the rest of us because he buys his meat at the grocery store. I guess he thinks it's more civilized to get your meat in neatly wrapped clean plastic psckages. That way he doesn't have to acknowledge the pain and suffering the animal went through during its hellish, chemically enhanced, lifetime while he feeds his hypocritical face. Hopefully he won't get sick from the dangerous bacteria, feces and mashed up insect parts he is ingesting with his civilized store bought meat.

Based on the old cock suckers criteria, I wounder how civilized a society can be considered when it slaughters the one wild animal that symbolizes their country by the hundreds of thousands each year. In Australia 800,000 kangaroos are commercially harvested for dog food, leather, and human consumption each year and that doesn't even take into account the roos that are killed for sport or by road vehicles. No where in the world is the slaughter of wild land animals greater than during the Australian kangaroo harvest. Not only are nearly one million roos killed it is also estimated that 120,000 roos are gut shot by so-called hunters (probably besotted with Fosters) and left to die slow painful deaths in the bush. I'm not even going to describe what the Australian game commission tells these so-called hunters to do with the orphaned joeys that they create with there horrendous acts of slaughter.

 If we are going to ridiculously base a society's level of civilization on how it treats its fauna, then NO Australian can claim that they live in a civilized nation.

But hey, I would never begrudge a hungry Aussie some "True Blue" meat on Australia Day. I wouldn't even think of being that meddling or crass and I certainly wouldn't presume to tell them what to do within the borders of their own country. Personally I wouldn't care if the entire population of Australia turned cannibal and ate each other.

When will you learn to READ??

Apparently, you seem to think that I am some sort of advertising slogan for Australia. Do you see anywhere where I condone conduct in Australia whilst lamenting it elsewhere?? I was discussing HUNTING, you bloated matter where it occurs. Highlighting that it happens here does not alter my stance; it is repugnant here as anywhere.

You also missed my remark to Romero where I agreed with his summary of factory farming, and find it equally abhorrent.

So, perhaps in lieu of flushing your liver before reading what I say, and thus making yourself seem even more boorish and ignorant as usual, you will do yourself the favour of reading my posts before committing your idiocy with the "Enter" key.

Its for your own good.

By the way, we're discussing the slaughter of 9 humans in your festering shitbucket of a country. Perhaps you would care to stay on topic?

Nah...I didn't think so...


When will you learn to stop prattling and bleating like a fucking idiot? Do all you Aussie cunts write volumes of ignorant pablum simply to see your own inane thoughts in print?

Why don't you go back to Van? It seems that the monkey ranch is now infested with your countrymen and they are ALL mindlessly yammering and honking like a colony of overly excited Cape Barren geese. As if that place wasn't enough of a hole it is now a cacophony of idiotic Australian noise. You can almost hear the cringe worthy, redneck, versions of British dialect being tossed around in the air as soon as the the first page loads.

Hey, I even saw that your old girlfriend has found a long lost cherry within the bowl of rotten Aussie fruit. Maybe you could cozy up with her newly rediscovered friend and start another melodramatic cyber threesome? Sowing the seeds of drama and confusion seems to be your forte, I'm sure you miss doing what you do best by now.

BTW, I know exactly what you are discussing but like most respectful individuals I have refrained from entering the discussion because emotions in the US over this incident are still raw and all the facts surrounding the murders were still forthcoming. If you remember previously in this thread, cc mentioned how Obama showed off his lack of character by trying to make political hay out of the tragedy before the bodies where even cold. You showed off your character or lack thereof as well by jumping ahead of him and doing the same. No wonder you admire that piece of shit; you are cut from the same shameless, opportunistic cloth.

Now that some of the motives and reasons for these killings have begin to come to light maybe we can have a "REAL" discussion regarding this incident and how to prevent something like this from happening again. If you want to do that, I'm in but I will NOT engage in your shrill, Aussie-centric, hysterical, reactive, gobbledygook that you try to pass off as some kind of informed opinion regarding the US society and culture.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Hunting is NOT part of a civilised modern nation. People who kill animals for their own pleasure and entertainment have some serious psychological issues. Any form of killing is abhorrent.

Target shooting no problem. No-one or nothing dies. Its the same as archery, or darts, or throwing a javelin.

I believe hunting is more civilized, and much more environmentally friendly, than factory farming. People still depend on hunting for sustenance, even if they can go to a store and buy some crappy ground beef.

If you eat meat, you're killing animals. Only factory farming is in most cases less humane.

Hunting is as civilised as sacrificing virgins.

Why hunt, when you have a food processing chain that provides you with your sustenance? Because you LIKE it!! You are entertained by stalking, trapping and slaughtering wild animals (as opposed to animals bred domestically). You have issues if killing makes you feel hot.

We breed livestock for food.

We do not need to go into the wilderness and shoot animals for our entertainment and excitement. How can THAT be civilised?

Sorry, But yes you do.

If you don't implement hunting and have it regulated it creates over population. Like it or not you need hunters.


Quote from: "Keeper"

Sorry, But yes you do.

If you don't implement hunting and have it regulated it creates over population. Like it or not you need hunters.

I had an ex-bf who hunted. He wouldn't touch domestically raised meat sold in stores with rubber gloves on.


I watched that punk on TV today as the families was there, many said they forgave him.

He had nothing but a look of let me go back to my cell on his face, and some satisfaction.

Pretty sick, and sad human, likely never got any worthwhile parenting growing up.


Quote from: "Renee"When will you learn to stop prattling and bleating like a fucking idiot? Do all you Aussie cunts write volumes of ignorant pablum simply to see your own inane thoughts in print?

Why don't you go back to Van? It seems that the monkey ranch is now infested with your countrymen and they are ALL mindlessly yammering and honking like a colony of overly excited Cape Barren geese. As if that place wasn't enough of a hole it is now a cacophony of idiotic Australian noise. You can almost hear the cringe worthy, redneck, versions of British dialect being tossed around in the air as soon as the the first page loads.

Hey, I even saw that your old girlfriend has found a long lost cherry within the bowl of rotten Aussie fruit. Maybe you could cozy up with her newly rediscovered friend and start another melodramatic cyber threesome? Sowing the seeds of drama and confusion seems to be your forte, I'm sure you miss doing what you do best by now.

BTW, I know exactly what you are discussing but like most respectful individuals I have refrained from entering the discussion because emotions in the US over this incident are still raw and all the facts surrounding the murders were still forthcoming. If you remember previously in this thread, cc mentioned how Obama showed off his lack of character by trying to make political hay out of the tragedy before the bodies where even cold. You showed off your character or lack thereof as well by jumping ahead of him and doing the same. No wonder you admire that piece of shit; you are cut from the same shameless, opportunistic cloth.

Now that some of the motives and reasons for these killings have begin to come to light maybe we can have a "REAL" discussion regarding this incident and how to prevent something like this from happening again. If you want to do that, I'm in but I will NOT engage in your shrill, Aussie-centric, hysterical, reactive, gobbledygook that you try to pass off as some kind of informed opinion regarding the US society and culture.

You could have said "I have nothing to offer in defence of this vile and heinous act that is a consequence of a fucked up gun culture" in far less words.

But always, when you're cornered, we are subjected to another daft attempt at deflection by attacking my nation, as if that somehow gets under my skin, or actually addresses the issue. You're fat. I'm Australian. And 9 people were slaughtered by a fucking lunatic who's dad gave him a lethal weapon for his birthday, because that's what you do in the global abscess you call home.

Obama, in my view, was far too fucking lenient. What he should have said is "If you truly believe in your country, and its stated morals and values, you will ALL submit your guns for destruction at the nearest police station, just like they did in Australia, because its clear that our society cannot accommodate the ownership of lethal weapons by civilians." That's what we did in our fly-blown, dessicated, backwards nation.

Your government not only stands by and watches the carnage impotently, they positively encourage it. The Constitution, dontcha know...gotta live by a bunch of silly rules some old Brits came up with before electricity was invented.

Let's add to the comedy...Government buildings lowered their US flags to half mast in memoriam of those executed. All accept the rebel flag. Can't lower THAT to half mast because its ILLEGAL to do so!!! Made me laugh hysterically.

Followed up by some nutjob in the NRA declaring that it was the victim's fault!!! Tears down the cheeks for that pearl of hilarity.

So, go right ahead and continue besmirching my country to deflect away from the real issue; your country's gun culture is out of control, and as a result your proclamations of revering human rights, demanding justice for all, and living in a harmonious society look pretty fucking flimsy. Just like every other declaration you pompously beat off to in the global arena.


Quote from: "Keeper"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Hunting is NOT part of a civilised modern nation. People who kill animals for their own pleasure and entertainment have some serious psychological issues. Any form of killing is abhorrent.

Target shooting no problem. No-one or nothing dies. Its the same as archery, or darts, or throwing a javelin.

I believe hunting is more civilized, and much more environmentally friendly, than factory farming. People still depend on hunting for sustenance, even if they can go to a store and buy some crappy ground beef.

If you eat meat, you're killing animals. Only factory farming is in most cases less humane.

Hunting is as civilised as sacrificing virgins.

Why hunt, when you have a food processing chain that provides you with your sustenance? Because you LIKE it!! You are entertained by stalking, trapping and slaughtering wild animals (as opposed to animals bred domestically). You have issues if killing makes you feel hot.

We breed livestock for food.

We do not need to go into the wilderness and shoot animals for our entertainment and excitement. How can THAT be civilised?

Sorry, But yes you do.

If you don't implement hunting and have it regulated it creates over population. Like it or not you need hunters.

It seems to escape some that we are part of the food chain.  Removing us causing problems.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Problems for who? Seems to me the animals did OK by themselves before we came along.

We cannot keep killing our way out of problems we have caused. That is not the mark of a civilised nation. Yours, mine or anyone else.

Our forbears chose to populate the countries we inhabit, for all is vices and virtues. We need to stop killing creatures because we cannot control ourselves.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"Problems for who? Seems to me the animals did OK by themselves before we came along.

We cannot keep killing our way out of problems we have caused. That is not the mark of a civilised nation. Yours, mine or anyone else.

Our forbears chose to populate the countries we inhabit, for all is vices and virtues. We need to stop killing creatures because we cannot control ourselves.

How do we know how animals were doing before we were around?  That's a tree falls in the forest response if I ever heard one.

Can't control ourselves?  They are a source of protein which we use to sustain ourselves and have been since the dawn of man.  

We are part of the food chain whether you like it or not.  What is unnatural is raising animals by the boat loads to glutton ourselves on.  We would be a hell of a lot healthier if we had to hunt for our own food.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "SPECTRE"Problems for who? Seems to me the animals did OK by themselves before we came along.

We cannot keep killing our way out of problems we have caused. That is not the mark of a civilised nation. Yours, mine or anyone else.

Our forbears chose to populate the countries we inhabit, for all is vices and virtues. We need to stop killing creatures because we cannot control ourselves.

Are you vegetarian? An animal has to be killed for you to eat it. Having someone else kill it for you doesn't mean you're not responsible for its death. How many dead animals have you eaten in your lifetime? Thousands?

Hunting is barely a scratch compared to the number of animals killed for commercial consumption. There are probably more dead animals in your local supermarket right now than an entire country's number of hunted animals in a whole year.


The real problem is human animals killing other human animals.  That's just sick.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Problems for who? Seems to me the animals did OK by themselves before we came along.

We cannot keep killing our way out of problems we have caused. That is not the mark of a civilised nation. Yours, mine or anyone else.

Our forbears chose to populate the countries we inhabit, for all is vices and virtues. We need to stop killing creatures because we cannot control ourselves.

Are you vegetarian? An animal has to be killed for you to eat it. Having someone else kill it for you doesn't mean you're not responsible for its death. How many dead animals have you eaten in your lifetime? Thousands?

Hunting is barely a scratch compared to the number of animals killed for commercial consumption. There are probably more dead animals in your local supermarket right now than an entire country's number of hunted animals in a whole year.

Are you folks cross threading, or am I missing something here?

We are talking about gun control...specifically in the US.

I hold the position that "hunting" is NOT a valid reason for the possession of a lethal firearm in a society where there are people who would use these firearms to kill or injure others...or indeed themselves.

The fact that I am also opposed to hunting is ancillary. I am opposed to gun ownership without good and proper reason, and HUNTING is not a good and proper reason.

Should you care to address the topic, I'm happy to maintain the debate. If you go on talking about the food chain, then we are at cross purposes.


I stopped banging my head on brick walls after the first try long time ago. So, I'll pass on that.

By that I mean when I know someone's view is carved in stone and  very passionate on certain issues, I try to not discuss those issues on which I may disagree with that person. There is no purpose in doing otherwise.

I do have gun questions that you can answer.

Do coppers carry guns in Oz?

Do many criminals carry guns in Oz?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

easter bunny

The whole of America used to be a gun free zone - until the Americans showed up.   ac_unsure


All I know is that I have had venison. Done in a slow cooker, it is tender and delish.