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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aylana


Started by RW, July 28, 2015, 11:17:02 PM

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Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Let me see if I understand this Christian god correctly.

He is omnipotent and omniescent. Around 3,000 years ago, he decided to create Earth (and the rest of the solar system, which seems to be a huge waste of real estate). Then he decided to populate it with man (who couldn't figure out why there were dinosaur bones that pre-date him), in his image. We are his only children.

May I ask, what was this deity doing before that? Where did HE come from? Who created him? Was he created just 3,000 years ago too? In that case, is there a Dinosaur God?

Let there be enlightenment.
 God was not created.

You are not able to say that.

You have no knowledge, proof, evidence, fact or even hint.
 God is infinite.  God is the creator, not the created. That's hard for people to understand because you were born and you will die. We are subject to laws of science that God is soviergn over. God doesn't even answer to time. I have knowledge of this. Proof is another thing. There is some evidence. Thousands get the hint.


Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Let me see if I understand this Christian god correctly.

He is omnipotent and omniescent. Around 3,000 years ago, he decided to create Earth (and the rest of the solar system, which seems to be a huge waste of real estate). Then he decided to populate it with man (who couldn't figure out why there were dinosaur bones that pre-date him), in his image. We are his only children.

May I ask, what was this deity doing before that? Where did HE come from? Who created him? Was he created just 3,000 years ago too? In that case, is there a Dinosaur God?

Let there be enlightenment.
 God was not created.

Serious question here. What made God?


Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Let me see if I understand this Christian god correctly.

He is omnipotent and omniescent. Around 3,000 years ago, he decided to create Earth (and the rest of the solar system, which seems to be a huge waste of real estate). Then he decided to populate it with man (who couldn't figure out why there were dinosaur bones that pre-date him), in his image. We are his only children.

May I ask, what was this deity doing before that? Where did HE come from? Who created him? Was he created just 3,000 years ago too? In that case, is there a Dinosaur God?

Let there be enlightenment.
 God was not created.

You are not able to say that.

You have no knowledge, proof, evidence, fact or even hint.
 God is infinite.  God is the creator, not the created. That's hard for people to understand because you were born and you will die. We are subject to laws of science that God is soviergn over. God doesn't even answer to time. I have knowledge of this. Proof is another thing. There is some evidence. Thousands get the hint.

So, there's always been a god, but we're only 6,000 (your comment) years old?

Man, he must have been bored shitless.

Many would wonder what he was doing for infinity until we came along.

Anyway...I'm sure there is a mantra or doctrine that explains that in a logical and rational way.

I'm not really THAT interested.


So, if God doesn't have a human beginning it's irrational and must be explained away?  If God wasn't infinite and sovereign, He wouldn't be God.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Let me see if I understand this Christian god correctly.

He is omnipotent and omniescent. Around 3,000 years ago, he decided to create Earth (and the rest of the solar system, which seems to be a huge waste of real estate). Then he decided to populate it with man (who couldn't figure out why there were dinosaur bones that pre-date him), in his image. We are his only children.

May I ask, what was this deity doing before that? Where did HE come from? Who created him? Was he created just 3,000 years ago too? In that case, is there a Dinosaur God?

Let there be enlightenment.
 God was not created.

Serious question here. What made God?
Nothing, God is infinite.


That is a nonsensical and irrational answer.

If God is infinite, why isn't man, or space, or time?


Quote from: "SPECTRE"That is a nonsensical and irrational answer.

If God is infinite, why isn't man, or space, or time?

Why aren't we God?

"He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn't live in man-made temples, and human hands can't serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need" (Acts 17:24-25)


Quote from: "SPECTRE"That is a nonsensical and irrational answer.

If God is infinite, why isn't man, or space, or time?
 He created those things. Outside of it is eternity. There is nothing nonsensical or irrational about this. Nonsensical and irrational is attempting to make sense of the infinite by making finite in our finite minds.  Trying to make sense of a being beyond us by condescending Him to our level is irrational. We have a beginning and ending. God doesnt. We ate under the linear time dimension, God isnt. You can't fathom this because we are subject to time, try to imagine an existence devoid of cant. You just have to accept it. It's only irrational to you because you are reasoning based on the very little knowledge you have on the very little knowledge humans have in general have on how the universe works. Keep in mind Tesla was thought to be a madman. No one reaches greater knowledge or deeper understanding playing on the shallow end....just sayin. Text books and science changes consistently to accommodate new information, yet the bible stays the same and makes more sense as new knowledge comes in.  Like the round earth, thermodynamics, and springs in the ocean. When you start thinking outside of the confines of self things get start understanding we know nothing at all.  The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing.  So really, what's irrational?


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"That is a nonsensical and irrational answer.

If God is infinite, why isn't man, or space, or time?

Why aren't we God?

"He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn't live in man-made temples, and human hands can't serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need" (Acts 17:24-25)
 It always gets me when people say, Christians are in this box of religion and are not free thinkers.....and you see statements like that one.  Scripture teaches us to think in terms of eternity....the world forces directed and rule based thought that goes with current culture and modern understanding and anything outside of that is considered either ignorance or insanity. It's so backwards.


Attempting to reason with Dinky Di will get you nowhere.

Instead of finding any common ground, she will purposely find something to disagree with & your discussion with her will end up in a recursive loop. A bit of a battleaxe this one:">

...I suppose hormones have somethin' ta do with it too.

Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"Dd, how many times do I have to repeat, that you cannot force faith into a person? That even the bible teaches that? That bible believing Christians simply don't go there with politics?  Fash even stated this. How many times do you need this said? Are you reading it this time?

I was remarking about this:

Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "RW"I don't understand something about the whole God thing....

You can be a huge piece of shit and do terrible things in your life and all will be forgiven if you repent while a person who has been decent and who has done nothing terribly bad will not go to the kingdom of heaven.

I can't help but feel just a little resentful of the born agains who got to fuck around while the rest of us behaved.
 Well sin is sin. Humans put levels on it. God doesnt. That's the thing, you broke His law already. No one meets the holy standard.  It's not so much about behaving or what we do as it is about what Jesus did and how we surrender to Him.

If you could replace the plurals with singulars in that statement, religious people would be more respected by nonreligious people.

If you would have prefaced with "In our belief, our interpretations of sin are shared sins across all humanity. We believe that humans put levels on it. Our own perception of God doesn't. That's the thing, according to our way of thinking, humanity broke his law already. We feel that non one could meet the holy standard of our faith but we strive for it regardless. It's not so much about behaving or actions in our faith but out belief in Jesus and his actions which we, as Christians, want to surrender to."

See how easy that was? It's respectful of other ways too.
 It's not very respectful to police how others express their world view. If it doesn't apply, let it fly.

Yet you incorporated me into what I feel is complete and utter delusion bullshit. How respectful was that of you towards me? If you like to eat bullshit, so be it. Talk about how you like to channel the spirit of the bullshit down your throat, the taste of it, the consistency, or how no other bullshit before or after it will ever attain the level of perfect bullshit flavor and fullness for you, that's fine.

I'll keep thinking, "she likes to eat bullshit. It's a fetish".

However, if you were to say that "in your opinion" or "according to our beliefs", I might be curious. I'd wonder how bullshit could even be palatable. I'd think to myself, how could this person who seems otherwise intelligent want to eat bullshit? Maybe there's some kind sustenance to bullshit? Maybe it's not even bullshit? Maybe I'm full of shit? Maybe I'm just bullheaded and don't know the good shit. Maybe I should delve deeper into this ideology?

Then I'd look at your words again and go "She's already told everyone that she has no respect for different points of view whether spiritually or without. She only has one true way and it's her way. She will shit otherwise meaningless scriptures for a non-believer, challenge their ethics and civic beliefs, and insist that society defer to her beliefs no matter how irrelevant those demands are to her own actual individual existence or that of her immediate family or sphere."

I'd think that such a person was off their rocker. I'd resign myself to ensure that no such unbridled arrogance could EVER have influence in my life, my family's, or within my spheres.

I'd also be warranted in doing so.

I'm fine with what you -think- humanity and myself as part of it should or shouldn't be doing, but you need to start making the distinction when you speak out loud. If you tell me I'm spiritually part of something which I'm not, and you don't respect our current difference in opinion, I will not hesitate to cut you down again and again. I will not accept force or "we" creep in the context of some pie in the sky belief.

You got away with not having anyone challenge your stripper drug days hard enough until you were ready to change gears on your own. Don't demand that the rest of humanity must strip for some sandal, dress wearing Middle East shit stirrer. and latent boyo club guru 2016 years ago so that everyone must snort Holy Spirit out of some deity buttocks because you felt lost long ago and now feel high chemically free for a change.

Alternately, maybe your God is the one and only true God if any God exists at all. All I know is that you're the last person who could ever convince me to even look at your God. Your God sounds conceited, arrogant, self centered, and a completely delusional and insecure fuckstain (as of this posting).
 Okay well that's a problem you have, and you are going to spend a lot of time offended until you kinda get over yourself.


:howdy: We all deserve to be heard and we all have an opinion. That's why were here.


Quote from: "Keeper":howdy: We all deserve to be heard and we all have an opinion. That's why were here.


If we can't express personal stuff that  matters to us without being stomped on or belittled, the place will become uncomfortable  ... which is exactly the opposite of what the I believe the site creators  ... funny that I used that word  ac_smile .... intended

I believe that the intentions of those who created and maintain this site where the best intentions I have ever encountered - I think we all need to compliment those intentions by  respecting  others "personal" feelings and beliefs .. and for sure not attack "personally" if we don't feel the same way.

Now, beliefs outside of the personal, like political etc.  are fair game, right?   ac_biggrin
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Keeper":howdy: We all deserve to be heard and we all have an opinion. That's why were here.

Yes, I agree with that. I am just against posters implying that their lifestyles are better than others because that is debatable. I am pretty happy with my lifestyle and I am not interested in the lifestyles of others. I've been around, I've done a lot, I've had little, I've had plenty, I've seen enough. I am finally where I want to be and I continue to marvel at the surprises that come my way. While I've learned a lot from life, I continue to be a pupil of the universe and welcome new things from my daily encounters. I conclude that as I have breath, each day is an exciting day.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"
Quote from: "Keeper":howdy: We all deserve to be heard and we all have an opinion. That's why were here.

Yes, I agree with that. I am just against posters implying that their lifestyles are better than others because that is debatable. I am pretty happy with my lifestyle and I am not interested in the lifestyles of others. I've been around, I've done a lot, I've had little, I've had plenty, I've seen enough. I am finally where I want to be and I continue to marvel at the surprises that come my way. While I've learned a lot from life, I continue to be a pupil of the universe and welcome new things from my daily encounters. I conclude that as I have breath, each day is an exciting day.

That's a healthy outlook Azhya.



Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"
Quote from: "Keeper":howdy: We all deserve to be heard and we all have an opinion. That's why were here.

Yes, I agree with that. I am just against posters implying that their lifestyles are better than others because that is debatable. I am pretty happy with my lifestyle and I am not interested in the lifestyles of others. I've been around, I've done a lot, I've had little, I've had plenty, I've seen enough. I am finally where I want to be and I continue to marvel at the surprises that come my way. While I've learned a lot from life, I continue to be a pupil of the universe and welcome new things from my daily encounters. I conclude that as I have breath, each day is an exciting day.

That's a healthy outlook Azhya.


I loved reading that, put a smile on my face  ac_smile