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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aylana

American Dentist Murders then Decapitates a Popular Rare & defenseless Lion

Started by J0E, July 29, 2015, 01:42:16 PM

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Quote from: "cc la femme"
Quote from: "Dove"Personally I don't purchase or consume any commercial food....let alone tortured animals. So I'm in the good being repulsed by this senseless slaughter. I'm also repulsed by the selling of baby parts going on as well.

Welcome to a large element of 2015. A lion 10,000 miles away matters. Local baby parts don't

Since when?

Just because the topic is about the slaughter of a lion, it does not follow that contributors are apathetic to other injustices.

If there is an issue with the sale of baby parts, start a thread. Let's see it.

I've never heard of it.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Romero"

I do understand why people are outraged, even though we never really care about the hundreds of other lions killed.


Quote from: "Frank"Actually Romero, lots of people care about the hundreds of lions slaughtered per year.

I was just generalizing. I know lots of people really care and are trying to change things. Many anti-poachers have risked their lives and been killed.

I'm talking about how this one death has become a sensation yet most people never become nearly as outraged over the fact that it happens all the time. Though I do understand why. Hearing about the dirty details makes it more personable. I feel the same way. I was just entertaining a couple of different arguments.


He had no right or justifiable reason to kill that lion. He didn't eat it, it wasn't attacking him, it wasn't even fair game to kill it. On top of that, he didn't have the stomach to actually kill it himself.

He's not a hunter. He's a moron.

@realAzhyaAryola"> ... 428AAYSi3H">

I would never try to turn a person to like hunting if they don't. Likewise, I don't appreciate being told I should not support it. I'll support anything I want to support. This is again one of those you stay in your lane and I'll stay in my lane matters. Since I've never hunted ever, I have no experience to speak of. Since there are no hunters here to answer Spectre's inquiry as to why one likes to hunt animals, here's a best answer from yahoo...

"Best Answer: For me there are many reasons. First off let me describe what I hunt and have hunted in the past. I primarily hunt pheasants and grouse. Both are small game birds. When I was younger I used to hunt deer but decided that I did not enjoy it as much as bird hunting. If I did decide to hunt deer again it would be mainly for the meat. I like venison. It is lower in fat and higher in protein than beef. I have a hunting dog that I hunt with and it is hard to explain the interaction between my dog and I but that is probably what I enjoy most. My dog loves to hunt and flush birds and retrieve them after I shoot one. Also the excitement of a pheasant flushing is hard to describe unless you experience it for yourself. Another reason is being out in the field and enjoying a nice day, getting exercise, and spending time with a friend/s. After the hunt talking about the ones we bagged and the ones that got away.

 To answer your other questions:

 desire to be a predator (power) - This is not the driver for me. For me it is watching the dog work and the skill involved it pulling your gun up in a split second and trying to get a shot off before the bird is out of range.

 Do you feel bad for killing an animal - no, but I normally do not hunt anything I won't eat unless I am hunting with someone that I know will use it. I have a problem with anyone that wastes the meat and just kills for sport.

 Population control is a really weak argument and this is coming from someone that hunts. There would be no need for population control if predator control did not preceed it. I can tell you though if I had to choose between being taken down and eaten alive by a pack of wolves or taking a bullet I would prefer the bullet. "

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


I think there's a degree of sadism in hunters who do it for 'sport'.

And a need to feel in control and the ability to play God.

Also they are somewhat cowardly as well.

I read stories about how your former Vice President Dick Cheney hunted down hundreds if not thousands of helpless birds yet was afraid to sign up for military service during the Vietnam War.

In fact, he received a deferment while many other men served and died in his place.

I think they call suchmen 'chickenhawks'.

...there's no need to hunt wild animals down anymore.

For food all we need to do is go to the supermarket.

Quote from: "Azhya Aryola""> ... 428AAYSi3H">

I would never try to turn a person to like hunting if they don't. Likewise, I don't appreciate being told I should not support it. I'll support anything I want to support. This is again one of those you stay in your lane and I'll stay in my lane matters. Since I've never hunted ever, I have no experience to speak of. Since there are no hunters here to answer Spectre's inquiry as to why one likes to hunt animals, here's a best answer from yahoo...

"Best Answer: For me there are many reasons. First off let me describe what I hunt and have hunted in the past. I primarily hunt pheasants and grouse. Both are small game birds. When I was younger I used to hunt deer but decided that I did not enjoy it as much as bird hunting. If I did decide to hunt deer again it would be mainly for the meat. I like venison. It is lower in fat and higher in protein than beef. I have a hunting dog that I hunt with and it is hard to explain the interaction between my dog and I but that is probably what I enjoy most. My dog loves to hunt and flush birds and retrieve them after I shoot one. Also the excitement of a pheasant flushing is hard to describe unless you experience it for yourself. Another reason is being out in the field and enjoying a nice day, getting exercise, and spending time with a friend/s. After the hunt talking about the ones we bagged and the ones that got away.

 To answer your other questions:

 desire to be a predator (power) - This is not the driver for me. For me it is watching the dog work and the skill involved it pulling your gun up in a split second and trying to get a shot off before the bird is out of range.

 Do you feel bad for killing an animal - no, but I normally do not hunt anything I won't eat unless I am hunting with someone that I know will use it. I have a problem with anyone that wastes the meat and just kills for sport.

 Population control is a really weak argument and this is coming from someone that hunts. There would be no need for population control if predator control did not preceed it. I can tell you though if I had to choose between being taken down and eaten alive by a pack of wolves or taking a bullet I would prefer the bullet. "


If you are looking for abortion talk, it's now here -"> ... t3347.html">
Beware of Gaslighters!


Hunting is very popular in my province outside of the cities..

We know so many people that hunt that we find it hard to judge rural people that enjoy all the outdoors has to offer and that includes hunting and fishing.


Quote from: "Frank"">

I would think that guy wishes he had went to Vegas instead. You know, everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Not like Zimbabwe.


Below is example of how stupid this thing is in comparison to real issues everywhere">

What Cecil actually would say if he was in the presence of this psychic? "Umm, lunch!"...
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Frank"Actually Romero, lots of people care about the hundreds of lions slaughtered per year.

The authorities should just put an end to lion hunting by any means altogether.

And for that matter, all other exotic animals on the endangered species list, such as tigers, elephants.

The lion population in Africa was about 200,000 a century ago. Now its estimated to be less than a sixth ofthat, just 30,000. So in reality, we have to save as many healthy and able bodied lions as we possibly can or one day there won't be any left. Apparently, the lion is in danger of becoming extinct in West africa.

So for each Cecil the planet loses, it represents a significant % of the remaining lion population in the world.

Likewise, the Silverback Gorilla has been reduced to such small numbers, that a machine gun could literally mow the whole population down with a few rounds.

Whatever people think about the ethics of hunting, they oughta look at the numbers and wake up.

At the rate all these exotic animals are disappearing in the Wild, their days could be numbered.

Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Romero"

One beloved lion? Americans alone kill hundreds of lions every year. Legally!

And that makes it right?


It's good context. Why are we outraged about just one lion but couldn't care less about the hundreds of others?

The mountain gorilla is a very sad truth Frank.  I didn't read much closely, but that stood out.  A few (one (1) or two (2)) upper class idiots in Europe were sporting mountain gorilla fur as a coat a few years ago.

There are about 500 mountain gorillas.  They are playful, sweet animals.  They can't outrun a human.  People eat them.


Quote from: "cc la femme"Below is example of how stupid this thing is in comparison to real issues everywhere">

What Cecil actually would say if he was in the presence of this psychic? "Umm, lunch!"...

Actually, its not.

This sordid tragedy reflects an element of the human psyche that we must eradicate; that killing is OK. Lion, fur seals, or whale, killing animals unnecessarily, or worse, for entertainment, is wrong and reprehensible.

Human nature is capable of change. And it won't change unless the majority of humans make it clear that conduct such as this retard's is not acceptable.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "cc la femme"Below is example of how stupid this thing is in comparison to real issues everywhere">

What Cecil actually would say if he was in the presence of this psychic? "Umm, lunch!"...

Actually, its not.

This sordid tragedy reflects an element of the human psyche that we must eradicate; that killing is OK. Lion, fur seals, or whale, killing animals unnecessarily, or worse, for entertainment, is wrong and reprehensible.

Human nature is capable of change. And it won't change unless the majority of humans make it clear that conduct such as this retard's is not acceptable.

You say that now, but wait till you try a moose roast in a slow cooker.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "cc la femme"Below is example of how stupid this thing is in comparison to real issues everywhere">

What Cecil actually would say if he was in the presence of this psychic? "Umm, lunch!"...

Actually, its not.

This sordid tragedy reflects an element of the human psyche that we must eradicate; that killing is OK. Lion, fur seals, or whale, killing animals unnecessarily, or worse, for entertainment, is wrong and reprehensible.

Human nature is capable of change. And it won't change unless the majority of humans make it clear that conduct such as this retard's is not acceptable.

Well, Spec, we don't always agree on things, but we do here.

Just like one man can change the world, one incident can cause waves.

For everyone who is bitching about the 100's of other lions being killed, well maybe this will be the one event that forces people to stand up and make a difference.


Quote from: "ghost"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "cc la femme"Below is example of how stupid this thing is in comparison to real issues everywhere">

What Cecil actually would say if he was in the presence of this psychic? "Umm, lunch!"...

Actually, its not.

This sordid tragedy reflects an element of the human psyche that we must eradicate; that killing is OK. Lion, fur seals, or whale, killing animals unnecessarily, or worse, for entertainment, is wrong and reprehensible.

Human nature is capable of change. And it won't change unless the majority of humans make it clear that conduct such as this retard's is not acceptable.

Well, Spec, we don't always agree on things, but we do here.

Just like one man can change the world, one incident can cause waves.

For everyone who is bitching about the 100's of other lions being killed, well maybe this will be the one event that forces people to stand up and make a difference.

Alright, but this guy doesn't want anyone to stock their freezer with real free range meat.


Quote from: "Herman"
Alright, but this guy doesn't want anyone to stock their freezer with real free range meat.

And where does he say that? The only argument I've seen from him in this thread is that hunting for sport is wrong.