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Re: Forum gossip thread by Lab Flaker

To the White guys that want to date our girls...

Started by Zetsu, December 01, 2012, 03:58:18 AM

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You can have them, like I care, and here's why

81 Ugly Truths about HK girls (from the Anti Golddigger's Alliance Hong Kong)


1. greedy and lacking in humility

 2. always wants the guy to pay

 3. claims not to like HK guys, but they can't get any

 4. calls your man playboy, yet is a playgirl herself

 5. always makes the man compromise, never her

 6. dreams about being with a lawyer or doctor

 7. when deemed a pork chop by guys, thinks she's sh*t hot

 8. thinks she's hot and men want her, but the reverse is true

 9. acts "cute" but is childish

 10. when ignored, becomes attention wh*re

 11. self deluded

 12. loves brand name and still buys counterfeits

 13. wastes $

 14. speaks English to pretend to be sophisicated (Chinglish)

 15. dresses stylish but they all end up looking alike

 16. thinks she's all that

 17. fantasizes about men staring at her (when guys are really staring at a retard)

 18. Priority in life is to seek the riches of men

 19. expects to have someone pay for meals

 20. pretends to forget her wallet

 21. argues over a few bucks

 22. likes to meet men at bars

 23. spends time and $ prettying herself, but still looks ugly

 24. knows nothing but expects her man to know everything

 25. never lets her man talk to other girls, yet she checks out other dudes

 26. claims to be a virgin

 27. makes her man as her servant

 28. likes celeb gossip mags

 29. and as a result knows jack sh*t about life

 30. expects sugardaddy to support her for life

 31. dreams about marrying into riches

 32. snarky with others but gets pissed when snarked at

 33. complains that her man hires hookers, but she does 1 night stands

 34. thinks many men want her

 35. buy clothes with her man, expects him to pay

 36. when sick, expects 24 hr care by her man. But not other way around

 37. expects diamond ring for birthday(s)

 38. always buys cosmetics and overuses them on dates

 39. compares men with other HK girls online

 40. flakes on and dumps guys in your 20s, yet yearns to be married in 30s.

 41. Still likes Hello Kitty, yet criticizes HK guys for liking manga, anime and call them poison

 42. hits guys, but when guys hit back, they're called bullies

 43. accuses men of insincerity when given cheap gifts

 44. loves romance novels, lives in fantasy world...

 45. always wants to shop in malls, no sense of adventure

 46. brings up men/women equality if it benefits her

 47. criticizes openly when men are ugly, yet refuses to look into the mirror

 48. never wants to re-wear the same clothes

 49. likes flirting with guys online

 50. likes to gossip

 51. gossips with her friends but tells her man to shut his mouth

 52. doesn't let her man look at other chicks but fantasizes about male pop idols

 53. greedy for money

 54. will sacrifice everything for money

 55. will do anything for money, if you have none she will dump yo ass

 56. carries a few thousand on her (including shoes, bag, clothes etc)

 57. thinks she calls all the shots

 58. expects her man to love her a lifetime, yet she's the dumper

 59. dumps a guy, then goes back to him and says she's lonely. Nobody cares

 60. after dumping a guy, publicizes his personal contact info online

 61. thinks everything she does is right, and the guy is always wrong.

 62. uses breaking up as threats to anything

 63. 1st priority when with a guy, to help "safeguard" his wallet

 64. likes to put down guys

 65. nice outside, evil inside

 66. puts down mainland Chinese, thinks all mainland Chinese girls are hookers

 67. when meeting guys, criteria #1) good looking? #2) got $?

 68. doesn't read, but pretends to know it all

 69. heavily believes in astrology

 70. freaks out when guy doesn't call for a day, thinks he's cheating

 71. expects a lot from a guy but doesn't allow him to object to anything

 72. simple minded

 73. believes everything people say, cannot think and judge for herself

 74. worships western countries, if it is not made there don't buy!

 75. knows nothing about computers other than net surfing. 256 vs 512? What is that?

 76. overly describes herself as "sexy"

 77. compares her man with other men

 78. measures a man by his money

 79. imitates other people's sense of fashion

 80. shares secrets and personal things with her man, with other people

 81. after eating, if there's nothing else to do, goes to"> to talk sh*t about HK guys.


And this is the HK Guys version


81 Deadly Sins HK Guys Commit


1. b*tching about EVERYTHING

 2. When going out on dates, pretends to forget wallet. Expects date to payback with "skin/flesh" (sex) in return for meal

 3. claims not to like HK girls, but can't get any

 4. can't even score with a foreign chick

 5. the worst HK guy is an otaku (nerd)

 6. likes to hire hookers

 7. speaks ill of HK girls but is a slave to the wife or girlfriend

 8. flees when he sperminates his girl

 9. flees after sex

 10. flees during girls birthdays

 11. looks like sh*t, won't fix it, then makes his girl pretty up

 12. when he can't pickup girls online, publicizes her MSN and tele #

 13. goes out and cheats and gets angry with his GF

 14. foul mood when paying for his GF

 15. when he has $ he won't return calls, but when he needs $ from you, he'll hump your leg and you can't kick him away

 16. expects GF to clean his place when she comes over. Expects her to leave after sex.

 17. like a dog, no mind of his own

 18. not school and not street smart

 19. low income earner, like a piece of trash

 20. only knows how to pick up mainland Chinese hookers. whatta big man

 21. when hookers refuse him, says his standards are too high

 22. has no taste in clothes or fashion

 23. b*llsh*t comes out his mouth

 24. ladies never come first

 25. doesn't know how to compromise, selfish

 26. never jumps in to pay, argues over small $ amounts, no sense of style

 27. can't "afford" a girlfriend

 28. doesn't wash his hands after going to the restroom

 29. when GF is studious, doesn't appreciate her smarts

 30. doesn't advance potential, little shrimp expects to munch on swan meat

 31. sings out of tune in karaoke, grips so hard mic breaks

 32. a date = a walk through the park

 33. an invitation to a meal = his mom cooking

 34. he gives you condoms for birthdays

 35. and panties

 36. still like a kid in 20s and 30s

 37. doesn't think when he does things, does he have a brain? (OUCH)

 38. criteria for girls = looks, so shallow (oh really?)

 39. no substance in his words, all BS

 40. ugly ass pot belly

 41. many great international men globally, but nothing with HK men

 42. not a sin for a guy to be ugly, but nobody wants ugly HK guys

 43. Does not learn to appreciate his wife

 44. watches porn. Then when fails to pickup girls, hires a hooker

 45. expects sex on dates. Who says you get any?

 46. likes to take stealth underskirt pix...

 47. expects wet french kiss on first date

 48. treats wife like a dog

 49. treats GF like porn star

 50. expects wife and GF to be virgins

 51. All gangsters are typical HK male dudes

 52. All criminals are typical HK male dudes

 53. expects so much, gives so little. Spend time in charity, dude

 54. complains about the world but doesn't take initiative to self improve

 55. never helps when asked

 56. Always brings a potted plant of mandarin citrus when it's mom in law's b-day

 57. boasts about how power his PC is, but the PC in his head is hollow

 58. willing to go anywhere with his buddies, but you suggest something? Oh no...

 59. uh oh, here comes horn dog devil...

 60. short tempered

 61. forgets that his mom is also a HK girl

 62. calls GF pretty, but other girls are "kong lui" (ie the bad kind of HK girls)

 63. can only type in english and pinyin, but not in Chinese. Thinks he's all that.

 64. Says 183 but comes out 153 (cultural thing not sure what this means)

 65. 3 Qs: 1) what's your MSN 2) your measurements 3)let's meet!

 66. Talks like PhD, but really only BS

 67, thinks he's in charge/calls shots

 68. has 10 credit cards in his wallet (but they're expired/rejected)

 69. when walking near a brand name shop, deliberately takes the long road around it

 70. "expensive" is an overused word. (Food, shops etc)

 71. when sitting on the bus, slouches and presses knees to the seat in front of him (esp when person in front is female)

 72. pretends to sleep on the bus, so his head can rest on his GF's thighs...

 73. when climbing stairs, walks funny to get an upskirt look

 74. wishy washy about HK girls

 75. no principles when flaking

 76. forces girls into loaning $

 77. when picking us up to eat, you expect us to pay

 78. expects us to pay for a room rented for a quickie

 79. deep down you want to f*** your female friends

 80. Complains about no $, because you gambled it away

 81. if you disagree, you use violence
Permanently off his rocker


O ya I almost forgot to add this too  :lol:

I did a poll with my male friends here in Hong Kong about which Asian country has the best looking girls.  The locals said Korea/Japan, the Honki expats said Taiwan/Malaysia and the Gwai-los said Singapore/Malaysia.  No one said Hong Kong, and that came as a surprise. I started digging deeper and asked surely there are some good lookers in this city. The men replied, there are but there superficial materialistic ways make the other girls nicer, friendly and a joy to be around. They complained that girls only want to know you because of your status and how much money you earned. As a stupid gwail-lo with complete ignorance about these things, I thought surely girls don't look for status and money in this city... how about love? Isn't it love that makes the world go round. I feel sorry for local women,  I really do, because the same guys I asked about girls, were more than willing to have a mistress who wasn't Honki because their local girlfriends or wives were far too status orientated to take on a business trip and they were worried they would leave them for a man with more money and power.

So I went on a journey to find an attractive woman. The criteria:

Must smile

Must have glowing sparking eyes

Must be friendly

No weight, ache, boob size, colour of hair were going to be included in this survey. So first stop central.  I walked around wearing shorts and t-shirts. It was clear, not one girl was smiling. They say when you smile the whole world smiles at you, unfortunately in Hong Kong, the sun isnt smiling.  Due to the pollution that is so toxic in this city, I could not tell if they had sparkling eyes. So I thought, let's try the final criteria – friendly. I asked several women for directions to the MTR station. After the tenth attempt of speaking Cantonese and walking off on me, it was clear they weren't friendly. Maybe my male friends were right after all. Maybe girls in this city are superficial? Maybe it's because the boys don't know good manners and how to treat a lady? So off I journed to Causeway Bay, North Point and Taikoo with the same things happening over and over again. At this point I was thinking, the guys are right, girls are stuck up cows here.  I was tired, hungry and needed a drink, so I entered the local McDonalds. As I was leaving, I opened the door for a young couple. The boy raced in first desperate to get his favourite Hello Kitty Happy meal, and then followed the girl. The girl looked at me, smiled. Her eyes were sparkling like a ray of sunlight hitting the tranquil water. She smiled and said thank you. I smiled back and said "My pleasure". I did find that one gorgeous looking girl after all in Hong Kong.
Permanently off his rocker


So fucking true  :lol:

QuoteAbsolutely true.... From poor looks to poor hygiene to poor attitudes to poor manners.... HK chicks are Dogs! If you have cash you can bang them very easily, but who on earth would want to keep them around afterwards...let alone co-habitate with them. (Although I would definitely hire them... they are damn good at making cash). A telling thing about the quality of these girls is that all of my well off HK local associates have mainland mistresses, and these girls are HOT, young and brimming with pleasant personalities. Their wives are rude, vicious, conniving, greedy materialists who make life a living hell for the guy, berating him from 10,000 HKD LV bag to 6000 HKD Manolo Blanik shoe purchase, while living in an 8000 a month tenement block. The girls under 30 are living in hello kitty land, and the over 30 professionals are gagging for it... let them into your flat one time and next thing you know she not only has some personal hygiene products hidden somewhere but a whole bloody weeks worth of clothes. Every time I go to Singapore, Bangkok, Manila, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, or any where for that matter, I am immediately struck by the difference in women.... it is truly striking. This is an unfortunate reality... these people are just plain yucky! Don't know why exactly, but truth is truth.

The really funny thing is that being a man..(a creature of habit no doubt).. I continue to check out the feminine nymph I see walking just in front of me....hoping for that ephemeral beauty, but time and time again, such a lithe figure from behind..... could it finally be.... so lovely.... as i pass I look......BUT HER FACE! :p   You have to laugh!

Jake Mogg

QuoteI agree. The females in Hong Kong are the pits. They combine all possible aspects of human ugliness: they are physically unattractive, intellectually empty, morally bereft and entirely without redeeming characteristics. And if you think this is a joke or an overstatement then I challenge you to live in this city for a couple of years.

The utter awfulness of the women here is the one thing that local burping and nose-picking blokes and gweilo men can see eye-to-eye on.

Thankfully, we're all just 45 mins away from Shenzhen where lots of really very attractive and pleasant mainland girls live.


QuoteI agree. I was born in NY, but my family is from Hong Kong with our ancestral home in Shanghai. I've lived with immediate family lived in NY most of our lives, however we travel all over the world constantly. However, we've moved back and live in Hong Kong or Shanghai half the time depending on need. We also travel back to NY every few weeks.. I can agree the girl in or from Hong Kong are very superficial, materialistic and arrogant. They expect guys to pay from them in gathering even when you are just regular friends. They shop for brand names to show off. But, they don't have the income or asset to justify or support whatever they have. It's all a show while they make the guys pay for it. The people here here don't watch any form of educational, informational or documentary shows. The TV show with the highest viewership rating for for the last 10 years is a stupid game show where the show's guests are being tortured in mini-games. When you talk to them about politics, news, events outside the Hong Kong entertainment industry, they would say they don't follow it. I'm not sure how I would survive in this environment. Hopefully, I could meet some ChineseExpat, this way I won't be so bored.

Kevin"> ... s-ugliest/">
Permanently off his rocker

Asian Pride

The last time I dated a girl from Hong Kong, I ended up getting a Shanghai Surprise.  Never again.

Obvious Li

so fucking what.......still better than the fat,lazy,bitchy,narcissistic, psychotic white trash in North America.......i encourage you to leave them alone...more for us more mature white guys


Quote from: "Zetsu"You can have them, like I care, and here's why

81 Ugly Truths about HK girls (from the Anti Golddigger's Alliance Hong Kong)


1. greedy and lacking in humility

 2. always wants the guy to pay

 3. claims not to like HK guys, but they can't get any

 4. calls your man playboy, yet is a playgirl herself

 5. always makes the man compromise, never her

 6. dreams about being with a lawyer or doctor

 7. when deemed a pork chop by guys, thinks she's sh*t hot

 8. thinks she's hot and men want her, but the reverse is true

 9. acts "cute" but is childish

 10. when ignored, becomes attention wh*re

 11. self deluded

 12. loves brand name and still buys counterfeits

 13. wastes $

 14. speaks English to pretend to be sophisicated (Chinglish)

 15. dresses stylish but they all end up looking alike

 16. thinks she's all that

 17. fantasizes about men staring at her (when guys are really staring at a retard)

 18. Priority in life is to seek the riches of men

 19. expects to have someone pay for meals

 20. pretends to forget her wallet

 21. argues over a few bucks

 22. likes to meet men at bars

 23. spends time and $ prettying herself, but still looks ugly

 24. knows nothing but expects her man to know everything

 25. never lets her man talk to other girls, yet she checks out other dudes

 26. claims to be a virgin

 27. makes her man as her servant

 28. likes celeb gossip mags

 29. and as a result knows jack sh*t about life

 30. expects sugardaddy to support her for life

 31. dreams about marrying into riches

 32. snarky with others but gets pissed when snarked at

 33. complains that her man hires hookers, but she does 1 night stands

 34. thinks many men want her

 35. buy clothes with her man, expects him to pay

 36. when sick, expects 24 hr care by her man. But not other way around

 37. expects diamond ring for birthday(s)

 38. always buys cosmetics and overuses them on dates

 39. compares men with other HK girls online

 40. flakes on and dumps guys in your 20s, yet yearns to be married in 30s.

 41. Still likes Hello Kitty, yet criticizes HK guys for liking manga, anime and call them poison

 42. hits guys, but when guys hit back, they're called bullies

 43. accuses men of insincerity when given cheap gifts

 44. loves romance novels, lives in fantasy world...

 45. always wants to shop in malls, no sense of adventure

 46. brings up men/women equality if it benefits her

 47. criticizes openly when men are ugly, yet refuses to look into the mirror

 48. never wants to re-wear the same clothes

 49. likes flirting with guys online

 50. likes to gossip

 51. gossips with her friends but tells her man to shut his mouth

 52. doesn't let her man look at other chicks but fantasizes about male pop idols

 53. greedy for money

 54. will sacrifice everything for money

 55. will do anything for money, if you have none she will dump yo ass

 56. carries a few thousand on her (including shoes, bag, clothes etc)

 57. thinks she calls all the shots

 58. expects her man to love her a lifetime, yet she's the dumper

 59. dumps a guy, then goes back to him and says she's lonely. Nobody cares

 60. after dumping a guy, publicizes his personal contact info online

 61. thinks everything she does is right, and the guy is always wrong.

 62. uses breaking up as threats to anything

 63. 1st priority when with a guy, to help "safeguard" his wallet

 64. likes to put down guys

 65. nice outside, evil inside

 66. puts down mainland Chinese, thinks all mainland Chinese girls are hookers

 67. when meeting guys, criteria #1) good looking? #2) got $?

 68. doesn't read, but pretends to know it all

 69. heavily believes in astrology

 70. freaks out when guy doesn't call for a day, thinks he's cheating

 71. expects a lot from a guy but doesn't allow him to object to anything

 72. simple minded

 73. believes everything people say, cannot think and judge for herself

 74. worships western countries, if it is not made there don't buy!

 75. knows nothing about computers other than net surfing. 256 vs 512? What is that?

 76. overly describes herself as "sexy"

 77. compares her man with other men

 78. measures a man by his money

 79. imitates other people's sense of fashion

 80. shares secrets and personal things with her man, with other people

 81. after eating, if there's nothing else to do, goes to"> to talk sh*t about HK guys.

Korean women have their faults too Zetsu. Korean women are a lot easier on the eyes than Hong Kong chicks.


Quote from: "Obvious Li"so fucking what.......still better than the fat,lazy,bitchy,narcissistic, psychotic white trash in North America.......i encourage you to leave them alone...more for us more mature white guys





Time is malleable


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"You can have them, like I care, and here's why

81 Ugly Truths about HK girls (from the Anti Golddigger's Alliance Hong Kong)


1. greedy and lacking in humility

 2. always wants the guy to pay

 3. claims not to like HK guys, but they can't get any

 4. calls your man playboy, yet is a playgirl herself

 5. always makes the man compromise, never her

 6. dreams about being with a lawyer or doctor

 7. when deemed a pork chop by guys, thinks she's sh*t hot

 8. thinks she's hot and men want her, but the reverse is true

 9. acts "cute" but is childish

 10. when ignored, becomes attention wh*re

 11. self deluded

 12. loves brand name and still buys counterfeits

 13. wastes $

 14. speaks English to pretend to be sophisicated (Chinglish)

 15. dresses stylish but they all end up looking alike

 16. thinks she's all that

 17. fantasizes about men staring at her (when guys are really staring at a retard)

 18. Priority in life is to seek the riches of men

 19. expects to have someone pay for meals

 20. pretends to forget her wallet

 21. argues over a few bucks

 22. likes to meet men at bars

 23. spends time and $ prettying herself, but still looks ugly

 24. knows nothing but expects her man to know everything

 25. never lets her man talk to other girls, yet she checks out other dudes

 26. claims to be a virgin

 27. makes her man as her servant

 28. likes celeb gossip mags

 29. and as a result knows jack sh*t about life

 30. expects sugardaddy to support her for life

 31. dreams about marrying into riches

 32. snarky with others but gets pissed when snarked at

 33. complains that her man hires hookers, but she does 1 night stands

 34. thinks many men want her

 35. buy clothes with her man, expects him to pay

 36. when sick, expects 24 hr care by her man. But not other way around

 37. expects diamond ring for birthday(s)

 38. always buys cosmetics and overuses them on dates

 39. compares men with other HK girls online

 40. flakes on and dumps guys in your 20s, yet yearns to be married in 30s.

 41. Still likes Hello Kitty, yet criticizes HK guys for liking manga, anime and call them poison

 42. hits guys, but when guys hit back, they're called bullies

 43. accuses men of insincerity when given cheap gifts

 44. loves romance novels, lives in fantasy world...

 45. always wants to shop in malls, no sense of adventure

 46. brings up men/women equality if it benefits her

 47. criticizes openly when men are ugly, yet refuses to look into the mirror

 48. never wants to re-wear the same clothes

 49. likes flirting with guys online

 50. likes to gossip

 51. gossips with her friends but tells her man to shut his mouth

 52. doesn't let her man look at other chicks but fantasizes about male pop idols

 53. greedy for money

 54. will sacrifice everything for money

 55. will do anything for money, if you have none she will dump yo ass

 56. carries a few thousand on her (including shoes, bag, clothes etc)

 57. thinks she calls all the shots

 58. expects her man to love her a lifetime, yet she's the dumper

 59. dumps a guy, then goes back to him and says she's lonely. Nobody cares

 60. after dumping a guy, publicizes his personal contact info online

 61. thinks everything she does is right, and the guy is always wrong.

 62. uses breaking up as threats to anything

 63. 1st priority when with a guy, to help "safeguard" his wallet

 64. likes to put down guys

 65. nice outside, evil inside

 66. puts down mainland Chinese, thinks all mainland Chinese girls are hookers

 67. when meeting guys, criteria #1) good looking? #2) got $?

 68. doesn't read, but pretends to know it all

 69. heavily believes in astrology

 70. freaks out when guy doesn't call for a day, thinks he's cheating

 71. expects a lot from a guy but doesn't allow him to object to anything

 72. simple minded

 73. believes everything people say, cannot think and judge for herself

 74. worships western countries, if it is not made there don't buy!

 75. knows nothing about computers other than net surfing. 256 vs 512? What is that?

 76. overly describes herself as "sexy"

 77. compares her man with other men

 78. measures a man by his money

 79. imitates other people's sense of fashion

 80. shares secrets and personal things with her man, with other people

 81. after eating, if there's nothing else to do, goes to"> to talk sh*t about HK guys.

Korean women have their faults too Zetsu. Korean women are a lot easier on the eyes than Hong Kong chicks.

TBH I've never really date any girls before so I can't judge, but still I high doubt any group can compete with this list.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Obvious Li"so fucking what.......still better than the fat,lazy,bitchy,narcissistic, psychotic white trash in North America.......i encourage you to leave them alone...more for us more mature white guys

You won't be saying that after you have went to HK.  :lol:
Permanently off his rocker

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"so fucking what.......still better than the fat,lazy,bitchy,narcissistic, psychotic white trash in North America.......i encourage you to leave them alone...more for us more mature white guys

You won't be saying that after you have went to HK.  :lol:

i've been to HK many times...the hookers there are great although i suspect they were mostly from the mainland.....macau is better..try Darlings 1 and 2 if you want the real good stuff.....your welcome


Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"so fucking what.......still better than the fat,lazy,bitchy,narcissistic, psychotic white trash in North America.......i encourage you to leave them alone...more for us more mature white guys

You won't be saying that after you have went to HK.  :lol:

i've been to HK many times...the hookers there are great although i suspect they were mostly from the mainland.....macau is better..try Darlings 1 and 2 if you want the real good stuff.....your welcome

Why thank you Obvious, I just happened to be searching online last night on where I can find hookers in HK, now I don't have to waste my time.
Permanently off his rocker

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Zetsu"

You won't be saying that after you have went to HK.  :lol:

i've been to HK many times...the hookers there are great although i suspect they were mostly from the mainland.....macau is better..try Darlings 1 and 2 if you want the real good stuff.....your welcome

So you've heard right? ;)

 ya..err...somebody told me that...... :arrow:

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Zetsu"

You won't be saying that after you have went to HK.  :lol:

i've been to HK many times...the hookers there are great although i suspect they were mostly from the mainland.....macau is better..try Darlings 1 and 2 if you want the real good stuff.....your welcome

Why thank you Obvious, I just happened to be searching online last night on where I can find hookers in HK, now I don't have to waste my time.

go here...."> place TSIM SHA TSUI

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Zetsu"

Why thank you Obvious, I just happened to be searching online last night on where I can find hookers in HK, now I don't have to waste my time.

go here...."> place TSIM SHA TSUI

TST is such a tourist ghetto.


true all is