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Muslim Brotherhood seeks usurpation ,not integration

Started by heinzy, December 18, 2012, 05:12:14 AM

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Here they try again... indomitably, ceaselessly, undeterred ... in their quest to usurp  (1) the legal structure and societal fabric  of the U.S.A. (thus by proxy Canada as well). 'They' = Muslim Brotherhood's  American branch : CAIR.

'Usurp' was neither carelessly nor exaggeratedly chosen to pinpoint  the Muslim Brotherhood's  long term aims and goals: transforming  North America  into an Islam dominated society.

And no,  'Islamic usurpation of  the U.S.A, and Canada'  is not merely a  'biased perception' or an ' islamophobic interpretation'; no , the Muslim Brotherhood describes their odious long term goals and agitations by that  very meaning. More of that later.

As we'll see , every means to attain  transformation is a legitimate means ,including  all forms of  'taqiyya'

The Muslim Brotherhood's  latest  efforts aim at  preventing a Michigan proposed law which denies  'foreign law' - read sharia law -  to 'impair ,violate and  prevent violation of constitutional rights' thereby affirming  American Law and the Michigan |American Constitution  to be the one and only valid law of the land.(2)

Far from integrating into existing society, members of the Muslim Brotherhood would be only too happy to see our, on Judeo-Christian values based  society  disintegrating only to be  ruled by their arbitrary , archaic , anomalous  sharia law.  Non Muslims under that 'law' are  heavily discriminated  against as  second class people or worse.

If the Michigan Constitution were to be amended to allow sharia law , the American and possibly Canadian  Constitution would naturally  follow suit.  Unfortunately  I can not say 'unthinkable' : the loony Left has appeasement + diversity written all over it's red and pink banners.

Make no mistake about it, this long term  Muslim Brotherhood goal of society-transforming is centre piece on their to-do list, just one  tiny step  at a time.


Take control of (without authority and possibly with force); take as one's right or possession


Article VI of the U.S. Constitution:

"This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby..."


What a  delicious paradox  :

 because 'our'  non-discriminating  Constitution    promulgates itself  and American Laws  to be  the  one and only supreme Law of the Land , the perpetually angry Muslim Brotherhood feels itself ever so  terribly discriminated against.

To rectify this unbearable   'wrong' , the Muslim Brotherhood  aims to at least adjunct,  better supplant 'our' tolerant Constitution  + American |Canadian  Laws with their intolerant  sharia law . This  Islamization  of our justice system  is a one way street : it would enable Islamists  - in the Name of Allah the Most Benevolent - to  discriminate  against '2nd-class ' non Moslems , yet by the same token sharia law does not tolerate any other form of law  besides itself.

This dictatorial ingredient of sharia law  evokes memories  of the 1930s Nazi  Laws turning   Jews in  Germany into a heavily discriminated and brutalized underclass.


I  may indulge calling  sabotaging   by  all and any means - including  all forms of  'Taqiyya -  of traditional  American|Canadian  laws and customs  by  it's proper name : usurpation.

But let the Muslim Brotherhood speak for itself:

4-   Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America:

 "The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.

Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal."

(Bate #ISE-SW 1B10/ 0000422 ; Muslim Brotherhood's 'Palestinian Committees' ; the Holy Land Foundation; support Hamas from abroad. In the U.S., the "Palestine Committee" was led by Mousa Abu Marzook (who, for a time in the early Nineties, actually ran Hamas from his home in Virginia).

The leaders of one of those entities, the Islamic Association for Palestine, subsequently created CAIR — the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which was cited as an unindicted co-conspirator in the [the Holy Land Foundation ] case.  [/list]

The moronically  Left's mocking calls to  'run for the hills';  'not all Muslims plan Canada's overthrow' and the most idiotic 'Islamophobia at it's best' ignores our patriotic duty  to be indomitably, ceaselessly and undeterred on the alert for those odious forces surreptitiously   gnawing on Canada's  fabric.

And yes, most Muslims are decent ,peace & fun loving people;  but that fact does not permit complacency..


Does anybody think justin Truedeau , who will attend a Muslim gathering , knows the difference between 'taqiyya' and 'tequila' or between 'hudna' and 'shutzpa' ?

I fervently hope so but doubt it nevertheless....


Quote from: "heinzy"Does anybody think justin Truedeau , who will attend a Muslim gathering , knows the difference between 'taqiyya' and 'tequila' or between 'hudna' and 'shutzpa' ?

I fervently hope so but doubt it nevertheless....

Hello heinzy, your posts are so insightful and well written..

I can see why Shen Li says calls you a wise sage.

I don't know anything this subject though.


Laughing Out Loud


All religion is subversive and corrosive to a free society.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
QuoteWASHINGTON, D.C.:  A book published and translated by the mother of Obama administration State Department Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin provides fresh evidence that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's closest aide has deeply problematic foreign associations that could, in violation of departmental guidelines, "create... a heightened risk of foreign exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, or coercion."

In light of the escalating controversy over the role being played in U.S. security policy-making by Ms. Abedin and others with personal and/or professional ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (see Part 8 of the Center for Security Policy's online curriculum at, the revelations contained in a new Center report-- Ties That Bind? The Views and Agenda of Huma Abedin's Islamist Mother-- could not be more timely, or important.

The Center's report excerpts and analyzes relevant passages from a book published and translated by Saleha S. Mahmood Abedin called Women in Islam: A Discourse in Rights and Obligations by Fatima Umar Naseef. Naseef is a past head of the "women's section" and professor of shariah at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, where Dr. Abedin is also on the faculty.  The book was published in 1999, the same year Dr. Abedin founded Dar Al Hekma, a university for women also in Jeddah, that Secretary Clinton visited and spoke admiringly of with Huma Abedin in February 2010.  [See Remarks on that occasion by Mrs. Clinton, including her comment that Huma holds a "very sensitive and important position" in her department, and those by her hosts.]

 Excerpts from Women in Islam in Ties That Bind? The Views and Agenda of Huma Abedin's Islamist Mother include Islamic shariah justifications for the following practices:

•Stoning for Adultery when Married; Lashing for Adultery when Unmarried

•No Death Penalty for the Murder of an Apostate

•Freedom of Expression Curtailed to What Benefits Islam

•Women's Right to Participate in Armed Jihad

•Social Interaction Between the Sexes is Forbidden

•Women Have No Right to Abstain from Sex with their Husbands

•A Woman Should Not Let Anyone Into the House Unless Approved by Her Husband

•Female Genital Mutilation is Allowed

•Man-Made Laws "Enslave Women"">

This would have been stunning in more normal times.

'Stunning' because those 'Islamic' ideas and perspectives go against all natural feelings , instincts and common sense thinking.

However the mental & moral decline of the U.S.S.A.* seems to set new paradigms.

The above article also mentions a person named Hillary Clinton. It's a little known , but worthwhile to know fact , that young Hillary succumbed in Chicago  to the siren call of 'social change' and the charms of radical leftist 'social change| community  organizer' Saul Alinsky : her bachelor thesis revolved around that 'revolutionary'. The Theme of her thesis was : "There Is Only the Fight . . . " 'Fight' in German means 'Kampf' ergo 'There is only the 'Kampf'  "  Not far from "There is only my Kampf"  don't you think so? Anyway , you read that quasi locked up "There Is Only the Fight . . . " and the crap of the commy Alinsky (a Polish name)  and you have the directional blueprint of where the U.S.S.A. is presently heading to. No surprises there! There were no surprises either for anybody who had read 'Mein Kampf'.

I  wrote "'Islamic' ideas and perspectives go against all natural feelings , instincts and common sense thinking." Don't you think, so do most of the thinking patterns of the political Left?

* United Socialist States of America.


Well, the former communist U.S.S.R. has gradually mutated into a very capitalistic new country by the name of Russia.

Formally capitalistic U.S.A. has gradually mutated into a very socialistic minded country not yet by the name of U.S.S.A.

BTW , Putin has been informally warning Obuffoon about the disastrous,  incongruous direction the U.S.S.A. are taking to , but of course , pigheaded Americans keep on doing it the American ...the Thelma and Louise way.... does the word 'cliff' somehow ring a bell....?


Quote from: "heinzy"Does anybody think justin Truedeau , who will attend a Muslim gathering , knows the difference between 'taqiyya' and 'tequila' or between 'hudna' and 'shutzpa' ?

I fervently hope so but doubt it nevertheless....

Damn!! My so appropriate "rolling with laughter" smiley doesn't work here &%$#@

Hiya heinzy!!!

And [size=150]Merry Christmas [/size]

from your Horny Dear [size=70] not very secret [/size]Admirer
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


It was funny cc, heinzy is humourous as well as intelligent..

I like your new avatar.


Quote from: "cc li tarte"
Quote from: "heinzy"Does anybody think justin Truedeau , who will attend a Muslim gathering , knows the difference between 'taqiyya' and 'tequila' or between 'hudna' and 'shutzpa' ?

I fervently hope so but doubt it nevertheless....

Damn!! My so appropriate "rolling with laughter" smiley doesn't work here &%$#@

Hiya heinzy!!!

And [size=150]Merry Christmas [/size]

from your Horny Dear [size=70] not very secret [/size]Admirer

heheheh....thanx ....I do like your  rain dear , oops...reindeer with it's bebulbed antlers. Yeah, and as Fashionista , I also do like your latest (as all of your previous) -  avatar as well... Hope you had or have some relaxing time over the  holiday season ....


Thanx Shen Li , Allah had been good enough; sorry , most benevolent and merciful ;  to provide for that long time ago. lol