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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

They keep dropping.

Started by Bricktop, January 18, 2016, 05:55:23 PM

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Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=491958 time=1674223497 user_id=1728
Wise words there from Rabbi Lokmar.



Quote from: Lokmar post_id=491956 time=1674223283 user_id=3351
Overall, I have a different view of the jab than most. I absolutely believe it kills some people and injures more. I also believe covid infections kill people. My wife is jabbed and no obvious ill effects after 2 years. I'm not jabbed and caught covid the first time before anyone else I know did. The real question for people like me and my wife is: does the jab do any good? I believe the answer is: If it does any good, its very little. My conclusion is: the jab isnt worth it.

Seems sensible. I encounter people who have been jabbed every day, very little to distinguish the mudbloods from the Purebloods at first blush. It does seem that those who lined up for the gazetted benefits of special sauce were sold a faulty bill of goods - if anything they seem to be more likely to catch the Pinko Pox, not less.

Obviously I haven't conducted any rigorous scientific study into it, these are merely observations I've made over the two years this shit has been getting pumped out. The jabbed do seem to enjoy an elevated risk for reinfection, disappearing two or three weeks over the course of a variant while unjabbed seem to recover more quickly, if they catch it at all. Given the reports of HIV proteins in the disease as well as the supposed MRNA preventatives, the conclusion that immune systems were compromised is an easy one to make.  

This is in addition to the reports of people dying suddenly or developing various and sometimes serious life altering conditions. Our governments are quick to boast market penetration figures (whenever they aren't trying to market the unjabbed as some sort of existential threat to the jabbed that is), all which says to me that your proposition of "if it does any good, it is very little" is a valid one. Potato headed promises of "a winter of severe illness and death" don't quite stack up against the promise of the vast preponderance of people being jabbed... unless I want to factor in the cases of sports stars and celebrities boasting their status, chiding the unvaccinated to get off their duff and join the party, then swaying drunkenly for no readily apparent reason before collapsing in a corner somewhere. Not a good look, though realistically I have to remind myself that while this is happening at seemingly alarming and unprecedented rates, it is still only a miniscule fraction of the world's population who are cashing in their chips in the pursuit of turning us all into human pincushions.

People have been dying for longer than you and I have been alive. Generally it's not the fit and healthy doing it, but that group certainly aren't immune to doing that either. I'm not going to let it pass unremarked when they extoll the virtues of treatment efficacy and the good health it brings immediately before they take to bench pressing a pine casket box lid as morticians are pulling clumps of congealed silly string out of their arteries. Maybe it did stop you from getting covid... fat fucken lot of good it did you, eh? I can't pretend to know for sure, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first time that a treatment had been marketed as harmless and the people getting fucked up by it dismissed as "anti-vaxxers". Why, it seems like only yesterday that Dove and I were locking horns over the subject of one Andrew Wakefield and his research. It might interest you to learn the CDC spent four long years in an attempt to fiddle the figures on the rise and rise of autism and its apparent tendency to disproportionately affect porch monkeys sproglings.

In the balance? I am strongly of the opinion that "the vax" is little more than a marketing exercise aimed at enriching a few peoples pockets with no discernable benefits for the rest of us. Where previous rollouts of treatments held quantifiable positives in terms of health, this current one appears to have none while sharing the same risks as ALL medical treatments - some are going to get an adverse effect to it. 100% Safe And Effective is total bullshit, there is no One Size Fits All approach to be had.

I shall continue to do my thing. One day I too shall die, as will we all. In the case of the sniffles, I can and shall remain staunch in not taking an experimental treatment for which the long term effects are yet to be documented and the short term ones extremely iffy. If anyone has a problem with that, I don't care. If someone is incapable of trusting their immune response or the shit their jamming into their veins to prevent them from catching a cold, they need to deal with it on a personal level instead of externalizing it and making it all about me.

Because in spite of the clear and present danger I was badgered about endlessly for the last couple of years, I'm doing just fine without it.


Quote from: kiebers post_id=491872 time=1674167196 user_id=193
David Crosby passed today. He was 81. He sure made some great music. One of my favs.


They were favourite artists of that genre. They were formed out of former members of the Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, and the Hollies.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Guest post_id=491986 time=1674249345
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=491956 time=1674223283 user_id=3351
Overall, I have a different view of the jab than most. I absolutely believe it kills some people and injures more. I also believe covid infections kill people. My wife is jabbed and no obvious ill effects after 2 years. I'm not jabbed and caught covid the first time before anyone else I know did. The real question for people like me and my wife is: does the jab do any good? I believe the answer is: If it does any good, its very little. My conclusion is: the jab isnt worth it.

Seems sensible. I encounter people who have been jabbed every day, very little to distinguish the mudbloods from the Purebloods at first blush. It does seem that those who lined up for the gazetted benefits of special sauce were sold a faulty bill of goods - if anything they seem to be more likely to catch the Pinko Pox, not less.

Obviously I haven't conducted any rigorous scientific study into it, these are merely observations I've made over the two years this shit has been getting pumped out. The jabbed do seem to enjoy an elevated risk for reinfection, disappearing two or three weeks over the course of a variant while unjabbed seem to recover more quickly, if they catch it at all. Given the reports of HIV proteins in the disease as well as the supposed MRNA preventatives, the conclusion that immune systems were compromised is an easy one to make.  

This is in addition to the reports of people dying suddenly or developing various and sometimes serious life altering conditions. Our governments are quick to boast market penetration figures (whenever they aren't trying to market the unjabbed as some sort of existential threat to the jabbed that is), all which says to me that your proposition of "if it does any good, it is very little" is a valid one. Potato headed promises of "a winter of severe illness and death" don't quite stack up against the promise of the vast preponderance of people being jabbed... unless I want to factor in the cases of sports stars and celebrities boasting their status, chiding the unvaccinated to get off their duff and join the party, then swaying drunkenly for no readily apparent reason before collapsing in a corner somewhere. Not a good look, though realistically I have to remind myself that while this is happening at seemingly alarming and unprecedented rates, it is still only a miniscule fraction of the world's population who are cashing in their chips in the pursuit of turning us all into human pincushions.

People have been dying for longer than you and I have been alive. Generally it's not the fit and healthy doing it, but that group certainly aren't immune to doing that either. I'm not going to let it pass unremarked when they extoll the virtues of treatment efficacy and the good health it brings immediately before they take to bench pressing a pine casket box lid as morticians are pulling clumps of congealed silly string out of their arteries. Maybe it did stop you from getting covid... fat fucken lot of good it did you, eh? I can't pretend to know for sure, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first time that a treatment had been marketed as harmless and the people getting fucked up by it dismissed as "anti-vaxxers". Why, it seems like only yesterday that Dove and I were locking horns over the subject of one Andrew Wakefield and his research. It might interest you to learn the CDC spent four long years in an attempt to fiddle the figures on the rise and rise of autism and its apparent tendency to disproportionately affect porch monkeys sproglings.

In the balance? I am strongly of the opinion that "the vax" is little more than a marketing exercise aimed at enriching a few peoples pockets with no discernable benefits for the rest of us. Where previous rollouts of treatments held quantifiable positives in terms of health, this current one appears to have none while sharing the same risks as ALL medical treatments - some are going to get an adverse effect to it. 100% Safe And Effective is total bullshit, there is no One Size Fits All approach to be had.

I shall continue to do my thing. One day I too shall die, as will we all. In the case of the sniffles, I can and shall remain staunch in not taking an experimental treatment for which the long term effects are yet to be documented and the short term ones extremely iffy. If anyone has a problem with that, I don't care. If someone is incapable of trusting their immune response or the shit their jamming into their veins to prevent them from catching a cold, they need to deal with it on a personal level instead of externalizing it and making it all about me.

Because in spite of the clear and present danger I was badgered about endlessly for the last couple of years, I'm doing just fine without it.

 I still view Wakefeild as a grifter and a quack and I think he has done a lot of harm.....the important thing is autonomy. No one should ever be forced to have any medical intervention (given they in their right mind).

 And I'm weird about the MRNA covid shot....and you know that I support vaccines. And I get called an "anti vaxxer".  :crazy:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=492064 time=1674287531 user_id=3266
Quote from: Guest post_id=491986 time=1674249345

Seems sensible. I encounter people who have been jabbed every day, very little to distinguish the mudbloods from the Purebloods at first blush. It does seem that those who lined up for the gazetted benefits of special sauce were sold a faulty bill of goods - if anything they seem to be more likely to catch the Pinko Pox, not less.

Obviously I haven't conducted any rigorous scientific study into it, these are merely observations I've made over the two years this shit has been getting pumped out. The jabbed do seem to enjoy an elevated risk for reinfection, disappearing two or three weeks over the course of a variant while unjabbed seem to recover more quickly, if they catch it at all. Given the reports of HIV proteins in the disease as well as the supposed MRNA preventatives, the conclusion that immune systems were compromised is an easy one to make.  

This is in addition to the reports of people dying suddenly or developing various and sometimes serious life altering conditions. Our governments are quick to boast market penetration figures (whenever they aren't trying to market the unjabbed as some sort of existential threat to the jabbed that is), all which says to me that your proposition of "if it does any good, it is very little" is a valid one. Potato headed promises of "a winter of severe illness and death" don't quite stack up against the promise of the vast preponderance of people being jabbed... unless I want to factor in the cases of sports stars and celebrities boasting their status, chiding the unvaccinated to get off their duff and join the party, then swaying drunkenly for no readily apparent reason before collapsing in a corner somewhere. Not a good look, though realistically I have to remind myself that while this is happening at seemingly alarming and unprecedented rates, it is still only a miniscule fraction of the world's population who are cashing in their chips in the pursuit of turning us all into human pincushions.

People have been dying for longer than you and I have been alive. Generally it's not the fit and healthy doing it, but that group certainly aren't immune to doing that either. I'm not going to let it pass unremarked when they extoll the virtues of treatment efficacy and the good health it brings immediately before they take to bench pressing a pine casket box lid as morticians are pulling clumps of congealed silly string out of their arteries. Maybe it did stop you from getting covid... fat fucken lot of good it did you, eh? I can't pretend to know for sure, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first time that a treatment had been marketed as harmless and the people getting fucked up by it dismissed as "anti-vaxxers". Why, it seems like only yesterday that Dove and I were locking horns over the subject of one Andrew Wakefield and his research. It might interest you to learn the CDC spent four long years in an attempt to fiddle the figures on the rise and rise of autism and its apparent tendency to disproportionately affect porch monkeys sproglings.

In the balance? I am strongly of the opinion that "the vax" is little more than a marketing exercise aimed at enriching a few peoples pockets with no discernable benefits for the rest of us. Where previous rollouts of treatments held quantifiable positives in terms of health, this current one appears to have none while sharing the same risks as ALL medical treatments - some are going to get an adverse effect to it. 100% Safe And Effective is total bullshit, there is no One Size Fits All approach to be had.

I shall continue to do my thing. One day I too shall die, as will we all. In the case of the sniffles, I can and shall remain staunch in not taking an experimental treatment for which the long term effects are yet to be documented and the short term ones extremely iffy. If anyone has a problem with that, I don't care. If someone is incapable of trusting their immune response or the shit their jamming into their veins to prevent them from catching a cold, they need to deal with it on a personal level instead of externalizing it and making it all about me.

Because in spite of the clear and present danger I was badgered about endlessly for the last couple of years, I'm doing just fine without it.

 I still view Wakefeild as a grifter and a quack and I think he has done a lot of harm.....the important thing is autonomy. No one should ever be forced to have any medical intervention (given they in their right mind).

 And I'm weird about the MRNA covid shot....and you know that I support vaccines. And I get called an "anti vaxxer".  :crazy:

So do I. And that's in spite of my own personal experience with them, which was on occasion less than salutary.

Not sure how highlighting CDC studies can be construed as doing harm, after all isn't that what a fair few of us have been doing here in ferreting out results that others wished remained hidden? I find it interesting that when concerns were raised regarding the MMR, Merck immediately pulled all alternative treatments that were perfectly fine up to that point, effectively leaving the MMR as the only solution on the table.

Kind of like how Ivermectin suddenly became a dirty word early on in the piece as regards to Covid. History never repeats, though it does have a tendency to echo.


Quote from: Guest post_id=492065 time=1674289493
Quote from: Dove post_id=492064 time=1674287531 user_id=3266

 I still view Wakefeild as a grifter and a quack and I think he has done a lot of harm.....the important thing is autonomy. No one should ever be forced to have any medical intervention (given they in their right mind).

 And I'm weird about the MRNA covid shot....and you know that I support vaccines. And I get called an "anti vaxxer".  :crazy:

So do I. And that's in spite of my own personal experience with them, which was on occasion less than salutary.

Not sure how highlighting CDC studies can be construed as doing harm, after all isn't that what a fair few of us have been doing here in ferreting out results that others wished remained hidden? I find it interesting that when concerns were raised regarding the MMR, Merck immediately pulled all alternative treatments that were perfectly fine up to that point, effectively leaving the MMR as the only solution on the table.

Kind of like how Ivermectin suddenly became a dirty word early on in the piece as regards to Covid. History never repeats, though it does have a tendency to echo.

I'm going to fuck your arse repeatedly unlil your anus flaps bulge like ripe plums!  ac_razz


Quote from: Dove post_id=492064 time=1674287531 user_id=3266
Quote from: Guest post_id=491986 time=1674249345

Seems sensible. I encounter people who have been jabbed every day, very little to distinguish the mudbloods from the Purebloods at first blush. It does seem that those who lined up for the gazetted benefits of special sauce were sold a faulty bill of goods - if anything they seem to be more likely to catch the Pinko Pox, not less.

Obviously I haven't conducted any rigorous scientific study into it, these are merely observations I've made over the two years this shit has been getting pumped out. The jabbed do seem to enjoy an elevated risk for reinfection, disappearing two or three weeks over the course of a variant while unjabbed seem to recover more quickly, if they catch it at all. Given the reports of HIV proteins in the disease as well as the supposed MRNA preventatives, the conclusion that immune systems were compromised is an easy one to make.  

This is in addition to the reports of people dying suddenly or developing various and sometimes serious life altering conditions. Our governments are quick to boast market penetration figures (whenever they aren't trying to market the unjabbed as some sort of existential threat to the jabbed that is), all which says to me that your proposition of "if it does any good, it is very little" is a valid one. Potato headed promises of "a winter of severe illness and death" don't quite stack up against the promise of the vast preponderance of people being jabbed... unless I want to factor in the cases of sports stars and celebrities boasting their status, chiding the unvaccinated to get off their duff and join the party, then swaying drunkenly for no readily apparent reason before collapsing in a corner somewhere. Not a good look, though realistically I have to remind myself that while this is happening at seemingly alarming and unprecedented rates, it is still only a miniscule fraction of the world's population who are cashing in their chips in the pursuit of turning us all into human pincushions.

People have been dying for longer than you and I have been alive. Generally it's not the fit and healthy doing it, but that group certainly aren't immune to doing that either. I'm not going to let it pass unremarked when they extoll the virtues of treatment efficacy and the good health it brings immediately before they take to bench pressing a pine casket box lid as morticians are pulling clumps of congealed silly string out of their arteries. Maybe it did stop you from getting covid... fat fucken lot of good it did you, eh? I can't pretend to know for sure, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first time that a treatment had been marketed as harmless and the people getting fucked up by it dismissed as "anti-vaxxers". Why, it seems like only yesterday that Dove and I were locking horns over the subject of one Andrew Wakefield and his research. It might interest you to learn the CDC spent four long years in an attempt to fiddle the figures on the rise and rise of autism and its apparent tendency to disproportionately affect porch monkeys sproglings.

In the balance? I am strongly of the opinion that "the vax" is little more than a marketing exercise aimed at enriching a few peoples pockets with no discernable benefits for the rest of us. Where previous rollouts of treatments held quantifiable positives in terms of health, this current one appears to have none while sharing the same risks as ALL medical treatments - some are going to get an adverse effect to it. 100% Safe And Effective is total bullshit, there is no One Size Fits All approach to be had.

I shall continue to do my thing. One day I too shall die, as will we all. In the case of the sniffles, I can and shall remain staunch in not taking an experimental treatment for which the long term effects are yet to be documented and the short term ones extremely iffy. If anyone has a problem with that, I don't care. If someone is incapable of trusting their immune response or the shit their jamming into their veins to prevent them from catching a cold, they need to deal with it on a personal level instead of externalizing it and making it all about me.

Because in spite of the clear and present danger I was badgered about endlessly for the last couple of years, I'm doing just fine without it.

 I still view Wakefeild as a grifter and a quack and I think he has done a lot of harm.....the important thing is autonomy. No one should ever be forced to have any medical intervention (given they in their right mind).

 And I'm weird about the MRNA covid shot....and you know that I support vaccines. And I get called an "anti vaxxer".  :crazy:

Wakefield is a hero.

None of us kids got the MMR.


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492416 time=1674655643 user_id=3358
Quote from: Guest post_id=492065 time=1674289493

So do I. And that's in spite of my own personal experience with them, which was on occasion less than salutary.

Not sure how highlighting CDC studies can be construed as doing harm, after all isn't that what a fair few of us have been doing here in ferreting out results that others wished remained hidden? I find it interesting that when concerns were raised regarding the MMR, Merck immediately pulled all alternative treatments that were perfectly fine up to that point, effectively leaving the MMR as the only solution on the table.

Kind of like how Ivermectin suddenly became a dirty word early on in the piece as regards to Covid. History never repeats, though it does have a tendency to echo.

I'm going to fuck your arse repeatedly unlil your anus flaps bulge like ripe plums!  ac_razz

No you ain't, it's Australia DAY, not Australia GAY you pathetic homo weakling!  ac_toofunny


Quote from: Guest post_id=492495 time=1674709786
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492416 time=1674655643 user_id=3358

I'm going to fuck your arse repeatedly unlil your anus flaps bulge like ripe plums!  ac_razz

No you ain't, it's Australia DAY, not Australia GAY you pathetic homo weakling!  ac_toofunny

I'll bend you over my knee and give you the hiding of your life you sum cunt fucking fairy!


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492500 time=1674713947 user_id=3358
Quote from: Guest post_id=492495 time=1674709786

No you ain't, it's Australia DAY, not Australia GAY you pathetic homo weakling!  ac_toofunny

I'll bend you over my knee and give you the hiding of your life you sum cunt fucking fairy!

Wonk wonk wonk, get to stepping you north shore pansy. You think that someone slipping Siracha into your Kombucha enema and you leaping around like a crazed lunatic impresses anyone?


Quote from: Guest post_id=492503 time=1674714108
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492500 time=1674713947 user_id=3358

I'll bend you over my knee and give you the hiding of your life you sum cunt fucking fairy!

Wonk wonk wonk, get to stepping you north shore pansy. You think that someone slipping Siracha into your Kombucha enema and you leaping around like a crazed lunatic impresses anyone?

This is about you and I getting it on. I'll have up my cock up your arse banging you ballz deep before you knew whether you were Arthur or Martha sunshine!  :laugh3:


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492507 time=1674714298 user_id=3358
Quote from: Guest post_id=492503 time=1674714108

Wonk wonk wonk, get to stepping you north shore pansy. You think that someone slipping Siracha into your Kombucha enema and you leaping around like a crazed lunatic impresses anyone?

This is about you and I getting it on. I'll have up my cock up your arse banging you ballz deep before you knew whether you were Arthur or Martha sunshine!  :laugh3:

Have to cold cock you on that one, but do keep lisping your love letters to me, fag.  :icon_wink:


You're gorgeous!  ac_razz


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492517 time=1674715078 user_id=3358
You're gorgeous!  ac_razz

I know.  :wootsmiley:


Quote from: Guest post_id=492521 time=1674717249
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=492517 time=1674715078 user_id=3358
You're gorgeous!  ac_razz

I know.  :wootsmiley:

I mean it! I just had an inquiry in me loins and I didn't even have to squeeze my nipples!