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2015 By Far The Hottest Year In Recorded History

Started by Romero, January 20, 2016, 06:00:58 PM

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QuoteLast year was the earth's hottest in 136 years of record-keeping, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Wednesday.

In two separate analyses, the agencies agreed that 2015 was a record-breaker. NASA found that 2015 was 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the late 19th century, while NOAA found 2015 was 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average.

"Globally averaged temperatures in 2015 shattered the previous mark set in 2014 by 0.23 degrees Fahrenheit (0.13 Celsius)," NASA reported. "Only once before, in 1998, has the new record been greater than the old record by this much."

The previous hottest year, 2014, had an average global temperature of 58.24 degrees Fahrenheit. That was already 1.24 degrees above the 20th century average.

"Climate change is the challenge of our generation, and NASA's vital work on this important issue affects every person on Earth," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a statement. "Today's announcement not only underscores how critical NASA's Earth observation program is, it is a key data point that should make policy makers stand up and take notice -- now is the time to act on climate."">//


QuoteCalifornia  Taking On ExxonMobil's Climate Cover-Up

California's attorney general has joined New York state in investigating Exxon Mobil's decades-long climate change cover-up, probing what it knew about global warming, as well as what—and when—the oil giant disclosed to its shareholders and the public, according to the LA Times on Wednesday.

According to "a person close to the investigation," the office of Attorney General Kamala Harris is looking into "whether Exxon Mobil Corp. repeatedly lied to the public and its shareholders about the risk to its business from climate change—and whether such actions could amount to securities fraud and violations of environmental laws," the Times writes.

Reporting in the fall of 2015 revealed that Exxon scientists and management knew since the late 1970s that the company's product was helping drive catastrophic global warming, and responded by spending millions to disseminate disinformation and fund climate denial campaigns. Environmentalist and co-founder Bill McKibben has described it as "the most consequential lie in human history."

And in November, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman catapulted 'Exxon Knew' into "the category of truly serious scandals," as McKibben put it, by issuing the corporation an 18-page subpoena seeking four decades of documents, research findings, and communications related to climate change.

Meanwhile, earlier this week, a group of ExxonMobil shareholders urged the corporation to detail the resilience of its business model to climate change.">//


QuoteForget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.

Satellite temperature readings going back to 1979 show 1998 was by far the warmest year in the satellite era, followed by 2010. 2015 comes in third. And these results are only for the period since 1979.

2015 should have been warmer. This past year saw what is likely the most powerful El Nino during the satellite temperature record. With a record El Nino, we should have experienced record high temperatures. Yet we didn't.

A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be. Indeed, if a record strong El Nino cannot bring global temperatures back to the warmth of 1998, what can – and when will that be? 18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.">

Of course, it is not too difficult for activists to paint a picture of an exceptionally warm world – record El Nino or not – when they conveniently define "the record" as merely extending back to the late 1800s. Global warming activists do not extend "the record" back any further, they say, because it has only been since the late 1800s that we have had a global network of mercury thermometers. But we do have other reliable indicators of temperatures before the late 1800s, and the evidence shows temperatures have been warmer than today for most of the past several thousand years, including warmer-than-present temperatures for most of the human civilization time period.

Scientists measuring oxygen isotopes from ice cores drilled in Greenland and Antarctica (among other methods) report that temperatures were significantly warmer than today for most of the past 10,000 years. With the exception of the Little Ice Age, which lasted from approximately 1300-1850 and which almost ushered in a full-blown new ice age epoch, current temperatures remain cooler than almost all other time periods in human history.

So how do global warming activists get away with raising constant alarm and making such outrageous claims as 2015 being the hottest ever? The answer is misleading head-fakes, doctored temperature records, and a compliant media that is more than willing to push the agenda of global warming activists.

No, Virginia, 2015 was not the hottest year on record. In fact, it wasn't even close."> ... c68cd123c6">


Quote from: "Shen Li"
QuoteForget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.

Satellite temperature readings going back to 1979 show 1998 was by far the warmest year in the satellite era, followed by 2010. 2015 comes in third. And these results are only for the period since 1979.

2015 should have been warmer. This past year saw what is likely the most powerful El Nino during the satellite temperature record. With a record El Nino, we should have experienced record high temperatures. Yet we didn't.

A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be. Indeed, if a record strong El Nino cannot bring global temperatures back to the warmth of 1998, what can – and when will that be? 18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.">

Of course, it is not too difficult for activists to paint a picture of an exceptionally warm world – record El Nino or not – when they conveniently define "the record" as merely extending back to the late 1800s. Global warming activists do not extend "the record" back any further, they say, because it has only been since the late 1800s that we have had a global network of mercury thermometers. But we do have other reliable indicators of temperatures before the late 1800s, and the evidence shows temperatures have been warmer than today for most of the past several thousand years, including warmer-than-present temperatures for most of the human civilization time period.

Scientists measuring oxygen isotopes from ice cores drilled in Greenland and Antarctica (among other methods) report that temperatures were significantly warmer than today for most of the past 10,000 years. With the exception of the Little Ice Age, which lasted from approximately 1300-1850 and which almost ushered in a full-blown new ice age epoch, current temperatures remain cooler than almost all other time periods in human history.

So how do global warming activists get away with raising constant alarm and making such outrageous claims as 2015 being the hottest ever? The answer is misleading head-fakes, doctored temperature records, and a compliant media that is more than willing to push the agenda of global warming activists.

No, Virginia, 2015 was not the hottest year on record. In fact, it wasn't even close."> ... c68cd123c6">
Beware of Gaslighters!


Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate



Why is this so difficult to measure and report on accurately?  I don't understand such a contrast in reporting....
Beware of Gaslighters!


QuoteThis makes 2015 the third warmest year globally (+0.27 deg C) in the satellite record (since 1979), behind 1998 (+0.48 deg C) and 2010 (+0.34 deg. C). Since 2016 should be warmer than 2015 with the current El Nino, there is a good chance 2016 will end up as a record warm all depends upon how quickly El Nino wanes later in the year."> ... -44-deg-c/">


QuoteSatellite Data Shows 2015 Wasn't Even Close To Being The Hottest Year On Record"> ... on-record/">


I don't know about you, but old El Nino has really cranked the thermostat up in Oz.


NASA and NOAA are telling the truth, the deniers are lying and misleading.

See the graph Shen Li posted? It's based on "temperature departure from 1981 - 2010 average". It's cherry picking temperature variations. It's not showing actual temperature readings.

Why not show the actual temperatures? Because it looks like this:">


Shen Li and the deniers will tell you the Earth is cooling one day then tell you it's warming "but not caused by man" the next day. Why the confusion? Is it cooling or warming? They can't make up their minds because they're just winging it.


Shen Li, I moved all your politics threads into the right sub forum where it belongs..

Not all of use are interested in American partisan politics..

But then again I started a thread about Taiwanese politics..


Well anyway, we'll keep the threads about any changes in temperatures..

I know politics is involved in it, but in theory it is supposed to be scientific.


Hw can anyone seriously say that a year is the hottest year' on record based on hundredths of a degree temperature difference. It's a fancy way of saying the global warming 'pause' is continuing. You would think temperatures would move more than they did considering what a strong El Nino year it has been.

And then collecting weather data has not been around for thousands of years. Even comparing 1970 to today is problematic.

I am not saying man does not contribute to climate. I believe it does. But, to say it never happened before is a lie. And the solutions governments are using to try and combat it are a waste of money.


Why the fuck is an ignorant, lying, dunce like Dicaprio addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland? He doesn't even know what a chinook is and he's lecturing international bodies?? The guy has a carbon footprint like 10 times bigger than the CEO's of Canada's top 5 energy companies combined and he calls corporations greedy?  :crazy:

QuoteLeo's done it again.

Shortly after tripping over his own tongue concerning Alberta's chinooks, Hollywood hotshot Leonardo DiCaprio is slamming the province's most precious resource.

And Alberta's oilpatch says it's time for a tutorial on the energy industry.

That's the word from the body lobbying for Canada's oilpatch in the wake of DiCaprio's condemning the energy sector as a greedy assassin of the world's climate.

"We simply cannot afford to let the corporate greed of the coal, oil and gas industries to determine the future of humanity," DiCaprio told an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Tuesday.

"Studies also show us those who deny climate change will become less economically successful."

DiCaprio also alluded to companies such as the then-Exxon, who are being investigated for allegedly covering up knowledge the firm unearthed 35 years ago their industry was contributing to climate change. But DiCaprio, who toured the oilsands while making his Oscar-nominated film The Revenant in Alberta, is ignoring environmental advances made in that industry, said Chelsie Klassen, spokeswoman for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.

"It clearly shows the lack of understanding of the oilsands," she said. "Since the 1990s, there's been a 30% decrease in the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions per barrel."

She said CAPP would gladly meet with DiCaprio to discuss climate change and the progress the industry has made."> ... l-industry">


These dipshits need to fuck off already.  They'll happily pump Saudi fucking Arbia with terrorism money while lecturing us on environmental stewardship.

As Mr C would say, Jesus wept!
Beware of Gaslighters!


QuoteSo how does one deny that climate change is upon us and that 2015 was by far the hottest year on record? What misinformation will be disseminated to confuse the public?

One technique of denial involves "cherry-picking", best described as wilfully ignoring a mountain of inconvenient evidence in favour of a small molehill that serves a desired purpose. Cherry-picking is already in full swing in response to the record-breaking temperatures of 2015.

Political operatives such as James Taylor of the Heartland Institute – which once compared acceptance of the science of climate change to the Unabomber in an ill-fated billboard campaign – have already denied 2015 set a record by pointing to satellite data, which ostensibly shows no warming for the last umpteen years and which purportedly relegates 2015 to third place.

So what about the satellite data?

If you cannot remember when you last checked the satellites to decide whether to go for a picnic, that's probably because the satellites don't actually measure temperature. Instead, they measure the microwave emissions of oxygen molecules in very broad bands of the atmosphere, for example ranging from the surface to about 18km above the earth. Those microwave soundings are converted into estimates of temperature using highly-complex models.

There is nothing wrong with using models, such as those required to interpret satellite data, for their intended purpose – namely to detect a trend in temperatures at high altitudes, far away from the surface.

And if you just look at the surface-based climate data with your own eyes, then you will see that NASA, the US NOAA, the UK Met Office, the Berkeley Earth group, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and many other researchers around the world, all independently arrived at one consistent and certain end result – namely that 2015 was by far the hottest year globally since records began more than a century ago.

Enter denial strategy two: that if every scientific agency around the world agrees on global warming, they must be engaging in a conspiracy! Far from being an incidental ornament, conspiratorial thinking is central to denial. When a scientific fact has been as thoroughly examined as global warming being caused by greenhouse gases or the link between HIV and AIDS, then no contrary position can claim much intellectual or scholarly respectability because it is so overwhelmingly at odds with the evidence.

That's why politicians such as Republican Congressman Lamar Smith need to accuse the NOAA of having "altered the [climate] data to get the results they needed to advance this administration's extreme climate change agenda". If the evidence is against you, then it has to be manipulated by mysterious forces in pursuit of a nefarious agenda.">//