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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Exclusive: U.S. plans new wave of immigrant deportation raids

Started by JOE, May 12, 2016, 09:45:40 PM

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This is the first US election I have seen where organized labour is leaning more towards a Republican than a Democrat. Hillary supports trade deals and open borders than organized labour loathes."> ... ike-trump/">

Why Labor Union Members Like Trump

Why a billionaire Republican is winning a working class, historically Democratic constituency

The success of Donald Trump's blustery, ill-tempered and unpolished campaign for president has left the political class scratching its collective head, but there's at least one unlikely factor that unites many of the billionaire's GOP supporters: union membership.

There is deep economic anxiety among our members and the people we're trying to organize that I believe Donald Trump's message is tapping into," said Mary Kay Henry, president of the mostly-female, racially diverse and otherwise leftist Service Employee's International Union.

Though Trump's fierce anti-illegal immigration rhetoric and bombastic policy proposals—such as the building of a tall wall along the Mexican border to be paid for by Mexico—speak to the anxiety of many working class people who contend that illegal immigrants create an oversupply of unskilled labor that depresses wages, immigration isn't the only policy area where the Donald resonates with workers.

On Meet the Press last fall, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, a democratic power broker, conceded of Trump's vague lambasting of bad trade agreements between the U.S. and other countries, that "probably every [union member] that hears him say it's a bad trade deal...they say amen that bad trade deals are bad for the country." Trump opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal between the U.S. and other Pacific rim countries, a position he shares with few in the Republican establishment but many in the labor movement.

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Renee"I'm kinda bummed about this. The INS is cutting down on my potential dating pool. :negative:

As the old joke goes......What's does a fat blonde chick and a brick have in common?.......Sooner or later they're both going to get laid by a Mexican. ac_biggrin

That's a good one.. Probably heard this one before.

What's the slowest thing in the world. A Mexican funeral with one set of jumper cables.

Twenty Dollars

Back to reality. How are US workers going to compete with Chinese workers? Will US workers work for less? Just don't see this happening. So how else can these manufacturing jobs come back? I don't care who the unions support. Please someone set me straight and tell me how this will work. How's that wall going get built?

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Herman that doesn't make him right. He will bust every Union in the land. Why don't you see this. A Chinese person paid a lot less can make it for a lot less than a worker in California, New York, Ohio. How in the fuck can American worker compete? There is no way, unless wages are cut drastically. Almost all goods come from Asia. My  bloody surf trunks I wear with Merican logos come from China. I have an epoxy surfboard make in China. Herman you are in denial. It just doesn't work out mathematically. He will pummel the working person. Herman he can't bring jobs home like he says.

There is no point in discussing this when you obviously have not read either of their platforms. It is Hillary not Trump that has policies that unions oppose.

Take everything TD says reverse it and then it is closer to reality. :laugh3:

Please set me straight. How is all this bullshit going to work?


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Back to reality. How are US workers going to compete with Chinese workers? Will US workers work for less? Just don't see this happening. So how else can these manufacturing jobs come back? I don't care who the unions support. Please someone set me straight and tell me how this will work. How's that wall going get built?

One remedy might be the creation of a transnational labor code.

If they have laws for cases of international child custody and abduction, why not for labor standards as well?

So...corporations exporting jobs would be taxed for every job they send overseas and they would also pay for every worker they lay off due to outsourcing. In addition, they would not only pay exit fees from the nation they depart, they would pay entrance fees to the workers where they are setting up shop. And they would also be required to pay a fair living wage according to the purchasing power in those countries too.

So, they get hit twice in the pocketbook. One for leaving and one for entering. The reason many of these sleazy corporations get away with what they're doing is that the general population is too dumb and unaware to speak out against them. Apple computers is one of the biggest abusers of outsourced labor, and successive presidential administrations let them get away with what is essentially highway robbery. Many workers in China toil 12 hour days at meagre wages which has allowed Apple to become the biggest hitech company in the world. This isn't fair to the American worker nor companies such as GM and Ford which pay their workers a living wage with benefits.

So we definitely need a transnational labor code. If they're gonna shove TPP down our throats then the American and Canadian public should also demand new transnational labor laws which all trading nations should be signatories of. Right now, the corporations are getting away with highway robbery which is of course squeezing the Western worker and the Middle Class.

If all nations had to play on a level playing field with regards to labor and working condtions, there wouldn't be so much outsourcing. But we allow them to get away with what they do, so they abuse their power and the governments pony up to them and offer few or no protection for the workers in their own countries.


"Some" countries don't play by the book, even if they sign it. In vast lands, enforcement is a bad joke. China comes to mind.

I know you put a lot into it and it's a pretty theory.

Sorry, it won't even get a start let alone actually work

Only tariffs and "real" rules for Western American companies trying to operate from overseas will keep our people working real jobs
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Twenty Dollars

Tariffs are another layer of taxation. I need to understand what you're saying. If it comes from over seas assess a tax/tariff to it. If N. Americans manufacture the same at current level of wage. The price of that product just went up 30%. Either way, its more expensive. Cheap labor right or wrong is the key. To me there is only one answer to this. US workers will have to work for less.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Back to reality. How are US workers going to compete with Chinese workers? Will US workers work for less? Just don't see this happening. So how else can these manufacturing jobs come back? I don't care who the unions support. Please someone set me straight and tell me how this will work. How's that wall going get built?

They are right. You don't "get it"

Think tariffs Mon' Amie. And also think "real money", not China's temporary "funny money" game  that makes it work only for THEM ... and only for a while

Yes, producing our goods here it will cost consumers more for goods. Selling our souls for cheap goods is not working. Our true  economies are being crushed sending country debt off the charts. That chicken will come home to roost, and soon. If not fixed quick, and when further compounded by interest rates increasing back toward  normal,  the entire  silly game ends with a crash.

I'll gladly pay a lot more for goods if it keeps our people working  ... and most important,  gives us a "real" economy  and decreasing debt .. keeping buckeroos here and gaining from taxes on resident goods producers and from a greatly increased number of "real" workers  being paid "real" wages which they are not today in our phony upside-down  ... sell our souls  ... "cheap goods" economy

Improved economic prosperity always works out best for any country ... just ask China, eh?  :wink:

 if you can't afford new shorts and boards in a real world that functions as it should, tough. Pay your share or  get a job in a prosperous economy ... or do without ... or repair .... like a big boy ... your choice.

and that doesn't even address the gross "funny money" game  played by China to keep it going .... to keep suckers buying ... for a while ... until it all comes crashing down on it ... and on us with no more goods at all let alone cheap goods. Knowingly allowing them to play that  "funny money" game  is immoral, unethical  and should be criminal. Pay up or suffer the irreversible consequences of this silly ..  greedy  .. but deadly short term  game
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Twenty Dollars

So making Merica great again WILL cost more, but your description of how CC wishes it could be  sounds more like Econ in Disneyland. Like most households, most goods in our homes came from China. You really didn't answer my question or set me straight. Howz Merica gonna be great again? I didn't say I couldn't afford my toys. Merely pointing out that everything manufactured comes from China. I do believe the US would welcome manufacturing jobs back. Wages will need to be less and the public will pay more. One more thing a tariff is a tax. I live in a country where almost everything is imported, and taxed. Bad for this small economy and the bad for its citizens. It opens the door for corruption and degradation. Coming soon to To Merica as it seems.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"So making Merica great again WILL cost more, but your description of how CC wishes it could be  sounds more like Econ in Disneyland. Like most households, most goods in our homes came from China. You really didn't answer my question or set me straight. Howz Merica gonna be great again? I didn't say I couldn't afford my toys. Merely pointing out that everything manufactured comes from China. I do believe the US would welcome manufacturing jobs back. Wages will need to be less and the public will pay more. One more thing a tariff is a tax. I live in a country where almost everything is imported, and taxed. Bad for this small economy and the bad for its citizens. It opens the door for corruption and degradation. Coming soon to To Merica as it seems.

Where do you live???
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone

Twenty Dollars

Grew up in the SF Bay Area. Living n Costa Rica for the last 12 years.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Grew up in the SF Bay Area. Living n Costa Rica for the last 12 years.

Why do you live there?
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone

Twenty Dollars