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Re: Forum gossip thread by Dove

At Least 50 Dead In Gay Nightclub Attack in Orlando By Muslim Gunman

Started by Anonymous, June 12, 2016, 11:24:31 AM

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Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I want to ad that just because I have doubts about far reaching gun control's effectiveness to stop terror, I am more uneasy about discriminatory immigration or even worse, discrimination against Muslim citizens.

You get "uneasy" if you want. But, as long as countries keep treating the symptoms rather than the disease of Muslim terror count on more Paris, Brussels and Orlando attacks.

So what about the "symptom" of the other 136 mass shootings this year in the US carried out by non-Muslims that have killed more than 50 people?
Beware of Gaslighters!


I suspect once you get past the NRA talking points and anti-Muslim rhetoric arguments are going to start falling short.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Tell me Herman...

If responsible gun owners shouldn't be punished for the actions of fanatics, why should decent, peace loving Muslims be punished for fanatics?

Peace loving Muslims. ac_lmfao

They are the same as peace loving nazis and skinheads too.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Tell me Herman...

If responsible gun owners shouldn't be punished for the actions of fanatics, why should decent, peace loving Muslims be punished for fanatics?

Peace loving Muslims. ac_lmfao

They are the same as peace loving nazis and skinheads too.

I'm starting to think you might be touched.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Tell me Herman...

If responsible gun owners shouldn't be punished for the actions of fanatics, why should decent, peace loving Muslims be punished for fanatics?

Peace loving Muslims. ac_lmfao

They are the same as peace loving nazis and skinheads too.

I'm starting to think you might be touched.

RW, I am just a farm boy who has have lived long enough in Muslim lands to know that would that what the Czech president said is correct. The West will never integrate an ideology that wants us dead. Expect more Paris and Orlando attacks as the Muslim population increases and their networks in the West grow.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Tell me Herman...

If responsible gun owners shouldn't be punished for the actions of fanatics, why should decent, peace loving Muslims be punished for fanatics?

Peace loving Muslims. ac_lmfao

They are the same as peace loving nazis and skinheads too.

I'm starting to think you might be touched.

RW, I am just a farm boy who has have lived long enough in Muslim lands to know that would that what the Czech president said is correct. The West will never integrate an ideology that wants us dead. Expect more Paris and Orlando attacks as the Muslim population increases and their networks in the West grow.

You have yet to address any of my questions nor do I think you are capable of doing so.

In the US and Canada, you have a higher chance of being murdered by a Christian.  Why don't we ban them?

Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Tell me Herman...

If responsible gun owners shouldn't be punished for the actions of fanatics, why should decent, peace loving Muslims be punished for fanatics?

Peace loving Muslims. ac_lmfao

They are the same as peace loving nazis and skinheads too.

I'm starting to think you might be touched.

RW, I am just a farm boy who has have lived long enough in Muslim lands to know that would that what the Czech president said is correct. The West will never integrate an ideology that wants us dead. Expect more Paris and Orlando attacks as the Muslim population increases and their networks in the West grow.

You have yet to address any of my questions nor do I think you are capable of doing so.

In the US and Canada, you have a higher chance of being murdered by a Christian.  Why don't we ban them?


Everything has been addressed RW, but you are not listening. You have been reduced to putting words in people's mouths, because just like every other Western liberal you refuse to accept that the only proven way to stop the increasing Islamic attacks is to attack Islam instead of things like guns, discrimination, and so on. Until we get serious about this expect more deaths.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Tell me Herman...

If responsible gun owners shouldn't be punished for the actions of fanatics, why should decent, peace loving Muslims be punished for fanatics?

Peace loving Muslims. ac_lmfao

They are the same as peace loving nazis and skinheads too.

I'm starting to think you might be touched.

RW, I am just a farm boy who has have lived long enough in Muslim lands to know that would that what the Czech president said is correct. The West will never integrate an ideology that wants us dead. Expect more Paris and Orlando attacks as the Muslim population increases and their networks in the West grow.

You have yet to address any of my questions nor do I think you are capable of doing so.

In the US and Canada, you have a higher chance of being murdered by a Christian.  Why don't we ban them?


Everything has been addressed RW, but you are not listening. You have been reduced to putting words in people's mouths, because just like every other Western liberal you refuse to accept that the only proven way to stop the increasing Islamic attacks is to attack Islam instead of things like guns, discrimination, and so on. Until we get serious about this expect more deaths.

You have yet to explain to me why we have more Muslims per capita than the other countries mentioned yet fewer terrorist attacks.  Don't worry.  I won't hold my breath waiting for you to try to explain it.

I accept this was yet another mass shooting and not a terrorist attack any more than any of the other shootings carried out by white people were.

Until the US does something about it's gun laws and culture, the death toll will continues to rise.

Please remove your head from your ass to address the ACTUAL problem here. HINT: It's NOT Islam.
Beware of Gaslighters!


If you had lived in Belgium or France you could have said exactly the hollow  same words a year ago. Prolly lots did. .. (noting also that we do not have a large per capita)

not to mention the obvious ..., that we are a little pipsqueak country and thus not as high on islam's radar .. . although that could be said to a degree for Belgium and France not long ago

and clearly it is "merely starting" ... they have only seen tip o the sand dune so to speak

Today, literally .. The attempts to kill outside of the US continue

Three suspects face charges after major anti-terror raid in Belgium

Belgian authorities have charged three men with terrorism offences, including attempting to commit murder, following a huge overnight operation.

Nine other people who had also been arrested have been released by the investigating judge, the federal prosecutor's office said.

{NOTE: Total today = 12 islamc wannabe nail bombers / possibly shooters also. Fortunately they got "nailed" themselves in advance of what they were trying to do}

Searches were conducted overnight in 16 municipalities, mainly around Brussels, with checks on 152 lock-up garages.

On 22 March, bombs killed 32 people at a Brussels airport and a metro station.

The three men charged on Saturday were named as Samir C, aged 27; Moustapha B, 40; and Jawad B, 29. ... {not teenyboppers}

The charges they face include attempting to commit murder through terrorism and participating in a terrorist group.">BBC - They can't even have a soccer tournament without islam preparing nail bombs etc for them ffs ... and having to spend millions on security to protect from islamics

I've had it - this utter bullshit direction will NOT run 320 pages  ac_smile
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Last Wednesday alone saw three different Islamist incidents in the US involving law enforcement.

1.">Reuters - Kosovar man pleads guilty in U.S. to helping Islamic State

2.">Turkish actor in US admits selling nuclear technology material to Iran

3.">Man Threatens Death on Those Who Refuse to Accept Copies of the Quran: Police

Not one had a damned thing to do with guns

Oh, and I don't like big guns ... and I don't like easy gun laws ... like as though that will register this 6th time
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


No. We have a shotgun  but  are against easy gun laws .. .and especially when easy on large caliber

"Enthusiast", no
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"So AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN I ask - WHY do we allow a supremacist ideology to exist in the West?




Islam needs to be outlawed outside The Middle East, and then let God sort them out.  :8brw3y9:">


Quote from: "cc la femme"Last Wednesday alone saw three different Islamist incidents in the US involving law enforcement.

1.">Reuters - Kosovar man pleads guilty in U.S. to helping Islamic State

2.">Turkish actor in US admits selling nuclear technology material to Iran

3.">Man Threatens Death on Those Who Refuse to Accept Copies of the Quran: Police

Not one had a damned thing to do with guns

Oh, and I don't like big guns ... and I don't like easy gun laws ... like as though that will register this 6th time

Yes yes cc.  I'm aware of Islam's issues on the world stage.  I'm aware you can point to Islam's evil plots at any given time.  That doesn't change the bullshit points being made in these threads about this mass shooting.  Banning Muslims from America won't do much to solve the problem of AMERICANS (which this guy was) shooting up their country.  That you can see in the reports and statistics on mass shootings in America.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Today I went to my local gun store (US Guns, 9063 SW Barbur Blvd.) to ask about AR-15 guns. I didn't go in to berate, but to try to understand why a store would sell such weapons. The two young guys in the store were understandably jittery but tried to answer my questions.

ME: I'm trying to learn more about the AR-15 and why an ordinary citizen would want one. I already know that the AR does not stand for "assault rifle" or "automatic rifle" but for ArmaLite, the company that developed it.

CLERK at US Guns: Most people use them to shoot cans and stuff.

ME: You'd have to be a very bad shot to need that kind of gun to shoot cans. I did just fine with my BB gun and my dad's 30-06 deer hunting rifle. I didn't need 45 rounds per minute.

CLERK #2: They are good for shooting coyotes and ground hogs because those little suckers really move fast.

ME: It seems that the AR rifles are nearly all you have here, except for the hand guns.

CLERK: Yes, they are our most popular.

ME: But surely everyone isn't buying them to hunt coyotes, ground hogs, and tin cans.

CLERK #2: They are good for wild pigs in Texas. They're a real problem in some parts there.

ME: But we don't have wild pigs in Portland. Why do people in Portland buy these types of guns?

CLERK: Well, some are for protecting their families and property.

ME: Protecting them from whom?

CLERK: I don't know, that's just what they say.

ME: Have you ever had someone you love killed by a gun, and I don't mean while hunting rabbits?


ME: I have. You are young, and the older you get the more likely you are to lose a loved one. Whether you think they are killed by a gun or a person you will discover they are dead. What would happen if you stopped selling AR rifles?

BOTH CLERKS: We'd be out of business.

ME: So it's about the money.

CLERK: Yeah.

ME: I ask you to reconsider and to stop selling these guns. Thank you.

And I left. But wait, there's more:

Part II

As I headed to my car I was approached by a guy who was in the store and followed me out.

GUY: They are lying. They sell the guns to people to protect themselves when "they" come?

ME: Who is "they," zombies?

GUY: Yeah, that and all the others who might try to steal your food after an earthquake or take your guns or imprison your family members.

ME: Is that something that really concerns you?

GUY: Yeah, with the way the country has been going the last 7 years. . .

ME: You mean since we got a black president?

GUY: Well, not just that but look at all the Muslims and immigrants streaming across the border to get us. I have six ARs, and plenty of ammunition.

ME: But you can only shoot one gun at a time.

GUY: But I bet I feel lots safer than you do.

ME: No, I'm not afraid of hoards of zombies, Blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims coming after me and my family. I'm more afraid of going out dancing, or to church, or the movies, or school.

GUY: Nah, those are pretty safe places.

I drove away proud that I hadn't screamed at anyone, but just asked questions, hoping I would learn something. I did, and it made me cry a bit as I drove home.

I thought of my friend John, a husband and father, who was depressed about school and couldn't buy beer in Utah because it was Sunday, so he bought a gun and shot himself.

I thought of my daughter, who wanted to clean the carpets but was turned away because she was wasn't old enough to rent a Rug Doctor. But she was old enough to have bought a gun if she wanted.

There is something very wrong here and the only way it will get fixed is if we all get off our butts and do something about it. Everyone start by finding your neighborhood gun store and go in and ask questions. Challenge them a bit to think about it and to come clean with the real reasons for these guns. It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. It has to do with the money they make from paranoid people, made even more paranoid by the NRA. We all have a gun story. Tell them your story and ask them to stop selling AR guns. They probably won't, but you will have made them think about it.
Beware of Gaslighters!