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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

At Least 50 Dead In Gay Nightclub Attack in Orlando By Muslim Gunman

Started by Anonymous, June 12, 2016, 11:24:31 AM

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Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW""This type of weapon has become the weapon of choice for gunmen in mass shootings, including those in San Bernardino, Newtown and Aurora," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This is not a weapon needed for hunting or self-defense. It is a weapon of war that can kill large numbers of people in close quarters."

There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.

Wrong....Diane Feinstein is an idiot.....a known rabid anti-gun loon with a history of making sensational and false statements so she can push her agenda. Do you know that she has a concealed carry permit but she is vehemently against the private citizens of her state having the same privilege? She an elitist leftwing pig who thinks her life is worth more than the unwashed masses. Anything that corpse had to say on this subject is worthless.

As for what Mel is saying.....he is pretty much correct in saying the the .223 is a light round. Its a common varmint cartridge used for ground hogs, coyotes and such. As for your assertion that a semi-auto is a weapon of war... :laugh3:  That may have been true in 1950 but that statement is just sensationalist bunk plucked right out of the anti-gun propaganda playbook. Semi-auto weapons haven't been considered weapons of war for over half a century. At one time a fucking Brown Bess muzzle loader was considered a state of the art weapon of war, FFS.  :001_rolleyes:

These types of paramilitary weapons are no more deadly than any common semi-auto deer rifle that is equipped with a detachable magazine. In fact many of this types of rifles (the AR and its variants) are commonly used by competition target shooters and as hunting rifles for game such as ferral hogs.

What you are doing is parroting lies that are fed to you by those with a political agenda. Its all bullshit that uses fear to achieve a political objective so just stop.

Typical Renee.  Everyone who says anything against guns is *insert insult here*.  I said NOTHING about "guns of war" or whatever other shit you've gone on a rant about.

It's my understanding, and feel free to correct me, but certain assault weapons and high magazine clips were at one point banned in the US under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 and still are under certain jurisdictions.  Were you precious "responsible" gun owners hard done by in these restrictions?  Were they unreasonable to you in the name of your paranoid self defense?

You tell me to "just stop" while counting body bags in your country. I don't need media or any other source to tell me how fucked up your gun toting culture is.  You live in fear and paranoia which promotes you having a fucking gun in the first place.  


No you wake up.....your typical hysterics on this subject says it all.

Ignore the facts and scream about "body bags" and blood in the streets and all that emotional shit people like you enjoy grandstanding on. You do realize that mass shootings account for less than 1% of violent crime in the US, don't you?...... Every hear of a thing called "priorities".

Everytime something like this happens emotions overflow and the climate becomes ripe for the political wolves to take advantage of the sheep. People like you are counted on to freak out and sell their souls for a small amount of percieved safety.

If you want to go bum up for that sake of a political agenda; if you think that's the right thing to do, be my guest, go right ahead and do it. But don't expect rational clearheaded people to just give up their rights along with you.

You talk about "fear" and "paranoia" being the only reason for owning a gun, well sweetheart, I got news for you, it's fear and paranoia that makes the argument for banning so-called evil "assault weapons".

BTW, under the 1994 assault weapons ban, large capacity mags were banned. BUT the existing stock of mags (millions) that held 10 or more were grandfathered and still legal to own or purchase. The only thing the ban did was drive up the cost of the existing hi-capacity mags. So much for logic prevailing in that situation. Much like ALL arguments for gun was all bullshit, smoke and mirrors.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

Twenty Dollars">

I bet you own a shovel. Time to get real about the other part.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Sorry not wrong. Google AK47 and the characteristics of the ammo it shoots.

I apologize. I basically post on my phone. The link I was looking at had to do with AK47s The link stated, The 7.62 X 33mm round produces significant wounding in cases where the bullet yaws or tumbles.  I thought this was typical for all assault weapons?
No worries...

I once posted a picture of a rock, called it an assault weapon. A pic of a wheelbarrow full of rocks I called a clip. If I throw a rock and hit someone, use a bat, my fist or other object to hit someone I will be charged with assault. Defining "assault weapon's" as only fully automatic firearms is ridiculous. You can be charged with assault throwing liquids on someone. If I am not mistaken someone could be charged for assault for throwing words.  

Firearms are designed to kill. No doubt. Many bullets are designed to do the most damage. The exception being some that may be designed for accuracy in competitive shooting. A person does not have to be a lunatic or gun nut to enjoy going to the range and target shooting. Lots of variables to make it an interesting hobby. Been working on, shooting, and reloading most of my life. I enjoy it and have no thoughts of using them against a fellow human being except in the case self or family defense.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Sorry not wrong. Google AK47 and the characteristics of the ammo it shoots.

I apologize. I basically post on my phone. The link I was looking at had to do with AK47s The link stated, The 7.62 X 33mm round produces significant wounding in cases where the bullet yaws or tumbles.  I thought this was typical for all assault weapons?
No worries...

I once posted a picture of a rock, called it an assault weapon. A pic of a wheelbarrow full of rocks I called a clip. If I throw a rock and hit someone, use a bat, my fist or other object to hit someone I will be charged with assault. Defining "assault weapon's" as only fully automatic firearms is ridiculous. You can be charged with assault throwing liquids on someone. If I am not mistaken someone could be charged for assault for throwing words.  

Firearms are designed to kill. No doubt. Many bullets are designed to do the most damage. The exception being some that may be designed for accuracy in competitive shooting. A person does not have to be a lunatic or gun nut to enjoy going to the range and target shooting. Lots of variables to make it an interesting hobby. Been working on, shooting, and reloading most of my life. I enjoy it and have no thoughts of using them against a fellow human being except in the case self or family defense.

Sounds like a cool hobby. I just don't see why folks want to own assault weapons with huge clips? I don't know? Fun to shoot at a range? Must cost a fortune for ammo?


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Sounds like a cool hobby. I just don't see why folks want to own assault weapons with huge clips? I don't know? Fun to shoot at a range? Must cost a fortune for ammo?

It is. I will be honest, every now and then it's fun just rapid firing a semi auto, and a 10 round or more clip is cool but it is expensive to do that all the time. I have never shot a full auto. I figure if I did I would probably feel like once was enough. Otherwise I have no use for one. A lot of my enjoyment is getting a new bullet design or powder and trying different "loads" to find the most accurate. I do enjoy hunting, primarily for the meat. I love venison. I don't go out and kill things just to kill. And again to me, any firearm is an assault weapon simply for the fact it can be pointed at anyone and the trigger pulled. I won't draw that line.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....

No matter how you try to twist it, hand gun ownership in the US is generally used to "defend and protect".  Statistically speaking, you'll never use your gun for that purpose but you have one nonetheless.  Why?  Fear.

You sit there throwing shit at the wall while making the point that the "anti-gun" lobby uses fear to disarm America when you are armed out of fear.  The difference is, what does the "anti-gun" lobby benefit from your fear vs the "pro-gun" lobby benefit?  I don't need any source to help follow the obvious money trail.

I know why you own a shovel.  I know what a shovel is used for just as I know what a handgun is used for.  I also know why you, and so many others own one.  You can play word games as much as you like but the paranoia is still palpitable.  With that fear comes the increased risk of victimization.  Why are you okay with that is beyond me.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Sounds like a cool hobby. I just don't see why folks want to own assault weapons with huge clips? I don't know? Fun to shoot at a range? Must cost a fortune for ammo?

It is. I will be honest, every now and then it's fun just rapid firing a semi auto, and a 10 round or more clip is cool but it is expensive to do that all the time. I have never shot a full auto. I figure if I did I would probably feel like once was enough. Otherwise I have no use for one. A lot of my enjoyment is getting a new bullet design or powder and trying different "loads" to find the most accurate. I do enjoy hunting, primarily for the meat. I love venison. I don't go out and kill things just to kill. And again to me, any firearm is an assault weapon simply for the fact it can be pointed at anyone and the trigger pulled. I won't draw that line.

Having a weapon to go hunting makes sense.  You're procuring food.  It's done generally with a gun designed to shoot animals unlike handguns which are designed to shoot humans.

As for shooting for entertainment, there's a great number of other things you could do if you weren't able to unload a clip on a target.  Am I right?
Beware of Gaslighters!


I think its OK for a citizen to own a small handgun - preferably one of those 'smartguns' which can only be fired by the owner. I understand that there are many situations though well meaning, where the police can't get to the scene of the crime fast enough to help the victim. We've had cases in Vancouver, Canada & its suburbs where the assailant kicked down the door of a house and then killed its inhabitants. So in some cases, guns can save lives.

But I still don't understand the logic of owning a large rifle or semiautomatic gun for self-defense. By the time you've mounted the rifle, the assailant could have attacked taking the victim down.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....


Quote from: "JOE"I think its OK for a citizen to own a small handgun - preferably one of those 'smartguns' which can only be fired by the owner. I understand that there are many situations though well meaning, where the police can't get to the scene of the crime fast enough to help the victim. We've had cases in Vancouver, Canada & its suburbs where the assailant kicked down the door of a house and then killed its inhabitants. So in some cases, guns can save lives.

But I still don't understand the logic of owning a large rifle or semiautomatic gun for self-defense. By the time you've mounted the rifle, the assailant could have attacked taking the victim down.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....

There are these pesky things called statistics that say more gun owners fall victim to their own firearms than are used successfully for defense.

Isn't that weird?
Beware of Gaslighters!


The Orlando shooter ranted about the "filthy ways of the West" on Facebook."> ... arges.html">


Quote from: "RW"
Having a weapon to go hunting makes sense.  You're procuring food.  It's done generally with a gun designed to shoot animals unlike handguns which are designed to shoot humans.

As for shooting for entertainment, there's a great number of other things you could do if you weren't able to unload a clip on a target.  Am I right?

Sure, but I have and do go to the range and I enjoy it and you can call it nitpicking if you want but I don't unload a clip at a target. I load and shoot one bullet at a time. I agree there should be stricter controls on who is allowed to purchase a weapon. But why has it become so glorified to own military style weapons? I am not awestruck by them but it seems so many are.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "RW"
There are these pesky things called statistics that say more gun owners fall victim to their own firearms than are used successfully for defense.

Isn't that weird?

Nope...can't cure stupid....
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


I was thinking more along the lines of a 'smartgun' where the device can only be fired by its owner. So that if anyone else got hold of it, it'd be useless, unusable.">

Again, I'm only interested in guns as offering a means of self defense, not as an attack weapon. I think there are strong arguments to ban assault weapons altogether, because they don't actually defend, their purpose is to kill/murder people. Only the police/military should have access to them.

Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "JOE"I think its OK for a citizen to own a small handgun - preferably one of those 'smartguns' which can only be fired by the owner. I understand that there are many situations though well meaning, where the police can't get to the scene of the crime fast enough to help the victim. We've had cases in Vancouver, Canada & its suburbs where the assailant kicked down the door of a house and then killed its inhabitants. So in some cases, guns can save lives.

But I still don't understand the logic of owning a large rifle or semiautomatic gun for self-defense. By the time you've mounted the rifle, the assailant could have attacked taking the victim down.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....

There are these pesky things called statistics that say more gun owners fall victim to their own firearms than are used successfully for defense.

Isn't that weird?