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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Your "Sex Talk"

Started by RW, July 30, 2015, 01:53:01 PM

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My mom said, "I was talking to a lady at work and her daughter lost her virginity and she regretted it." That was it.

What was yours like?
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"My mom said, "I was talking to a lady at work and her daughter lost her virginity and she regretted it." That was it.

What was yours like?

That's more than I got.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"My mom said, "I was talking to a lady at work and her daughter lost her virginity and she regretted it." That was it.

What was yours like?

That's more than I got.

What did you get?
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"My mom said, "I was talking to a lady at work and her daughter lost her virginity and she regretted it." That was it.

What was yours like?

That's more than I got.

What did you get?



My Mom "go talk to your Dad"

My Dad "No glove no love Son, Dont hit women, go get me a beer"



"A baby would ruin your early life when you're meant to be learning about yourself and exploring the world. Don't have sex unless you can handle that possibility."

That was pretty much it. I didn't have the heart to mention to them that blowjobs, handjobs, and alternative sexual acts were still completely safe.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna""A baby would ruin your early life when you're meant to be learning about yourself and exploring the world. Don't have sex unless you can handle that possibility."

That was pretty much it. I didn't have the heart to mention to them that blowjobs, handjobs, and alternative sexual acts were still completely safe.

Not when the husbands come home  ac_biggrin

Bad memories  :oeudC:


Quote from: "Keeper"My Mom "go talk to your Dad"

My Dad "No glove no love Son, Dont hit women, go get me a beer"


That's typical.


What the he'll do you people expect? Learning about sex from your parents is embarrassing and disgusting.

Learn about it in the street like everyone else.


In the early 80's we had sex ed but it was mostly about the reproductive system and only a bit about how it happens. I was 12  I think and I totally understood. My parents didn't have the talk with us and we never asked, just seemed awkward. When I was 16 and had sex for the first time, I was very happy and thankful my boyfriend wanted to use a condom  ac_biggrin  lol With my kids, I made a point of talking with them about sex and diseases and pregnancy etc because their school system sucked in sex education.
Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.  ~ Anonymous


"Mom, how do I know when I've had a wet dream?"

"Ask your Father."

"Dad, how would I know if I had a wet dream?"

"Ask your Mother"

My parents were separated at this time. I did have sex ed in high school. It was very educational, especially when it came to condoms, HIV, and pregnancy.

So to continue the back and forth with my parents about S-E-X, a few weeks later, my Mother bought a book for me and left it on my bed. It was called "The What's Happening to my Body Book For Boys."

This book was a hoot, to say the least. It read like it was written by Catholic nuns who watched Porky's 3 on Cinemax and got emotionally scarred for life from it.

So my Father finally bit the bullet after a phone call with my Mother, and I got the run down on how guys produce sperm. That was pretty much it until sex ed during sophomore year.

Oh, I saw my first pornographic video at about 12, and I had seen adult magazines at around 9-10. In later years, I coaxed my Father into buying me magazines, and I actually subscribed to a crappy adult mag called Gallery at 16. I filled out one of the post cards from an issue I found in an alley and got my Mom to write a check, and they promptly started sending me monthly issues sealed in plastic with a brown insert around the cover to keep the nude pictures concealed.

This was in the mid 80s, so it was far before i had Internet access.



I was raised in a Christian home and attended Christian school..

We had relationship education, but the subject of sex was limited to it's a gift from God and reserved for marriage..

But, we did discuss sexually transmitted diseases..

I have discussed issues of how her body and thoughts are changing with my daughter who is now fifteen..

The internet has changed everything so much since I was her age.


Fash, have you considered the HPV vaccine for your youngsters? I'm not implying that they will be sleeping around but you just never know. It only takes one time. A male not knowing he is a carrier of the virus will give it to a female if they have unprotected intercourse. This HPV virus can then cause cervical cancer for the female.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]

smell the glove

I received nothing from my parents, since they were pretty well both incompetent at raising kids.

No direction on really anything at all.

Oh well...  They made up for it with the price I got for recently selling their house.