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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Miscellaneous Thread Derailment

Started by Twenty Dollars, July 06, 2016, 04:59:44 PM

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Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Really interested to see how this shakes out. Know that all mericans want it cheaper. Tells me a compromise will be made. The alternative will add big time to the price of making Merica great again. No kisses first.

Is this you, $20?">

If I looked like this old fat sap, I'd do myself in. He's pickled most of the time. I make a sensible post and the kiss asses change it or move it. Real classy. Do you see anything wrong with the post I made? Different points of view here are like the Black Death. Right Herman?


No point of view was changed. A spelling error was corrected. Just trying to help out. Didn't want folks making fun of you. We know how upset you get when that happens. At least you have finally accepted the nationality term American. Baby steps.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars" He's pickled most of the time.

We sliced up some red onions and put them in the juice left over from pickled jalapenos. Quite tasty.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "Herman"

The pictures you have posted are of an unrootable whale.

Yeah... sorry I'm not a 13 yr old alter boy for you Mighty Kong.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Oberon"

Overstays enter the country legally, but fail to leave in accordance with their entry permit. We know who they are.

They must possess this thing called a "passport".

And you don't have the man power to round them all up and ship them back home...

I KNOW they LEGALLY enter the country... that's the whole point... we're talking about OVER STAYING a visa and it is against the law to overstay a visa.

No, we are not. The thread title is sanctuary cities for illegal aliens not tourists overstaying visas.

I have a good idea... lets talk about that pot belly of yours. The subject you're trying to avoid...

Still not picture?

The pictures you have posted are of an unrootable whale.

The hornier you get, the prettier women look..">

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Oberon"

Overstays enter the country legally, but fail to leave in accordance with their entry permit. We know who they are.

They must possess this thing called a "passport".

And you don't have the man power to round them all up and ship them back home...

I KNOW they LEGALLY enter the country... that's the whole point... we're talking about OVER STAYING a visa and it is against the law to overstay a visa.

No, we are not. The thread title is sanctuary cities for illegal aliens not tourists overstaying visas.

I have a good idea... lets talk about that pot belly of yours. The subject you're trying to avoid...

Still not picture?

The pictures you have posted are of an unrootable whale.

As if your some hot piece of ass Herman.


Hermans asian wife does not want him sexually... She is only after his status and money..

Whatever status and money that moonshine soaked dwarf has to offer...


Quote from: "kiebers"No point of view was changed. A spelling error was corrected. Just trying to help out. [size=150]Didn't want folks making fun of you. We know how upset you get when that happens. [/size]At least you have finally accepted the nationality term American. Baby steps.

Oh you don't know the half of it  :laugh:

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"I've held a position for some time now that western democracies are heading for a crisis, and the trigger for that crisis would occur in the US, as perhaps the epicentre of the failure of democracy; a complex, divided and manipulated nation upon which the flaws of our system of government would first manifest themselves.

Its possible to accept that the trigger point arrived, with the election of Trump. Not because of who Trump is, but who he isn't. He's not one of "them"; the political class and their elitist cheer squad.

Since that election, it is clear that people the world over have been galvanised in their rejection of the political status quo; a political class, heavily influence and exploited by the Left which is utterly disconnected from the general population.

Here in Australia, political debate has suddenly become more strident, more urgent and far more confrontational. Awoken from their stupor of apathy and resignation, the middle and working classes are now defying the Government and politicians, as well as the media, special interest groups and the bureaucracy. There is a growing sense of resistance and fighting back against the political forces that have made a horrid mess of the world we live in.

It is not a stretch to envisage this vocal, social media contained resistance become physical. Others like Trump could well emerge from the shadows to galvanise citizens in other countries to take to the streets, a favourite tactic of the Left, and demand change. To urge and command the politicians to listen, heed and implement true social change (not the Left's perverted idea of 'social change') where power and authority is restored to the people.

The modern world is but a distant cousin to the era which gave rise to democratically elected governments, yet we are still essentially doing what we've always done when it has become redundant, and ignores the changes we've experienced.

A day or so ago, I drove along the main road through the area I grew up in. I noted, as I drove, that the bus stops that I used to use to get around as a kid were still in the same places. Nothing has changed. Yet the districts through which those busses ran were vastly different to what they were 50 years ago. Nobody has bothered to ask "Are those stops in tune with the topographical change that has swept through these suburbs?". No-one has asked if we even need that many stops. It typified to me that we are in a rut; locked in to ways that are not relevant to our world.

And the only difference between a rut and the grave is the depth of the hole.

I don't usually participate in this sub, but the title caught my attention and of course I read your post..

In Taiwan too I can see a cynicism about democracy developing..

Maybe not to the same extent as in Europe because it hasn't been a democracy as long..

People like my father who fought so diligently against Chiang Kai Shek's dictatorship are barely interested in elections here or back in Taiwan..

Something is happening, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

It's called Armageddon dear...

Don't think it will happen. Not in the Americas.

Why not?

America is deeply divided, and heavily armed.

What is to stop a violent uprising?

Sorry, I misunderstood. Your right about Merica. The rest of the Americas is looking forward to the out cum, along with myself. Muy Suerte e total


Is it okay for this poster to use kiebers' photo as his avatar? I stand corrected if that is not kiebers but I believe it is.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Margherita, check.

Bald head, check.

Scraggly beard, check.

Yep its Kiebers.


Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Is it okay for this poster to use kiebers' photo as his avatar? I stand corrected if that is not kiebers but I believe it is.

He is a braindead little prick. Let him play his games. But, all his idiotic bullshit will not be tolerated in this sub.


..Is that kiebers?

All this time I thought it was $20.

Oh well, at least I know what the old man looks like.

Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Is it okay for this poster to use kiebers' photo as his avatar? I stand corrected if that is not kiebers but I believe it is.

Angry White Male


Quote from: "JOE"I know you probably won't listen

Quote from: "JOE"..Is that kiebers?

All this time I thought it was $20.

Oh well, at least I know what the old man looks like.

Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Is it okay for this poster to use kiebers' photo as his avatar? I stand corrected if that is not kiebers but I believe it is.

I suppose it's you that doesn't listen/read/look. I have pics on here as well as VF.

.....oh well
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone

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