Quote from: "Fashionista"Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Quote from: "Renee"Nah he don't pay rent fatty he mooches at his mommas houseQuote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"
For you fatty I suggest the local aquarium
Fat fuck
I suggest you shut your fat cake hole, you syphilis spreading twat. Otherwise I'll have one or two of my cugini show up at your fucking hovel and chop your hands off so that you can't spend your day punching the clown.
Courtesy of being born into NJ. Italian family.ac_biggrin
Whatta you Tonys fucken sister ?? eh ?? Your a fucken Soprano are ya. fucken dago.Your daddy was a fucken cop not a crime figure. Figure...nah you wouldn't know what that is since ya the size of a Goodyear blimp.
You fucken disgusting fat slob.
There's nothing wrong with Renee's appearance GORDY.
Don't tell Gordy that, Fash.
He has no clue and I'd like to keep it that way. But I know what he looks like and it ain't something any women with at least one working eye dreams about.......
I hate to say it but apparently Seoul likes em fugly as shit. No joke.