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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles


Started by Securious, October 07, 2012, 05:25:53 PM

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Silly boy

[size=150]China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho[/size]

Thanks to the trillions of dollars that the Chinese have made flooding our shores with cheap products, China is now in a position of tremendous economic power. So what is China going to do with all of that money? One thing that they have decided to do is to buy up pieces of the United States and set up "special economic zones" inside our country from which they can continue to extend their economic domination. One of these "special economic zones" would be just south of Boise, Idaho and the Idaho government is eager to give it to them. China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach for short) plans to construct a "technology zone" south of Boise Airport which would ultimately be up to 50 square miles in size. The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre "self-sustaining city" that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned "self-sustaining city" in Idaho would include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and large numbers of homes for Chinese workers. Basically it would be a slice of communist China dropped right into the middle of the United States.

According to the Idaho Statesman, the idea would be to build a self-contained city with all services included. It would be modeled after the "special economic zones" that currently exist in China.

Perhaps the most famous of these "special economic zones" is Shenzhen. Back in the 1970s, Shenzhen was just a very small fishing village. Today it is a sprawling metropolis of over 14 million people.

If the Chinese have their way, we will soon be seeing these "special economic zones" pop up all over the United States




 ^ here little one..

From Wikipedia

Sinomach [Type] State Owned Enterprise ..or SOE

Industry manufacturing conglomerate

Founded 1997

Headquarters Beijing, China

Key people Ren Hongbin (Chairman)

Products machinery, automobiles, tractors

Employees 80,000

Website Sinomach site (English)

China National Machinery Industry Corp (Sinomach) is the largest machinery manufacturer in China.

In March 2011, the company acquired McCormick France SAS, a French manufacturer of tractors, as part of strategy for entering the European tractor market.[1]

The company expressed interest in building a 10,000 to 30,000 acre complex of industry, retail, and residential properties in the Boise area. The plan is billed as a collaboration "on the reinvigoration of the American industrial base."[2]

it's not gone away pink'boy..only in your mind

Gary Oak

They are currently buying up large areas of Canadian farmland in the prairies the same way that they are buying million or more dollar houses here in Vancouver and elsewhere in Canada by simply just plunking a miilion dollars down. Do these people even have a job ? Our government must know that the money is dirty and if the money is coming from the Chinese government simply using it's citizens as frontmen and frontwomen to make it legal. If all the land is owned by chinese Candiscams loyal to China then isn't this country theirs ? I believe that the Chinese see it th is way. Another tactic that is being used is buying all the hotels in all the small towns all over Canada.I suspect that the Koreans though they as a rule don't mix with chinese at the lower levels at the higher levels are unitied much like Tibetans had much higher status in China during the Mongol and Manchurian occupations of China. The Tibetans allied themselves with the Mongols and then the Manchurians and then enjoyed being significantly higher class than they chinese subjects. These are also the only two times that Tibet was a part of China, in actuality they were almost rulers over the chinese in these two eras

Gary Oak

Or for China's attempts to buy this country from us


Quote from: "Fashionista"That is shocking Securious.

His videos usually are! And they're usually unfounded.

QuoteA big idea that would transform 300 acres near Milan into a housing development for Chinese immigrants faces some major roadblocks.

A group of Chinese investors who bought property, presold housing units and began making plans to build a housing complex for other Chinese businesspeople said they are rethinking their plans after further researching U.S. immigration rules, an adviser to the group said last week.

Tongqing "Joe" Zhou of North-ville Township, an adviser to Sino Michigan Properties LLC, said, for now, "that project has been stopped."

Sino Michigan Properties representatives have discussed the project with Michigan Economic Development Corp. officials, but it's uncertain that the state would offer any financial assistance to the proposed development.

"We're not actively working on this project," MEDC spokesman Michael Shore said last week.">//

Securious and Gary's fear mongering aside, I do agree that it has been foolish to send manufacturing and jobs over to China only to require its investment in getting manufacturing and jobs back.


Truth is sometimes hard to deal with specially when it rocks ones world from its sleepy state to know that unless something is done re-mediate developments that world will be irrevocably altered. Yes, Gary and I tell the truth and you pink'Boy are worried to the point of distraction as you world is on short shrift. rather than throw mud and sling arrows...look at the evidence. Its obvious to the the average Canadian that we are under invasion. I don't use the word lightly either. The tactics are very sneaky and by stealth they have entered the Canadian domain by the thousands , here do gather as much information as they c an for the purpose of claiming this country. Not satisfied with stealing and hacking literally taking us over. Gary is right on the money and I concur.

Pink'Boy isn't untested in hearing this but rather tries to mock and throw the reader off this trail. He tries maliciously but f ails all the time, providing nothing substantive but relying on personal attacks such as he just made above. Fear is from one who is afraid . I show that pink'Boy here is the one who is afraid and indeed wants denial. I'd go so far as saying cowardly.


I hear that Taiwan is a beautiful country, maybe Fashionista you could post something along those lines.


Quote from: "Securious"Truth is sometimes hard to deal with specially when it rocks ones world from its sleepy state to know that unless something is done re-mediate developments that world will be irrevocably altered. Yes, Gary and I tell the truth and you pink'Boy are worried to the point of distraction as you world is on short shrift. rather than throw mud and sling arrows...look at the evidence. Its obvious to the the average Canadian that we are under invasion. I don't use the word lightly either. The tactics are very sneaky and by stealth they have entered the Canadian domain by the thousands , here do gather as much information as they c an for the purpose of claiming this country. Not satisfied with stealing and hacking literally taking us over. Gary is right on the money and I concur.

Pink'Boy isn't untested in hearing this but rather tries to mock and throw the reader off this trail. He tries maliciously but f ails all the time, providing nothing substantive but relying on personal attacks such as he just made above. Fear is from one who is afraid . I show that pink'Boy here is the one who is afraid and indeed wants denial. I'd go so far as saying cowardly.

We agree that we shouldn't be giving our jobs and resources away to China, and Harper shouldn't be signing trade deals like FIPA. But the truth is, Chinese cities are not being constructed, there is no invasion and we're not being taken over.

"They have entered the Canadian domain by the thousands".

You're talking about decent Chinese Canadian citizens. You sound like some Vancouver yahoo from the early 1900's.

QuoteIn 1907, an anti-immigration rally exploded into violence and vandalism in both Chinatown and Japantown in Vancouver. What began as riots in Bellingham as a movement to drive Punjabi Sikhs out of the lumber industry had eventually spread to white supremacist marches to Vancouver city with demands for a "White Canada."

The riots were not only a landmark in the rise of racism in Canada, they signified the commencement of systematic federal intervention to prohibit Asian immigration to Canada through the imposition of quotas on Japanese emigration, continuous voyage regulations those from India, and the enforcement of laws against the Chinese.

The 1907 Riots were advertised in news reports, and by the time the parade arrived at city hall, a huge crowd had gathered. Crowd estimates vary between four thousand and eight thousand people. As rioters attacked Chinatown, the angry mob eventually turned toward Japantown or Nihon Bachi, around the Powell Street grounds in what is now Oppenheimer Park.">">//


QuoteChairman Harper's Weakness">

The Conservative Party (CP) of Canada will likely ratify a promotion and investment treaty (FIPPA) with the Communist Party (CP) of China any day now. It will do so largely to accelerate the production of bitumen.

Yet China Inc has outplayed and outgunned the Canadian government and its political class. Harper's Conservatives have not only failed to do their due diligence but betrayed their own basic principles (most claim to support free markets and democracy). They've also sold out ordinary Canadians for the dubious prospects of bitumen expansion.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says it's just another trade deal with an emerging economy, and that prosperity hides behind the great dragon's capital investments. But as every Beijing propagandist knows, the best lies are always the biggest ones.

For starters China is not an emerging economy. Nor is it a trading partner like the United States. It is a global economic warrior ruled by one party for 60 years and that totalitarian party is now on an aggressive shopping spree. This is a warrior that avoids the strong and strikes at the weak. And Canada, a nation without firm investment policy or strategy, makes a convenient target.

China's true economic warriors are largely 100 State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) that practice "authoritarian capitalism." These complex organizations perform for China Inc and dutifully obey the dictates of the Party. They don't care about human rights and aren't shy about dealing with unethical rulers or failing states either. They offer little if any transparency. They don't like unions. They control half of China's GDP and grow in strength everyday. Period.

According to Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs this ugly global dragon has increased investment in Canada by 177 per cent between 2007 and 2010. If this expansion continues, (and FIPPA just opens wide the doors) then Chinese capital controlled by the Communist Party could surpass U.S. investment in Canada by as early as 2017.

Chinese capital doesn't play by ordinary markets and certainly won't behave like U.S. dollars. Wherever the Chinese SOEs invest, they largely employ Chinese workers. These companies don't tolerate dissent. They say one thing to the public and do another behind closed doors. Nor do they invest in the local community. They work first and foremost for China Inc.">//

That's the invasion. Not Chinese immigrants. So don't vote for Harper and the Conservatives next time.

Obvious Li

i guess i take the contrarian view, at least to this is now predicted that by 2025 due to technological advances in oil and gas recovery (ie: fracking) developed by Canada, the USA will be or should be self sufficient in energy......this means it is imperative that we develop more markets in which to ship our oil. Those markets will be primarily to China and must be developed quickly and efficiently before middle eastern suppliers who will lose the US market fill China's demand.......this is just simple economics 101. So i say get over it, china is here asking Canada to supply raw materials and we should fall all over ourselves to get a deal done.....the USA under obongo has proven that it does not respect it's friends (canada) and alternative trade destinations MUST be found quickly......forget all this China bashing freer trade with all nations.


China doesnt support Freer Trade, so why should we.


Obama Administration Letting Brazil Bid On Defense Contracts

Project 60, The Global Agenda ?

Project 60: China Buying Idaho?

Posted on June 1, 2011 by admin

The following excerpts are from an article in the Boise (Idaho) Examiner will not make it to the mainstream media. The article details how Idaho's Governor, Butch Otter, has teamed up with the Obama agenda of globalization. This article is most likely just a first peek at what's in our future. You may as well kiss the good 'ole' USA good bye.  Just my opinion....William McCullough

Fifth Column – Definition: a group of people who act traitorously and subversively out of a secret sympathy with an enemy of their

[size=150]Idaho To Be First Chinese State[/size]

Bill Turner – Boise Examiner, May 31, 2011

Governor Butch Otter, in league with....(Barack) Obama, has hatched a plan to make Idaho the first Chinese owned state in America. Otter and company have named this Project 60. Sounds innocent enough, until you realize that Otter and his minions are afraid to call it what it is, globalization of America and surrender of sovereignty. If it were called that someone may want to charge Otter with sedition. Under....Obama it has become increasingly difficult to do business in America, unless you are from a foreign nation. Idaho, under the stewardship of Governor Butch Otter, has opened the door for a Chinese invasion wherein the sovereignty of Idaho and America will be sodomized by all parties involved.

Project 60 takes advantage of a federal program that grants permanent residency to foreign nationals, in this case, Chinese. This program comes with special tax exemptions to the foreign firms moving here. American companies do not get the tax exemptions; So much for the Constitution and equal protection. Idaho is struggling financially and it is widely known that America is broke, so why tax breaks for the Chinese?

China wants to limit its exposure to America's debt. China needs to maintain its trade deficits, so it does not collapse like a house of cards. In order to accomplish this, China must unload currency and excess dollars. Buying Idaho is a good way to accomplish this. But, do not worry, China is looking at buying Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania as well. China will not allow its currency to become stronger, so it must eliminate some of America's IOU's. What better way to do this than buy America?

Top Idaho officials have been traveling to China and entertaining the Chinese here, in order to help facilitate this. Idaho is a resource rich state and the Chinese know it, as does Obama, who keeps snatching Idaho land. Otter, Obama and the attack on business in America paves the way for China to own us. A Chinese firm is building a fertilizer plant in American Falls Idaho. Ironic. China has bought fifty square miles of land south of Boise, thirty thousand acres of Idaho gone to foreign nationals. Governor Otter says this will help reinvigorate our American industrial base. Just how this will do it, since the plants will be staffed with foreign nationals is a question that remains unanswered.


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Securious"Truth is sometimes hard to deal with specially when it rocks ones world from its sleepy state to know that unless something is done re-mediate developments that world will be irrevocably altered. Yes, Gary and I tell the truth and you pink'Boy are worried to the point of distraction as you world is on short shrift. rather than throw mud and sling arrows...look at the evidence. Its obvious to the the average Canadian that we are under invasion. I don't use the word lightly either. The tactics are very sneaky and by stealth they have entered the Canadian domain by the thousands , here do gather as much information as they c an for the purpose of claiming this country. Not satisfied with stealing and hacking literally taking us over. Gary is right on the money and I concur.

Pink'Boy isn't untested in hearing this but rather tries to mock and throw the reader off this trail. He tries maliciously but f ails all the time, providing nothing substantive but relying on personal attacks such as he just made above. Fear is from one who is afraid . I show that pink'Boy here is the one who is afraid and indeed wants denial. I'd go so far as saying cowardly.

We agree that we shouldn't be giving our jobs and resources away to China, and Harper shouldn't be signing trade deals like FIPA. But the truth is, Chinese cities are not being constructed, there is no invasion and we're not being taken over.

"They have entered the Canadian domain by the thousands".

You're talking about decent Chinese Canadian citizens. You sound like some Vancouver yahoo from the early 1900's.

[I sound like a concered BC citizen who cares about our country..S]

Just a little different, however non dare call it war...

QuoteIn 1907, an anti-immigration rally exploded into violence and vandalism in both Chinatown and Japantown in Vancouver. What began as riots in Bellingham as a movement to drive Punjabi Sikhs out of the lumber industry had eventually spread to white supremacist marches to Vancouver city with demands for a "White Canada."

The riots were not only a landmark in the rise of racism in Canada, they signified the commencement of systematic federal intervention to prohibit Asian immigration to Canada through the imposition of quotas on Japanese emigration, continuous voyage regulations those from India, and the enforcement of laws against the Chinese.

The 1907 Riots were advertised in news reports, and by the time the parade arrived at city hall, a huge crowd had gathered. Crowd estimates vary between four thousand and eight thousand people. As rioters attacked Chinatown, the angry mob eventually turned toward Japantown or Nihon Bachi, around the Powell Street grounds in what is now Oppenheimer Park."> ... e_1907.jpg">[/img]">//

Quote: Securious

"Truth is sometimes hard to deal with specially when it rocks ones world from its sleepy state to know that unless something is done re-mediate developments that world will be irrevocably altered. Yes, Gary and I tell the truth and you pink'Boy are worried to the point of distraction as you world is on short shrift. rather than throw mud and sling arrows...look at the evidence. Its obvious to the the average Canadian that we are under invasion. I don't use the word lightly either. The tactics are very sneaky and by stealth they have entered the Canadian domain by the thousands , here to gather as much information as they can for the purpose of claiming this country. Not satisfied with stealing and hacking literally taking us over. Gary is right on the money and I concur.

Pink'Boy isn't untested in hearing this but rather tries to mock and throw the reader off this trail. He tries maliciously but f ails all the time, providing nothing substantive but relying on personal attacks such as he just made above. Fear is from one who is afraid . I show that pink'Boy here is the one who is afraid and indeed wants denial. I'd go so far as saying cowardly."


Quote from: "Securious"Obama Administration Letting Brazil Bid On Defense Contracts

Project 60, The Global Agenda ?

Project 60: China Buying Idaho?

Posted on June 1, 2011 by admin

The following excerpts are from an article in the Boise (Idaho) Examiner will not make it to the mainstream media. The article details how Idaho's Governor, Butch Otter, has teamed up with the Obama agenda of globalization. This article is most likely just a first peek at what's in our future. You may as well kiss the good 'ole' USA good bye.  Just my opinion....William McCullough

Fifth Column – Definition: a group of people who act traitorously and subversively out of a secret sympathy with an enemy of their




A Chinese national company is interested in developing a 10,000- to 30,000-acre technology zone for industry, retail centers and homes south of the Boise Airport. Officials of the China National Machinery Industry Corp. have broached the idea — based on a concept popular in China today — to city and state leaders.They are also interested in helping build and finance a fertilizer plant near American Falls, an idea company officials returned to Idaho this month to pursue.This ambitious, long-term proposal would start with a manufacturing and warehouse zone tied to the airport, and could signify a shift in the economic relationship between the two superpowers — a relationship once defined by U.S. companies like the J.R. Simplot Co., Hewlett-Packard and Morrison-Knudsen that would head to China to build and develop."I think China's coming over here shows they are willing to collaborate on the reinvigoration of the American industrial base," said Jeff Don, CEO of Eagle-based C3, which is acting as an Idaho representative for the Chinese company, called Sinomach for short.Sinomach is just one of an increasing number of companies and investors showing interest in Idaho. Hoku Materials Inc., a subsidiary of a Chinese energy firm, already has 500 people building its $400 million plant to make polysilicon for solar panels in Pocatello. It expects to begin production in 2011, employing 250 people, said Scott Paul, Hoku's president and CEO.China surpassed Japan as the second largest economy in the world in 2010. And in June, Gov. Butch Otter traveled there to tell anyone who would listen that Idaho is open for business.EAST IDAHO PROJECT COULD COME FIRSTSinomach is China's third-largest contractor, with more than $14 billion in sales last year. It has been active in more than 130 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe as general contractor for large infrastructure and building projects.Sinomach executives told Southeast Idaho Energy, which is planning to build a $2 billion fertilizer plant in Power County, they want the contract for engineering, procurement and construction. Their access to financing is their deal sweetener.Southeast Idaho Energy hopes to turn coal into gas to produce nitrogen fertilizer and sulfur. The company expects to hire 700 to 1,000 people during construction with 150 permanent workers.The company also would separate the carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change and ship it to Wyoming, where it can be pumped underground to enhance the extraction of natural gas.While Otter was in Beijing in June, he spoke about the project with Jin Kening, chairman of the China National Chemical Engineering Corp. — a different government-owned company. Don said Chinese national companies do compete with each other, but won't let their own competition get in the way."Whatever makes the deal go forward," Don said.Doug Sayer, president and CEO of Premier Technology, worked with Otter in Beijing to build long-term relationships with China National. His company could bid on some of the work to build the fertilizer plant."Anything we can do to work toward having good industry opportunities for investment is important whether we get a piece of that work," Sayer said.The state's efforts have been critical to the discussions, said Pat Sullivan, a Boise lobbyist who works with Southeast Idaho Energy."One thing these Chinese see is we have a governor here who has a great big open-door policy, and I think that's making a difference in this Sinomach project," he said.AN UNUSUAL IDEA THAT MAY BECOME COMMONSinomach is not looking only at Idaho. The company sent delegations to Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania this year to talk about setting up research and development bases and industrial parks. It has an interest in electric transmission projects and alternative energy as well. The technology zone proposal follows a model of science, technology and industrial parks in China — often fully contained cities with all services included.But Don and other local supporters have recommended fitting the idea into the kind of planned unit development used for local approval here.Sinomach officials met with Boise city and airport officials — including Mayor Dave Bieter — to discuss developing a first phase for the technology zone that would set up a base of operations for Chinese companies doing business in the United States. City officials were cautious, since the idea is at an early stage."We understand they are at a preliminary stage. We are waiting to hear back from them with a proposal for where they want to go from here," said Cece Gassner, assistant to the mayor for economic development.The proposal could get a boost from this year's voter-approved constitutional amendment that allows the airport to borrow money to build facilities that can be leased to companies on a long-term basis. The airport commission also has the authority to grant long-term leases and landing rights to air carriers, including those from China.Sinomach is not the only Asian company looking at Boise, Gassner said."We're getting calls from investors from all across Asia who are interested in Idaho," she said.Idaho's location, only another 45 minutes farther by air than Seattle from Asia, will open many opportunities, state and local officials said. The state's low cost for doing business will help, too.Sinomach is attracted to Idaho, in part, because of the lack of infrastructure here, which means it has more opportunity."Idaho's the last state that should say we don't want to do business with Asia," said Lt. Gov. Brad Little. "Asia's where the money is."Yeh Ling-Ling, executive director of the Alliance for a Sustainable USA, said U.S. businesses should be cautious about making contracts that give Chinese companies the best jobs — though she is more worried about investment programs that encourage immigration, which Idaho also has jumped into this year. "I believe that Idaho or other American companies should first seek investments from America and employ American engineers first," said Ling-Ling, a naturalized citizen from Orinda, Calif., who was born in Vietnam of Chinese parents.Little, who met with Zhang Chun, director general of Sinomach, and other company officials, said he thinks the state and the company are a good fit. But that doesn't mean the state won't stick up for its own interests."We're sure not going to favor a Chinese company over an Idaho company," Little said.Rocky Barker: 377-6484 Copyright 2012 . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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