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Re: Forum gossip thread by DKG


Started by Securious, October 07, 2012, 05:25:53 PM

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BF][size=150]These concerns are all reasonable. The Chinese cannot be trusted, prima facie, to act in any manner other than the one that feeds their self-interest, which is the interest of the Communist regime.[/size]

The largest albeit "temporary economy" [its going down too] can and must be ignored, to do otherwise would be at our peril......S


Quote from: "Shen Li"Lorne Gunter is hardly some anti-oilsands, anti-Alberta asshole that wants to tank the nation's economy. If he expresses reservations about some of these deals, we might be wise to take heed.

I see hes a little nervous Shen. Here is someone who takes heed. Lets all do the same.


we have an envious position in the world simply because we have large oil and gas reserves!!!! We have the power to be the greatest nation on earth if we don't heed the likes of that wise gent, Shen.


when I say great... it's based on how we use that treasure for ourselves first and foremost. To be that desperate that we are giving up our birthrights is simply stupid and reckless for national security. Richard Fadden must be allowed to give his two cents over these Chinese oligarchs. Let the man speak I say, tell all of Canada what he was going to say before being muzzled.


The head of CSIS - Canadian Security Intelligence Service,

revealed details about foreign government espionage

right here on Canadian soil involving Canadian politicians.

Fadden's testimony speaks for itself. During the CBC interview, Fadden also said the agency [CSIS] was in the process of discussing with the Privy Council Office the best way to inform the provinces of concern that there may be a problem. The Prime Minister's Office [Stephen Harper] later issued a statement saying it had "no knowledge of these matters"....

Since that time spy-chief Fadden has seemingly become a "refs unperson" as in Orwell's "1984" where: "People who had incurred the displeasure of the Party simply disappeared and were never heard of again. Their name was removed from the registers. Every record of everything they had ever done was wiped out, their one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. They were abolished, annihilated: vaporized was the usual word. One never had the smallest clue as to what had happened to them. The only real clue lay in the words 'refs unperson', which indicated that the person was dead. He did not exist: he had never existed".

Then a couple of weeks ago a Chinese municipal politician in Vancouver - who calls himself "Chairman Chow" (after China's Chairman Mao) got cocky while sitting in for the absentee mayor (a descendent of Norman Bethune a Canadian communist honoured by Chairman Mao) and got some laughs from fellow councillors while mocking Canada's CSIS spy-chief:

City Hall's Chairman Chow, Vancouver Courier, Oct 13, 2010 (Vision Vancouver Councillor George Chow seemingly relished his duties chairing a special city hall meeting last week, dispatching one councillor to fill his mug and telling another he didn't need a break. As faithful readers will recall, Chow and his Chowisms have filled up many a column of your dedicated city hall watcher. A summary: He loves K-cars, enjoys showing reporters photographs of himself doing roof repairs, knows an interesting urinal when he sees one (and supplied this scribe with a photograph), uses his excess water from his bath to flush his toilet, revealed he would walk on hot coals in Chinatown for a fundraiser (not sure if he did), is able to recite poetry from his childhood ("A pen and a man. A man and a pen. This is a pen. This is a man"), has a life-sized photograph of himself and claims he was named after King George. More recently, he sought inspiration from Confucius in a "prayer" he delivered at a July council meeting that poked fun at CSIS boss Richard Fadden and his allegations that unnamed municipal politicians in B.C. are on the take from foreign governments. So it was with great enthusiasm that I watched Chow as he chaired the Oct. 5 meeting of the transportation and traffic committee at city hall. Chairman Chow, anybody? The similarity of his title to the leader of the Chinese revolution -- some guy named Mao -- brought a smile to his face. It also brought giggles from some of his colleagues and those who showed up in the gallery to hear council's eventual decision to approve a separated bike lane on Hornby Street. Sitting at an elevated desk normally occupied by Mayor Gregor Robertson, which is flanked by large photographs of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Chow presided over the meeting like, well, an autocratic leader. In no particular order, he told Vision Vancouver Coun. Raymond Louie that he didn't need a break because he just had supper, he shook his empty cup at Vision Vancouver Councillor Tim Stevenson to fetch him some more hot water and was merciless in cutting off politicians and the public at the microphone. At one point, when the talk turned to lack of new road space available, Chow suggested a motion be introduced to find the engineer who designed the city's streets and subject that person to a public flogging. More laughs. He also mused out loud that if he dropped the C from his surname that he would be known as "Chairman How". I'm not sure anybody in the chambers understood what he meant, but there was laughter. But as Chairman Chow's old buddy Confucius once said, "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." More teachings and comedy to come from Chairman Chow at the next transportation and traffic meeting, scheduled for November 2nd. A book of his quotations will be available in the lobby for signing. Just kidding... I think.

"Isn't it amazing?" laugh the Chinese hysterically in the statues down at English Bay in Vancouver, and now in the flesh at Vancouver's City Hall. See A-MAZE-ING LAUGHTER


Don't be surprised to see Obamalamadingdong get all gushy, mushy and cuddly with the Communist Chinese in the next 12 months.Same for Harper too I'd imagine. Now that he's been selected in albeit a divided nation.More Chinese workers on the horizon folks just in a nick of time to drive the mean standard of living down even more amongst the dwindling middle classes.

A Middle Class, What's That!

.....arent I the cheery one today."> ... 15513.html">



coming up..">

you should see all the furor over this guys arrogant statement yesterday..its gone viral.

comments coming..


This is great. China - a highly centralized communist country - tells us how we ought to keep our democracy in check. Between China advising us on domestic matters and Israel dictating our foreign policy, Stephen Harper has pretty much outsourced his own government.

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 Score: 18

Yul Nevano

10:38 AM on November 17, 2012

Who do those Chinese think they are, treating us like Americans treat us, ... you know, ... like they own us?

^That's^ not even the worst part of this story. The worst part is, ... we will 'shut up' about it.


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 Score: 17 Name withheld


10:53 AM on November 17, 2012

Maybe it's time to send the ambassador back to that beacon of

virtue, China (sarcasm intended!)

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 Score: 17 Greg189

10:10 AM on November 17, 2012

Conservatives love to call Liberals and NDP socialist communists, but when they encounter real communists they bow down and say there is nothing to fear. To pretend that CHina isn't spying on other countries and is to pretend the moon doesn't cause the tides.

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 Score: 17 Name withheld


2:37 PM on November 17, 2012

Our new Owner has spoken, Shut up Canada

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 Score: 17 Name withheld

Mr William Stephenson

12:07 PM on November 17, 2012

Total propaganda, and menacing propaganda at that.

Consider the facts:

Shawn Henry, retired executive assistant director of the F.B.I. (and its lead agent on cybercrime), told Congress of an American company that had all of its data from a 10-year, $1 billion research program copied by Chinese hackers in one night. Gen. Keith B. Alexander, head of the military's Cyber Command, called the continuing, rampant cybertheft "the greatest transfer of wealth in history."

The current espionage and active measures currently being waged against North Americans far exceeds anything the Soviets tried. We SHOULD have a cold war mentality because this IS a cold war.

If we do not act now, we can only expect the total suppression, even genocide of the 'gui lao.'

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 Score: 13 Name withheld

Can't believe it

10:40 AM on November 17, 2012


China's ambassador to Canada tells critics to 'shut up' over espionage claims

And the Ruskies don't spy either ....right??? That's ALL cold war stuff too??

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 Score: 11 Name withheld


10:50 AM on November 17, 2012

Some ambassador trained in diplomacy! Probably a party appointee whose has not lived in a freer society where we can listen to dissenting voices and act if we wish. His tact and manner are from the imperial age. No desire to question here.

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 Score: 10 Name withheld


10:20 AM on November 17, 2012

Yeah, Right. It is public knowledge that they have an army of hackers who are involved in industrial espionage and the theft of sensitive information. Case in point Nortel."> ... ppens.html">

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 Score: 10 Name withheld

Boom Boom Pow

11:54 AM on November 17, 2012

I thought there was plenty of proof. Wasn't it proven that Nortel was a victim of corporate espionage stemming from China for years!?

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 Score: 9 Name withheld


1:06 PM on November 17, 2012

Telling us to shut up. This is a representative of the totalitarian regime Harper is selling Canada out to.

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11:03 AM on November 17, 2012

This comment has violated our Terms and Conditions, and has been removed.

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 Score: 8 Name withheld


10:22 AM on November 17, 2012

The arrogance of the Chinese ( the country ) is breathtaking, and dangerous.

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 Score: 8 Name withheld


11:52 AM on November 17, 2012

Bye-bye now CNOOC/Nexen deal.

and the Gateway is Closed.

how to kill a deal,

Ambassador style,

mouth off and tell others to shut up.

Not good for relations and business .

China may want to recall this mouthy embarrassing undiplomatic ambassador.

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 Score: 8point missed

6:18 PM on November 17, 2012

Does this fool think we are going to believe his BS. Minute by minute they steal trade secrets, they are great at copying, but haven't had an original idea since the Great Wall!

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 Score: 7 Name withheld

Bill Foonman

2:27 PM on November 17, 2012

Message to China's ambassador to Canada?

Watch your mouth! You still represent a sleazy, duplicitous country with one of the world's worst records of human rights' abuse.

We tolerate and are forced to do business with China, which would not be our choice if we had one.

At least you have the right to criticize in the West. Your citizens would "disappear" for doing that.

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 Score: 7 Name withheld


3:47 PM on November 17, 2012

memo for the Ambassssador,

you do need to remember you are visiting us,

you do "NOT" own us.

Therefore you need to shut up and mind yur manners and mouth.

Who do you think you are Mr. Ambassador?

You do "NOT" be coming into our country and be telling us to shut up.

like seriously,


this is Canada ,

"Not" China.

We have Rights and Freedoms here in Canada.

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 Score: 7 Name withheld


2:37 PM on November 17, 2012

This idiot thinks that he's still in China - despite the countless evidence of Chinese

espionage, over many years, in Western society, in all sectors.

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 Score: 7 Name withheld


4:53 PM on November 17, 2012

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Hey, Ambassador, Goofball, c'mere and say that.........

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 Score: 7 Name withheld


10:49 AM on November 17, 2012

To Mr.ambassador, who was behind your "high tech" companies who stolen technologies from the high tech western countries? There is no away in a short time those companies can grow that fast unless stealing. Is that enough for Canadian to concern and should be about "you"? We will be having a WWIII and that will come from China. The world should be worry that now rather than too late

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[size=150]Military Drills South China Sea[/size]"> ... a-Sea.html">


[size=200]Total Sells Nigeria Offshore Oil Stake for $2.5B[/size]

 LAGOS, Nigeria November 19, 2012 (AP)

French oil firm Total SA says it has sold a stake in an offshore oil field in Nigeria for $2.5 billion to Chinese state oil company Sinopec Corp.

Total made the announcement Monday in a statement posted to its corporate website. Sinopec officials were not immediately available for comment.

Officials with Total have said they plan to sell off some stakes in oil fields around the world to raise cash for new ventures.

Total said the deal, done for cash, must be approved by Nigerian authorities.

The state-run Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. is the concession holder on the field. Other partners include Chevron Corp, Esso E&P Nigeria Ltd. and Nexen Petroleum Nigeria Ltd.

China has been interested in expanding its oil holdings in Nigeria for some time.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Securious"Don't be surprised to see Obamalamadingdong get all gushy, mushy and cuddly with the Communist Chinese in the next 12 months.Same for Harper too I'd imagine. Now that he's been selected in albeit a divided nation.More Chinese workers on the horizon folks just in a nick of time to drive the mean standard of living down even more amongst the dwindling middle classes.

A Middle Class, What's That!

.....arent I the cheery one today."> ... 15513.html">

I can understand Harper eying the floor because Obama is not the most reliable dance partner. That trip to India waas not just because he wanted a phot-op in front of the Taj Mahal. We really, really need to wean ourselves off total reliance on the US market and that is exactly what we are doing.

We really really don't need the Chinese either, we need to diversify totally. China is a Communist Totalitarian fascist State. Do you really want to let China buy us out, thats what they  want with FIPA. You do know this don't you.Canada is being sold down the river. Look at whats happening in Africa.Take chickens for example. China is sending million of émigrés to colonize Africa to interfere with local economies with inferior goods. Chickens in this case. Colonialism is alive and well with the Chinese concerning Africa!">


Wherever the Chinese go they assuredly destroy local economies with cheap/nasty/worthless crap. Before the locals know it the damage has been done, too late mate.

Brazil is experiencing this now too...not just Africa but all of Latin America."> ... 348299.stm">


Someone has been reading my posts: Take Note!

by David J. Climenhaga| October 25, 2012

Is it only me that sees a certain irony in the fact a naval officer who sold military secrets to the now-thoroughly-capitalist Russians for a few thousand dollars has been tossed in the slammer as a traitor by a government that would sign away our country's sovereignty in an all-but secret treaty with the still-Communist Chinese?

It certainly shows the difference a big impact on the right people's bottom lines can have on how the world sees you and your deeds!

As Sir John Harington, the first Queen Elizabeth's "saucy godson" and the inventor of the flush toilet, so famously observed]


[size=200]Triad Structutre[/size]">


[size=200]NEXEN Deal At Hand[/size]"> ... le5455231/">