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Im born year of the ox..wots this mean

Started by GORDY GAMBINO, February 11, 2013, 04:26:50 AM

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I fucken feel like one all the time. Im fucken strong and can plow whole fucken field. Everything ive achieved came from great labor..never easy..nothing comes free.

Is this China year for me good one or fuck up.

Whatta bout my love lifey.

Am i gonna meet gurl of my dreams.

She live wong wong away from me.

I only fall in luv like last week for her big time.

I know for nearly half chinesey calender.

How i tell her have noodle ready to go.

Fank you wery muchy . From my bottom

of heart . This i spray to you.  :P

kiss my ass and donkey



You were born in the year of the ox GORDY GAMBINO?

It should be a good year for you.

The snake and ox get on pretty well so there shouldn't be too many setbacks in 2013.


If there are setbacks, the person born in the Year of the Ox can defeat them!

What does the Chinese horoscope say 2013 will bring for the Year of the Ox person?

Let us have a look at the Year of the Ox person from a Chinese astrology point of view.

The Chinese Zodiac says the person born in the Year of the Ox is diligent and hardworking.



What is it about this Chinese zodiac animal sign to lead Chinese astrologers to this conclusion?

Well think of the ox.

Oxen have been used by framers for centuries to toil in the fields - all day, every day. The ox is hardworking and just keeps going - very reliable!

Thus, the Year of the Ox person is also reliable.

Diligent, hardworking, reliable - what wonderful qualities to have in 2013!

Some people say the person born in the Year of the Ox is simple.


Well, in Chinese mythology, the ox was to be the first of the 12 zodiac animals because it was the biggest animal of all.

 However, the rat, the smallest animal had a scheme to change this.

 The rat asked to be compared with the ox.

However, the rat was quite clever and sly.

It jumped on the back of the ox and the Chinese onlookers thought the rat was the biggest animal!

 So the rat was made number one of the zodiac animals and the ox was number two. The rat had outsmarted the ox!

 People thought the rat to be clever and the ox to be not so clever, that is, simple.

 Thus, the Year of the Ox people are seen to be diligent, hardworking and reliable but also somewhat simple.

 So for people born in the Year of the Ox 2013 will depend on how these traits are managed. Management of these traits will have a lot to do with how the year 2013 turns out.

The Ox is a loyal and reliable animal.

The ox starts work in the farmer's field as the sun rises and works all day without complaint.

The ox does an honest day's work and is good natured as it doesn't complain about it.

 Thus people born in the Year of the Ox are loyal, reliable, honest and good natured - all good traits to bring into 2013!

The Ox is a down to earth animal - no airs and graces!

It just plods away in the farmer's field all day long.

 And the ox is so determined!

It keeps going all day no matter what the conditions.

 So the Year of the Ox person is a down to earth (not off with the fairies!) determined person. This determination will be useful in 2013.

 The ox is a precious animal. It is highly valued by its owner for the work it can do - not only on the farm.

 The ox is often used as transport, pulling along heavy loads.

 Its hide is used to make leather goods.

Parts of the ox are used in Chinese medicine to relieve various ailments.

The bugle used by soldiers to go to battle looks like the horn of an ox.

Thus the person born in the Year of the Ox is highly regarded by many people - a trend that will continue in 2013.


But, no-one is perfect so let us have a look at some of the negative traits of the ox.

 As mentioned before, the ox is regarded as a simple animal.

 After all, the ox allowed the rat to jump the queue to be the number one Chinese zodiac animal.

So the Year of the Ox person is looked upon as being simple.

However, Year of the Ox people can turn this into an advantage because they keep things simple and do not needlessly complicate them.

 Simplicity and clarity are often useful traits to have.

Ox people are admired for their loyalty and hard work (observe the ox toiling away all day in the field).

 However, this means they can also be stubborn to a fault and slow to change. Also the Ox person's serious nature can be a hindrance when a little light heartedness would do well in a serious situation.

These are not insurmountable challenges though.

For the person born in the Year of the Ox 2013 should be a good year if they are able to manage those negative traits.

2012 was the Year of the Dragon - a lucky year for many.

2013 is the Year of the Snake - also considered a fortunate year for many.

So what sort of year will 2013 be for the Year of the Ox person?

All those good traits so far discussed - hard working, diligent, reliable, loyal, honest, good natured and realistic will serve the Year of the Ox well in 2013.

 And the Ox person's simple thinking could be turned into a positive leadership skill as clear thinking and clarity are becoming more important in the increasingly complex world of 2013.

For people born in the Year of the Ox 2013 ( the Year of the Snake) should not present any challenges that cannot be managed. After all, the snake and the ox coexist quite peacefully on the land.

I have never heard of a snake biting an ox!

2013 should be a successful year for the Ox person.

But nothing should be taken for granted and the Year of the Ox person has to work at being successful in 2013.

In the year 2013, the Ox person should watch out for their health.

 The very good traits of the Year of the Ox person could work against them.

Long hours of work, reliability and loyalty to others may mean the Ox person forgets about looking after their health.

Insufficient food and sleep and excess work could lead to stress related illnesses.

So the person born in the Year of the Ox 2013 should be a year where extra care is taken to balance work with family and friends so to avoid these illnesses.

 The Year of the Ox person should eat healthy food, exercise, and have adequate sleep.

This should ensure a healthy balanced life in 2013.

2013 should be a successful year for the hardworking, determined and loyal Ox person.

Don't worry too much about the "simple" tag!

All it means that the Ox person takes their time making decisions and usually makes good ones.

The Year of the Ox person should look forward to 2013 if they make use of their diligent, loyal and reliable work ethic.

Forget this and 2013 may not be that good for the person born in the Year of the Ox.

The Chinese think 2013 is a lucky year because it is the Year of the Snake.


Of all the Chinese zodiac animals, the snake looks most like the dragon.

The Year of the Snake in 2013 is after the Year of the Dragon in 2012.

 And the Chinese believe the dragon is the strongest and most fortunate of all the Chinese zodiac animals.

 For many Chinese people 2012 (the Year of the Dragon) was a time of good luck and fortune.

2013 should continue this trend.

 So for people born in the Year of the Ox 2013 should also be a year of success and good fortune.

 The Year of the Ox person should use their diligent, honest good nature to make the most their opportunities in 2013.

But remember, the Year of the Ox person should not become so absorbed in their work in 2013 that they neglect their health.

 The ox and the snake do not have much in common apart from sharing the same space in the countryside.

Nevertheless, if the ox upsets the snake, it will strike back. The ox needs to be careful to avoid the snake.

The person born in the Year of the Ox should take note of this.

 If the Ox person neglects their health, it will suffer. They should not become so absorbed in their work in 2013 that they harm their health. It is not worth it!

The Year of the Ox person should make the most of their good attributes (hard working, reliable, loyal) but don't overdo it in 2013.

Year of the Ox 2013 - Finances


The Year of the Ox person usually is good at making money and 2013 should follow this pattern.

 Hard work, loyalty, reliability and leadership skills are highly regarded by employers and business people.

If the Ox person follows their natural behaviour in 2013, they should be well rewarded.

The Year of the Snake (2013) follows the Year of the Dragon (2012) and is a lucky year for many.

The Year of the Ox person should benefit from this!

 However, the Year of the Ox person can sometimes be stubborn and loyal to a fault.

 Being stubborn could cloud good decision making required for business and employment opportunities.

The Year of the Ox person should keep an open mind and be flexible so as not to miss new opportunities that may occur.

 For the person born in the Year of the Ox 2013 should be a successful year financially.

But remember those health worries for the Year of the Ox person in 2013 because of over work.

So the Ox person should take extra care to balance their life.

Good food, food and exercise means the money made by the Year of the Ox person will not be squandered on medical expenses in 2013!


Year of the Ox 2013 - Business and Careers

The person born in the Year of the Ox has the skills to become a good leader and manager.

The Ox person's simple thinking can actually be an asset in business.

The Year of the Ox person can simplify complex issues so that thinking and decision making is not muddied by "noise", that is, extra irrelevant detail.

As we also know, the Ox person is hardworking and reliable.

So for people born in the Year of the Ox 2013 should be a successful year both in business and career.


By the way, are you interested in starting a new business - one that you can do part time or full time?


Then have a look at my story for some ideas.


I have - and I have enjoyed myself, learnt a lot and made some money.


HOWEVER, it will not happen if the Ox person lets their stubborness and inflexibility get in the way. Not being open minded could mean missed opportunities!

 Missed opportunities means that the Year of the Ox person could stagnate in a role which will not lead to a successful future. The Ox person could feel quite comfortable in such a role given their loyalty traits, but they should be on the look out for new opportunities.

Manage these traits and 2013 should be a successful year.


Year of the Ox 2013 - Romance

Many people are attracted to the Year of the Ox person because of their loyalty and hard work. They make good reliable partners.

However, it could also be some what boring!

It is recommended that in 2013 the Year of the Snake, the person born in the Year of the Ox, should make a conscious effort to spice up their life with their partner and not take them for granted.

Otherwise the Ox person's partner may look elsewhere if they find their relationship too boring.

Hard work, reliability and loyalty is fine but sometimes a bit more is required.

If people are aware of this, then for those of the Year of the Ox 2013 could be a good year.

And the Year of the Ox person should remember to look after their health.

 Not much fun for a relationship in 2013 if the person born in the Year of the Ox is sick although that person's loyalty should be rewarded by their partner.


Year of the Ox 2013 - Summary


2013 should be a good year for the Year of the Ox person.


Their hard work, loyalty and reliability should ensure a successful year in business, career, fortune and relationships.

Just beware of those negative traits - stubborness and misplaced loyalty.

And they should look after their health in 2013 otherwise sickness will spoil a lot of good things that should happen in 2013!

For the person born in the Year of the Ox 2013 should have successes as long as the Ox person builds on their positive traits and manages their negative ones!


thanx for that Fashionista

i'll look back on this at the end of the year





Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Odinson"I seem to be a tiger.

You sure are and I have figured out your age. ;)

Pretty easy. How old am I?


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
You sure are and I have figured out your age. ;)

Pretty easy. How old am I?

You are either 27 or 39 this year. I hope it is 39 because I am 28(will be 29 in September). Most younger guys do nothing for me.

Tiger is just equilavent to my aquarius, beautiful.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
You are either 27 or 39 this year. I hope it is 39 because I am 28(will be 29 in September). Most younger guys do nothing for me.

Tiger is just equilavent to my aquarius, beautiful.

Chinese Zodiac is based on the year of your birth and its signs handsome. You can be an Aquarius and ANY sign of the Chinese Zodiac, depending on the year you were born.


No equivalency.

Tiger is somehow related to aquarius.

I googled the chinese zodiacs... I know. ;)

I´m a horse.


Oh Gordy is a mortal enemy of mine, I'm not suppose to like Ox  :lol:

I like bunnies, and little piggies, horses, and snakes,  :D especially bunnies  :P



I'm alright today, just tired as usual, but no migraine :) welcome feeling for a change.

Hope your good.


Sunny here, but a little cool wind. I thought I would check to see if someone was here :)


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Chinese Zodiac is based on the year of your birth and its signs handsome. You can be an Aquarius and ANY sign of the Chinese Zodiac, depending on the year you were born.


No equivalency.

Tiger is somehow related to aquarius.

I googled the chinese zodiacs... I know. ;)

I´m a horse.

I don't understand the 30 day one and  never understood it. However, 35 this year eh? Perfect age handsome. :D

No, next year. I was born in january.


I wonder if the Chinese Zodiac is on the right stars, or if they go by stars positions.

The middle eastern one the west uses is off by a whole month almost.

Where I am a Leo the stars say I'm a Virgo.
