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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Justin Troodo

Started by Obvious Li, October 07, 2012, 06:47:47 PM

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Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=506925 time=1689119067 user_id=3397
Quote from: JOE post_id=506923 time=1689118968 user_id=97
I might sit next election out.

Vote for No One.

Vote for PPC.  They'll lose, but when we start importing 2,000,000+ immigrants every year, at least you can say you voted against it.

I agree with you and Berry.

There's way too much immigration.

first when he got in, Trudeau set his target at 300,000.

then it became 400,000.

Then 500,000

Not its a million?! wtf?

It's time for him and perhaps the Liberal party to go

They have to slow down, take a pause and implement a much more sensible immigration plan.

How about just people who'll create jobs and bring in investment and capital for now, to provide jobs for Canadians and the immigrants they've brought in?

Melson Gibson

Quote from: JOE post_id=506928 time=1689119417 user_id=97
I agree with you and Berry.

There's way too much immigration.

first when he got in, Trudeau set his target at 300,000.

then it became 400,000.

Then 500,000

Not its a million?! wtf?

It's time for him and perhaps the Liberal party to go

They have to slow down, take a pause and implement a much more sensible immigration plan.

How about just people who'll create jobs and bring in investment and capital for now, to provide jobs for Canadians and the immigrants they've brought in?

Last year it was officially 1.2 million when all immigration channels are counted.  This year we're already on track to import around 1.5 million people.

To put that in perspective, Vancouver proper has a population of under 1,000,000 people.


Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=506929 time=1689119663 user_id=3397
Quote from: JOE post_id=506928 time=1689119417 user_id=97
I agree with you and Berry.

There's way too much immigration.

first when he got in, Trudeau set his target at 300,000.

then it became 400,000.

Then 500,000

Not its a million?! wtf?

It's time for him and perhaps the Liberal party to go

They have to slow down, take a pause and implement a much more sensible immigration plan.

How about just people who'll create jobs and bring in investment and capital for now, to provide jobs for Canadians and the immigrants they've brought in?

Last year it was officially 1.2 million when all immigration channels are counted.  This year we're already on track to import around 1.5 million people.

To put that in perspective, Vancouver proper has a population of under 1,000,000 people.

I guess they all want them all to go to Winnipeg, Northern Alberta, Sask or the Yukon

Cuz I know the Immigration people don't want new immigrants to settle in places like Vancouver or Toronto.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: JOE post_id=506928 time=1689119417 user_id=97
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=506925 time=1689119067 user_id=3397

Vote for PPC.  They'll lose, but when we start importing 2,000,000+ immigrants every year, at least you can say you voted against it.

I agree with you and Berry.

There's way too much immigration.

first when he got in, Trudeau set his target at 300,000.

then it became 400,000.

Then 500,000

Not its a million?! wtf?

It's time for him and perhaps the Liberal party to go

They have to slow down, take a pause and implement a much more sensible immigration plan.

How about just people who'll create jobs and bring in investment and capital for now, to provide jobs for Canadians and the immigrants they've brought in?

How about like "fuck off, we're full"? Along with billeting all the reffoes at Justin's place?
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: JOE post_id=506927 time=1689119234 user_id=97
Quote from: Herman post_id=506916 time=1689116885 user_id=3396
Justine has hired 98,268 bureaucrats since 2015. Are you better off because of these expensive politically motivated hires? Are your wages higher? Do you have more money in your pockets. Do you have more choice in your lives and jobs? Other than those 98,268 bureaucrats, the rest of us will answer no.

Trudeau is def outta control.

You're right he's going too far & admitted way too many immigrants for the country to absorb.

And I say that as someone who actually voted for him.

I think we need a change. Not necessarily Poilievre but someone more like Erin O'Toole.

Maybe all this rad chit Trudeau's doing is a sign that he may not run again?

Git as much done while he can before he runs for the exits & while the Liberals are still in power?

The Conservative is a slow mo version of Singh and Justine's parties. PPC for old Herman. But, I will hold my breath next election and vote for prog lite aka the CPC.


Justine says Muslim parents who object to their children being taught about gender identity issues in schools are being fed "misinformation and disinformation" by "the American right-wing" and the "far right."

Muslim parents in Calgary and other Canadian cities have been demonstrating against what they perceive as gender ideology being taught to their children in schools as well as having to attend school events held in support of Pride month in June.

They were also angered by a teacher in an Edmonton school who was recorded lecturing a Muslim student who skipped a Pride event, saying, "We believe in freedom, we believe that people can marry whomever they want, that is in the law, and if you don't think that should be the law, you can't be Canadian. You don't belong here, and I mean it."

When the Calgary parent raises this issue with Trudeau, the PM responds that while the provinces, not the federal government, are responsible for education, "that teacher got serious consequences because that is not something that is acceptable."

The parent replies: "This is what we need the government to come out and say, 'We do not support that, we do not accept that ...'"

What's revealing in my view is that the video shows another example of how Trudeau routinely categorizes views different from his own as the result of right-wing disinformation, as opposed to the genuine views of Canadians who disagree with him."> ... -far-right">

Tweet error (does not exist)


It used to be common for opposition politicians to ask at election time: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" In other words, had the current government improved voters' lives during its tenure?

Well, it might be a good time to ask of the Trudeau government: "Are you being better served by the federal government than you were eight years ago?"

Since they came to power in 2015, the Trudeau Liberals have added nearly 100,000 federal civil servants to the taxpayers' payroll.

According to numbers provided by the federal Treasury Board late last month, there were 259,000 federal bureaucrats when Justin Trudeau was sworn in as prime minister in November 2015. Today there are 357,000, an increase of 98,000 federal employees.

That's a staggering rise of 40% during the Liberals' time in office.

Are you getting 40% better service from Ottawa than you were eight years ago?

During that same period, the population of the country has grown 10% — including the one million new Canadians added last year. That means the Liberals' expansion of the federal civil service has outpaced the growth of Canada's population by four-to-one.

The Liberals can't blame this boom in bureaucracy on COVID, either. The biggest year for federal hiring was last year, after the pandemic, when 21,290 new federal clerks, inspectors, regulators, planners, auditors and other assorted federal workers were added.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) calculates that compensation for the average federal civil servant – pay, benefits and pension contributions – is currently $125,300 per year. That makes the Trudeau expansion of the civil service a huge burden on Canadian taxpayers.

Canada has been a country for 156 years. Justin Trudeau has been in charge for just 5% of that time, yet he has increased the size of the federal payroll by 40%.


This summer, thanks to the Trudeau government's new Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR), Canadians already struggling with the high cost of gasoline, groceries and other essentials will see the cost of living rise even higher.

The CFR, which went into effect July 1, forces fuel producers and importers to gradually reduce the carbon content of the fuels they sell. By 2030, the "carbon intensity" of these fuels, which measures the emissions generated per unit of energy, must be 15% below 2016 levels. If fuel suppliers fail to meet these standards, they must purchase credits, increasing costs that will inevitably be passed on to Canadians who rely on gasoline or diesel.

According to a recent analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO), when fully implemented in 2030, these regulations will increase the cost of gasoline by up to 17¢ per litre and diesel fuel by up to 16¢ per litre. And that's on top of the 37¢ the carbon tax will add to a litre of gasoline by 2030.

California and British Columbia have adopted similar regulations, contributing to high gas prices. Since the introduction of California's clean fuel standards, the gap between the average gas price in the United States and the average price in California has steadily increased, with Californians now paying the highest gas prices in the country.


This was in the Sun.

he Trudeau government is stifling Canada's economic growth, leading to irreparable societal divisions unless the trend is reversed, warns Statistics Canada's former chief economic analyst.

In an essay for the fiscally conservative Fraser Institute — "What is Behind Canada's Growth Crisis?" — Philip Cross cites a recent report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development which "forecasts that Canada's per capita GDP growth between 2020 and 2060 will be the lowest among its 29 member nations" without fundamental changes in government's attitude to growth.

Comparing Canada to the U.S., Cross reports that business investment in Canada between 2014 and 2022, fell 17.6% by volume, compared with a 23.5% gain in the U.S., and that after peaking in 2015, Canada's volume of merchandise exports fell 0.4%, compared to a 14% rise in the U.S.

"There is a growing recognition that Canada has wasted a decade of low interest rates on investing too much in government debt and housing, and not enough in business investment," Cross writes. "Low levels of investment since 2014 resulted in an outright decline in net investment available per worker from $16,000 in 2014 to $11,900 in 2021."

The problem, he warns, is that "regulations and subsidies for specific firms or industries are the antithesis of support for capitalism and undermine public confidence in competition ... cultivating dependence and a culture of rent seeking instead of encouraging innovation in the business community" resulting in a track record of "persistent budget deficits and chronic slow growth."

One of the greatest policy failures, Cross says, has been the Trudeau government's claims its climate change policies would not compromise Canada's economic growth and that green energy projects would provide the jobs of tomorrow.

In fact, he says, "Canada has achieved the worst of both worlds"  failing to meet its greenhouse gas emission targets while "actively discouraging the development of the oil sands and pipeline projects" that "limited the growth of the energy industry, which could have spearheaded growth in Canada as it did in the U.S., which successfully reduced emissions significantly while sustaining economic growth."

(The U.S., without a national carbon tax, surpassed its 2020 target of reducing emissions by 17% compared to 2005 levels, achieving a 21% reduction, while Canada, with a carbon tax, failed to achieve the same target, reducing emissions by only 9%.)


Increasing immigration levels at reasonable levels is OK, but there has to be a realistic way to accommodate the immigrants they have admitted or are planning to enter.

Just importing masses of people is like importing cattle.

Likewise cattle have no value either if they can't be mantained and fed.

It has to be self-sustaining process.

Where is the housing going to come from?

Or jobs?

Plus the kind of immigrants who come should be more entrepreneurial types who can create jobs for canada, not the other way around. People with money who are willing to invest, build factories, create housing and jobs.

Mass immigration without a plan is not a solution but a burden.

That's where Trudeau and the Liberals fall short.

They don't seem to have a plan.

From their vantage point its more like, "Admit them and the economy will grow and so will the jobs and more housing."

Poorly planned mass immigration could snowball and create more problems than it solves.


What Justine is doing adding more than Saskatchewan's entire population every year. It aint even close to being sustainable. He knows it, but does not care about working folks. We are all racists and misogynists according that out of touch wanker.


Quote from: Herman post_id=507244 time=1689290776 user_id=3396
What Justine is doing adding more than Saskatchewan's entire population every year. It aint even close to being sustainable. He knows it, but does not care about working folks. We are all racists and misogynists according that out of touch wanker.

The Libs have been in power a tad too long.

And the person and party actually running the show is Jagmeet Singh.

so in a sense getting rid of the Liberals would get rid of singh too.

The NDP is far too gooder and they have no concept of spending within our means.

But as socialist minded nations like France or Sweden have discovered, even sociialism costs money. NDP way too spendthrift.


Quote from: Herman post_id=507238 time=1689289609 user_id=3396
It used to be common for opposition politicians to ask at election time: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" In other words, had the current government improved voters' lives during its tenure?

Well, it might be a good time to ask of the Trudeau government: "Are you being better served by the federal government than you were eight years ago?"

Since they came to power in 2015, the Trudeau Liberals have added nearly 100,000 federal civil servants to the taxpayers' payroll.

According to numbers provided by the federal Treasury Board late last month, there were 259,000 federal bureaucrats when Justin Trudeau was sworn in as prime minister in November 2015. Today there are 357,000, an increase of 98,000 federal employees.

That's a staggering rise of 40% during the Liberals' time in office.

Are you getting 40% better service from Ottawa than you were eight years ago?

During that same period, the population of the country has grown 10% — including the one million new Canadians added last year. That means the Liberals' expansion of the federal civil service has outpaced the growth of Canada's population by four-to-one.

The Liberals can't blame this boom in bureaucracy on COVID, either. The biggest year for federal hiring was last year, after the pandemic, when 21,290 new federal clerks, inspectors, regulators, planners, auditors and other assorted federal workers were added.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) calculates that compensation for the average federal civil servant – pay, benefits and pension contributions – is currently $125,300 per year. That makes the Trudeau expansion of the civil service a huge burden on Canadian taxpayers.

Canada has been a country for 156 years. Justin Trudeau has been in charge for just 5% of that time, yet he has increased the size of the federal payroll by 40%.

If Trudeau is voted out in 2025, it will be Canada's lost decade. Ten years of steady decline.


I think the major reason why the Liberals went into an even more Leftward shift is because of the NDP and their minority coalition.

I think the Libs didnt' have that high an immigration numbers until they formed this coalition with the NDP. And Singh being of Indian background, his culture gravitates towards breeding and large families. So of course, he wants even more immigration. And even a million + in a short period isnt enough. He's outta control.

Anyways by sitting out the election I dont think that's anti-Liberal, it's more like anti-NDP and I never voted for them so by not voting for the Libs it's actually an anti-vote for the NDP.

They have too much power right now and too much influence over the Trudeau/the Liberals who of course depend on them to remain in power as a minority guv.


Quote from: JOE post_id=507243 time=1689290308 user_id=97
Increasing immigration levels at reasonable levels is OK, but there has to be a realistic way to accommodate the immigrants they have admitted or are planning to enter.

Just importing masses of people is like importing cattle.

Likewise cattle have no value either if they can't be mantained and fed.

It has to be self-sustaining process.

Where is the housing going to come from?

Or jobs?

Plus the kind of immigrants who come should be more entrepreneurial types who can create jobs for canada, not the other way around. People with money who are willing to invest, build factories, create housing and jobs.

Mass immigration without a plan is not a solution but a burden.

That's where Trudeau and the Liberals fall short.

They don't seem to have a plan.

From their vantage point its more like, "Admit them and the economy will grow and so will the jobs and more housing."

Poorly planned mass immigration could snowball and create more problems than it solves.

You're an idiot, josephine. The people you are importing will make Canduhduh Somalia again.