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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Three Phases of Islamic Immigration

Started by Anonymous, October 24, 2016, 06:55:34 PM

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Quote from: "Herman"">

This is not true of most Muslim immigrants Herman.


Quote from: "Herman"">

Okay, if moderates are irrelevant, what about nominal muslims or secular Muslims?


By "secular islamics", I'm not exactly sure what that is ..... the two words conflict each other

Now, "turned" secular AND does not reside within an area of  high %  islamics is our best friend and best hope, but not a large %

"Nominal"  residing within an area of  high %  islamics .. especially as the % rises, I personally would be very careful with as the chances under those circumstances of following the strong horse increase  as the local % increases

And as Herm said, "moderates" in themselves are moot, except that as a whole and in general they allow the Fundy Strong horse to rule and follow it, more and more as the % rises

Believers of islam ... once local % rises ...  are, have always been, and always will be lead by the Strong Horses  .... who are ALWAYS Fundies

This Strong Horse thing also takes place in many mosques, regardless of the local % ... where the most fervent take the lead and others follow.

That is why we have some very bad mosques despite low % of locals being islamic ..  why we have some bad mosques in every area of every country

One has no business trying to assess islamic's motives in being here unless they fully understand the "settler" concept as instructed by islam

Some may come because they want to be part of the West, but many or most  ... no matter how you try to slice it  ... come for eternal reward given to those who expand islamic presence in non islamic lands

,, the process is called "Hijrah: Migration for the Cause of Allah" ... and is instructed in all 3 books in several ways and areas  .... and  totally openly in Kranny Chapter 4. Verse 100 .. that expressly promises eternal heaven for anyone settling in non islamic lands  ... and expanding  islamic presence there

They can be "very nice" and many are without conflicting their reward for being a "settler" /  which is bestowed totally for helping expand islam

Remember also ... and any honest islamic will tell you ... islam is NOT about life  .. . islam is about death - "Life" is ONLY about doing enough to help islam so that one is assured of heaven in death  ... it is taught to be nothing more than that

.. Getting into heaven has nothing to do with being a good boy or girl  .... heaven is ONLY given for assisting the expansion of  islam .. and islam can be expanded / assisted by several means,  .... immigrating being one guaranteed way

We can get into proportional reward and how doing more gets you to an upper floor of heaven (and there are many levels depending on the degree of "help to islam" you choose to  give / the "Role" you choose to take up)  .....  but merely by immigrating, you at least are guaranteed to get in the front door / ground floor  .. and to stay inside forever
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Yeah Right

Good post daisy.

I think you can take a few muslims in and if they are spread out it will mostly be okay.  

But if they start to cluster they will take over neighborhoods imposing their own value system and eventually creating no go zones.

If they take over enough neighborhoods then they can start taking over major cities.  

The liberals, whether they know it or not, are playing with fire.  The history books are filled with countries destroyed by civil wars between people who cannot get along.  Most of them with much more in common than westerners and Muslims.  What makes liberals/leftists think throwing together two nearly opposite cultures is just going to all work out just fine?

Are they that naive?  Are they stupid?  Do they not care?  Do they want to tear the west apart? I don't know which it is, But they're going to fuck it all up if they get their way .


Quote from: "Daisy May"By "secular islamics", I'm not exactly sure what that is ..... the two words conflict each other

Now, "turned" secular AND does not reside within an area of  high %  islamics is our best friend and best hope, but not a large %

"Nominal"  residing within an area of  high %  islamics .. especially as the % rises, I personally would be very careful with as the chances under those circumstances of following the strong horse increase  as the local % increases

And as Herm said, "moderates" in themselves are moot, except that as a whole and in general they allow the Fundy Strong horse to rule and follow it, more and more as the % rises

Believers of islam ... once local % rises ...  are, have always been, and always will be lead by the Strong Horses  .... who are ALWAYS Fundies

This Strong Horse thing also takes place in many mosques, regardless of the local % ... where the most fervent take the lead and others follow.

That is why we have some very bad mosques despite low % of locals being islamic ..  why we have some bad mosques in every area of every country

One has no business trying to assess islamic's motives in being here unless they fully understand the "settler" concept as instructed by islam

Some may come because they want to be part of the West, but many or most  ... no matter how you try to slice it  ... come for eternal reward given to those who expand islamic presence in non islamic lands

,, the process is called "Hijrah: Migration for the Cause of Allah" ... and is instructed in all 3 books in several ways and areas  .... and  totally openly in Kranny Chapter 4. Verse 100 .. that expressly promises eternal heaven for anyone settling in non islamic lands  ... and expanding  islamic presence there

They can be "very nice" and many are without conflicting their reward for being a "settler" /  which is bestowed totally for helping expand islam

Remember also ... and any honest islamic will tell you ... islam is NOT about life  .. . islam is about death - "Life" is ONLY about doing enough to help islam so that one is assured of heaven in death  ... it is taught to be nothing more than that

.. Getting into heaven has nothing to do with being a good boy or girl  .... heaven is ONLY given for assisting the expansion of  islam .. and islam can be expanded / assisted by several means,  .... immigrating being one guaranteed way

We can get into proportional reward and how doing more gets you to an upper floor of heaven (and there are many levels depending on the degree of "help to islam" you choose to  give / the "Role" you choose to take up)  .....  but merely by immigrating, you at least are guaranteed to get in the front door / ground floor  .. and to stay inside forever

There are non practicing or even atheist Jews, or Catholics.


Quote from: "Daisy May"By "secular islamics", I'm not exactly sure what that is ..... the two words conflict each other

Now, "turned" secular AND does not reside within an area of  high %  islamics is our best friend and best hope, but not a large %

"Nominal"  residing within an area of  high %  islamics .. especially as the % rises, I personally would be very careful with as the chances under those circumstances of following the strong horse increase  as the local % increases

And as Herm said, "moderates" in themselves are moot, except that as a whole and in general they allow the Fundy Strong horse to rule and follow it, more and more as the % rises

Believers of islam ... once local % rises ...  are, have always been, and always will be lead by the Strong Horses  .... who are ALWAYS Fundies

This Strong Horse thing also takes place in many mosques, regardless of the local % ... where the most fervent take the lead and others follow.

That is why we have some very bad mosques despite low % of locals being islamic ..  why we have some bad mosques in every area of every country

One has no business trying to assess islamic's motives in being here unless they fully understand the "settler" concept as instructed by islam

Some may come because they want to be part of the West, but many or most  ... no matter how you try to slice it  ... come for eternal reward given to those who expand islamic presence in non islamic lands

,, the process is called "Hijrah: Migration for the Cause of Allah" ... and is instructed in all 3 books in several ways and areas  .... and  totally openly in Kranny Chapter 4. Verse 100 .. that expressly promises eternal heaven for anyone settling in non islamic lands  ... and expanding  islamic presence there

They can be "very nice" and many are without conflicting their reward for being a "settler" /  which is bestowed totally for helping expand islam

Remember also ... and any honest islamic will tell you ... islam is NOT about life  .. . islam is about death - "Life" is ONLY about doing enough to help islam so that one is assured of heaven in death  ... it is taught to be nothing more than that

.. Getting into heaven has nothing to do with being a good boy or girl  .... heaven is ONLY given for assisting the expansion of  islam .. and islam can be expanded / assisted by several means,  .... immigrating being one guaranteed way

We can get into proportional reward and how doing more gets you to an upper floor of heaven (and there are many levels depending on the degree of "help to islam" you choose to  give / the "Role" you choose to take up)  .....  but merely by immigrating, you at least are guaranteed to get in the front door / ground floor  .. and to stay inside forever

Where the fuck do you come up with this shit.

Bad every area of every country...hahahaha. You're a fucken ting tong.

hee yai men jit baa lao....555


And the fact that you have never been in a "moderate" one left alone a Fundy bad one makes you an ex spurt  :laugh:

Quote from: "Fashionista"There are non practicing or even atheist Jews, or Catholics.

"a few" non practicing islamics I'm told. It is very difficult for most even those who might want to. islam has its "hooks" ... family and social "non acceptance" pressures

The problem is not them, so long as they don't go all devout at some point. The problem is the devout. So I'm, not sure what the relevance of a few non practising is

Anyhow, Gordo, our ex spurt on everything, assures us there is no problem, so I guess all is well
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Here's something that demonstrates the impossibility of thwarting  the problem short of very drastic action (author I do not know but it sums it up correctly)

"The perpetrators of Islamist attacks in London, Nice, Orlando and Sydney underline the problem that no matter how small the percentage of radical Muslims, we can hardly tell who they are among the broader population of their co-religionists"

And why should "we" have to sort them .... Why don't "they" who are on the inside of the club ... and many have a damned good idea as to who they are ... and could easily sort them for us?? Why is that??

As for me, I fail to see why we would bring in such a supremacist based society that contains such elements within itself ... and especially when that society is doing more protection of such elements and than it is doing to solve the problem within its own midst ...

There has been lots of talking about problem solving (meetings, protests, words .. many of which were highlighted on this forum -">Muslims Against Terrorism), but where the rubber  meets the road  ..... actually outing the many  problem children ....  is done only on very very rare occasions. Why is that??

There are 1000s of Fundies who live 24/7 in a world of resistance to the West and could well "go of" -  Someone please show me a few 100 let alone 1000s that have been outed to authorities. Cops from every western country say coorperation is minimal which is why they have to spend so much money, people and resources  to fight the problem mainly on their own ... Why is that??

We don't need speaking up / words and exclaimed intentions  - We need direct help  "outing ALL of them" .. from those inside the club ... and in the main are not getting it. To prove that, if they were doing there part "inside" there would be no problem ... but there is

Such is the power of 1. Fundies over regs  and of 2. the stick together, protect "your own" ... islam is all that matters thingy ingrained from birth ... loyalty to their own people as vs loyalty to all the people within their country of residence
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Yeah Right"
I think you can take a few muslims in and if they are spread out it will mostly be okay.  

But if they start to cluster they will take over neighborhoods imposing their own value system and eventually creating no go zones.

If they take over enough neighborhoods then they can start taking over major cities .

That is not only inevitable, it is the plan of Islam.

Lance Leftardashian

This thread makes me ashamed of being a Canadian as if it may offend muslim readers.
I care, you pay


Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"This thread makes me ashamed of being a Canadian as if it may offend muslim readers.

Your posts make me ashamed your a Canadian too Lanny.


Quote from: "Herman"">

Only a racist, Islamophobe arsehole like Herman thinks Muslim immigrants want to take over.