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Re: Forum gossip thread by Garraty_47

welcome Not Freud/caskur

Started by Anonymous, November 10, 2016, 09:05:52 PM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"When I researched who Leopardsocks was last year, that was my conclusion also. He ran away from websites that knew him because of sexual impropriety allegations made against him. Many people considered him to be a creepy old sleazebag.

Aaron, the act of creating false accusations, fictitious PI and general character assassination has been done to death. In fact, its use as a "last resort" in terms of flaming is probably why flaming died. People like you, and the other two stooges, compensated for your lack of creative writing skills by disseminating mistruths and deceptions. Flaming was never about perjury and slander, shitwick.

Not for the first time you've mentioned your "Pantywaste" troll, and how you have video evidence of my apparent misconduct via webcam. And each and every time, I have challenged you to post this salacious video for all to see. C'mon, short pants, take up the challenge. Prove yourself and back up your mouth.

But no...your mouth far exceeds your cranial capacity, a trait for which you were consistently infamous, alongside your propensity to attach yourself, limpet-like to "bigger fish" like Rowan and Howard (Sum Cunt and Evil Blood respectively). Just another klingon to the higher order.

And here you are, again, still trying to fan flames that went out 5 or more years ago. Miss Brawl Hall, do you sunshine? And true to type, you've invited two of your goonsquad to visit us and try and shore up your stupidity. Can't be a big fish in a big pond, slapnuts? Story of your life, eh?

I repeat; the owner of this forum will NOT allow you and your clownish confederates to turn this place into a flaming circus. If you are failing to get your jollies in TRF, this is NOT the place to find an alternative outlet for your witless and absurd habit. Given your adherence to your silly troll, and the fact that you've dragged Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber along, it is going to be hard for the proprietor not to draw the conclusion you're unable to conduct yourself with any nuance of common sense, and that your intent is to play your infantile games amongst us.

I suspect her response will be the usual one. One you've experienced before.


Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Oi Soxy leave the Sand Groper alone.

I said.

Fuck you.

Why? I've never shown YOU any mercy.

Idiocy knows no geographical boundaries.

The Countess

The art of creating false accusations, fictitious PI. Isn't that what you've been attempting to do to me since I registered ?

Accusing me of being Freud/ gender trolling is just that. A false accusation. Hello ?


I don't recall accusing you of being Freud...but it wouldn't be the first time he's jacked other handles to play his childish games. Its the sort of thing he regards as "clever". Sad little shite, really.

The Countess

He didn't bring me here. In fact, I'm pretty sure he'd have advised me against it had I asked his opinion.

You think too much like a cop. Not everyone is out to get you


Soxy worked the hard streets of the serial killer capital of the world.

Soxy locked up some fucken patsy and they gave him a shiny medal.

His thank you speech lasted 17.5 hours.

What a fucken repetitious bore.


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"you've invited two of your goonsquad to visit us .

You need to believe me when I tell you, not only am I not in any "squad" but I want NOTHING whatsoever to do with AZ... EVER.

you're now coming across as bordering on paranoid....

You don't know me and what goes on inside my head and you'll ever know that unless I want you to know that...

Bra1n USED to run things MUCH differently to Brawl Hall on his 3rd Rail Forum. 3rd Rail was once a safe haven then BH rejects rocked up. As you know on forums.. you get the good guys, the bad guys and the indifferent...

I personally would like you to stop reminding us we post on flame forums...

and be a true Aussie... tolerate all types and suck it up....

flea is latino... she's going to sock you in the face and ask questions later... and she won't change..... When she's shown respect, it's returned.

If Az is here...I'll just keep a bucket beside me and if I accidentally read something of his, I'll have a bucket to throw up, in.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Oi Soxy leave the Sand Groper alone.

I said.

Fuck you.

Why? I've never shown YOU any mercy.

Idiocy knows no geographical boundaries.

You know one of my great uncles was The Commissioner of Poilice in the 60s and Kurt's cousins is the State Coroner...  It's not like you're addressing some little dipshit in the burbs entirely you know...?
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"When I researched who Leopardsocks was last year, that was my conclusion also. He ran away from websites that knew him because of sexual impropriety allegations made against him. Many people considered him to be a creepy old sleazebag.

Aaron, the act of creating false accusations, fictitious PI and general character assassination has been done to death. In fact, its use as a "last resort" in terms of flaming is probably why flaming died. People like you, and the other two stooges, compensated for your lack of creative writing skills by disseminating mistruths and deceptions. Flaming was never about perjury and slander, shitwick.

Not for the first time you've mentioned your "Pantywaste" troll, and how you have video evidence of my apparent misconduct via webcam. And each and every time, I have challenged you to post this salacious video for all to see. C'mon, short pants, take up the challenge. Prove yourself and back up your mouth.

But no...your mouth far exceeds your cranial capacity, a trait for which you were consistently infamous, alongside your propensity to attach yourself, limpet-like to "bigger fish" like Rowan and Howard (Sum Cunt and Evil Blood respectively). Just another klingon to the higher order.

And here you are, again, still trying to fan flames that went out 5 or more years ago. Miss Brawl Hall, do you sunshine? And true to type, you've invited two of your goonsquad to visit us and try and shore up your stupidity. Can't be a big fish in a big pond, slapnuts? Story of your life, eh?

I repeat; the owner of this forum will NOT allow you and your clownish confederates to turn this place into a flaming circus. If you are failing to get your jollies in TRF, this is NOT the place to find an alternative outlet for your witless and absurd habit. Given your adherence to your silly troll, and the fact that you've dragged Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber along, it is going to be hard for the proprietor not to draw the conclusion you're unable to conduct yourself with any nuance of common sense, and that your intent is to play your infantile games amongst us.

I suspect her response will be the usual one. One you've experienced before.

I pointed out allegations and perceptions held by others. That's all. You seem to have no problem doing the same towards me by wrongly calling me an Az or a Freud.

Don't be a hypocrite and so reactionary.


Apparently you have no concept of scale.

Of course, we both know that is hardly breaking news.


I accept your veiled apology then.

Let's move on.


Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Soxy worked the hard streets of the serial killer capital of the world.

Soxy locked up some fucken patsy and they gave him a shiny medal.

His thank you speech lasted 17.5 hours.

What a fucken repetitious bore.

Sadly Australia is full of some VERY BAD PEOPLE... we let any shit into our country. When I first married and came into the street, not only was there a shooting across the road that we were witnesses to but the Birnies were committing attrocities  the otherside of the suburb.. I thought, "what have I done moving in here?" A few of years later another young man who lived in my street buried a Neo Nazi guy alive under the house and when he started stinking, dug him up and shifted him to the yard next to a fence where a neighbour looked over and saw a hand sticking out of the sand... The dead guys sister was in my sons classes at John Curtin high school... ... We haven't had any murders for 20 yrs... except one coon was mudered... by his rellies... but that doesn't count..
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

The Countess

No murders in 20 years ? You're fucking around right

We must be the murder Capitol of the world


Quote from: "The Countess"No murders in 20 years ? You're fucking around right

We must be the murder Capitol of the world

another girl who slept with my ex boyfriend was murdered... Maree Gazoni (sp?)... an aborignal woman was murdered by her partner but both those crimes were in the late 80s. It was sad for Maree because she had two todlers which would be about 30 yrs old now.

part of my area were state houses (roughly 25% of the area)... those 1950s houses were pulled down and the people went elsewhere... oldies were put into new places and the rest sold to the private sector. We have a mixed but aging community... The only trouble we have is when they move an abo family into a street and there is petty crime from time to time... break and entering but the houses these days have high security... it's a bit tougher to break-in.

My suburb is very expensive now.. even I couldn't buy in...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"I accept your veiled apology then.

Let's move on.

Clearly, subtlety and irony elude you. Always have.

And whilst you continue to maintain your parody, we're not moving anywhere, asshole.