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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


Trump & Farage Kicking Globalist Ass

Started by Aryan, December 01, 2016, 06:25:59 PM

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Love this  ac_biggrin">


Quote from: "SCOUSE"Love this  ac_biggrin">

Give the elitist progressive scum heck. :thumbup:


Suckers! Trump's cucks are nothing but wealthy globalists.

QuoteGoldman Sachs poised for return to power in Trump White House

Government Sachs is returning to Washington.

After a decade in the wilderness, Wall Street's most powerful firm, Goldman Sachs, is dominating the early days of the incoming Trump administration. The newly picked Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, spent 17 years at Goldman. Trump's top incoming White House adviser, Steve Bannon, spent his early career at the bank. So did Anthony Scaramucci, one of Trump's top transition advisers.

Goldman's president, Gary Cohn, spent an hour schmoozing with President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday and could be up for an administration job, possibly as director of the Office of Management and Budget, people close to Cohn and the transition said. Cohn, a long-time commodities trader, is friendly with Trump's powerful son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

It's a stunning reversal of fortune for Goldman, a long-time Washington power that fell out of favor following the financial crisis. CEO Lloyd Blankfein got hauled before Congress along with other Wall Street executives to account for their behavior. And Trump, who ran as a populist and bashed Wall Street on the campaign trail, featured Blankfein as a shady and dangerous character in his final campaign ad.">//

The wealthy elite will have more power in the US than since I don't know when. They're going to have a field day.


Quote from: "Romero"Suckers! Trump's cucks are nothing but wealthy globalists.

QuoteGoldman Sachs poised for return to power in Trump White House

Government Sachs is returning to Washington.

After a decade in the wilderness, Wall Street's most powerful firm, Goldman Sachs, is dominating the early days of the incoming Trump administration. The newly picked Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, spent 17 years at Goldman. Trump's top incoming White House adviser, Steve Bannon, spent his early career at the bank. So did Anthony Scaramucci, one of Trump's top transition advisers.

Goldman's president, Gary Cohn, spent an hour schmoozing with President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday and could be up for an administration job, possibly as director of the Office of Management and Budget, people close to Cohn and the transition said. Cohn, a long-time commodities trader, is friendly with Trump's powerful son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

It's a stunning reversal of fortune for Goldman, a long-time Washington power that fell out of favor following the financial crisis. CEO Lloyd Blankfein got hauled before Congress along with other Wall Street executives to account for their behavior. And Trump, who ran as a populist and bashed Wall Street on the campaign trail, featured Blankfein as a shady and dangerous character in his final campaign ad.">//

The wealthy elite will have more power in the US than since I don't know when. They're going to have a field day.

And how much was Hillary Clinton paid again for her Wall Stree speches? Wasn't it $225,000 per speech? Didn' t she earn $22 million on the paid speaking tour?


Hillary was the darling of Wall Street by a wide margin. Trump had far fewer billionaire donors."> ... -last.html">

In her quest to be the nation's 45th president, the Democratic front-runner has taken in a stunning haul from the finance industry — just shy of $27 million and counting, according to the latest filings as analyzed by

On the Republican side, presumptive nominee Donald Trump has raised a meager $283,040 of his $57.7 million total from finance.


Homero always slithers out of the woodwork when I post, I should be honoured really.  ac_biggrin


Quote from: "SCOUSE"Homero always slithers out of the woodwork when I post, I should be honoured really.  ac_biggrin

Take a look at his sig? A weird little fuck isn't he.



Quote from: "iron horse jockey"And how much was Hillary Clinton paid again for her Wall Stree speches? Wasn't it $225,000 per speech? Didn' t she earn $22 million on the paid speaking tour?

Hmm, I'm not sure what Clinton's past speeches have to do with Trump presently selling out to Wall Street. Those speeches aren't going to affect any American, but Trump's policies will affect millions.


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"And how much was Hillary Clinton paid again for her Wall Stree speches? Wasn't it $225,000 per speech? Didn' t she earn $22 million on the paid speaking tour?

Hmm, I'm not sure what Clinton's past speeches have to do with Trump presently selling out to Wall Street. Those speeches aren't going to affect any American, but Trump's policies will affect millions.

You don't know what Hillary' paid speeches and massive campcampaign contributions have to do with selling out to Waall Street? Son, she is owned by Wall Street. Trump was largely self financing and owes no favours to them. I would be worried if Hillary had won and had Goldman Sachs execs in her cabinet, because she had so many IOU's with Wall Street.


Quote from: "Romero"
The wealthy elite will have more power in the US than since I don't know when. They're going to have a field day.

I don't how you can say that. The Obama administration had more people employed by Wall Street than Trump will have.">

But, I don't see why that should be a problem for Obama or Trump. Working as an executive at a Wall Street firm is legal isn't it?