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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Le noir pere noel...

Started by RW, December 08, 2016, 04:51:48 PM

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People at the Mall of America got a bit miffed at Santa being played by a black man."> ... ack-santa/">

I think people have a right to be miffed.  Here in North America, Santa is white just as he has rosy cheeks and a twinkle in his eye.  So we show our kids this depiction of Santa, then take them down to meet Santa and he's got dark skin?  Abuh?  Your kids would call bullshit on you right then and there.
Beware of Gaslighters!


You do realize that any 2-4 year old, that throws a fit and says he's not Santa and won't sit, will be labeled a racist....wait for it...
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"People at the Mall of America got a bit miffed at Santa being played by a black man."> ... ack-santa/">

I think people have a right to be miffed.  Here in North America, Santa is white just as he has rosy cheeks and a twinkle in his eye.  So we show our kids this depiction of Santa, then take them down to meet Santa and he's got dark skin?  Abuh?  Your kids would call bullshit on you right then and there.

We have had black Santa's before. Won't be the last time. Mall Santa's etc are normally considered Santa's helpers. Never had any issues here in Texas that I am aware of, at least none like this. Gotta love social media. Putting this out there now brings out trolls in a big way.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Hey, a few years ago over in the Netherlands or some other nest of Euro liberal idiocy, they were making a big stink about how "Black Peter" was a racist symbol.

So if this turns into a race baiting one should be surprised. The fascist PCism on the left know's no bounds nor shame. :oeudC:


Leftist elitists and their millennial offspring are offended. What else is new. I wonder if the Dutch would be offended if a white guy played Black Peter. How about Brad Pitt playing Malcom X?

This Santa passes the Prog approval test.

Portland's Hipster Santa is back and he knows if you're buying organic"> ... place.html">

Berry Sweet

Lo kept asking me if santa was actually real at a very young age...she started to see Santa a freak and she never ever wanted to see him at the mall or get her picture taken with the age of 7 I finally told her Santa is not real but just a mythical figure for Children and that I (mom) is actually Santa...she wasn't even upset, she just when we got to the mall, she loves the santa land set up, but says santa himself is soo creepy...and honestly, I agree with her...what old creep asks kids what they want for xmas and then comes into their house while they are sleeping to deliver gifts??  I'm NOT going to put that shit in my kids head...


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"Lo kept asking me if santa was actually real at a very young age...she started to see Santa a freak and she never ever wanted to see him at the mall or get her picture taken with the age of 7 I finally told her Santa is not real but just a mythical figure for Children and that I (mom) is actually Santa...she wasn't even upset, she just when we got to the mall, she loves the santa land set up, but says santa himself is soo creepy...and honestly, I agree with her...what old creep asks kids what they want for xmas and then comes into their house while they are sleeping to deliver gifts??  I'm NOT going to put that shit in my kids head...

Santa represents the spirit of giving.


Quote from: "Herman"Leftist elitists and their millennial offspring are offended. What else is new. I wonder if the Dutch would be offended if a white guy played Black Peter. How about Brad Pitt playing Malcom X?

This Santa passes the Prog approval test.

Portland's Hipster Santa is back and he knows if you're buying organic"> ... place.html">

Leftists elitests?!?!?  LOL!  The people who are offended are saying it's leftist PC bullshit in the first place.

You meat heads are drum banging morans.
Beware of Gaslighters!

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Herman"
Santa represents the spirit of giving.

Everyone can interpret it they way they want.  My interpretation of Christmas for Lo is different.  Christmas is about who you are're soul, your spirit and life...and you want to share that with others...not gifts and other bullshit.

I don't do the gift thing under the tree either...I don't like it...its unacceptable...I don't like it when people (esp on fb) post pictures of their tree totally loaded with massive gifts for their kids...I mean seriously!?!?!  The little self righteous fuckin brats all year long really deserved that?  I think not.

My kids birthday and Xmas are pretty close in dates, so from December 1 to just before xmas, I occasionally take her shopping and let her pick out what she wants...she finds more thrill in this as she gets what she wants and I waste no money buying shit she doesn't want...besides she gets stuff all year long, provided she puts on a good attitude and keeps up with her schooling.  There will only be one gift under the tree this year for LO on xmas day...she loves to sing and record her own music, so I bought her a karaoke machine that is wireless to all blue tooth devices, comes with a microphone, records, the whole state of the art shit....she gonna love it....for me it's not about bullshit dumb shit...its something she gonna take with her in life...I think I am more excited about this gift than she is!!  lol...I can't wait to see it being put to use!!


Santa plays a very tiny part in Christmas in our house..

We still have secular symbolism like trees though..

I really don't care what race a mythical entity is supposed to be.


I don't think presidential elections should be held this time of the year.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "kiebers"I don't think presidential elections should be held this time of the year.

But, it was November 8.


For me it would be like taking a kid to meet Barney the Dinosaur and making him yellow instead.  Kids wouldn't believe it was the real deal.
Beware of Gaslighters!


The only person getting xmas presents this year is me.

Wif is a Buddhist so I said yer fuck you I give you nothing.

Cos I spent all my money on a strip club and need another 50k for a big brothel.

And cos Santas a nigga.

Now she is confusused too mut.