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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

What is a leppo?

Started by RW, December 14, 2016, 01:26:39 AM

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I think the first step has got to be critics of Islam need to feel safe in criticizing it..

How can reform happen when people fear for their safety or face legal consequences if the say anything less than complimentary about Islam?


Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Wulf"

No, let's call it what it is, shall "expect" agreement; at least partially.

Unfortunately your entire point of argument is based on an axe that you need to grind. The chief inspector is correct when he points out that instability in the Islamic world has been a hallmark of it's history going all the way back to the dark ages. AND that goes hand in hand with the stubborn adherence to a backward, oppressive and violent ideology.

It beats the shit out of me how anyone in this day and age can deny this or attempt to rationalize it's barbaric aspects.

I don't need agreement.  I already know what I posted was correct in response to the statement in the meme.  I know you rightards will never concede to anything that doesn't align with what you say.  

I have no axe to grind Wulf.  I just can point out times in Islam rule or occupation where instability didn't reign.  Al-Andalus is coming to mind.  Heard of it?

I would like to note that I have made no attempt to deny or rationalise it's barbaric aspects.  I am just letting you know that there is reality outside of memes and other bullshit that people around here like to invent.

ac_lmfao. Nice try with your condensing smug shit.

Are you really going to use the Iberian Muslim conquest as an example of stability? Truth is the Muslim hold on Spain was never really stable. They were invaders and there was constant conflict with the Christian kingdoms of Northern Span and Frankish kingdom of France. Even the golden age of the Umayyad Caliphate (ever hear of it) centered in Cordoba, was marked by unrest and instability because the of Umayyad military ambitions in other parts of the globe along with Berber revolts in North Africa which ultimately cause the Caliphate to collapse and fragment.

The truth is Islam has been at war with itself since the death of the prophet and because of the schism it will never be stable. As long as you have two fanatical opposing sides vying for control of the ideology, stability isn't going to be coming anytime soon.

Wulf, let's assume for arguments sake there is a fourteen hundred year old problem with what?

You tell me Fash.

If Islam is to change and shed it's radical element, the movement must come from within. No amount of ordinance and Western military might can do it alone. Ideas change attitudes in the long run, bullets and bombs only ADJUST attitudes in the short term. In fact most times they do more to foster the wrong attitude than not.

I've been saying this for years except dropping bombs adjusts in the opposite direction.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Fashionista"I think the first step has got to be critics of Islam need to feel safe in criticizing it..

How can reform happen when people fear for their safety or face legal consequences if the say anything less than complimentary about Islam?

It can't happen, especially when those "legal consequences" include not just trial or imprisonment but stoning and beheading as well.

It's literally still the 10th century in much of Islamic society. Unfortunately the population thrives on it because it's all they know and all they ever will know. Just look at Iran. The semi-modern, forward thinking, western influenced society that once existed 40 years ago has been all but crushed under their oppressive religious dogma. In so many ways Islam is in a state of regression; a downward slide into self-destruction. Unfortunately it's working diligently to take most of the world with it.

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "RW"[

I don't need agreement.  I already know what I posted was correct in response to the statement in the meme.  I know you rightards will never concede to anything that doesn't align with what you say.

There you go with that shit. It makes you seem dumber than TD.

Newsflash, this is not a right/left thing. There are some Western leftists true to their beliefs who refuse to pretend that Islam is not a vile, backwards ideology incompatible with Western values.

Sorry I'm so dumb. Happy to be rich and handsome. Not to mention living in a tropo paridise.

How soon until Canada deports you chubby butt?


We don't deport our citizens.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Fashionista"I think the first step has got to be critics of Islam need to feel safe in criticizing it..

How can reform happen when people fear for their safety or face legal consequences if the say anything less than complimentary about Islam?

Does North Korea allow constructive criticism? Did Stalin, Hitler or Mao permit reform? Islam is a conquering ideology. It doesn't allow dissent.