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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

Prepare for disappointment

Started by shin, December 13, 2016, 06:54:43 AM

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Angry White Male

Quote from: "shin"Guys, what makes a woman boring/uninteresting?

Do you tend to find something you like in everyone, or are you difficult to please?

Most women are actually quite useless...

They often bring debt and children from previous bad decisions that they've made in their lives, and are now looking for their saviour.

This is why I do not date women with kids.  They can ride on another cock for the rent money.

And this is why myself and my ex-wife are still "together."  We know we can't find any better match.

Most men have issues, and most women do also.  I do NOT put up with crap.

Don't settle until you've found the one that you can work with.

And my Ex?  I'd kick her to the curb in a second if she started any funny shit.  She knows that.  In return, she gets to live a life that not many others would...

And I don't even want sex from her.  My little limp noodle most certainly won't be in any porn shoots.

She doesn't care.

I'm not a Negro, so I don't need sex all the time.  This allows me to become choosy.  I am in a position to be choosy.

Never settle just to not be alone.  However, if you find one that's like you, keep her.  Oddly enough, if it's going to work, you don't actually have to work at it.


What makes a woman uninteresting to me is an inability to hold a conversation about something they're supposedly very interested in.

Also, to a lesser degree.... constantly speaking in code where everything is a mixed euphemism and nothing is addressed directly or by name.

This one is conditional: the ones whose nervous systems are attached to their cell phones and feel the need to respond to notifications immediately are often scatterbrained, but if they have a job that requires them to be on call it's somewhat understandable. I always get a little concerned when I respond to a post on FB and they respond within 5 seconds.

I'm so picky it's no wonder I'm single. Right, Mel?  :tease:

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Thiel"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Her 3200 sq ft. house. Psst.

Is this thread about houses?

No, but TD never reads posts anyway.

Wrong. It's just that she has communicated to me how big her ranch style is 20 times. Looks like your impressed Herman?


Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I find it difficult to relate to what Berry Sweet and RW are saying..

I have never had a man stalk me, pursue me or show any romantic interest in me besides my husband..

I was not asked out on date until I was 21 and I always wanted a permanent committed relationship..

Berry wants to remain single and guys pursue her..

It makes me wonder if it's because I'm East Asian.


It's a cultural diff thing. Whites value independence.

As for the white guys pursuing white chicks and wanting relationships, that's all horseshit games. The white guys want to conquer these chicks, they don't have feelings for them. They sure don't want a future with them. The white chicks win if they push them away first. It's an adolescent game to see who can fuck with the others feelings first and dump them.

I have been observing whites for years in their natural habitat and I have seen this pattern of behaviour.

I liked a challenge when I was single.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Shen Li"As for the white guys pursuing white chicks and wanting relationships, that's all horseshit games. The white guys want to conquer these chicks, they don't have feelings for them. They sure don't want a future with them. The white chicks win if they push them away first. It's an adolescent game to see who can fuck with the others feelings first and dump them.

I have been observing whites for years in their natural habitat and I have seen this pattern of behaviour.

So true. We never see any married white couples or white couples with kids. :001_rolleyes:

I never knew people's desire for relationships was based on their skin colour. How insightful!

Putting words in other people's mouths is lame.

Meh, he hasn't been anywhere, but assumes everyone on earth shares his white prog leftist ideology.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Shen Li"As for the white guys pursuing white chicks and wanting relationships, that's all horseshit games. The white guys want to conquer these chicks, they don't have feelings for them. They sure don't want a future with them. The white chicks win if they push them away first. It's an adolescent game to see who can fuck with the others feelings first and dump them.

I have been observing whites for years in their natural habitat and I have seen this pattern of behaviour.

So true. We never see any married white couples or white couples with kids. :001_rolleyes:

I never knew people's desire for relationships was based on their skin colour. How insightful!

Putting words in other people's mouths is lame.

Meh, he hasn't been anywhere, but assumes everyone on earth shares his white prog leftist ideology.

No, he does not assume or believe that. He knows he is full of shit.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Shen Li"As for the white guys pursuing white chicks and wanting relationships, that's all horseshit games. The white guys want to conquer these chicks, they don't have feelings for them. They sure don't want a future with them. The white chicks win if they push them away first. It's an adolescent game to see who can fuck with the others feelings first and dump them.

I have been observing whites for years in their natural habitat and I have seen this pattern of behaviour.

So true. We never see any married white couples or white couples with kids. :001_rolleyes:

I never knew people's desire for relationships was based on their skin colour. How insightful!

Putting words in other people's mouths is lame.

Meh, he hasn't been anywhere, but assumes everyone on earth shares his white prog leftist ideology.

I've met people who haven't much international exposure that see foreign lands through Canadian rose coloured glasses.