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Halal and Kosher Methods of Slaughter

Started by Aryan, December 28, 2016, 10:01:04 PM

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Yeah Right

it seems to me the bolt and instant death is less cruel than throat cut and bleeding out.  

Either way though, throw the Muslims out and let them do whatever they want back in their own shithole countries.


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "RW"Why do I have to cruely farm an animal to be ethical in killing it for food?  Do you know how fucked up that sounds?  "Let's take an animal out of it's natural environment, raise it in some shit hole, feed it stuff it doesn't normally eat, fill it full of antibiotics, then drive a spike through it's head.  It's the humane way!!!"  That's really messed up Oberon.

I think everyone should hunt for their meat then maybe people wouldn't be so overweight with over eating meat induced health issues.


Have you evidence that our livestock are treated cruelly? Farmers are fully cognisant that producing substandard animals through poor management costs them big, when nobody buys their substandard meat.

And where is this "shithole" you speak of? Running cattle in a foodless desert isn't smart thinking.

Meanwhile, hunters kill wild animals humanely. First shot. Every time.


Have you ever been to a cattle farm?  Or how about a dairy farm?  A chicken farm?

They are foul places (no pun intended).

What about the hormones and vaccinations and all the shit they inject into these animals?  

And no, animals don't die first shot just like fish don't die first hook but I don't hear you butching about that.  But now you know why we club seals vs shooting them.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Yeah Right"it seems to me the bolt and instant death is less cruel than throat cut and bleeding out.  

Either way though, throw the Muslims out and let them do whatever they want back in their own shithole countries.

It "seems" to you?  Oh well there you have it.  That must be the case then.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Oh and you know why they sedate animals before slaughter?  (Yum, more drugs in em!) They sedate them because animals that know they are going to be killed get stressed and release a hormone that makes the meat taste shitty.
Beware of Gaslighters!



Angry White Male

True story...

When my Grandparents came here in the 1950's, there was no such thing as an "ingredients label" on many items...

She was German, and had nothing against Jews.  For years, she worked at a downtown Vancouver delicatessen, selling meats/sausages, etc.  One Jew was a regular customer.

When Canadian regulation required ingredients to be listed on the products sold, the Jew almost had a heart-attack, and flipped on my Grandmother!

There was pork in those sausages for all those years prior!  He had been consuming pork for years, and didn't even know it!

He was furious, and my Grandmother never did see him back in that Deli again...

Berry Sweet

The way of the world is changing and we need change with it...our lives...we need to start eating inaects and not meat....we have to change...


Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Wish I had some fucking drugs

I'm going buying some MDMA later ready for New Years Eve.


Nice. Im gonna buy a pound of Jacka Daniels.


You mean Jack Daniels whiskey?  Gone off that stuff me, it always ends up knocking me out.


Yeah mate. I'm in Thailand. No drugs here.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"What are your views on this? Should they be banned? Or is it more important to avoid the potential shit storm it would cause?

The only reason I'm asking is because I'm seeing more and more people calling for Halal to be outlawed, even by people who are in the center ground on political issues...

Naturally if it was upto me I'd ban them both in a heartbeat.

Very interesting thread SCOUSE..

I haven't given it much thought..

I do like your new avatar.



Quote from: "Wulf"All commercial slaughter of animals is cruel. Just because you buy your meat from a grocery store and never see what the animal goes through, it doesn't make their lives any less traumatic.

Slicing an animals throat as in Halal or Kosher slaughter is nothing different than what farmers have been doing for centuries. Now here comes 21st century man with his fake high ideals and his faux concern for the welfare of Halal butchered animals while he consumes billions of pounds of penned up poorly treated livestock each year.

A very good point Wulf. A lot of hypocrisy.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"All commercial slaughter of animals is cruel. Just because you buy your meat from a grocery store and never see what the animal goes through, it doesn't make their lives any less traumatic.

Slicing an animals throat as in Halal or Kosher slaughter is nothing different than what farmers have been doing for centuries. Now here comes 21st century man with his fake high ideals and his faux concern for the welfare of Halal butchered animals while he consumes billions of pounds of penned up poorly treated livestock each year.

We all know what this is. Stop fucking around and call it what it is. Forbidding Halal practices is just one more little micro-aggression toward Muslims in the west because you all haven't got the stones to get rid of the problem proper.

They don't stun the animal prior to Halal or Kosher slaughter, because they believe the meat tastes better that way, so naturally the animal is terrified during the ordeal and feels excruciating pain.

I suggest you watch some Halal slaughter videos, if you've got the stomach for it, to get an idea of the cruelness and barbarity...

The "stomach for it"???? :laugh3:

If slaughtering livestock offends your delicate sensibilities then how are you going to kill all the Jew's?

Have you ever killed anything, Sonny?

The potted plant in your mums loo that turned brown after your last nasty shit doesn't count.

I thought perhaps a reasonably civilised convo could be on the cards here, but clearly not, as the BIG BAD WULF persona has kicked in again.   :001_rolleyes:

Would sticking to the subject of the thread be too much to ask?

No problem, I was just asking a question. :laugh3:

But since we are on this subject, why don't you address my assertion that it's not the Halal or Kosher practice of slaughtering livestock that is at issue here. Banning these religious practices are actually just one more way to harass Muslim's and Jew's.

Don't give me this crap that cutting and animals throat is so abhorrent to the big bad wannabe Jew killer.

Actually I don't advocate killing Jews, I support the idea  that they aren't allowed to monopolise western mainstream media, banks and governments.... but thats another topic.

Sure I would prefer it if Jews and muslims would stay in the middle east, along with their fucked up stone age customs and traditions, but this halal and kosher issue affects us all, because we are often fed the meat without realising.

Really, it effects us all, how so, Adolf? Let's keep it simple, never mind the rest of us, explain how it effects YOU specifically. How exactly does it effect you?

Do you think that if you unknowingly consume just the right amount of Kosher meat, you will wake up one day and regret that you never had a bat mitzvah? Are you afraid you will turn into a filthy heeb and crave matzo balls at tea time?

I can't wait for this answer.


Haven't you heard of the "Jew Tax" Wulf?
Beware of Gaslighters!