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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

Trump Inauguration 2017

Started by @realAzhyaAryola, January 20, 2017, 11:47:03 AM

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The most egregious lies Obongo told surrounded his signature piece of legislation.">

I know it doesn't affect people's lives the way exaggerating crowd sizes does though. ac_toofunny

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "RW"Seriously...totally real question.  Do you guys truly not see Trump repeatedly lying to you?

They all are.  And they know they can do it and get away with it.

This is why I believe we dont need government anymore...we need to learn how to govern ourselves....we dont need positions of people in high power....they have no clue that they are doing anyway and most of it is for money anyway.  We are all modern day slaves, just to stupid to see it...most choose to turn a blind eye.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "RW"Seriously...totally real question.  Do you guys truly not see Trump repeatedly lying to you?

They all are.  And they know they can do it and get away with it.

This is why I believe we dont need government anymore...we need to learn how to govern ourselves....we dont need positions of people in high power....they have no clue that they are doing anyway and most of it is for money anyway.  We are all modern day slaves, just to stupid to see it...most choose to turn a blind eye.

They do, but some more than others. And not all lies affect us. The lies Obama told about his health care legislation are a lot more serious than Trump exaggerating the size of crowds at his inauguration. The former affected millions of people the latter nobody.

Trudeau promising modest deficits of less than ten billion per year and a balanced budget by the next election are promises that affect us because we will pay for them. The debt to GDP ratio will not continue to trend down either like he said it would. We will $1.5 trillion in debt instead. That is a whopper that should concern everyone.


I've been unfair to Trump and his numbers:">
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "RW"Seriously...totally real question.  Do you guys truly not see Trump repeatedly lying to you?

They all are.  And they know they can do it and get away with it.

This is why I believe we dont need government anymore...we need to learn how to govern ourselves....we dont need positions of people in high power....they have no clue that they are doing anyway and most of it is for money anyway.  We are all modern day slaves, just to stupid to see it...most choose to turn a blind eye.

They do, but some more than others. And not all lies affect us. The lies Obama told about his health care legislation are a lot more serious than Trump exaggerating the size of crowds at his inauguration. The former affected millions of people the latter nobody.

Trudeau promising modest deficits of less than ten billion per year and a balanced budget by the next election are promises that affect us because we will pay for them. The debt to GDP ratio will not continue to trend down either like he said it would. We will $1.5 trillion in debt instead. That is a whopper that should concern everyone.

This thread has taken a turn towards silliness..

Politics is about exaggerating, taking credit for positives and blaming others for any problems..

This is true of Taiwan, Canada and of course the USA..

I really don't care what size of crowds Trump says he got, I doubt anyone really does either...

I really don't care about the lies Obama told about his health care plan, but I can understand why Americans would..

I really don't care that Hillary Clinton lied about being under fire in Bosnia, it makes no difference to my life..

But, my children will pay for Trudeau and Notley's lies about deficits and that does concern me.

Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Fashionista"

Politics is about exaggerating, taking credit for positives and blaming others for any problems..

I really don't care what size of crowds Trump says he got, I doubt anyone really does either...

But, my children will pay for Trudeau and Notley's lies about deficits and that does concern me.

Three very true sentences. I think there is a danger for the anti-Trumpers making everything about Trump and his verbal foibles. The GOP tried to make the 1996 reelection campaign all about Mr Clinton and his personal problems, but the public voted with their wallets. Even if the election was held in 98 when Clinton's problems intensified, I still firmly believe the public would have no reason to change course.

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich summed it up best. "Ultimately this is about governing," said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has advised Mr. Trump. "There are two things he's got to do between now and 2020: He has to keep America safe and create a lot of jobs. That's what he promised in his speech. If he does those two things, everything else is noise."

"The average American isn't paying attention to this stuff," he added. "They are going to look around in late 2019 and early 2020 and ask themselves if they are doing better. If the answer's yes, they are going to say, 'Cool, give me some more.'"


Didn't Trump lie about the size of his Johnson during the Republican primaries? Exaggerating crowd sizes is part of his distrust of the mainstream media and I don't blame him for that.


The problem here is that HE is the one exaggerating crowd sizes.

Why aren't we holding these people accountable rather than making it okay for them to lie to us?

I have said it myself, "politicians lie" as if we should just accept this as a fact.  Maybe it's time we start insisting they tell us the goddamn truth.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"">


Uggghhh you're such a lefty  :t0131:


Why?  Because I have a sense of humour?

Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Velvet"Didn't Trump lie about the size of his Johnson during the Republican primaries? Exaggerating crowd sizes is part of his distrust of the mainstream media and I don't blame him for that.

Probably and the collective intelligence of his cabinet.

RW used to be a good poster at one time. Now, one could be forgiven for thinking Total Dunce hacked her handle.


I'm a bad poster because I think Trump is a piece of shit?

I can live with that as long as it makes you rightards mad.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Its funny because Trump isn't even 'far' right, he's just not the typical PC worshiping faggot that most modern western leaders have been for decades.

You leftists would lose your shit big time if an actual nationalist leader ever got elected.  :laugh: