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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

Things you would like to see

Started by RW, November 08, 2015, 04:48:56 PM

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Keep posting more of these beautiful places Azhya and anyone else.



Kaieteur Falls looks nice - largest single drop falls in the world:">">//

QuoteYou may have been to Angel or IguazĂș falls, seen Niagara or not even be particularly interested in waterfalls; it doesn't matter, go to Kaieteur Falls. Watching 30,000 gallons of water per second be shot out over a 250m (820ft) cliff in the middle of a misty, ancient jungle without another tourist in sight is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The brave (or crazy) can actually stand at the top of the falls and gaze over the precipice. Depending on the season, the falls are from 76m (250ft) to 122m (400ft) wide. Swifts nest under the falls' overhang and dart in and out of the waters around sunset each night. On the walk to the falls look for outrageously showy, scarlet cock-of-the-rock birds. Other creatures found in the park around the falls include the tiny golden frog, (providers of dart poison for the local indigenous peoples) and the rare bush dog.

Read more:"> ... z3r0Km3INs">


Camellia Grill in New Orleans, less isolated, more comfortable, better food and easier to access than kaieteur falls:">//

QuoteThe establishment is noted for such casual cuisine as giant omelettes, cheeseburgers, "freezes," and pecan pie heated on the grill">


Granville Island Public Market:  easier to access than Camellia Grill and Kaieteur Falls.  Very good market - lots of great food, attractive scenery.  Try the False Creek Ferries or Water taxi to access!">

the shark hunter

Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "the shark hunter"... i walked through the catacombs once ...

What was it like?

... very old.  my stepmom had a claustrophobia attack ...\">THE CALLUM HOUSTON WEB PAGE


Here's something I would like to see in Canada and soon. A fucking pipeline being built that can reach tidewater and international pricing. It's a fucking shame the country with the third largest recoverable reserves of oil cannot build a simple fucking pipeline to international markets. All our competitors have them, but not us(except for the original Transmountain)?? WTF??">