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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


Keep Poking the Bear, Juden..... You won't like the Outcome!

Started by Aryan, February 10, 2017, 11:09:55 PM

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Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"

You can have Canada, Europe is the white homeland!

Whites will be a minority in Britain by the end of the century? Who do you think is better suited to carry on civilized values? Chinks like Fash and I or people who follow a violent pedophile ideology?

I actually don't think they will, whites aren't just gonna hand over their country to muslims......

Sure, as usual, whites have been tolerant and accommodating to a fault, but the rag heads have almost out stayed their welcome in Europe and a civil war is definitely brewing, which will result in public opinion turning even further against them.

Don't forget all it takes is a right wing government with a hard line on immigration to intervene and start repatriating muslims to their homelands, and that's very likely what would happen should any major conflict start.

You will be a minority and you won't have the votes to reverse the trend. In fact, it's probably too late already. I read some where that muslimes are majority of births in some British cities. What you are seeing now in Europe is an old white populace and youthful young North African/ME populace. That doesn't bode well demographically for Europe.

I predict the only majority white nations in the world by the end of the century will be in Central-Eastern Europe and maybe Argentina. I have no problems with white civilization being supplanted, but not by the most barbaric civilization on the planet and that is Islime.


You must have missed the part where I said the inevitable civil war and conflict will massively shape public opinion and turn the masses against Islam......

Even white liberals will change their tune when their pet Islamics are beheading infidels in the street or blowing up school children.

The tide will have turned long before muslims get the chance to out number whites, trust me...


Quote from: "SCOUSE"You must have missed the part where I said the inevitable civil war and conflict will massively shape public opinion and turn the masses against Islam......

Even white liberals will change their tune when their pet Islamics are beheading infidels in the street or blowing up school children.

The tide will have turned long before muslims get the chance to out number whites, trust me...

Most Muslims are pretty moderate and mix with others, including marriages. You're demonizing loads of people.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"You must have missed the part where I said the inevitable civil war and conflict will massively shape public opinion and turn the masses against Islam......

Even white liberals will change their tune when their pet Islamics are beheading infidels in the street or blowing up school children.

The tide will have turned long before muslims get the chance to out number whites, trust me...

Quite he opposite SCOUSE..

Any violence against minorities will result in people in Britain with views like iron horse jockey who is sympathetic to your cause turning against you..

If the London underground bombing, the beheading in the street of Rigby and 9/11 did not turn public opinion against Muslims nothing will.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"

You can have Canada, Europe is the white homeland!

Whites will be a minority in Britain by the end of the century? Who do you think is better suited to carry on civilized values? Chinks like Fash and I or people who follow a violent pedophile ideology?

That will Never happen .

Ive been posting for 10 yrs that theres a Modern EU war coming soon .

Islam and Liberalism is on its last legs in Europe .

France / Italy / Norway all have elections this year .

In France its now ongoing with MARIE LE PEN ( FN ) ( FRONT NATIONAL ) party .

In a clear lead , against the reigning Govt party .

LE PEN is a NATIONALIST party . anti EU , anti immigration .

BREXIT . Now the massive rise of Nationalist parties in Europe , has sounded the Death Knell for Liberalism and Mass immigration .


Quote from: "IRISH KAM"

That will Never happen .

Ive been posting for 10 yrs that theres a Modern EU war coming soon .

Islam and Liberalism is on its last legs in Europe .

France / Italy / Norway all have elections this year .

In France its now ongoing with MARIE LE PEN ( FN ) ( FRONT NATIONAL ) party .

In a clear lead , against the reigning Govt party .

LE PEN is a NATIONALIST party . anti EU , anti immigration .

BREXIT . Now the massive rise of Nationalist parties in Europe , has sounded the Death Knell for Liberalism and Mass immigration .

Marine Le Pen will lose in the second round of voting. The people that supported Brexit are old like I showed you. Young whites who are of fighting age effeminate crybabies.

Whites in Britain are doomed. At least in Canada and Australia will be supplanted by us very civilized and pragmatic East Asians. European values will be supplanted by the most backward and barbaric ideology on the planet. You guys brought this on yourselves.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"You must have missed the part where I said the inevitable civil war and conflict will massively shape public opinion and turn the masses against Islam......

Even white liberals will change their tune when their pet Islamics are beheading infidels in the street or blowing up school children.

The tide will have turned long before muslims get the chance to out number whites, trust me...

Quite he opposite SCOUSE..

Any violence against minorities will result in people in Britain with views like iron horse jockey who is sympathetic to your cause turning against you..

If the London underground bombing, the beheading in the street of Rigby and 9/11 did not turn public opinion against Muslims nothing will.

You misunderstand me, it will be the Islamics causing the violence, whites will just be defending themselves. When muslims reach a large enough percentage of an area they just take it over, which results in whites leaving....... It has happened to countless parts of the UK.

Lee Rigby and 9/11 etc have contributed towards turning people against Islam and mass immigration in general, just as Brexit and Trump's victory have proved. The right is seeing more success than it has for decades.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"You must have missed the part where I said the inevitable civil war and conflict will massively shape public opinion and turn the masses against Islam......

Even white liberals will change their tune when their pet Islamics are beheading infidels in the street or blowing up school children.

The tide will have turned long before muslims get the chance to out number whites, trust me...

Most Muslims are pretty moderate and mix with others, including marriages. You're demonizing loads of people.

When they reach a large enough percentage in an area they take it over. I have seen it happen countless times before, and it could happen to the entire UK, France or any other country if left unopposed. Whether they are moderate muslims are not is irrelevant, they still impose their values and way of life which are totally incompatible with traditional western values.

When that happens its either a case of convert or leave....


Quote from: "Shen Li"

Whites in Britain are doomed. At least in Canada and Australia will be supplanted by us very civilized and pragmatic East Asians. European values will be supplanted by the most backward and barbaric ideology on the planet. You guys brought this on yourselves.

That is such a shitty defeatist attitude, I actually think you're trolling...........



Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"

Whites in Britain are doomed. At least in Canada and Australia will be supplanted by us very civilized and pragmatic East Asians. European values will be supplanted by the most backward and barbaric ideology on the planet. You guys brought this on yourselves.

That is such a shitty defeatist attitude, I actually think you're trolling...........

A little, but there's an element of truth to what I'm saying. It's too late for Western Europe. You're closing the barn doors after you let the wolves in. Being a racial minority is not a big deal. Losing your civilization to an alien ideology is as big a deal as it gets.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"

Whites in Britain are doomed. At least in Canada and Australia will be supplanted by us very civilized and pragmatic East Asians. European values will be supplanted by the most backward and barbaric ideology on the planet. You guys brought this on yourselves.

That is such a shitty defeatist attitude, I actually think you're trolling...........

A little, but there's an element of truth to what I'm saying. It's too late for Western Europe. You're closing the barn doors after you let the wolves in. Being a racial minority is not a big deal. Losing your civilization to an alien ideology is as big a deal as it gets.

How pissed do you think I am about it?  Why do you think I have the 'extreme' views that I do?    

All it takes is a right leaning government and the will of a significant percentage of the people and the rot can be stopped, even reversed through repatriation and mass deportations.  

Its a pipe dream I know, but I refuse to lie down and hand over my country to goatfuckers and spear chuckers.


Quote from: "Shen Li"">

'Shen Li wants to fuck a radical muslim'


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"">

'Shen Li wants to fuck a radical muslim'

Before they do it to her and all of us.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"

Whites in Britain are doomed. At least in Canada and Australia will be supplanted by us very civilized and pragmatic East Asians. European values will be supplanted by the most backward and barbaric ideology on the planet. You guys brought this on yourselves.

That is such a shitty defeatist attitude, I actually think you're trolling...........

Its the Liberals way .

Lose the debate , then start Trollin .............