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Re: Forum gossip thread by Lab Flaker

Why society is in a mess.

Started by Bricktop, June 05, 2017, 10:09:49 PM

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Quote from: "Blurt"

I've never been against any movement that seeks to improve people's lot in life. With this exception, however: I will always be against any movement that seeks to improve people's lot in life by worsening the lot of others.

So you are against formerly white nations remaining as they have been for centuries, ie white and European?  If anyone is 'suffering' at the hands of the Internationalists and leftist multicultists it's white people. Europe should be WHITE period, but a certain tribe of people have made it their business to alter the demographics and racial makeup of European countries, by opening the floodgates to the third world.

Quote from: "Blurt"

I understand that Nazis take the term "Nazi" to be pejorative (of course it would be, as the political movement it denotes has its roots in institutionalized antisemitism and bigotry) and that you Nazis would prefer to be called "National Socialists." But I'm not into PC claptrap and I'll call a spade a spade. If you wish to build an Aryan paradise on the corpses of other ethnic groups, you're a Nazi. Your political views don't even come into play. Call yourselves National Socialists if you must, but you belong to no Nation worthy of the concept and you're the furthest thing from Socialists it's possible to imagine. Socialists, whatever one may think of the ideology, had the common good in mind. There's nothing that can square the common good with exclusionary and discriminatory social practices and policies, such as you Nazis wish to implement.

I am pro white first and foremost, the admiration of NS Germany is just that, admiration.  No white nation has to adopt any form of neo nazi label to exist, it's mostly used as a form of slander by Jews and leftists such as yourself, but some pro whites are open Nazi sympathisers.  The reason for this? Because Hitler and the National Socialists understood the Jewish mindset, and how they behave and treat non Jews.  There is tons of evidence exposing the Jewish role in turning white countries 'multicultural', but you leftists still dismiss and deny it all.  The Jew does not respect nations or borders, and once they have infiltrated a host nation's government they will subvert and suck the country's assets dry, along with of course fighting Israel's corner.  As I say, their latest form of subversion is undermining the national homogeneity of white nations by promoting and enforcing state sponsored diversity and mass immigration.


Nazi talking points.

My God, man! Can't you think for yourself?
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Nice try.  Those are MY views and opinions.......  :001_rolleyes:

You're gonna have to do better than screaming 'nazi' and 'bigot' every 5 mins, unless you just wish to look like a typical leftist idiot.......


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"Ah yes....Scouse is citing Kevin McDonald....again...the author of "Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy", "Culture of Critique" and other typical antisemitic horseshit...Scouse have you actually read any of his work?

Yes, yes we've all heard your parroting about the Jew's being guilty of ethnocentrism, high xenophobia, high aggressiveness against outsiders, group think and a desire to kill the white man but that don't mean jack shit...... :laugh3:

Unfortunately McDonald's bullshit is all steeped in "genetic determinism" which claims culture springs entirely from biology and environment...Bullshit... because that only explains part of where culture comes from. McDonald uses incorrect evolutionary principles to blame the Jew's ethnically, socially and even genetically for all the wrongs in the western world. It's little more ethnocentric, xenophobic blather.

This thread was started as a criticism of how academia has a tendency to produce theories and publish papers that are little more than nonsense and consequently never really get questioned or examined.....Kevin McDonald's work is exactly that kind of nonsensical tripe.

Scouse your an idiot and at the end of the day all you can do is wave your arms hysterically and scream...IT'S THE JEWS...THE GOD DAMN JOOOOOOOS... :laugh3:

And once again you display your Kevin Mcdonald phobia, and laughabe notion that everything he says should be dismissed because he is critical of zie chosen ones.   Great logic tubs, as always......   :oeudC:

Of course I have read his work. He rightly says that Jews are both genetically and culturally predisposed to rule over non jews. What do you think 'goyim' means? It is hebrew for cattle.  Also notice how they label themselves 'Gods Chosen Ones?'  These people are the very definition of supremacists, yet they have the cheek to whinge and slander whites who wish to preserve their race and heritage. They are told from an early age that non Jews are inferior to them. Don't believe me? Try reading some sections  of the Talmud.

There's a reason the Jews get blamed a lot, its because of all the shit they have done and continue to do.  Tell me, who do you think controls the money supply of the US? Think carefully now, and consider the ramifications of this.  How many Jewish lobby groups are there?  And why do you think all major politicians whore themselves for Israel?  ac_umm  

Also you STILL have not answered this question.  

 [size=150] If Cultural Marxism is a Conspiracy Theory as you claim, where on earth have all these leftist buzz words come from? Thin Air? Also how have they become so prevalent in western academia? Cultural Marxism is the liberal left's bread and butter...

Political Correctness.

- White Privilege/White Guilt.

- Feminism.

- Anti-Capitalism.

- Anti-Islamophobia.[/size]

Yeah, tell me again how you've read any of McDonald's work...just like you've read Mein Kampf....  ac_lmfao

McDonald says Jew's are "genetically predisposed to rule over others"????

That statement alone explains how full of shit he is. The human genome varies very little across racial and ethnic groups....As I stated McDonald uses false evolutionary principles to make his case....AND he has been rightfully criticized for it by, anthropologists, and sociologists across the board.....some of them aren't even Jew's...imagine that.

McDonald is a crack pot...just like you and anyone else you believes his false narrative.

The terms you are spouting are all concepts formulated by the left. But most of all they are all "snarl" words and terms used by your ignorant kind to describe your fear and reactionary response to the political and social opposition.  They have been drummed into your empty heads by the fringe dwelling reactionary right in an attempt to forge an army of uneducated frightened sheep.

Judging by your reaction to most things, they have made a good little goose stepper out of you.

Why are there so many Jew's in academia? Same reason why you find Jew's in the medical profession or the legal profession and the business world. It's because Jews in many ways are just like Asians...they prize education over most things in life. They measure their success in life on how educated they are. They have done this for centuries. Rarely will you see a Jew on a bread line....or cleaning up vomit in the pub lavatory....Why...because they educate themselves and strive for professional success. Never have I seen a Jew satisfied with just the bare minimum in life.

BTW, there aren't nearly as many Jew's in academia as your paranoid ass would suspect. When I went to college only about 10 - 15% of the professors and facilitators were Jewish...MOST were either some persuasion of Asian or plain old white people. You will find that's true on most college campuses in the US even today. There is not enough money in it to make it worthwhile for the average Jew... :laugh3:

You might know this if you had gone beyond the 9th grade. But you wouldn't do that because it may have required that you move out from under your closed in xenophobic blanket of ignorance. There is a wider and vastly more interesting and stimulating world out there. Experiencing the real thing beats hell of experiencing on the internet.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"Nice try.  Those are MY views and opinions.......  :001_rolleyes:

You're gonna have to do better than screaming 'nazi' and 'bigot' every 5 mins, unless you just wish to look like a typical leftist idiot.......

And you scream...."JEW" every 30 seconds.... you do it so much so that even your BF friends sometimes get tired of hearing it.

You've made yourself into little more than a circus clown dressed in a cheesy facsimile of an SS uniform.... :laugh3:

I's it normal for storm troopers to wear big red shoes?
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Bricktop"
I was also a senior manager in the Taxation Officer.

I was also the General Manager of a media company.

I was a fitness leader in gymnasiums for 10 years.

I belong to 2 football clubs, rode with a motorcycle club, attended cooking, pottery and piano classes and volunteered in a men's rights organisation.

Who the fuck do you think cops deal with?? The Royal Family? 95% of police work is undertaken with the average citizen.

Don't fucking challenge my credentials in being part of the common population, and in touch with my community. I've been part of MY community for a whole lot longer than you've been part of yours.

That is an impressive resume Bricktop.



Quote from: "Renee"

Yeah, tell me again how you've read any of McDonald's work...just like you've read Mein Kampf....  ac_lmfao

McDonald says Jew's are "genetically predisposed to rule over others"????

That statement alone explains how full of shit he is. The human genome varies very little across racial and ethnic groups....As I stated McDonald uses false evolutionary principles to make his case....AND he has been rightfully criticized for it by, anthropologists, and sociologists across the board.....some of them aren't even Jew's...imagine that.

McDonald is a crack pot...just like you and anyone else you believes his false narrative.

The terms you are spouting are all concepts formulated by the left. But most of all they are all "snarl" words and terms used by your ignorant kind to describe your fear and reactionary response to the political and social opposition.  They have been drummed into your empty heads by the fringe dwelling reactionary right in an attempt to forge an army of uneducated frightened sheep.

Judging by your reaction to most things, they have made a good little goose stepper out of you.

Why are there so many Jew's in academia? Same reason why you find Jew's in the medical profession or the legal profession and the business world. It's because Jews in many ways are just like Asians...they prize education over most things in life. They measure their success in life on how educated they are. They have done this for centuries. Rarely will you see a Jew on a bread line....or cleaning up vomit in the pub lavatory....Why...because they educate themselves and strive for professional success. Never have I seen a Jew satisfied with just the bare minimum in life.

BTW, there aren't nearly as many Jew's in academia as your paranoid ass would suspect. When I went to college only about 10 - 15% of the professors and facilitators were Jewish...MOST were either some persuasion of Asian or plain old white people. You will find that's true on most college campuses in the US even today. There is not enough money in it to make it worthwhile for the average Jew... :laugh3:

You might know this if you had gone beyond the 9th grade. But you wouldn't do that because it may have required that you move out from under your closed in xenophobic blanket of ignorance. There is a wider and vastly more interesting and stimulating world out there. Experiencing the real thing beats hell of experiencing on the internet.

And yet Kevin McDonald is a scholar and well known former professor at a university. Which college or university do you work at Renee?  Oh that's right you don't, so the fact that you consider yourself to be more versed on the subject at hand and a better judge of what's correct and what isn't than someone who is clearly an expert on it, speaks volumes about your arrogance and how overinflated an opinion you have of yourself.

Those terms I have mentioned are buzz words which have been created with the intent on silencing the opposition.  Racist is probably the most successful one, which is commonly used to shout down and mute those who disagree with mass immigration.  Now where did the left get these terms from? As I have said, they did not just appear out of nowhere, they were created by a particular group of people, who I have already mentioned.  

As for academia, I don't claim that all teachers and lecturers are Jewish, however the leftist viewpoints which the vast majority of them parrot, all stem from Jewish thinking, or more precisely, Cultural Marxism.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
I was also a senior manager in the Taxation Officer.

I was also the General Manager of a media company.

I was a fitness leader in gymnasiums for 10 years.

I belong to 2 football clubs, rode with a motorcycle club, attended cooking, pottery and piano classes and volunteered in a men's rights organisation.

Who the fuck do you think cops deal with?? The Royal Family? 95% of police work is undertaken with the average citizen.

Don't fucking challenge my credentials in being part of the common population, and in touch with my community. I've been part of MY community for a whole lot longer than you've been part of yours.

That is an impressive resume Bricktop.


That tells  me he can't hold a job. Just kidding. ac_biggrin


Quote from: "Renee"Yeah, tell me again how you've read any of McDonald's work...just like you've read Mein Kampf....  ac_lmfao

McDonald says Jew's are "genetically predisposed to rule over others"????

That statement alone explains how full of shit he is. The human genome varies very little across racial and ethnic groups....As I stated McDonald uses false evolutionary principles to make his case....AND he has been rightfully criticized for it by, anthropologists, and sociologists across the board.....some of them aren't even Jew's...imagine that.

McDonald is a crack pot...just like you and anyone else you believes his false narrative.

The terms you are spouting are all concepts formulated by the left. But most of all they are all "snarl" words and terms used by your ignorant kind to describe your fear and reactionary response to the political and social opposition.  They have been drummed into your empty heads by the fringe dwelling reactionary right in an attempt to forge an army of uneducated frightened sheep.

Judging by your reaction to most things, they have made a good little goose stepper out of you.

Why are there so many Jew's in academia? Same reason why you find Jew's in the medical profession or the legal profession and the business world. It's because Jews in many ways are just like Asians...they prize education over most things in life. They measure their success in life on how educated they are. They have done this for centuries. Rarely will you see a Jew on a bread line....or cleaning up vomit in the pub lavatory....Why...because they educate themselves and strive for professional success. Never have I seen a Jew satisfied with just the bare minimum in life.

BTW, there aren't nearly as many Jew's in academia as your paranoid ass would suspect. When I went to college only about 10 - 15% of the professors and facilitators were Jewish...MOST were either some persuasion of Asian or plain old white people. You will find that's true on most college campuses in the US even today. There is not enough money in it to make it worthwhile for the average Jew... :laugh3:

You might know this if you had gone beyond the 9th grade. But you wouldn't do that because it may have required that you move out from under your closed in xenophobic blanket of ignorance. There is a wider and vastly more interesting and stimulating world out there. Experiencing the real thing beats hell of experiencing on the internet.

Christ, I'd give both my pinkies to hang out with folks whose mind can create this kind of incisive and witty marvel at the drop of a hat.

About the whole "genetic predisposition to rule over others," yeah, that struck me as simply too bizarre to even elicit a response. Whoever believes in that type of shite knows neither genetics nor the underpinnings of social and political power.

It's just too baffling for words, this kind of weird and lunatic amalgam.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"And yet Kevin McDonald is a scholar and well known former professor at a university. Which college or university do you work at Renee?  Oh that's right you don't, so the fact that you consider yourself to be more versed on the subject at hand and a better judge of what's correct and what isn't than someone who is clearly an expert on it, speaks volumes about your arrogance and how overinflated an opinion you have of yourself.

Those terms I have mentioned are buzz words which have been created with the intent on silencing the opposition.  Racist is probably the most successful onewhich is commonly used to shout down and mute those who disagree with mass immigration.  Now where did the left get these terms from? As I have said, they did not just appear out of nowhere, they were created by a particular group of people, who I have already mentioned.  

As for academia, I don't claim that all teachers and lecturers are Jewish, however the leftist viewpoints which the vast majority of them parrot, all stem from Jewish thinking, or more precisely, Cultural Marxism.

Really? The left "created" the word..."racist"????

You sure about that? Did they hand out degrees in linguistics upon graduation of the 8th grade over there in the UK?? :laugh3:

Not to be a kill joy but the word "racist" long predates the Frankfurt School or any frightening leftist agenda that you think is trying to silence you. It seems to have first appeared in a French periodical championing the cultural and ethnic identity of people in southern France in the year 1906. And's original use and meaning had no negative connotation.

You are probably one of those empty head, dopey fools, who think that the word "racist" was invented by Leon Trotsky as a way to apply derogatory meaning to individuals who opposed his form of socialism....That is an internet fable which dimwits like you swallowed hook line and sinker. Once again your glaring lack of education is working against you.

As for Kevin McDonald,... he is no "expert"....and to apply the word "scholar" to him is to apply it extremely loosely. He is a college psychology professor who sucks up grant money to produce nonsensical academic theory and NOTHING more. In other words he gets paid to write academic fairy tales.

He is the kind of "dime a dozen" fraud that infests a lot of post secondary institutions located in bastions of idiocy like "Kalifornia". You know nothing about him or the environment that allows bums like him to survive and spread their dreck. In fact, he is such a loon that the University he works for "California Long Beach", has officially disassociated the school from his work. AND they did so not because they are trying sensor him; in fact they openly endorse his right to free speech, but because of his proclivity to use questionable data and blatantly unsubstantiated research to support his social theories.

In his work, McDonald claims that on average a Jew is genetically superior to non jews in intelligence and use of language. How he arrives at that conclusion even the anthropology department of Univ California Long Beach can't figure out.

Do you think you are genetically inferior to the average Jew? If so maybe you should move over and let them do as they will with you for the sake of the human gene pool.

Now tell me again how you have read his work or how much of an "expert" you think that fantasy land lunatic is.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Renee"

Really? The left "created" the word..."racist"????

You sure about that? Did they hand out degrees in linguistics upon graduation of the 8th grade over there in the UK?? :laugh3:

Not to be a kill joy but the word "racist" long predates the Frankfurt School or any frightening leftist agenda that you think is trying to silence you. It seems to have first appeared in a French periodical championing the cultural and ethnic identity of people in southern France in the year 1906. And's original use and meaning had no negative connotation.

You are probably one of those empty head, dopey fools, who think that the word "racist" was invented by Leon Trotsky as a way to apply derogatory meaning to individuals who opposed his form of socialism....That is an internet fable which dimwits like you swallowed hook line and sinker. Once again your glaring lack of education is working against you.

As for Kevin McDonald,... he is no "expert"....and to apply the word "scholar" to him is to apply it extremely loosely. He is a college psychology professor who sucks up grant money to produce nonsensical academic theory and NOTHING more. In other words he gets paid to write academic fairy tales.

He is the kind of "dime a dozen" fraud that infests a lot of post secondary institutions located in bastions of idiocy like "Kalifornia". You know nothing about him or the environment that allows bums like him to survive and spread their dreck. In fact, he is such a loon that the University he works for "California Long Beach", has officially disassociated the school from his work. AND they did so not because they are trying sensor him; in fact they openly endorse his right to free speech, but because of his proclivity to use questionable data and blatantly unsubstantiated research to support his social theories.

In his work, McDonald claims that on average a Jew is genetically superior to non jews in intelligence and use of language. How he arrives at that conclusion even the anthropology department of Univ California Long Beach can't figure out.

Do you think you are genetically inferior to the average Jew? If so maybe you should move over and let them do as they will with you for the sake of the human gene pool.

Now tell me again how you have read his work or how much of an "expert" you think that fantasy land lunatic is.

We can argue about the exact origin of the term 'racist', but the fact of the matter is people like Trotsky and other Jews have used it to their advantage, and more recently modern day leftists use it to silence the opposition.  Even liberals find it difficult to deny this, in fact it has been used so much that it has little to no impact any more...

As for Kevin McDonald, he speaks a lot of truth about Jewish behavior and their mindset.  Just like any other human being he might be mistaken about some things, but it's undeniable about the existence of Jewish supremacism, for the reasons I have already stated.  An example of him being wrong on some points is how whites are inferior to Jews, which incidentally I don't recall reading...... If it wasn't for white people, Jews would have no one to leech off, as they are parasitic by nature.  Black and arab host nations don't provide adequate sustenance for them.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"If it wasn't for white people, Jews would have no one to leech off, as they are parasitic by nature.  Black and arab host nations don't provide adequate sustenance for them.

I will let this nugget of wisdom speak for itself.

(You're not a Nazi, yeah okay.)
Aimin\' to misbehave.


What I'm touched by is that this thread discussion epitomises the spirit of the OP.

We're a mess.


Maybe this is an "eye of the beholder" situation?

There are many ways to look at society.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


TOO many ways. We are dividing like amoeba. We are losing our humanity. We are over-intellectualising our world and making it easy for exploiters and demagogues to control us.