No, I think that guy is a wife beating piece of shit like all the other wife beating pieces of shit out there. He should be charged with assault.Quote from: "RW"
I agree Assault and Battery with a Weapon and it should based on Canadian laws and not be about Race Religion or Creed (seperation of church and state is important) and all people that did or do the same thing get the same charges and sentancing.
Justice should be blind but everyone has the right to fair and open trial by an unbiased Judge and unbiased jury of their peers and have someone to defend/represent their case to advise them in a court of law...everyone is
Innocent till proven Guilty in Court of Law
For Latins and Greeks : Lady Justice is also known as Iustitia or Justitia after Latin: Iustitia the Roman goddess of Justice, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Themis and Dike.