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Time For True Dope To Man Up And Secure Our Borders

Started by Anonymous, August 27, 2017, 06:29:07 PM

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QuoteIt's hard to sum up all the frustrating news that's come to light recently about the border fiasco all with one neat little bow. The mess really goes in every direction and covers all angles.

We've learned the situation is extremely fluid. Back in the winter, we thought the hundreds a month who were crossing illegally was a high number. At that time, quite a few of them were Saudi nationals on U.S. visas. Now, that number is peanuts and we're getting hundreds a day. Most of them are Haitians.

If that's not a big enough change though, check out this Canadian Press story from Friday: "Officials in Canada and the U.S. are concerned that the next wave of asylum seekers at the border could be a population far bigger than the Haitians crossing now."

In other words, bureaucrats are anonymously sounding the alarm to say: "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

The story continues: "More than 260,000 El Salvadoreans are facing deportation from the United States if their temporary protected status there is lifted in March – four times the number of Haitians covered by the program."

If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn't send a signal that these illegal crossings aren't acceptable, we might soon even look at today's influx as small by comparison.

This brings us to the farce of a press conference Trudeau held on Wednesday to discuss what appears to have been an equally farcical meeting in Montreal that same day on dealing with the influx.

He refused to use the word "illegal", despite reporters using the word in their questions to him. He'd always fired back with "irregular". Nor did he ever signal the most basic message that everyone's been waiting for him to say: Hey, please don't just randomly cross into our country.

It seems the whole meeting was about how to best serve the needs of the people who have made their way into Canada. Nothing about slowing down the flow.

It boggles the mind why the PM – the person most responsible for protecting the integrity of our federal borders – can't even once mumble that he does not want people crossing illegally into this country. I'll even settle for him using his fave word "irregular" in the sentence, if that's the security blanket he needs to hold onto while making this important gesture.

Trudeau's also sticking to the odd talking point that he wants to communicate that there are no advantages to crossing illegally into Canada compared to showing up at the official ports of entry or applying to come to Canada while still within the U.S... except that the opposite is true.

Who's he kidding? These migrants clearly either know the system or are being advised by those who do know it and what they know is that once you set foot in Canada, we don't shove people back for a very long time. In fact, we hand over some nice benefits.

Even if they are eventually deported, it'll be a long time coming. A multi-year vacation. Brings a whole new meaning to the term Club Fed.

Which brings us to a story my colleague Candice Malcolm had in Friday's papers. She explained how the Quebec government will be giving migrant families a minimum monthly payment of $642.92. But that's not all.

"On top of these cash payments," Malcolm wrote, "migrants also receive immediate access to a gold-plated healthcare program known as Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). This program provides healthcare services above and beyond what Canadians receive. For example, IFHP provides migrants with taxpayer-funded dental and vision care – services Canadians pay for out of pocket."

This is what's really going to frustrate people: that those illegally coming into our country are right away receiving better services than citizens. Canadians are compassionate people, make no mistake about it. But there's a point when you can go from being compassionate to just plain getting duped.

Trudeau clearly doesn't get this. He's kept parroting his "Canada is an open and welcoming country" line as if the only issue is whether we're tolerant or intolerant of newcomers to Canada. Baloney.

Conservative MP and former leadership candidate Deepak Obhrai posted this fresh dose of sanity to social media: "Most immigrants like me come legally, Liberals failure to clearly say illegal entry into Canada will be rewarded is distressing." No kidding. It's sad that the PM wants to make this an identity politics issues when in truth it's just a rule of law and common sense one.

Remember the Syrian refugee process? There were a lot of concerns about the rushed timeline and seemingly random headcount that Trudeau pledged. But many of those concerns all amounted to how we specifically implemented the rules. The debate was never about whether we should actually follow them or not. Everyone was all on side that the rules mattered.

Yet now, bizarrely and disturbingly, with this crisis we're actually at the point where we're asking why our own government and PM aren't able or willing to acknowledge they think all of these illegal crossings is a phenomenon that shouldn't be happening. How things have changed. And how quickly.

The other week when we learned that half a dozen of the migrants were found in possession of child pornography I said to myself "surely, this has to be the end of these alarming headlines." But the troubling news keeps piling on.

How much worse can it be and how much longer can it go on before the government changes their tone deaf tune?"> ... der-fiasco">

Do your fucking job True Dope and stop allowing fake refugees in at our expense.


QuoteOur prime minister went to great pains this past week, with the best serious-looking face he could muster, to spin us the line that the refugee system is working.

He must be wearing blinkers.

There is a tent city at the Quebec-U.S. border set up by the military. Frost warnings are just around the corner. Then winter gears up.

Upwards of 10,000 queue-jumpers seeking refugee status have already waltzed into Canada via unofficial border points.

Sieves are less porous.

The Big Owe — Montreal's Olympic Stadium, erected at a huge loss in 1976, hence the nickname — has become a hostel for hundreds of asylum seekers who would not be given the time of day if they had tried to enter Canada at legitimate border entry points.

Nav Canada's convention centre in Cornwall, Ont., never meant to be a motel let alone a refugee camp, has been seconded to accommodate an overflow of the intentionally displaced.

This is what Justin Trudeau calls "working?"

This is what Transport Minister Marc Garneau calls "under control?"

One tweet by the PM set this entire mess into motion. When U.S. President Donald Trump threw down his vow back in January to ban immigration from six Muslim-dominated countries, Trudeau could not resist tweeting his open-armed progressiveness.

"To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith," he tweeted. "Diversity is our strength. #WelcomeToCanada."

There was no Part II. There was no, "hold on a minute, folks." There was no "go through proper channels." There was no "we'll ship you back to wherever you came from if you're pulling a fast one."

No, until this week, he let his original tweet dangle like a carrot.

The latest influx, of course, are Haitians who were allowed temporary sanctuary in the United States until their home country had time to overcome the earthquake that devastated it in 2010.

With no extension coming from the Trump administration, Haitians began arriving here in droves, even if they do not come close to qualifying for Canada's official definition of refugee.

The Government of Canada's definition reads as follows. "Refugees," it says, "are people who have fled their countries because of a well-founded fear of persecution. They are not able to return home. They have seen or experienced many horrors."

No one can blame the Haitians, of course. Social media, with many of the missives written in Creole, told would-be illegals exactly how to play it.

Canada would not be totally foreign to them.

One of their own, Michaelle Jean, came to Canada as a legitimate refugee during the vicious Francois (Papa Doc) Duvalier regime in which her father was arrested and tortured in the mid-Sixties. She became famous as a Quebec broadcaster, and then even more famous when Prime Minister Paul Martin's recommendation had her become Canada's governor general.

But Jean and her family were simply one of thousands to have fled successive Duvalier regimes, and who found a home in Quebec, one of the few jurisdictions in North America that shares their French language.

Fleeing brutality is one thing, however, but arriving illegitimately through a back door to get an economic leg up and taxpayer handouts is quite another.

As Trudeau admitted last week, "I can understand the concerns that Canadians have about whether this (migration) is a shortcut, whether somehow this is uncontrolled immigration."

He said it wasn't, and that screening of queue-jumpers would be just as intense as with those who arrived here through proper channels.

In the meantime, however, they keep on coming.

No one has tried to stop them, and no plans are in place to do so."> ... -look-like">

True Dope created this problem and he doesn't have the stomach to enforce our laws. These people crossing our borders are not refugees. If he won't secure our borders, his should resign.


QuoteImagine if white supremacists had attacked Canadian journalists covering their demonstration in Quebec City last Sunday, pushing one of them down a flight of stairs and smashing the television camera of another.

Imagine if, in the wake of that unprovoked assault, they threatened on social media to do it again, not just to those journalists, but to any journalists whose reporting angered them.

I can pretty much guarantee you media across Canada would have been outraged, and would have denounced it across the land for days on end, as would politicians of all stripes.

Except all of this did happen last week.

The only thing is, it wasn't a white supremacist or neo-Nazi group that did it.

It was a so-called "anti-fascist" one.

That's right, the same folks some fools in the media have compared to Allied forces storming the beaches of Normandy to take on Hitler and the Nazis.

The reason this story has received little coverage — except for Global TV, whose reporter, Mike Armstrong, and cameraman, Jean-Vincent Verveille, were assaulted while covering dueling demonstrations in Quebec City, last Sunday — is that it doesn't fit the narrative of our chattering classes.

Nor of our liberal media punditocracy.

That is, those who immediately jumped in with both feet declaring after the tragedy in Charlottesville that violence against fascists by so-called "anti-fascists" (Antifa) was heroic, and if not heroic, then justified, and if not justified, then understandable.

Clearly, not all the counter-protesters that we in the media have lazily identified as "Antifa" are or have been violent in the wake of Charlottesville.

All people of good will were appalled by the murder of innocent counter-protester Heather Heyer, 32, in Charlottesville two weeks ago when a car allegedly driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of people marching to protest their presence in the town.

Many who have demonstrated against the white supremacists across North America in the wake of that tragedy are sincere individuals, who, while appalled by the vile racism of the neo-Nazis, would never resort to violence.

But the "Antifa" movement has always had at its core a group of masked, violent, thugs who delight in assaulting innocent people and destroying property.

These are the so-called "Black Bloc" cowards who assaulted the media in Quebec City last Sunday.

No rational human being who has ever seen the Black Bloc in action would compare them to the Allied forces who defeated the Nazis in World War II.

They were fighting for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, as opposed to the Black Bloc, who are violent anarchists.

There's a lesson to be learned in the painfully simplistic way many in the liberal media have portrayed events post-Charlottesville as a battle between "bad" fascists and "good" anti-fascists.

It's that you don't have to pick a side, unlike so many in the media who love conflict between easily identifiable forces of "good" and "evil."

In the real world, equally condemning neo-Nazis and the Black Bloc is not a mutually exclusive exercise.

When Al Qaida declared war on ISIS in 2015, nobody felt the need to call one of them the good guys and the other the bad guys.

So why do it when it's white supremacists versus the Black Bloc?

There are fights where the moral position is to want both sides to lose. This is one of them."> ... -of-antifa">

And if people decide to protest against True Dope's open border policy they run the risk of getting the shit kicked out of them by Black Block thugs.

RIP Canadian liberty 1867-2017.


gay, conservative and proud


So, can they stay permanently or will they get a refugee hearing that could take years to repatriate them when it's decided they are not refugees?

Angry White Male

I think that many Haitians will strengthen my community.  I would like to see them everywhere here...

I would like them all to become my neighbours.

Diversity is our strength, and nothing would empower that statement more than having the privilege of living amongst Haitian illegal immigrants.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"I think that many Haitians will strengthen my community.  I would like to see them everywhere here...

I would like them all to become my neighbours.

Diversity is our strength, and nothing would empower that statement more than having the privilege of living amongst Haitian illegal immigrants.

Smartie pants. :sneaky2:


Trudeau's handling of the issue could have been better.

However, I'd say most of the blame for this refugee mess is attributable to the United States and its President, Donald Trump.

Trump never consulted with Canada and Mexico, and then just dumps the problem on us.

There was no consensus, no treaty, nor coordinated effort to deal with the problem.

I'd say in this case, we shouldn't blame Trudeau.

We're inheriting America's mess because of an impulsive, trigger happy President.

He neither cares nor thought out the consequences for others of his actions.

BTW, if Harper was still in power, he'd also have to deal with the refugee crisis, whether he liked it or not.

This problem got dumped in our nation's lap by its neighbor and now we're forced to deal with it.

Angry White Male

I would also love to be surrounded by 300,000 Salvadorians, that will also soon make their way to our border.

It would be AWESOME to be surrounded by their diversity, which only strengthens my inner need for more and more diversity!~


Quote from: "Angry White Male"I would also love to be surrounded by 300,000 Salvadorians, that will also soon make their way to our border.

It would be AWESOME to be surrounded by their diversity, which only strengthens my inner need for more and more diversity!~

They might feel the same way about you.

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Fashionista"They might feel the same way about you.

Then they can fucking stay home!

What would happen if I decided to park my ass in China, and declare that they must accommodate and accept me?

I'd probably eventually end up six feet under!


Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Fashionista"They might feel the same way about you.

Then they can fucking stay home!

What would happen if I decided to park my ass in China, and declare that they must accommodate and accept me?

I'd probably eventually end up six feet under!

There are lots of foreigners on long term visas living in China..

Man with Chinese spouses.