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Re: Forum gossip thread by DKG

Formerly--(Would you buy a house somebody was brutally murdered in?) which somehow became a Holocaust thread

Started by Wazzzup, November 10, 2017, 11:21:35 AM

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Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"I did not say that you did not know that and that was addressed to Scouse not everyone else who seem to be on the same page as I am except for a few.

I know that AA and I know who it was addressed to. Scouse is on his own page. He contradicts himself so often I have to wonder if he really believes this blame Ashkenazi Jews for everything broken record.




Quote from: "Shen Li"

Let's here your thoughts on real issues like climate change alarmism and how it's destroying the West. It's financed by billionaires ya know.

I'd like to read his opinions on the most important issue facing the Western middle class today.  It should be good for a laugh.


Jews are the cause of climate change.

Try and keep up!!


Quote from: "Bricktop"Jews are the cause of climate change.

Try and keep up!!

Of course.  What was I thinking.


Its not that hard to believe in jewish conspiracy..

In Hollywood, all the big names end with Stein, Heimer, Berg etc.

Hollywood is for propaganda.

Many of the bankers, investors are jews too.


The holocaust card needs to be revoked..

Germans should be proud of their great history..

Nazi-Germany was great.. They fought against the whole world and nearly won.

The Kaiserreich was great.


You're wasting your time Odison, the Jew lovers on here refuse to hear a bad word said against the Jews, or more importantly organised International Jewry...

I don't think they even understand the difference.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"You're wasting your time Odison, the Jew lovers on here refuse to hear a bad word said against the Jews, or more importantly organised International Jewry...

I don't think they even understand the difference.

Odinson is trolling SCOUSE..

Mussolini's Jewish Lover Who Crafted Italian Fascism

Margherita Sarfatti wasn't just the dictator's most erudite paramour; she was his secret adviser and ideologue">


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"You're wasting your time Odison, the Jew lovers on here refuse to hear a bad word said against the Jews, or more importantly organised International Jewry...

I don't think they even understand the difference.

Odinson is trolling SCOUSE..

Mussolini's Jewish Lover Who Crafted Italian Fascism

Margherita Sarfatti wasn't just the dictator's most erudite paramour; she was his secret adviser and ideologue">

Not trolling..

Just considering all the facts.

And jews are pulling the holocaust card everytime they want something or are doing something nasty.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"You're wasting your time Odison, the Jew lovers on here refuse to hear a bad word said against the Jews, or more importantly organised International Jewry...

I don't think they even understand the difference.

Odinson is trolling SCOUSE..

Mussolini's Jewish Lover Who Crafted Italian Fascism

Margherita Sarfatti wasn't just the dictator's most erudite paramour; she was his secret adviser and ideologue">

I don't think so, I've spoken with him before about the National Socialists, and while not being exactly pro Hitler, he's far from the typical hysterical anti-Hitler drone.


Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"That is what we are talking about though. I just find it hard to believe that adults haven't seen images of this miserable atrocity.

What makes you think that every single picture of dead bodies on Google were victims of the National Socialists?  Or that they were murdered, as opposed to died from Typhus or some other sort of illness?

Stop watching Hollywood movies please, for the sake of your sanity and reasoning.

That is only one photo and I did not say every single picture of dead bodies are from the Holocaust. I know it's not but I know enough. Please stop pretending that Hitler and his minions did not want to eradicate all Jews from the face of the earth. They succeeded to do exactly that which resulted in the murder of about 6 million. That is not nothing.

Are you aware of how much effort it would take to dispose of 6 million bodies?

When you get some time, please watch this documentary."> ... 06G3Uv20cQ">


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Are you aware of how much effort it would take to dispose of 6 million bodies?

Not that difficult at all if you have any understanding of logistics and engineering.

Stalin exiled millions to Siberia and gulags. Hell, he moved the millions of Koreans living in the Russian far to Central Asia. That takes a lot more resources than moving corpses.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"That is what we are talking about though. I just find it hard to believe that adults haven't seen images of this miserable atrocity.

What makes you think that every single picture of dead bodies on Google were victims of the National Socialists?  Or that they were murdered, as opposed to died from Typhus or some other sort of illness?

Stop watching Hollywood movies please, for the sake of your sanity and reasoning.

That is only one photo and I did not say every single picture of dead bodies are from the Holocaust. I know it's not but I know enough. Please stop pretending that Hitler and his minions did not want to eradicate all Jews from the face of the earth. They succeeded to do exactly that which resulted in the murder of about 6 million. That is not nothing.

Are you aware of how much effort it would take to dispose of 6 million bodies?

When you get some time, please watch this documentary."> ... 06G3Uv20cQ">

See also the Leuchter reports......

Leuchter had for decades before the first Leuchter report been a leading technical expert on the execution methods used for capital punishment in the United States. In 1988, shortly before the second of Ernst Zundel's Holocaust trials, and after having been shown Holocaust revisionist evidence by Robert Faurisson, Leuchter, as an expert on American gas chamber executions, agreed to examine the alleged homicidal gas chambers of several Holocaust camps. He traveled to Poland with his wife (who was also his secretary), his draftsman, a video cameraman and a translator, to make a technical examination.

Faurisson was the first person to point out that a blue discoloration ("Prussian blue") caused by the delousing agent/alleged homicidal agent Zyklon B was present in delousing gas chambers but not in alleged homicidal gas chambers. Leuchter therefore brought back 32 test samples taken from the masonry of the alleged homicidal gas chambers, as well as from a delousing gas chamber. When chemically analyzed, all samples taken from the gas chambers supposedly used for mass human extermination exhibited either no or only negligible traces of Zyklon B derivatives, while the sample from the delousing chambers taken as a control exhibited very high amounts.

However, during the trial the judge prohibited the defense from using or even mentioning to the jury the report and severely limited what Leuchter was allowed to state as a defense witness. This was motivated by claiming that Leuchter was an expert only on a very limited area.

The report was published after the trial as The Leuchter Report.

Much less well-known is that three later Leuchter reports were also published and that the Leuchter reports did not discuss just Zyklon B derivatives but also many other aspects of the camps and which were argued to support Holocaust revisionism.

Examples include stating that there had been no gastight doors in the gassing rooms as well as no ventilation facilities for the drawing off of the poison, that the capacity of the crematories had been much too small, and similar other technical arguments.

Criticisms and counter-criticisms

The first report received enormous attention and was followed by various attempts to discredit it as well as by support by Holocaust revisionists answering criticisms and adding further argued evidence such as the Rudolf report and the Lüftl report.

Although completely a-political, Leuchter in consequence became the object of global insults (as a "neo-Nazi") and harrassment. Visiting England in November 1991 at the invitation of David Irving's Clarendon Club, to lecture at Chelsea Town Hall in London, he was arrested on-stage by Metropolitan Police officers at the request of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, held in the cells, and deported without appeal back to the United States.

In Massachusetts, he was victimised, assaulted, and prosecuted at the instance of local Jewish bodies on the hardly relevant pretext that he had been practicing as an engineer without proper registration (as did over half of that state's engineers). Fred Leuchter was forced out of work, hounded out of his home, and obliged to change his identity and residence.