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Canada are you ready to be Enriched?

Started by Aryan, November 24, 2017, 11:31:13 AM

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For Japan I'm sure they could think of a solution, assuming the worst it can get is probably just less welfare for the retired.  But you gotta admit b/c there's no excessive immigration they still remain leaders of the world.  I mean just look at their streets, not a single garbage bin and still you can't find any trash on the roads, after the last tsunami over 90% of the money and valuables found were reported back to the local police station.  And did you know all vending machines in Japan are built with earthquake detector, in a case of disaster all machines will dispense food and drinks free of charge for the people that lost their homes, while if this existed in some 3rd world country, even in some 1st world people would be waiting in line to rock and tip the machines back and forth, lol.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition.

With our points based immigration system, the health care professionals,  engineers,  IT professionals, investors, teachers,  etc are better educated and therefore more first world in thinking and mannerisms than uneducated white trash like Scouse and Kam.

I duno, but the place just looks kind of chaotic compared to 30 years ago when we dun even have to lock our doors.  I used to live in Scarborough and that place was huge mess thanks to massive wages of immigrants coming from Hongkong, mainland China, India and Sri Lanka...  I hate to say this but that city now is pretty much worthless thanks to the years of experimentation of immigrants coming in and out throughout the place.

I grew up in the Willowdale area of North York. It used to be heavily Jewish, but now it's more Chinese, Korean and Iranian. It's not worthless. If anything the property values have skyrocketed.


Quote from: "IRISH KAM"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition.

With our points based immigration system, the health care professionals,  engineers,  IT professionals, investors, teachers,  etc are better educated and therefore more first world in thinking and mannerisms than uneducated white trash like Scouse and Kam.

I duno, but the place just looks kind of chaotic compared to 30 years ago when we dun even have to lock our doors.  I used to live in Scarborough and that place was huge mess thanks to massive wages of immigrants coming from Hongkong, mainland China, India and Sri Lanka...  I hate to say this but that city now is pretty much worthless thanks to the years of experimentation of immigrants coming in and out throughout the place.

Every place where theres mass 3RD World immigration , the place turns into a 3RD World Ghetto .

Whats the point of coming to the 1ST World , to then carry on living there 3RD World culture ?

That's what my old neighbourhood looks like now, our street is nice, but the next next street where all the townhouses and apartments are nothing but problems.  My good old Somalian friend lives there and he told me the first day he moved in all he and his family notice was a bunch of police parked outside and a team of SWAT waiting to raid the house just next to theirs, lol.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition.

With our points based immigration system, the health care professionals,  engineers,  IT professionals, investors, teachers,  etc are better educated and therefore more first world in thinking and mannerisms than uneducated white trash like Scouse and Kam.

I duno, but the place just looks kind of chaotic compared to 30 years ago when we dun even have to lock our doors.  I used to live in Scarborough and that place was huge mess thanks to massive wages of immigrants coming from Hongkong, mainland China, India and Sri Lanka...  I hate to say this but that city now is pretty much worthless thanks to the years of experimentation of immigrants coming in and out throughout the place.

I grew up in the Willowdale area of North York. It used to be heavily Jewish, but now it's more Chinese, Korean and Iranian. It's not worthless. If anything the property values have skyrocketed.

With all the business and office North York can't be too bad to live in, but for Scarborough it just isn't the what it use to be, if you ever visit that place you'll be surprised how no one is ever happy in that neighbourhood.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "seoulbro"There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

Confirming that theory is Japan, where the number of babies born in 2012 was at its lowest on any year in record at 1,037,101. In 2015, the number even dipped to 1,008,000, while deaths was higher at 1,302,000, for a net loss of almost 300,000 Japanese. At the rate Japan's current population of 126 million is shrinking, it is projected to contract by one-third to about 84.5 million by 2060.

That same year, sales of adult nappies in 2012 outpaced that of baby pampers for the first time, reports The Guardian. It implies that there are more Japanese growing older and needing to use disposable diapers because of incontinence – a sign of aging – than babies being born and needing nappies for their first few years until they get toilet trained."> ... ex-1501770">

Ya, the Japanese face a prosperous future as a nation of old people with not enough working age people to pay the bills. :crazy:

Sure, so the answer is import loads of foreigners.  :oeudC:

How about influencing the Japanese people to have more children?  Flooding a country with immigrants is not the answer and will only cause more problems in the long run.


Quote from: "Zetsu"

With all the business and office North York can't be too bad to live in, but for Scarborough it just isn't the what it use to be, if you ever visit that place you'll understand what I mean.

I never liked any part of Scarberia as much as Willowdale.  

I have been living up in Barrie for fifteen years now.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "seoulbro"There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

Confirming that theory is Japan, where the number of babies born in 2012 was at its lowest on any year in record at 1,037,101. In 2015, the number even dipped to 1,008,000, while deaths was higher at 1,302,000, for a net loss of almost 300,000 Japanese. At the rate Japan's current population of 126 million is shrinking, it is projected to contract by one-third to about 84.5 million by 2060.

That same year, sales of adult nappies in 2012 outpaced that of baby pampers for the first time, reports The Guardian. It implies that there are more Japanese growing older and needing to use disposable diapers because of incontinence – a sign of aging – than babies being born and needing nappies for their first few years until they get toilet trained."> ... ex-1501770">

Ya, the Japanese face a prosperous future as a nation of old people with not enough working age people to pay the bills. :crazy:

Sure, so the answer is import loads of foreigners.  :oeudC:

How about influencing the Japanese people to have more children?  Flooding a country with immigrants is not the answer and will only cause more problems in the long run.

Do you not think Japan hasn't been offering financial incentives for babies? They have been doing that for a long time.

Low fertility rates are a natural progression for developed nations. Developed nations also demand a lot from their fellow taxpayer. That leaves two options only; being in educated working class people because locals won't have  enough babies or accept a lot more holes in the social safety net and ultimately a poorer nation.  The choice is really that simple.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "seoulbro"There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

Confirming that theory is Japan, where the number of babies born in 2012 was at its lowest on any year in record at 1,037,101. In 2015, the number even dipped to 1,008,000, while deaths was higher at 1,302,000, for a net loss of almost 300,000 Japanese. At the rate Japan's current population of 126 million is shrinking, it is projected to contract by one-third to about 84.5 million by 2060.

That same year, sales of adult nappies in 2012 outpaced that of baby pampers for the first time, reports The Guardian. It implies that there are more Japanese growing older and needing to use disposable diapers because of incontinence – a sign of aging – than babies being born and needing nappies for their first few years until they get toilet trained."> ... ex-1501770">

Ya, the Japanese face a prosperous future as a nation of old people with not enough working age people to pay the bills. :crazy:

Sure, so the answer is import loads of foreigners.  :oeudC:

How about influencing the Japanese people to have more children?  Flooding a country with immigrants is not the answer and will only cause more problems in the long run.

Do you not think Japan hasn't been offering financial incentives for babies? They have been doing that for a long time.

Low fertility rates are a natural progression for developed nations. Developed nations also demand a lot from their fellow taxpayer. That leaves two options only; being in educated working class people because locals won't have  enough babies or accept a lot more holes in the social safety net and ultimately a poorer nation.  The choice is really that simple.

Its a good theory, but does it work in real life?  Like I posted elsewhere on this subject 50% of US immigrants are on some form of government assistance.  You can't pay the bills for a safety net with people, many of whom, are not working.

There are other considerations too.  Even if the foreign workers theory is correct, I for one, would rather pay more health care bills when I am older than have a country that is tribally divided by races and ethnicities constantly clashing against each other, and leftist oligarchies controlling all our lives like one big college campus.

Angry White Male

Canada is a joke, but the other Western Nations are really no better either.  In fact, some of them are much worse.

It can't be stopped.  This influx happens no matter what Government is in power.

Do I like it?  No I do not.  I am becoming a foreigner in my own city.

However, what can I do?  I roll with it.

Owning a dump truck and trailer, this guarantees me work.  I have NEVER been busier.  I hate to say it, but I'm just gonna ride it out, make the money, take the money, and then get the FUCK out of this shithole.

I really don't like it here anymore.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "seoulbro"There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

Confirming that theory is Japan, where the number of babies born in 2012 was at its lowest on any year in record at 1,037,101. In 2015, the number even dipped to 1,008,000, while deaths was higher at 1,302,000, for a net loss of almost 300,000 Japanese. At the rate Japan's current population of 126 million is shrinking, it is projected to contract by one-third to about 84.5 million by 2060.

That same year, sales of adult nappies in 2012 outpaced that of baby pampers for the first time, reports The Guardian. It implies that there are more Japanese growing older and needing to use disposable diapers because of incontinence – a sign of aging – than babies being born and needing nappies for their first few years until they get toilet trained."> ... ex-1501770">

Ya, the Japanese face a prosperous future as a nation of old people with not enough working age people to pay the bills. :crazy:

Sure, so the answer is import loads of foreigners.  :oeudC:

How about influencing the Japanese people to have more children?  Flooding a country with immigrants is not the answer and will only cause more problems in the long run.

Do you not think Japan hasn't been offering financial incentives for babies? They have been doing that for a long time.

Low fertility rates are a natural progression for developed nations. Developed nations also demand a lot from their fellow taxpayer. That leaves two options only; being in educated working class people because locals won't have  enough babies or accept a lot more holes in the social safety net and ultimately a poorer nation.  The choice is really that simple.

Its a good theory, but does it work in real life?  Like I posted elsewhere on this subject 50% of US immigrants are on some form of government assistance.  You can't pay the bills for a safety net with people, many of whom, are not working.

There are other considerations too.  Even if the foreign workers theory is correct, I for one, would rather pay more health care bills when I am older than have a country that is tribally divided by races and ethnicities constantly clashing against each other, and leftist oligarchies controlling all our lives like one big college campus.

That isn't the case in the multi ethnic neighbourhood of Calgary, Alberta I live in Wazzzup.

Everyone works and nearly all dwellings are owner occupied..

The crime rate is very low too  and we have a neighbourhood watch program.


Quote from: "Zetsu"For Japan I'm sure they could think of a solution, assuming the worst it can get is probably just less welfare for the retired.  But you gotta admit b/c there's no excessive immigration they still remain leaders of the world.  I mean just look at their streets, not a single garbage bin and still you can't find any trash on the roads, after the last tsunami over 90% of the money and valuables found were reported back to the local police station.  And did you know all vending machines in Japan are built with earthquake detector, in a case of disaster all machines will dispense food and drinks free of charge for the people that lost their homes, while if this existed in some 3rd world country, even in some 1st world people would be waiting in line to rock and tip the machines back and forth, lol.

Japan knows what Germany, Canada, Sweden and equally stupid Western nations are doing letting scam refugee claimants stay is suicide.


Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

Taking a bunch of uneducated, lazy negroes and muslims is not going to make things better...

They are gonna breed like rabbits while cashing welfare checks..

They dont speak japanese nor english..

I know speaking japanese in Japan is very important because they dont speak any other language.

Average 30 year old white person speaks several languages.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

So why can't the young Japanese keep the economy going?

There are too few..

And its because the japanese dont have time nor money to raise a family..

Same thing in europe.

Only lazy negroes and muslims can have 8 kids with multiple partners because...

A) They arent paying for them.. The white man pays for them.

B) They have all the time in the world because negro/muslim bucks are the laziest fuckers known to man..

Muslims can run an unhygienic restaurant though.. But not without a tax scam and a government benefit scam.


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

So why can't the young Japanese keep the economy going?

There are too few..

And its because the japanese dont have time nor money to raise a family..

Same thing in europe.

Only lazy negroes and muslims can have 8 kids with multiple partners because...

A) They arent paying for them.. The white man pays for them.

B) They have all the time in the world because negro/muslim bucks are the laziest fuckers known to man..

Muslims can run an unhygienic restaurant though.. But not without a tax scam and a government benefit scam.

There has never been a better time for a white homeland to be made.  

Very generous incentives for  whites to have children should be offered in an attempt to counter the declining birth rates, but of course the elite string pullers want fewer whites so it will never happen in ZOG controlled countries.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "seoulbro"There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

Confirming that theory is Japan, where the number of babies born in 2012 was at its lowest on any year in record at 1,037,101. In 2015, the number even dipped to 1,008,000, while deaths was higher at 1,302,000, for a net loss of almost 300,000 Japanese. At the rate Japan's current population of 126 million is shrinking, it is projected to contract by one-third to about 84.5 million by 2060.

That same year, sales of adult nappies in 2012 outpaced that of baby pampers for the first time, reports The Guardian. It implies that there are more Japanese growing older and needing to use disposable diapers because of incontinence – a sign of aging – than babies being born and needing nappies for their first few years until they get toilet trained."> ... ex-1501770">

Ya, the Japanese face a prosperous future as a nation of old people with not enough working age people to pay the bills. :crazy:

Sure, so the answer is import loads of foreigners.  :oeudC:

How about influencing the Japanese people to have more children?  Flooding a country with immigrants is not the answer and will only cause more problems in the long run.

Do you not think Japan hasn't been offering financial incentives for babies? They have been doing that for a long time.

Low fertility rates are a natural progression for developed nations. Developed nations also demand a lot from their fellow taxpayer. That leaves two options only; being in educated working class people because locals won't have  enough babies or accept a lot more holes in the social safety net and ultimately a poorer nation.  The choice is really that simple.

Its a good theory, but does it work in real life?  Like I posted elsewhere on this subject 50% of US immigrants are on some form of government assistance.  You can't pay the bills for a safety net with people, many of whom, are not working.

There are other considerations too.  Even if the foreign workers theory is correct, I for one, would rather pay more health care bills when I am older than have a country that is tribally divided by races and ethnicities constantly clashing against each other, and leftist oligarchies controlling all our lives like one big college campus.

That isn't the case in the multi ethnic neighbourhood of Calgary, Alberta I live in Wazzzup.

Everyone works and nearly all dwellings are owner occupied..

The crime rate is very low too  and we have a neighbourhood watch program.

Calgary is about 74% white, and most of the rest (20%) is East Indians and Asians (Chinese, Filipino etc.)

East indians and Asians are very successful groups in white countries, they assimilate and do very well, often better than the native whites.