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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Funny how half the posters here...

Started by Angry White Male, December 02, 2017, 06:03:33 PM

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Quote from: "Angry White Male"Any time a fucking clown poster, such as Sox, uses the term "we,"  I laugh...

I have seen this 15 years ago, and I still see it now.

"We?"  Sox, you speak for NO ONE but yourself.

Knock it fucking off, you fucking old imbecile.

Bricktop is not the only one.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"Any time a fucking clown poster, such as Sox, uses the term "we,"  I laugh...

I have seen this 15 years ago, and I still see it now.

"We?"  Sox, you speak for NO ONE but yourself.

Knock it fucking off, you fucking old imbecile.

Pay attention Mel. Pour yourself a nice cup of cocoa and give your full attention to the screen.

Forums are like any other community. They consist of a diversity of people who enjoy sharing their views and life experience with others. Most forum devotees are extremely tolerant, as difficult as that may be to believe. They welcome a diversity of opinion, culture and beliefs.

Many people enjoy posting lucid, sensible, reasoned and interesting thoughts and opinions, experiences and observations. They apply effort into making the forum an interesting place to be.

Then there are those, like you, Odinson and IrishKam who are utterly incapable of respecting the enjoyment and contributions of others, and just make fucking nuisances of yourselves for no apparent reason other than you have a misfire in your cranium, and think its either funny, cool, or brave to interfere with the enjoyment of others.

You offer nothing but disturbance, and the forum is generally a better place without you.Yet you are indulged, because the proprietor is willing to try and give everyone an opportunity to act like a reasonable human being.

However, those members, like me, who take pride in making an effort to make the place worthwhile grow increasingly weary of your antics in befouling the place with your histrionics. To such an extent that we may exercise our own discretion and go play elsewhere to avoid your childish wailing and caterwauling.

So then the proprietor has a problem. Cater for contributors who add something positive to the place, or accommodate the agitators and irritants who make the place less appealing.

This, of course, gives leverage to those who are indispensable. You are not in that category.

So, you can take it from here...I'm sure you can figure out how a proprietor would choose if he or she truly values their members and their forum.

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Bricktop is not the only one.

Then they can deal with me personally.

Bricktop has overestimated his worth the minute he started posting on these forums.  While I don't mind the guy personally, I highly doubt he is in a position to be self-appointed forum spokesman.

If others have an issue with me, they can bring it up personally.

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Bricktop"To such an extent that we may exercise our own discretion and go play elsewhere to avoid your childish wailing and caterwauling.

Ah, the old "I'm taking my ball and going home" threat, Sox?

Sure.  You can use that as an excuse...  You can use that to bully your way into getting a forum to run just like you want it to run...  With the threat of leaving.

If multiple posters here leave just because of my occasional presence, I have some news for them:  THEY are the problem, not me, and they perhaps would be happier on FaceBook.

Angry White Male

However, it's always funny to me when posters are ignorant about how forums really work.

Even Fash had the nerve to blame RW's shit on me.  I wasn't even here the night she whigged out...  and yet, even this forum's Admin somehow thinks I am to blame for that.

So you see, I simply know how forums work better than most, and you, Sox, as always, have overestimated your worth over the long run, and have overestimated your real ability contribute over time.

Now take your ball, and go home.


Ah, OK.

I tell you what.

Let the people decide.

Members vote on the question "One of these members must permanently leave the forum, never to return, in accordance with your vote"

2 options. Me, and you.

Shall I start the thread?

Angry White Male

Play favourites?

Why not just keep it simple, and ask the posters whether or not I should remain posting here.

If over 50% of the regulars do not want me here, I'll split.

Angry White Male

In fact, I put up such a poll here in the past.

It wasn't just instantly moved to another sub, it was FUCKING WIPED INSTANTLY!


Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Even Fash had the nerve to blame RW's shit on me.

Well, I'm sure she knows better now. Any malice borne by RW towards this forum is on me. You are henceforth exonerated.

Now, your point was the relative importance of myself as opposed to you. A poll of one doesn't address your claim.

Mano e mano, muppet.

Angry White Male

Let the people decide.  A true democracy.  Not whether they like you better or not, but simply whether they want me posting here.

This is fair, and democratic.  Over 50% of regs here want me gone, I'm gone.

Put up the poll.


Angry White Male


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Even Fash had the nerve to blame RW's shit on me.

Well, I'm sure she knows better now. Any malice borne by RW towards this forum is on me. You are henceforth exonerated.

Now, your point was the relative importance of myself as opposed to you. A poll of one doesn't address your claim.

Mano e mano, muppet.

Mel is feeling sorry for himself again..

I don't blame anyone for RW's departure from here.

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Fashionista"I don't blame anyone for RW's departure from here.

You tried to blame me.

Put the fucking poll up.  Let the people decide.

Angry White Male

Put the poll up Fash, or are you too busy sucking Sox's dick?

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