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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

Cop gives DUI's to Completely Sober people...

Started by Angry White Male, December 09, 2017, 09:47:40 PM

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Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Here's a newsflash, son.

When you go around wishing harm on police officers, as you've done once or twice now, I take that kind of personally. Its like you're wishing harm on me. So, if you want to play that game, just as in Old Flametown, it comes back on you.

I'm going to assume Fash is quite able to see through your trolling to see the game you're playing. If not, she does now.

My younger brother is a police officer..

I can understand that Bricktop.

Have you badgered him to find a respectable job?

Imo there's no job that holds more pride, honour and respect than being a police or soldier, even fire fighters don't come close for the risk they take.  My brother wanted to become a cop, but unfortunately wasn't able to get in, though he has a diploma in law enforcement and 2 masters in criminal psychology and security management and up working in a maximum security prison.

Why would he be rejected with a resume like that?

My brother find it odd too, though one of the reasons he assumed it's b/c in the multiple choice test he took that's required to become a cop asked him does he has a friend that went to prison and also ask does he still meet up with up with him/her often, my brother marked both of them "yes", or maybe b/c our family is suspicous since my dad and eldest brother both work overseas which might be not transparent enough or about 15 years ago our house once got a false alarm and the cops enter inside and found some nunchucks given to my brother to hold onto from his deceased martial arts master/sensei, since nunchucks are prohibited weapons in Canada so they have to take them away.  These are the reasons my brother and I could only think of and still duno till this day, the police says they can't give out a reason either why my brother failed to get in.

Why would your brother mark yes to both of those questions? That's what killed his application.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"What's unbelievable?

I think she means you, Aaron.




Yeah, right...we both know that isn't going to happen. BTW, are you sharing this account with your Turd Rail posse?


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Here's a newsflash, son.

When you go around wishing harm on police officers, as you've done once or twice now, I take that kind of personally. Its like you're wishing harm on me. So, if you want to play that game, just as in Old Flametown, it comes back on you.

I'm going to assume Fash is quite able to see through your trolling to see the game you're playing. If not, she does now.

My younger brother is a police officer..

I can understand that Bricktop.

Have you badgered him to find a respectable job?

Imo there's no job that holds more pride, honour and respect than being a police or soldier, even fire fighters don't come close for the risk they take.  My brother wanted to become a cop, but unfortunately wasn't able to get in, though he has a diploma in law enforcement and 2 masters in criminal psychology and security management and up working in a maximum security prison.

Why would he be rejected with a resume like that?

My brother find it odd too, though one of the reasons he assumed it's b/c in the multiple choice test he took that's required to become a cop asked him does he has a friend that went to prison and also ask does he still meet up with up with him/her often, my brother marked both of them "yes", or maybe b/c our family is suspicous since my dad and eldest brother both work overseas which might be not transparent enough or about 15 years ago our house once got a false alarm and the cops enter inside and found some nunchucks given to my brother to hold onto from his deceased martial arts master/sensei, since nunchucks are prohibited weapons in Canada so they have to take them away.  These are the reasons my brother and I could only think of and still duno till this day, the police says they can't give out a reason either why my brother failed to get in.

Why would your brother mark yes to both of those questions? That's what killed his application.

Lol that's why the second time he got selected but as a canidate for correctional service, this time he marked both no and got the job right away. :001_tongue:
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Here's a newsflash, son.

When you go around wishing harm on police officers, as you've done once or twice now, I take that kind of personally. Its like you're wishing harm on me. So, if you want to play that game, just as in Old Flametown, it comes back on you.

I'm going to assume Fash is quite able to see through your trolling to see the game you're playing. If not, she does now.

My younger brother is a police officer..

I can understand that Bricktop.

Have you badgered him to find a respectable job?

Imo there's no job that holds more pride, honour and respect than being a police or soldier, even fire fighters don't come close for the risk they take.  My brother wanted to become a cop, but unfortunately wasn't able to get in, though he has a diploma in law enforcement and 2 masters in criminal psychology and security management and up working in a maximum security prison.

Why would he be rejected with a resume like that?

My brother find it odd too, though one of the reasons he assumed it's b/c in the multiple choice test he took that's required to become a cop asked him does he has a friend that went to prison and also ask does he still meet up with up with him/her often, my brother marked both of them "yes", or maybe b/c our family is suspicous since my dad and eldest brother both work overseas which might be not transparent enough or about 15 years ago our house once got a false alarm and the cops enter inside and found some nunchucks given to my brother to hold onto from his deceased martial arts master/sensei, since nunchucks are prohibited weapons in Canada so they have to take them away.  These are the reasons my brother and I could only think of and still duno till this day, the police says they can't give out a reason either why my brother failed to get in.

Why would your brother mark yes to both of those questions? That's what killed his application.

Lol that's why the second time he got selected but as a canidate for correctional service, this time he marked both no and got the job right away. :001_tongue:

There you go brother. Mystery solved.


Quote from: "Bricktop"Yeah, right...we both know that isn't going to happen. BTW, are you sharing this account with your Turd Rail posse?

No idea what you're on about, tubs.  ac_umm


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"What's unbelievable?

I think she means you, Aaron.

That's obvious.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"While I respect law enforcement personnel in general, this is what can happen when they are given ultimate power, with very little recourse for the 'accused.'

Coming soon to a town near you...  getting your shit fucked up because cop doesn't like the look of your face:"> ... WyzPpYslYc">

Every ' Street ' Test is designed for U to FAIL .

Stupid thAngs like walking one foot in front of the other , is the perfect example .

If u have medical problems or just bad balance ya gonna FAIL .


Quote from: "Zetsu"

My brother find it odd too, though one of the reasons he assumed it's b/c in the multiple choice test he took that's required to become a cop asked him does he has a friend that went to prison and also ask does he still meet up with up with him/her often, my brother marked both of them "yes", or maybe b/c our family is suspicous since my dad and eldest brother both work overseas which might be not transparent enough or about 15 years ago our house once got a false alarm and the cops enter inside and found some nunchucks given to my brother to hold onto from his deceased martial arts master/sensei, since nunchucks are prohibited weapons in Canada so they have to take them away.  These are the reasons my brother and I could only think of and still duno till this day, the police says they can't give out a reason either why my brother failed to get in.

They are VERY picky about who becomes an officer.

WHAT! No nunchucks in Canada! Thats crazy! I remember when I was a teen they started cracking down on martial arts weapons, but some never became illegal here. Its illegal for me to carry my nunchucks, but I own a few pairs and can spin 'em pretty good. You would think I was the next white boy Bruce Lee lol (thats what my friends use to call me).
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "Zetsu"

My brother find it odd too, though one of the reasons he assumed it's b/c in the multiple choice test he took that's required to become a cop asked him does he has a friend that went to prison and also ask does he still meet up with up with him/her often, my brother marked both of them "yes", or maybe b/c our family is suspicous since my dad and eldest brother both work overseas which might be not transparent enough or about 15 years ago our house once got a false alarm and the cops enter inside and found some nunchucks given to my brother to hold onto from his deceased martial arts master/sensei, since nunchucks are prohibited weapons in Canada so they have to take them away.  These are the reasons my brother and I could only think of and still duno till this day, the police says they can't give out a reason either why my brother failed to get in.

They are VERY picky about who becomes an officer.

WHAT! No nunchucks in Canada! Thats crazy! I remember when I was a teen they started cracking down on martial arts weapons, but some never became illegal here. Its illegal for me to carry my nunchucks, but I own a few pairs and can spin 'em pretty good. You would think I was the next white boy Bruce Lee lol (thats what my friends use to call me).

BLAZOR LEE sounds like ya made up Gay Porn Star name .   ac_wot


Quote from: "IRISH KAM"

BLAZOR LEE sounds like ya made up Gay Porn Star name .   ac_wot


I dont know about gay, but I like the sound of that name lol. My wife wanted to give our son the middle name Lee, which was her dads middle name, and also was my grandfathers middle name (after General Robert E Lee, his first name was Robert too). Anyway, she wouldnt let me name his first name Bruce. She had all these other names, and I told her kids would pick on him for those different names and Bruce was a tough name. My son came 2 months early, so we picked quick, but I named him after Bruce's son, Brandon.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "Zetsu"

My brother find it odd too, though one of the reasons he assumed it's b/c in the multiple choice test he took that's required to become a cop asked him does he has a friend that went to prison and also ask does he still meet up with up with him/her often, my brother marked both of them "yes", or maybe b/c our family is suspicous since my dad and eldest brother both work overseas which might be not transparent enough or about 15 years ago our house once got a false alarm and the cops enter inside and found some nunchucks given to my brother to hold onto from his deceased martial arts master/sensei, since nunchucks are prohibited weapons in Canada so they have to take them away.  These are the reasons my brother and I could only think of and still duno till this day, the police says they can't give out a reason either why my brother failed to get in.

They are VERY picky about who becomes an officer.

WHAT! No nunchucks in Canada! Thats crazy! I remember when I was a teen they started cracking down on martial arts weapons, but some never became illegal here. Its illegal for me to carry my nunchucks, but I own a few pairs and can spin 'em pretty good. You would think I was the next white boy Bruce Lee lol (thats what my friends use to call me).

The police's employment officer sure was picky, but yea about the nunchucks they're still pretty powerful if used by a skilled person.  Tbh I could never wield a nunchuck like you or even come close to using one, tried it but hit my head a few time as a kid, now I dun want to come close to that thing, lol.
Permanently off his rocker

Angry White Male

I have a step brother that got rejected by the RCMP for being White.  I'm not fucking joking.  At that time, they were on a women and minority push.

He is now VERY high up in the Armed Forces.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"I have a step brother that got rejected by the RCMP for being White.  I'm not fucking joking.  At that time, they were on a women and minority push.

He is now VERY high up in the Armed Forces.

That's just really stupid and lame , I assume this must have happened when the libs were still in power.  I bet they would be regretting horribly if they ever find out your brother is now a high rank military serviceman.
Permanently off his rocker