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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li


SCOUSE's Jewish conspiracy thread

Started by Aryan, November 29, 2017, 11:21:49 AM

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Phagdish Hardy

Quote from: "Angry White Male"Merkel did a a lot of damage to Germany.  May take a long time to recover, if that's even possible at all.

Sweden took in even more muslime scam refugees than Germany did.
NDP=New Debt Party

Angry White Male

Yup.  The people there are taught to accept this.  

I went to Germany many years ago, as a young teen, to visit some family there.  They had their opinions, but are almost afraid to publicly state them to others, for fear of being labeled a 'racist' and a 'neo-nazi.'

This, of course, stems from Germany as a whole wanting to separate itself from Hitler's regime, the Third Reich.


Quote from: "Phagdish Hardy"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"Merkel did a a lot of damage to Germany.  May take a long time to recover, if that's even possible at all.

Sweden took in even more muslime scam refugees than Germany did.

Sweden took in more per capita, but Germany accepted more refugees than Sweden last year.

Angry White Male

I wonder if the left wing Swedish blond girls still feel comfortable walking alone in the now 'diverse' neighbourhoods that they wanted?


Quote from: "seoulbro"I don't where Scouse is going with this latest paranoia, but B'nai B'rith has honoured many leaders including our former prime minister Stephen Harper. Like everything else about his brainwashing, he hasn't thought it through.

Stephen Harper honoured at B'nai Brith dinner"> ... ith-dinner">

Stephen Harper Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize By Jewish Organization"> ... anization/">

And not just Harper and Merkel. Former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe too.

B'nai B'rith International Honors Colombian President With Its Highest Award"> ... hest-award">

Jesus H, let's have a look at what 'Mama Merkel' has done for Germany shall we?

In 2008 she was awarded the 'Charlemagne Prize' which is an award for working towards the Kalergi Plan, which is an agenda to mongrelise the white European in their homelands. (and no it isn't a conspiracy theory).">

Then of course there's her insane immigration policy which saw over a million 'refugees' pour into  Germany....... I can't see any potential problems with that can you?   Somehow I doubt Israel would have accepted the same policy....  :001_rolleyes:

This has all been done in an effort to undermine German homogeneity and prevent another Hitler emerging, and we all know who hates Hitler right?  So it isn't really too far fetched to suggest that all this has been done for JEWISH interests. Think about it, it makes perfect sense, flood a country with non whites so that white nationalism has no chance of resurfacing, and who is the biggest adversary  of white nationalism, particularly of the German variety?  It's not a hard one...


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Thus illustrating the fallacy of cherry picking

QuoteCherry picking,.. is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

You can't point out one jew doing something and then ignore the many other nonJews doing the same thing, then say "see that's a Jewish thing"

I blame white liberals too, but they don't act alone.

As for the 'cherry picking' remark, surely the same could be said about yourself and others who constantly hate on muslims? Because they don't all blow things up do they?  Not defending them, just saying....


Quote from: "Bricktop"He's been quiet of late.

But then there's been a new episode of Wolfenstein released on PS4, so he's probably desperately trying to fight with the Nazi scum.

Just tired of the pro Jew fetish on here, it's starting to grind my gears to be honest.  The hooks can do no wrong in most people's eyes here...  :crazy:

And CC STILL hasn't addressed the point brought up about the Jewish bankers. Unbelievable, she probably thinks they're really muslims or something...


I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Yeah, which says it all really, with everything that's going on in the world.  

A pro white movement, how terrible!  :001_rolleyes:


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"Thus illustrating the fallacy of cherry picking

QuoteCherry picking,.. is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

You can't point out one jew doing something and then ignore the many other nonJews doing the same thing, then say "see that's a Jewish thing"

I blame white liberals too, but they don't act alone.

As for the 'cherry picking' remark, surely the same could be said about yourself and others who constantly hate on muslims? Because they don't all blow things up do they?  Not defending them, just saying....

I dont hate Muslims, I hate islam, there is difference.  I admit there are many Muslims who are decent people despite their association with a horrible religion (ideology).

Its not cherry picking when you identify that a group behaves very differently from other groups.  left wing Jews behave more or less exactly like left wing gentiles.  Jews do not have a monopoly on left wing stupidity.  Muslims OTOH DO have a near monopoly on killing people in the name of their religion, for the most part no other religion does this.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"Just tired of the pro Jew fetish on here, it's starting to grind my gears to be honest.  The hooks can do no wrong in most people's eyes here...  :crazy:

I oppose Leftist ideology, I don't care about the meatsuit pushing it-- Jewish, Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, doesn't matter.  

Liberal whites bad, Conservative whites good,

Liberal blacks bad, Conservative blacks good,

Liberal Jews bad, Conservative Jews good,  

etc etc etc


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Just tired of the pro Jew fetish on here, it's starting to grind my gears to be honest.  The hooks can do no wrong in most people's eyes here...  :crazy:

I oppose Leftist ideology, I don't care about the meatsuit pushing it-- Jewish, Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, doesn't matter.  

Liberal whites bad, Conservative whites good,

Liberal blacks bad, Conservative blacks good,

Liberal Jews bad, Conservative Jews good,  

etc etc etc

I can't disagree with you there.  However, Jews do make up a disproportionately high percentage of the left in relation to their minuscule population size.  That also goes for their massive overrepresentation in politics as a whole.


If a common heritage conferred peace, then perhaps the long history of conflict in the Middle East would have been resolved years ago. For, according to a new scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years.

"Jews and Arabs are all really children of Abraham," says Harry Ostrer, M.D., Director of the Human Genetics Program at New York University School of Medicine, an author of the new study by an international team of researchers in the United States, Europe, and Israel. "And all have preserved their Middle Eastern genetic roots over 4,000 years," he says.

The researchers analyzed the Y chromosome, which is usually passed unchanged from father to son, of more than 1,000 men worldwide. Throughout human history, alterations have occurred in the sequence of chemical bases that make up the DNA in this so-called male chromosome, leaving variations that can be pinpointed with modern genetic techniques. Related populations carry the same specific variations. In this way, scientists can track descendants of large populations and determine their common ancestors.

Specific regions of the Y chromosome were analyzed in 1,371 men from 29 worldwide populations, including Jews and non-Jews from the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Europe.

The study, published in the May 9 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that Jewish men shared a common set of genetic signatures with non-Jews from the Middle East, including Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese, and these signatures diverged significantly from non-Jewish men outside of this region. Consequently, Jews and Arabs share a common ancestor and are more closely related to one another than to non-Jews from other areas of the world.

The study also revealed that despite the complex history of Jewish migration in the Diaspora (the time since 556 B.C. when Jews migrated out of Palestine), Jewish communities have generally not intermixed with non-Jewish populations. If they had, then Jewish men from different regions of the world would not share the same genetic signatures in their Y chromosome.

"Because ancient Jewish law states that Jewish religious affiliation is assigned maternally, our study afforded the opportunity to assess the contribution of non-Jewish men to present-day Jewish genetic diversity," says Michael Hammer, Ph.D., from the University of Arizona, Tucson, who is the lead author of the new study. "It was surprising to see how significant the Middle Eastern genetic signal was in Jewish men from different communities in the Diaspora," he says.

The authors of this study are: Dr. Ostrer from NYU School of Medicine; Michael F. Hammer, Alan J. Redd, Elizabeth T. Wood, M. Roxane Bonner, Hamdi Jarjanazil, and Tanya Karafet from the University of Arizona, Tucson; Silvana Santachlara-Benerecetti, University of Pavia, Italy; Ariella Oppenheim, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Mark A. Jobling, University of Leicester, England; Trefor Jenkins, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; and Batsheva Bonne-Tamar, Tel Aviv University, Israel."> ... 003653.htm">">

An argument that Jews should not be considered Whites could be made, highlighting the following points:

Population genetic data indicate that Jews are a Middle Eastern group and that there is substantial genetic distance between Europeans and Jews.

Jews typically do not identify with the people and culture of Christian Europe and its offshoots; traditional Jewish attitudes conceptualize Judaism as separate from White, Christian society; partly because of their lack of identification with non-White Christian culture, Jewish groups have led the campaign to remove Christianity from the public square;

There is a long history of very mainstream Jewish activism and identity that sees Christian Europe as an evil outgroup responsible for a long history of persecuting Jews; an important aspect of Jewish self-conception in America—apparent in much of the material reviewed by Unz, such as Jerome Karabel's work—is that Jews were subjected to quotas at Ivy League universities until after World War II;

Jews are a relatively powerful group that has often been in competition with non-Jewish Europeans [the theme of Jews as a hostile elite]; Ivy League enrollments may be seen as one aspect of that competition;

Jewish ethnic activism typically excludes non-Jewish Whites and favors Jews, as in the appointment of Elena Kagan and the Jewish campaign to increase Jewish enrollment in Ivy League universities mentioned above;

As a result, the distinction between Jew and non-Jewish White is of considerable real world importance."> ... not-white/">



Could be, he ticks the boxes of big nose and nerdy phaggot...

Who is he?