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The left uses and Controls the Jews, not the Other way around, and they threw them over for Muslims

Started by Wazzzup, December 12, 2017, 10:13:14 PM

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Quote from: "cc la horny dear"Again again again ... . reply with a diversionary question  .. as gutless as his dead boss himself who offed himself to escape paying for his deeds

OK, if that's the best H's minion can do ....... so be it

In undeserved reply, I'm pro "good people & good ideologies" ... and very anti supremacist ideologies like nazi and islamic which I consider ... and history & reality "demon"strate ... to be vicious supremacist equivalents

I don't see how it's 'diversionary' to be honest, I'm just trying to help you understand why I'm pro National Socialism.  

It essentially means that white countries stay overwhelmingly white.  Something which is a virtual impossibility while a certain cabal of elite Jews call the shots.

What exactly are you against when it comes to the preservation of white homogeneous countries?


How can Hitler have been "pro-white" when he allied Himself with non whites in Japan and every country he attacked was run by whites?


^^ H also happily allied himself with islam, today's problem for the West ... an ideological  hypocrite as well as mass murderer .... just like islamic supremacism is

QuoteWhat exactly are you against when it comes to the preservation of white homogeneous countries?

Well S., you are a color type guy as are all of H's cult minions / puppets

I spelled it out clear .. . you just can't see it through your nazi supremacist spectacles
Quote from: "Already Ansered" I'm pro "good people & good ideologies" of any color ... and very anti supremacist ideologies like nazi and islamic which I consider ... and history & reality "demon"strate ... to be vicious supremacist equivalents

I have no problem with all colors in general. I do have a serious problem  with ANY color [including white] followers of  supremacist ideologies ...

I have no problem with any color group that comes here to genuinely become  part of Western civilisation. When their intention is to eventually own it I have a problem with them, as do you.

Worship of H and his supremacist ways I find to be every bit as ugly as  worship of Mo and his supremacist ways

I find H and Mo to be equally supremacist ... and both  to be leaders of equally inhuman  death cults
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Wazzzup"How can Hitler have been "pro-white" when he allied Himself with non whites in Japan and every country he attacked was run by whites?

The white countries who attacked him were under the spell of International Jewry. Case in point the UK, who Hitler tried numerous times to make peace with. However the Zionists had very different ideas....

Hitler intended to liquidate the Jewish owned banks, and succeeded in Germany, Austria and another country, I forget which.  Wouldn't you support someone who attempted to squash the banking racket which is as prevalent today as ever?

As for Japan, I imagine Hitler's motives for allying with them were tactical and that he needed the numbers.  Incidentally, Japan remains one of the most racially homogeneous nations in existence today. Funny how the Jews haven't punished that country for WW2 as they have the Germans isn't it? I can only imagine the reason is because they haven't been able to infiltrate Japan as easily as they have white countries due to not being able to blend in with the natives. I suspect the Japanese are Jew-wise, which is one of the main reasons why they have such a strong nationalist sentiment.  No white country is allowed  to be nationalist while Jews influence things.


Quote from: "cc la horny dear"^^ H also happily allied himself with islam, today's problem for the West ... an ideological  hypocrite as well as mass murderer .... just like islamic supremacism is

Well S., you are a color type guy as are all of H's minions / puppets

I spelled it out clear .. . you just can't see it through your nazi supremacist spectacles
Quote from: "Already Ansered" I'm pro "good people & good ideologies" ... and very anti supremacist ideologies like nazi and islamic which I consider ... and history & reality "demon"strate ... to be vicious supremacist equivalents

I have no problem with all colors in general. I do have a serious problem  with ANY color [including white] followers of  supremacist ideologies ...

I have no problem with any color group that comes here to genuinely become  part of Western civilisation. When their intention is to eventually own it I have a problem with them, as do you.

Worship of H and his supremacist ways I find to be every bit as ugly as  worship of allah and his supremacist ways

I find them both to be equally supremacist ... and to be equally inhuman  death cults

Ok, you say you hate it when a group of people 'own' countries, why doesn't that hatred extend to Jews?  Granted they hide in the shadows and love the cloak and dagger stuff, but their massive influence and power is undeniable, or do you deny it?  Then of course there's Israel, which the Jews own, but you're ok with that right?  How about a homeland for white Europeans? Would you support that?

Sorry, but I have to laugh at you regarding white nationalism, as a 'death cult'. You can't be serious?  ac_toofunny


Suck that laugh in, choke a bit ...  and don't pull a "Miss Quote" on me ....... yet, again. Those are your words, not mine

You remind me of that ballerina Starbucker, the original "Miss Quote" for always employing that lowly and so obvious tactic

I said nazi supremacism (the ideology of Hitler) is ...  and always was  ... a death cult  ... every bit as much as is islamic supremacism (the ideology  of Mo)
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la horny dear"Suck that laugh in, choke a bit ...  and don't pull a "Miss Quote" on me ....... yet, again. You remind me of Starbucker for that lowly tactic

I said nazi supremacism (the ideology of Hitler) is ...  and always was  ... a death cult  ... every bit as much as is islamic supremacism (the ideology  of Mo)

But National Socialism and white Nationalism are very similar in essence, considering the fact they promote nationalist sentiment. As I say, nationalism is virtual impossible with Jews in power, because they are globalists and prefer to live in multicultural countries.


Quote from: "cc la horny dear"Don't pull a Miss Quote on me ....... yet, again

I said white supremacism (nazism) is and always was a death cult as is islamic supremacism

Scouse are your 'Pro white" views supremacist or are you just asking for equality?

I am for no form of supremacism.  I am for treating all equally regardless of race whenever possible.  

The left is now trying to turn white supremacy upside down and make all groups superior to whites, based on 2 things

1. Guilt by heredity--White colonialism, imperialism and slavery which no white person alive today took part in.


2. and because all races are not equal in result (especially economically) racism has to be the cause.  Its not.

liberals are hypocrites for saying they are antiracist, while most endorse racism against whites (and Asians too in college admissions)

Nazi white supremacists are hypcorites for decrying other groups supremacy while advocating their own.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "cc la horny dear"Don't pull a Miss Quote on me ....... yet, again

I said white supremacism (nazism) is and always was a death cult as is islamic supremacism

Scouse are your 'Pro white" views supremacist or are you just asking for equality?

I am for no form of supremacism.  I am for treating all equally regardless of race whenever possible.  

The left is now trying to turn white supremacy upside down and make all groups superior to whites, based on 2 things

1. Guilt by heredity--White colonialism, imperialism and slavery which no white person alive today took part in.


2. and because all races are not equal in result (especially economically) racism has to be the cause.  Its not.

liberals are hypocrites for saying they are antiracist, while most endorse racism against whites (and Asians too in college admissions)

Nazi white supremacists are hypcorites for decrying other groups supremacy while advocating their own.

I'm all for equality, as you say the left is essentially persecuting whites with their bullshit. Anything majority white is regarded as 'racist' by these maniacs...


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Your veracious appetite for black willy is common knowledge around these parts.   ac_biggrin


Quote from: "cc la horny dear"In short, I'm a Multi"Color"rist ... and definitely NOT a Multi"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Your veracious appetite for black willy is common knowledge around these parts.   ac_biggrin

That's  especially  funny and appropriate coming from a tactical  disciple of MultiCULTist    ... and once in-house  sweet  Starbuck  ballerina "Miss Quote"

There's Hitler & Miss Quote ..  are you a disciple  (ideologically or tactically) of any other bottom feeder cultists   we should know about?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "cc la horny dear"Don't pull a Miss Quote on me ....... yet, again

I said white supremacism (nazism) is and always was a death cult as is islamic supremacism

Scouse are your 'Pro white" views supremacist or are you just asking for equality?

I am for no form of supremacism.  I am for treating all equally regardless of race whenever possible.  

The left is now trying to turn white supremacy upside down and make all groups superior to whites, based on 2 things

1. Guilt by heredity--White colonialism, imperialism and slavery which no white person alive today took part in.


2. and because all races are not equal in result (especially economically) racism has to be the cause.  Its not.

liberals are hypocrites for saying they are antiracist, while most endorse racism against whites (and Asians too in college admissions)

Nazi white supremacists are hypcorites for decrying other groups supremacy while advocating their own.

Supremacy is stupid.


Another recent event that supports the premise of this thread.Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.  Israel loved it, but the lefties in the media hated it and howled at it almost as bad as the Muslims did.

I think the reason is obvious again--the left sides with Muslims over Jews , just like they side with Muslims over gays, and Muslims over women.

 The left uses and Controls the Jews, not the Other way around, and they have largely thrown them over for Muslims.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Another recent event that supports the premise of this thread.Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.  Israel loved it, but the lefties in the media hated it and howled at it almost as bad as the Muslims did.

I think the reason is obvious again--the left sides with Muslims over Jews , just like they side with Muslims over gays, and Muslims over women.

 The left uses and Controls the Jews, not the Other way around, and they have largely thrown them over for Muslims.

You nailed it brother.