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Ice age mammal bones found in Mexican caves, but climate change!

Started by Frood, February 20, 2018, 06:07:48 PM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Thiel"Has anyone actually spoken with anyone with a scientific background in this area? I have met two and neither of them had black and white ideas about climate change.

I've listened to different speakers in the field and others, read a fair bit as well.

I'd like to learn more. Post links people.
gay, conservative and proud


Dr. Richard Keen, Dr. David Legates, Craig and Sherwood Idso, Dr. Patrick Michaels, Dr. Patrick Frank are a few interesting reads or listens.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"Dr. Richard Keen, Dr. David Legates, Craig and Sherwood Idso, Dr. Patrick Michaels, Dr. Patrick Frank are a few interesting reads or listens.

Superb, thank you. There's an Aussie climate scientist, who's name escapes me who has written a lot that contradicts the IPCC. I'll Google it.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: "Thiel"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Thiel"Has anyone actually spoken with anyone with a scientific background in this area? I have met two and neither of them had black and white ideas about climate change.

I've listened to different speakers in the field and others, read a fair bit as well.

I'd like to learn more. Post links people.

I know you are not here that often Thiel, but there are lots of posts here about climate change..

We used to have a poster here who posted a lot of climate change links that suited his agenda.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Thiel"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Thiel"Has anyone actually spoken with anyone with a scientific background in this area? I have met two and neither of them had black and white ideas about climate change.

I've listened to different speakers in the field and others, read a fair bit as well.

I'd like to learn more. Post links people.

I know you are not here that often Thiel, but there are lots of posts here about climate change..

We used to have a poster here who posted a lot of climate change links that suited his agenda.

That's why I only gave him names to start with. They're like little bits of an antidote against Michael Mann's hockey stick virus but Thiel needs to piece things together how he sees fit.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Thiel"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Thiel"Has anyone actually spoken with anyone with a scientific background in this area? I have met two and neither of them had black and white ideas about climate change.

I've listened to different speakers in the field and others, read a fair bit as well.

I'd like to learn more. Post links people.

I know you are not here that often Thiel, but there are lots of posts here about climate change..

We used to have a poster here who posted a lot of climate change links that suited his agenda.

That would be Romero. A nice enough guy, but exceptionally ideological.


The IPCC is not the voice of the entire scientific community. I could have omitted a single word and this would have fit into the Lies thread.




Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"What do you mean?

Shin started a thread where you post something that is a lie..

My guess is that Seoul meant he could have posted this The IPCC is the voice of the entire scientific community in shin's thread.


Rex Murphy: Too frigid for global warming? This is why they rebranded it 'climate change'

Any variety of weather whatsoever can be traced, if you keep the grants flowing and the contradictions unexamined, to the One Holy Underlying Theory of All Weather

f course I believe in global warming. How could I not? It happens even in the meteorological riot ward I know as home, dear, cruel Newfoundland. Yes, even in Newfoundland you see it every year. It's cold and dirty and heartbreaking in February, and yet by June, well — sometimes a little later, say July to be safe — it is actually measurably warmer. In places. Sometimes. Most years. Once every decade, for sure.

With a few exceptions. There are parts of Placentia Bay in mid-June, when the fog is in, the wind onshore, and an iceberg in the harbour, that could freeze the nuts off a banker's conscience. But, as we in the warming communion remind both heretics and hecklers — that's weather, not climate, you dummies. Overall though, fairly regularly, most likely on the west coast, it warms up in the summer (as we like to call the late weeks of June and bits of July) and then tapers off for the rest of the year.

The folks back home are pretty steady on this. Come winter, no matter how often the water pipes freeze up, the lights go out from another sleet storm, the snow piles up such that you can't get out the door, and the Witless Bay Line is clogged from Holyrood to Bay Bulls with the latest blizzard, our folks show no slack. "Cursed weather," they exclaim. "Cold as a nun's beads." (Ed. note: a necessary edit has been made here. For the children.)

No. The faith is strong. They curse the weather. But they never blame the climate.

During the most savage Hyperborean blasts and numbing cold even the little ones busy themselves with exercises to remind themselves of the truth of things. Children in schools hang up posters of the Amazon rainforest, check the temperature in Tanzania, have revivalist reruns of An Inconvenient Truth to keep the sense of global peril fresh in their anxious empty little heads. They gather round the red-hot, pot-bellied stoves in the outport schools and plan a Thousand Acts of Green for when the snow clears. And pin little green David Suzuki and Bono buttons on their survival suits to manifest their creed.

I wish I could say things were as healthy, attitude-wise, on this front up in Ontario right now. As I peck away at this incomparable aria there's a huge sheet of frost mist stretching full across Lake Ontario, half a mile high. Generated, beyond question, by the terrible, fierce, glacial pall that has lain over the province for the past 10 days or so, the mist is a shroud of pure ghostly frigidity, "as cold," in Mr. Swinburne's evocative couplet "as a winter wave/In the wind from a wide-mouthed grave." Cheerful lad, was old Algernon.

It is so cold that the downtown scalpers in Toronto are selling tickets for next year's March of the Penguins, which it is anticipated will start in Buffalo and terminate just off the Toronto Islands. David Attenborough will MC.

"Colder than when Mike Harris was Premier," says a local Liberal. Up here folks are tending — a curious turn I agree — to a more lukewarm stance on the crucial climate/weather distinction. So too, in other ice-embalmed regions of the country and continent. There are mutters from icicled lips of "this is not what we were promised." A like sentiment prompted a little-attended (it was too cold) labour protest recently that featured plaintive cries of: What do we want? Global Warming! When do we want it? Now."

Of course the absolutely hopeless global warming skeptics are making great fun of all this, taunting the faithful, mocking the past predictions of snow-free winters, glaciers melting in 30 years, the fading industry of ski resorts. In equally bad form, they call up all the hot summer days of years past when even the TV meteorologists or "weather specialists" as they delight to call themselves, marked every humid breeze, every tilt upwards of a degree, the start of forest fires, the demands on air conditioning as "yet another sign," another proof of the incontestable fact of our ever-heating globe. Not so much talk during those torrid days of the great cleavage between Climate and Weather. For some reason on hot days it is not thought necessary to make the distinction. Scientific scruple, I guess.

Fortunately, the Jesuitical mandarins of Pembina and Greenpeace and Sierra, assisted by the sovereign intellects of Bill Nye (your smarmy weather guy), Neil Young, Prince Charles and the concentrated brain power of the entire Green Party (Elizabeth May Inc.) are on the case: batting away their simplistic mockeries and confounding them with whole buckets of settled science and clips from We Day. And reminding everyone that they have long ago "rebranded" Global Warming so it does not mean that anymore. It's Climate Change now, up, down, across and around. Climate Change, meteorology's ToE (Theory of Everything).

We are fortunate to have such guardians, to direct us away from our senses, and beckon us back on the road to faith. Climate Change can cause cold temperatures, too, they intone. And wet weather. And dry. Hurricanes and cyclones. Droughts and floods. In fact, any variety of weather whatsoever can be traced, if you but model hard and often enough, keep the grants flowing and the contradictions unexamined, to the One Holy Underlying Theory of All Weather. Climate Change, everything proves it. It's the scientific method at its best.

So ignore the frigid moment. All is unfolding as it should. As soon as our Climate Superheroes, Mr. Trudeau and Ms. McKenna, bring in the new, higher carbon dioxide tax — reminder: it is NOT a carbon tax, no tax on soot — temperatures will rise, summer will return, and with another 20 or 30 dollars a ton, by next year Newfoundland will be indistinguishable from Tahiti in the golden days under a Polynesian sun."> ... ate-change">



Delingpole: NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice"> ... c-sea-ice/">

telling lies in order to get more grant money is not science, I don't know what you can call it, but it's certainly not sicience.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Delingpole: NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice"> ... c-sea-ice/">

telling lies in order to get more grant money is not science, I don't know what you can call it, but it's certainly not sicience.

Dr John Bates and now this. I am finding it very difficult to believe the NOAA. I don't believe anything the IPCC claims.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"Dr. Richard Keen, Dr. David Legates, Craig and Sherwood Idso, Dr. Patrick Michaels, Dr. Patrick Frank are a few interesting reads or listens.

I watched a video and did a search of some of  their articles. It's refreshing to know the IPCC does not speak for the entire scientific community.
gay, conservative and proud


'Kill Climate Deniers'[/u] launches theatrical run"> ... rical-run/">
QuoteGlobal warming skeptics, beware: A play with the alarming title "Kill Climate Deniers" may be coming to a theater near you.

Written by Australian playwright David Finnigan, "Kill Climate Deniers" kicked off Thursday the 2018 season of the Griffin Theatre in Sydney after a week of previews, with the final show scheduled for April 7.

The plot? "As a classic rock band take the stage in Parliament House's main hall, 96 armed eco-terrorists storm the building and take the entire government hostage, threatening to execute everyone unless Australia ends global warming. Tonight," said the play's website.

The play was commissioned in 2014 with a $19,000 grant from the Australian government, but its first staging was shut down following a backlash led by conservative Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt.

it seems like its great fun for the left, and a moneymaker too, to act out fantasies of murdering those they disgree with.


This city hosted a big climate alarmist meeting. Lots of dire predictions and lots of recommendations to wreck people's lives with pricey measures that won't move the climate needle in any direction.
QuoteOn Saturday, and then again on Sunday, as I shovelled off the latest 20 cm of global warming that fell on our driveway and sidewalks, I kept thinking about the 800 delegates coming from around the world to Mayor Don Iveson's climate change summit: I sure hoped they weren't fooled by the city's handwringing over global warming into thinking they could come to Northern Alberta in shorts, in March.

On Saturday, we recorded the most snowfall on any March 3 in the past 25 years.

As delegates to the city's sky-is-falling conference began bundling up Monday morning, so their extremities didn't suffer frostbite on the short walk from their hotels to the Shaw Conference Centre, our temperature was just four degrees off our record low for the past quarter century.

Indeed, we were closer to the coldest temperature recorded here on any March 5 since 1996 (four degrees difference) than we were to our normal low, which is -9 (11 degrees off ).

Fine, I know, weather is not climate.

But it's too convenient when weather extremes fit the alarmists' climate-change theory, we're told it proves the environmental science is settled. But when the weather doesn't reinforce their panicky message, it's dismissed as meaningless.

Two years ago at this same time, our daytime highs were nearly 20 degrees different from where they are this year. They were 10 or more degrees above normal rather than 10 degrees below normal.

This kind of fluctuation is nothing new for this part of the world at this time of year. We're in the transition from winter to spring (we hope), so sometimes we're under the influence of March's lion and sometimes the lamb.

But that's precisely how average temperatures are arrived at.

Let me give you a local example of what I mean about how climate-change alarmists use weather selectively – "cherry picking" weather extremes to make their climate danger arguments.

On the eve of the city's climate wail-in this week, Edmonton's senior environmental project manager, Chandra Tomaras, told Postmedia that the city is 1.7C degrees warmer than it was a century ago. That's within the range of normal climate fluctuation recorded around the world, but Tomaras insisted it made her worried about the future of the North Saskatchewan River and our city's drinking water.

"I can't speak to future flows," Tomaras admitted, "but historically, according to paleo-climatic analysis, there have been episodes of zero flow in past centuries."

So? Those zero flows couldn't possibly have been caused by manmade carbon emissions. Neanderthals didn't drive SUVS. There were no coalfired teepees on the Plains.

Past zero-flow episodes must have had natural causes. So by what grand powers of divination can alarmists tell that future zero-flows will be caused by human activities, as opposed to all the natural ones in the paleo-climatic past?

After I'd done my best to remove the most recent snowfall from the cement around our home, the thin film that was left melted away.

But how could that be? The air temperature was -10C.

It was, of course, because the sun's strength is returning.

And just as the sun's influence on weather ebbs and flows with the seasons, it's influence on climate raises and lowers with solar activity.

For decades now, the sun's activity has been on the increase. Solar scientists predict it will now lessen for a couple (or three) decades. And as it lessens, global temperatures should fall, too.

We can shut every coal plant on earth, ban SUVS and force everyone to ride transit, convert whole neighbourhoods to geothermal heating, subsidize wind and solar farms, and spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars going "carbon free." We can build the alarmists' dream world and it will have negligible impact on climate.