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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

The Racial Absurdity Thread

Started by Wazzzup, March 03, 2018, 01:27:35 AM

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Angry White Male

Maybe only White people should drive cars.  We invented the things...


Quote from: "Angry White Male"Maybe only White people should drive cars.  We invented the things...

I'd kinda like to go back to horses  :laugh:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Bricktop"We need to remember that whilst the left go apoplectic at trivia such as this, it is not, and never shall be unlawful.

Thus it needs to be encouraged.

Excellent avatar Bricktop.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"I think Levi jeans were invented by a Jew.  Therefor, only Jews should wear jeans?

This entire fucking world is getting goofier by the day...

Muslims can take over Europe,  that's not cultural appropriation.

That's an invasion. And the host country surrendered.


Michelle Malkin has compiled quite the list here of people who have been labelled "Uncle Tom's" by the SJW nazis.

QuoteHere is a short list of prominent conservatives and independent thinkers who've been accused by their critics of being an "Uncle Tom" or some other vitriolic variation on the overplayed left-wing theme of being a traitor to their race or gender ("Aunt Tomasina," "Uncle Juan," "Uncle Wong," etc.):

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson. Rapper Kanye West.

Lt. Col. Allen West. Former Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal. Attorney Miguel Estrada. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Judge Janice Rogers Brown. Author and filmmaker Dinesh D'souza.

Author and CRTV host Deneen Borelli.

ACT for America founder and author Brigitte Gabriel.

Former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

Former GOP vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Ann Coulter. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-texas. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-fla. Economist Thomas Sowell. Economist Walter Williams. Scholar Glenn Loury. Turning Point USA activist Candace Owens.

Conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Author Erik Rush. Actress Stacey Dash. Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Former University of California regent and businessman Ward Connerly.

Former ambassador and GOP presidential candidate Alan Keyes.

Conservative activist Niger Innis.

Tea party organizer Lloyd Marcus.

Author and columnist Star Parker.

Author Shelby Steele. Social media stars Diamond and Silk.

ESPN'S Sage Steele. Radio host Charlamagne tha God.


You'll notice that all of us public enemies of the progressive diversity-mongers possess an incredibly diverse array of life and work experiences.

We are black, white, brown, native-born citizens, immigrants and naturalized Americans. We are Republican, libertarian, moderate, hard-right and unaffiliated. We are politicians, diplomats, academicians, writers, economists, entrepreneurs, entertainers, lawyers, doctors and pastors.

Any "person of colour" who doesn't adhere militantly to Democrat Party orthodoxy has or will face the barbed charge of self-loathing.

And legions of women, famous and obscure, wealthy and poor, have been labeled "female impersonators" or "Stepford Wives" for embracing everything from unborn life to gun ownership, high border walls, low taxes and local control.

According to the self-appointed arbiters of colour-coded and chromosomal fealty, if you marry outside your race, you're a traitor. If you adopt your husband's name, you're a traitor. If you're happy with stay-at-home motherhood, you're a traitor.

I catalogued my favorite malicious mutations of the Uncle Tom card for years on my blog, from "white man's puppet" to "Tokyo Rose" to "Manila whore," "Subic Bay bar girl," banana, coconut and Oreo. Instead of dissuading me from espousing heretical opinions, these insults spurred me on. Now, increasing exposure and public ubiquity of unapologetic women and minorities seems to have triggered the collectivists' bile at the highest levels.

Most recently, the White House Correspondents' Association gave "comedian" Michelle Wolf a lofty platform upon which to denigrate Sarah Sanders' womanhood by sniping: "I'm never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know? Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? What's Uncle Tom, but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know. Aunt Coulter."

The problem with Wolf's schtick isn't that it's mean and divisive. It's that it's boring, unfunny and ineffectual. When everyone qualifies as an "Uncle Tom" in the eyes of the left's raging resistance, there will be no one left to pretend to laugh at their anemic jokes.


Quote from: "Shen Li"Michelle Malkin has compiled quite the list here of people who have been labelled "Uncle Tom's" by the SJW nazis.

QuoteHere is a short list of prominent conservatives and independent thinkers who've been accused by their critics of being an "Uncle Tom" or some other vitriolic variation on the overplayed left-wing theme of being a traitor to their race or gender ("Aunt Tomasina," "Uncle Juan," "Uncle Wong," etc.):

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson. Rapper Kanye West.

Lt. Col. Allen West. Former Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal. Attorney Miguel Estrada. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Judge Janice Rogers Brown. Author and filmmaker Dinesh D'souza.

Author and CRTV host Deneen Borelli.

ACT for America founder and author Brigitte Gabriel.

Former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

Former GOP vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Ann Coulter. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-texas. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-fla. Economist Thomas Sowell. Economist Walter Williams. Scholar Glenn Loury. Turning Point USA activist Candace Owens.

Conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Author Erik Rush. Actress Stacey Dash. Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Former University of California regent and businessman Ward Connerly.

Former ambassador and GOP presidential candidate Alan Keyes.

Conservative activist Niger Innis.

Tea party organizer Lloyd Marcus.

Author and columnist Star Parker.

Author Shelby Steele. Social media stars Diamond and Silk.

ESPN'S Sage Steele. Radio host Charlamagne tha God.


You'll notice that all of us public enemies of the progressive diversity-mongers possess an incredibly diverse array of life and work experiences.

We are black, white, brown, native-born citizens, immigrants and naturalized Americans. We are Republican, libertarian, moderate, hard-right and unaffiliated. We are politicians, diplomats, academicians, writers, economists, entrepreneurs, entertainers, lawyers, doctors and pastors.

Any "person of colour" who doesn't adhere militantly to Democrat Party orthodoxy has or will face the barbed charge of self-loathing.

And legions of women, famous and obscure, wealthy and poor, have been labeled "female impersonators" or "Stepford Wives" for embracing everything from unborn life to gun ownership, high border walls, low taxes and local control.

According to the self-appointed arbiters of colour-coded and chromosomal fealty, if you marry outside your race, you're a traitor. If you adopt your husband's name, you're a traitor. If you're happy with stay-at-home motherhood, you're a traitor.

I catalogued my favorite malicious mutations of the Uncle Tom card for years on my blog, from "white man's puppet" to "Tokyo Rose" to "Manila whore," "Subic Bay bar girl," banana, coconut and Oreo. Instead of dissuading me from espousing heretical opinions, these insults spurred me on. Now, increasing exposure and public ubiquity of unapologetic women and minorities seems to have triggered the collectivists' bile at the highest levels.

Most recently, the White House Correspondents' Association gave "comedian" Michelle Wolf a lofty platform upon which to denigrate Sarah Sanders' womanhood by sniping: "I'm never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know? Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? What's Uncle Tom, but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know. Aunt Coulter."

The problem with Wolf's schtick isn't that it's mean and divisive. It's that it's boring, unfunny and ineffectual. When everyone qualifies as an "Uncle Tom" in the eyes of the left's raging resistance, there will be no one left to pretend to laugh at their anemic jokes.

I'm sure I would face a barrage of slurs too.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"Michelle Malkin has compiled quite the list here of people who have been labelled "Uncle Tom's" by the SJW nazis.

QuoteHere is a short list of prominent conservatives and independent thinkers who've been accused by their critics of being an "Uncle Tom" or some other vitriolic variation on the overplayed left-wing theme of being a traitor to their race or gender ("Aunt Tomasina," "Uncle Juan," "Uncle Wong," etc.):

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson. Rapper Kanye West.

Lt. Col. Allen West. Former Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal. Attorney Miguel Estrada. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Judge Janice Rogers Brown. Author and filmmaker Dinesh D'souza.

Author and CRTV host Deneen Borelli.

ACT for America founder and author Brigitte Gabriel.

Former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

Former GOP vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Ann Coulter. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-texas. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-fla. Economist Thomas Sowell. Economist Walter Williams. Scholar Glenn Loury. Turning Point USA activist Candace Owens.

Conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Author Erik Rush. Actress Stacey Dash. Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Former University of California regent and businessman Ward Connerly.

Former ambassador and GOP presidential candidate Alan Keyes.

Conservative activist Niger Innis.

Tea party organizer Lloyd Marcus.

Author and columnist Star Parker.

Author Shelby Steele. Social media stars Diamond and Silk.

ESPN'S Sage Steele. Radio host Charlamagne tha God.


You'll notice that all of us public enemies of the progressive diversity-mongers possess an incredibly diverse array of life and work experiences.

We are black, white, brown, native-born citizens, immigrants and naturalized Americans. We are Republican, libertarian, moderate, hard-right and unaffiliated. We are politicians, diplomats, academicians, writers, economists, entrepreneurs, entertainers, lawyers, doctors and pastors.

Any "person of colour" who doesn't adhere militantly to Democrat Party orthodoxy has or will face the barbed charge of self-loathing.

And legions of women, famous and obscure, wealthy and poor, have been labeled "female impersonators" or "Stepford Wives" for embracing everything from unborn life to gun ownership, high border walls, low taxes and local control.

According to the self-appointed arbiters of colour-coded and chromosomal fealty, if you marry outside your race, you're a traitor. If you adopt your husband's name, you're a traitor. If you're happy with stay-at-home motherhood, you're a traitor.

I catalogued my favorite malicious mutations of the Uncle Tom card for years on my blog, from "white man's puppet" to "Tokyo Rose" to "Manila whore," "Subic Bay bar girl," banana, coconut and Oreo. Instead of dissuading me from espousing heretical opinions, these insults spurred me on. Now, increasing exposure and public ubiquity of unapologetic women and minorities seems to have triggered the collectivists' bile at the highest levels.

Most recently, the White House Correspondents' Association gave "comedian" Michelle Wolf a lofty platform upon which to denigrate Sarah Sanders' womanhood by sniping: "I'm never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know? Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? What's Uncle Tom, but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know. Aunt Coulter."

The problem with Wolf's schtick isn't that it's mean and divisive. It's that it's boring, unfunny and ineffectual. When everyone qualifies as an "Uncle Tom" in the eyes of the left's raging resistance, there will be no one left to pretend to laugh at their anemic jokes.

I'm sure I would face a barrage of slurs too.

That's what they do.  Any minority (and now woman too) who doesn't toe the leftist line will be called nasty names implying they are inauthentic.

BTW I have to wonder why the left thinks Asians should be on their side.  they don't do anything for Asians as far as I can see.  All the lefties do is take college slots that Asians earned and give them to blacks and Hispanics. I guess they think they should own every minority vote, even those they take from.


The links posted here really are absurd.


Quote from: "Velvet"The links posted here really are absurd.

But, it's good to be made aware of what's happening.


Here is another example of the lefties Employing broad brush blame and collective punishment

A member of the Haddonfield boys' lacrosse team allegedly told a ninth-grade competitor to "get off the track" and called the girl the N-word, according to the complaint.  

(Now as a collective punishment) Diversity, sensitivity, and empathy training will be conducted for all students, staff, coaches and sports teams. The school district says they have canceled the remainder of the boy's lacrosse season as a result of this incident.[/quote]

I'm all for punishing the student that did it. But when someone does something wrong you punish them, not everyone else too.  

But the sick in the head lefties at this school instead cancelled the entire boys lacrosse season; punishing them ALL for the acts of ONE.  And they are making all staff and students go through re-education camp sensitivity training, thus, punishing them as well.


It won't be long before we see Stalinist "re-education" camps springing up.

Never has Orwell's vision seemed more prescient.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Here is another example of the lefties Employing broad brush blame and collective punishment

A member of the Haddonfield boys' lacrosse team allegedly told a ninth-grade competitor to "get off the track" and called the girl the N-word, according to the complaint.  

(Now as a collective punishment) Diversity, sensitivity, and empathy training will be conducted for all students, staff, coaches and sports teams. The school district says they have canceled the remainder of the boy's lacrosse season as a result of this incident.

I'm all for punishing the student that did it. But when someone does something wrong you punish them, not everyone else too.  

But the sick in the head lefties at this school instead cancelled the entire boys lacrosse season; punishing them ALL for the acts of ONE.  And they are making all staff and students go through re-education camp sensitivity training, thus, punishing them as well.[/quote]
I don't agree with this either.


Quote from: "Bricktop"It won't be long before we see Stalinist "re-education" camps springing up.

Never has Orwell's vision seemed more prescient.

Those camps are coming for sure. If you get into conspiracy theories like I do, yes, they are coming.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "Bricktop"It won't be long before we see Stalinist "re-education" camps springing up.

Never has Orwell's vision seemed more prescient.

Those camps are coming for sure. If you get into conspiracy theories like I do, yes, they are coming.

You don't have to believe in conspiracy theories to think that could happen.  Leftist communism led to nearly a hundred million murders in the last century.  

Now we see even in first world democracies like Britain, Germany, Sweden and France people being imprisoned for thought crimes.  And the left in the west is getting more extreme all the time.  Will they institute re-education camps, gulags and even mass murder?  They are well on their way--It would not surprise me at all.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"

You don't have to believe in conspiracy theories to think that could happen.  Leftist communism led to nearly a hundred million murders in the last century.  

Now we see even in first world democracies like Britain, Germany, Sweden and France people being imprisoned for thought crimes.  And the left in the west is getting more extreme all the time.  Will they institute re-education camps, gulags and even mass murder?  They are well on their way--It would not surprise me at all.

Oh I know man. It "feels" like they are waiting on the opportune moment, THEY go down in their DUMBS, resistance up top is rounded up and sent to these camps. They already have huge plastic coffins for the rest. Some of these "camps" are already built and guarded, just not implemented yet.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.