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Re: Forum gossip thread by Lokmar

The Racial Absurdity Thread

Started by Wazzzup, March 03, 2018, 01:27:35 AM

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Angry White Male

Quote from: "Odinson"Here is a finnish woman dealing with multi-talent somalian multicultural genepool enrichers..

It's always satisfying to watch sub-human scum get a face full of mace!


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"Please leave..


Many of the same complaints could be made about Canada; cold, dark many months of the year, great distances between towns.


They are incredibly picky about their food, housing etc. even though they are supposed to come from warzones..

I´m suprised how many of them drown in the mediterranean since a lot of them seem to be packing natural life-preservers.
The video made it seem like they were very picky..

I would think most genuine refugees would be thankful to be in Finland.

Nah they hate us, they hate the west and hate our culture.

They arent grateful.. They think they are superior..

They are very picky..

And some leftists are just fueling the superiority complex.
That's just one video..

I wouldn't jump to conclusions based on that.

Tip of the ice berg... It happened to be filmed.

You see there is a whole bunch of them in there..

They are not old friends..

They are randomly placed into these facilities..

"odd" that there is so many like-minded people in one place..  :laugh:  :icon_wink:

They have been known to pour food to the ground at other sites in europe..

You dont see that in the media..

In the media, you just see babies and women coming as refugees even though near all of them are males.


I don't believe most refugee claimants in Finland would rather go back to where they came from.


Quote from: "Fashionista"I don't believe most refugee claimants in Finland would rather go back to where they came from.

Finland is an acquired taste..

The ghettos they live in are unmaintained and extremely depressing.

Finland is grey and depressing.

Foreigners who want to live here love how much life can suck..


Check this out..

Now that everything has gone to the shitter.. They either accept funding from chinese "benefactors" or they invite the old white "oppressors" back..



Ethiopians are so stupid..

They are allowing the chinese to buy the whole damn country.

The serious consequences arent even a factor in a negroes head once he sees a pile of "free" money... From their good friends the chinese.


Quote from: "Odinson"Check this out..

Now that everything has gone to the shitter.. They either accept funding from chinese "benefactors" or they invite the old white "oppressors" back..


The farmers shouldn't have had their land expropriated in the first place


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"Check this out..

Now that everything has gone to the shitter.. They either accept funding from chinese "benefactors" or they invite the old white "oppressors" back..


The farmers shouldn't have had their land expropriated in the first place
African nationalist stupidity.


Melinda Gates says she will preference women and non-whites over men and white people, specifically for these immutable characteristics that have nothing inherently to do with business success..[/quote]

A white male led company should apply for her venture capital group to invest in them and then sue her for racial discrimination when she refuses.

Should be an easy win, since she openly admits she is fully intending to discriminate based on race and sex.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Melinda Gates says she will preference women and non-whites over men and white people, specifically for these immutable characteristics that have nothing inherently to do with business success..

A white male led company should apply for her venture capital group to invest in them and then sue her for racial discrimination when she refuses.

Should be an easy win, since she openly admits she is fully intending to discriminate based on race and sex.[/quote]

Progtards is a rich man's disease. They are purposely infecting working people.

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Wazzzup"Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates) Is Starting a Venture capital company, and says she will discriminate against white men

So, she's just doing what every other public sector and large private sector entity is doing...


Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates) Is Starting a Venture capital company, and says she will discriminate against white men

So, she's just doing what every other public sector and large private sector entity is doing...

Public sector, maybe. But, not all of the private sector is stupid enough to discriminate based on race. Not yet anyway.


Technically the laws are still the same for every1..

They expect the white man to just bite the bullet..

But what if he doesnt.. What if he ultimately takes it to a international court for human rights violation.

It would be a walk in the park since she openly admits the discrimination.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates) Is Starting a Venture capital company, and says she will discriminate against white men

So, she's just doing what every other public sector and large private sector entity is doing...

Public sector, maybe. But, not all of the private sector is stupid enough to discriminate based on race. Not yet anyway.

The popular held belief in my province is that the provincial government discriminates against white males, but I've seen no proof of that..

Perhaps in our two biggest cities, Calgary and Edmonton there might be some discrimination against white males.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates) Is Starting a Venture capital company, and says she will discriminate against white men

So, she's just doing what every other public sector and large private sector entity is doing...

Public sector, maybe. But, not all of the private sector is stupid enough to discriminate based on race. Not yet anyway.

Perhaps in our two biggest cities, Calgary and Edmonton there might be some discrimination against white males.

You mean quotas. I have no problem with targets. But, quotas are bad for business.