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The Racial Absurdity Thread

Started by Wazzzup, March 03, 2018, 01:27:35 AM

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"He's a horrible White" they scream?

Yet .. They also equally as hard attacked Thomas (as black as black gets) for the same reason as they are attacking the current nominee (and of course these phonies also called him an "Uncle Thomas" for escaping the left's plantation where all blacks "belong")

It's ONLY because  they were not "one of their persuasion" .. PERIOD!!

It's all disingenuous "flack" designed ONLY as subterfuge to get their way
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc""White" they scream?

They also equally as hard attacked Thomas, as black as black gets, for the same reason as they are attacking the current nominee

ONLY because  he's not "one of their persuasion" .. PERIOD!!

All the rest is disingenuous "flack" designed ONLY as subterfuge to get their way
No doubt they are trying to thwart Trump from picking anyone he likes.  And they will do anything to stop it.  But I think their attacks on whites males is also revealing (see next post)

And absolutely they made Clarence Thomas an honorary white man.  Because his political views are anti-prog.  They constantly do that.  they did it with Condoleezza rice who was Bush;s secretary of state and they even did the same with George Zimmerman making him a "white Hispanic" among so many others.

And I don't know how they get away with it but they always do.  They basically rescind minority special treatment and will attack even in the most racist ways any minority who is against them, it's really quite stunning.

Many people don't remember Miguel Estrada but here's a little bit about what they did to him--"> ... 503505bda4">
QuoteEstrada was a supremely qualified nominee who had the support of a clear majority in the Senate. His confirmation should have been easy. But Democrats killed his nomination. Why? According to internal strategy memos obtained by the Wall Street Journal, they blocked Estrada at the request of liberal interest groups who said Estrada was "especially dangerous" because "he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment." Democrats did not want Republicans to put the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court. Instead, two years after his nomination, they made Estrada the first appeals court nominee in history to be successfully filibustered. It was an extraordinary breach of precedent....columnist Robert Novak wrote at the time, "the first full-scale effort in American history to prevent a president from picking the federal judges he wants."

Some cartoonist racist attacks on Condoleezza rice by leftist cartoonists-">">">">


Quote from: "Wazzzup"I've seen this throughout the kavanaugh nomination, lots of references to white skin color.  Why is anyone referencing white skin color when the women accusing kavanaugh (only one that is even slightly credible) are all white? How is white skin color relevant to any of this?">

I didn't know race that Ford was accusing Kavanaugh of racial attacks..


If Kavanaugh took a lie detector test and passed would those that voted against his confirmation suddenly change their minds and vote to confirm?

Why bother with investigations and trials....just administer a polygraph test..

They are always accurate.



Quote from: "Fashionista"
I didn't know race that Ford was accusing Kavanaugh of racial attacks..

yep race has nothing to do with this.  To me their injection of race where its doesn't have any relevance only shows they are the true racists.

Quote from: "Fashionista"If Kavanaugh took a lie detector test and passed would those that voted against his confirmation suddenly change their minds and vote to confirm?

Why bother with investigations and trials....just administer a polygraph test..

They are always accurate.


yeah even though polygraphs are not admissible in court, they are suddenly the end all be all of truth telling.


That will probably be a demand in the next week.  if the FBI doesn't have kavanaugh take a lie detector test, and the investigation turns up nothing, the dems will demand Kavanaugh take a lie detector test as well as demand weeks more investigation.  

No matter what happens they will not vote for him.  Some day it may come back to bite them.   At some point there will be a democrat president and the republicans may do the same thing.


This is my grave concern.

If effect, what you are saying is that we will have two governments, pulling in opposite directions.

Democracy is about to hit the wall. Fasten your seat belt and hope the airbags deploy.


Quote from: "Bricktop"This is my grave concern.

If effect, what you are saying is that we will have two governments, pulling in opposite directions.

Democracy is about to hit the wall. Fasten your seat belt and hope the airbags deploy.

Just my inside America perspective--

We have a democrat party that has become ultra extreme, and believes no trick is too dirty to play.  They and their constituents believe that to achieve their political goals all is fair, harassment, intimidation, threats and outright violence are perfectly legitimate means to their ends.  they have stopped just short of outright killing people, (they have tried twice, but so far have not succeeded) but that barrier IMO is soon to be broken as well.

Then we have a republican party, that for the most part, with the the exception of Trump, has been too afraid of the leftist media to even do what the people who elected them want them to do.

For what its worth, this is the way I see things here.


Either way, there's no happy ending in sight.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
I didn't know race that Ford was accusing Kavanaugh of racial attacks..

yep race has nothing to do with this.  To me their injection of race where its doesn't have any relevance only shows they are the true racists.

Quote from: "Fashionista"If Kavanaugh took a lie detector test and passed would those that voted against his confirmation suddenly change their minds and vote to confirm?

Why bother with investigations and trials....just administer a polygraph test..

They are always accurate.


yeah even though polygraphs are not admissible in court, they are suddenly the end all be all of truth telling.


That will probably be a demand in the next week.  if the FBI doesn't have kavanaugh take a lie detector test, and the investigation turns up nothing, the dems will demand Kavanaugh take a lie detector test as well as demand weeks more investigation.  

No matter what happens they will not vote for him.  Some day it may come back to bite them.   At some point there will be a democrat president and the republicans may do the same thing.

The GOP will never get away with it.


Excerpted from ann Coulters column

Quote"They know the optics of 11 white men questioning Dr. Ford ... will be so harmful and so damaging to the GOP." -- Areva Martin, CNN legal analyst

"They understand that you have all of these white men who would be questioning this woman ... the optics of it would look terrible." -- Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst

"Women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman." -- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.

"There has been some discussion of the GOP senators who happened to all be ... white men." -- Jim Sciutto, CNN correspondent

"What troubles me is now there are ... they're all white men." -- Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, on CNN

"You're seeing on display a metaphor for what this party is, which is basically ignorant white men." -- "Morning Joe" contributor Donny Deutsch

"All these white men ... stumbling all over themselves asking her, you know, aggressive and obnoxious questions." -- Asha Rangappa, CNN analyst

"What are those -- that collection of old white men going to do?" -- Cynthia Alksne, MSNBC contributor

"If she testifies in front of the Judiciary Committee, where 11 members are white men ..." -- Susan Del Percio, Republican political strategist, on MSNBC

"Once again, it will be all white men on the Republican side of the Judiciary Committee." -- CNN anchor Poppy Harlow

"The optics for Republicans are going to be really tricky ... You've got all white men on the Republican side here ..." -- Julie Pace, Washington bureau chief for The Associated Press, on CNN

"The Republicans, it happens to be 11 white men still on that side." -- CNN host John Berman

"The Republicans, it is 11 white men, talk to me about how you think the tone inside this hearing on Monday will be perceived?" -- Berman, a few minutes later

"On the Republican side, all 11 are white men." -- Berman, again, same show, several minutes later

"What hasn't changed is the number of white men questioning, certainly, on the Republican side." -- Dana Bash, CNN chief political correspondent

"The Republican side on the Senate Judiciary Committee is all white men ..." -- Irin Carmon, senior correspondent for New York Magazine, on MSNBC

"Only this crowd of clueless old white guys ..." -- The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin on Twitter

White Male[/u] Privilege and the Reckoning to Come"> ... g-to-come/">

Lindsey Graham, Brett Kavanaugh, and the unleashing of white male backlash"> ... d-backlash">

Arrogant white men must have no place">

White Republican Men, Yet Again, Hid Behind a White Woman. And It Backfired, Bigly"> ... 1829311725">

This Was the Hour of White Male Rage"> ... male-rage/">

Brett Kavanaugh and America's Insistence on White Male Virtue"> ... 1829387000">

Hell hath no fury like an entitled white man denied"> ... 4e4ae1822a">

American privilege: White men running amok"> ... nning-amok">

Hysterical Actress on Kavanaugh Hearing: 'White Men' Will Make Us 'Handmaids' 'Take Away' Our Rights, Vote"> ... ll-make-us">

'The View' host Joy Behar says 'white men' are protecting 'probably guilty' Brett Kavanaugh"> ... naugh.html">

Mediocre White Man Falls Apart and Is Promptly Put Back Together"> ... aring.html">

Erika D. Smith: A crying Brett Kavanaugh. This is what white male privilege looks like"> ... ooks-like/">

Avenatti: 'White Men Need to Stop Passing Judgement on Sexual Assault Victims'"> ... s-n2523564">

Kavanaugh's Testimony Was a Master Class in White Male Entitlement"> ... ement.html">

Brett Kavanaugh's indignation was the sound of privileged white male entitlement"> ... story.html">


kavanaugh's accuser is just as white as any of those senators.  So why is race brought into it.  Could it be they want to blame men, BUT want to make sure to exempt minority men, and single out only white men? Yep, This from the party and its supporters who claim to be beacons of racial tolerance.  Yeah right :001_rolleyes:

A white male  supporting the left makes about as such sense as a chicken supporting colonel sanders.


So progtards see a big conspiracy us white boys are the enemy. They sound like Scouse with his so called "Jews" under his bed paranoia. :laugh3:


Most of us know the history of the Democrat party, but watch this anyway.



I didn't want to start a new thread just for this, so  I am putting it here. It's an issue that unites all Asians in the US. From forty plus year old conservatives like myself to undergrad Sanders supporter we all agree this is blatant racial discrimination.

BOSTON — a trial will open here in federal court Monday to weigh accusations that Harvard university's famously competitive undergraduate admissions system is rigged against asian americans, in a case that holds potential to become another landmark in the nation's long debate over affirmative action.

students for Fair admissions, a group representing asian american applicants, alleges in the lawsuit that Harvard violates their civil rights in multiple ways through an admissions process in which race is a known factor.

The plaintiff contends Harvard discriminates against asian americans when rating their personal qualities such as leadership and compassion, and every year engineers a precise racial balance of admission offers that gives an unfair edge to less-qualified applicants from other groups.

Harvard denies all the allegations and says it considers race only in a limited way.


Quote from: "seoulbro"I didn't want to start a new thread just for this, so  I am putting it here. It's an issue that unites all Asians in the US. From forty plus year old conservatives like myself to undergrad Sanders supporter we all agree this is blatant racial discrimination.

BOSTON — a trial will open here in federal court Monday to weigh accusations that Harvard university's famously competitive undergraduate admissions system is rigged against asian americans, in a case that holds potential to become another landmark in the nation's long debate over affirmative action.

students for Fair admissions, a group representing asian american applicants, alleges in the lawsuit that Harvard violates their civil rights in multiple ways through an admissions process in which race is a known factor.

The plaintiff contends Harvard discriminates against asian americans when rating their personal qualities such as leadership and compassion, and every year engineers a precise racial balance of admission offers that gives an unfair edge to less-qualified applicants from other groups.

Harvard denies all the allegations and says it considers race only in a limited way.

This is from the first day of court

A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex...

He said Harvard sends recruitment letters to African-American, Native American and Hispanic high schoolers with mid-range SAT scores, around 1100 on math and verbal combined out of a possible 1600, CNN reported.

Asian-Americans only receive a recruitment letter if they score at least 250 points higher — 1350 for women, and 1380 for men.

(the dean) insisted that the practice isn't discriminatory :001_rolleyes: [/quote]

yeah right, the progtards can try and spin it all they want, but this is admitted proof of race based discrimination against Asians.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"I didn't want to start a new thread just for this, so  I am putting it here. It's an issue that unites all Asians in the US. From forty plus year old conservatives like myself to undergrad Sanders supporter we all agree this is blatant racial discrimination.

BOSTON — a trial will open here in federal court Monday to weigh accusations that Harvard university's famously competitive undergraduate admissions system is rigged against asian americans, in a case that holds potential to become another landmark in the nation's long debate over affirmative action.

students for Fair admissions, a group representing asian american applicants, alleges in the lawsuit that Harvard violates their civil rights in multiple ways through an admissions process in which race is a known factor.

The plaintiff contends Harvard discriminates against asian americans when rating their personal qualities such as leadership and compassion, and every year engineers a precise racial balance of admission offers that gives an unfair edge to less-qualified applicants from other groups.

Harvard denies all the allegations and says it considers race only in a limited way.

This is from the first day of court

A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex...

He said Harvard sends recruitment letters to African-American, Native American and Hispanic high schoolers with mid-range SAT scores, around 1100 on math and verbal combined out of a possible 1600, CNN reported.

Asian-Americans only receive a recruitment letter if they score at least 250 points higher — 1350 for women, and 1380 for men.

(the dean) insisted that the practice isn't discriminatory :001_rolleyes:

yeah right, the progtards can try and spin it all they want, but this is admitted proof of race based discrimination against Asians.[/quote]
Isn't discriminatory.



PETA claims milk a 'symbol of white supremacy'"> ... -supremacy">

QuoteThe lactose longshot comes in the wake of a New York Times article headlined 'Why white supremacists are chugging milk (and why geneticists are alarmed).'

Some scientists are claiming their work is being twisted by lactose-tolerant racists who want to project a perceived "white superiority."

University of Chicago evolutionary biologist Dr. John Novembre even used a photo of white nationalists chugging milk during one of his lectures.

of course the RACIST New York Times, where else? Makes perfect sense-- the New York Times thinks hiring people who want whites eliminated is not racist, but milk is. :crazy:">