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The Racial Absurdity Thread

Started by Wazzzup, March 03, 2018, 01:27:35 AM

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By Larry Elder

Smollett supporters — rooting for a 'modern lynching'

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-calif., not only believed black and openly gay actor Jussie Smollett's tale of being attacked by two N-word-spouting homophobic Trump-supporters, she — and many other big-name Democrats — knew exactly whom to blame.

Waters said: "I know Jussie. I love him. His family's a friend of mine. I know his sisters, I met his mom and I called already to Jazz, one of the sisters, to talk to her about what's happening, what's going on . ... I'm pleased that he's doing okay. But we have to understand this is happening for a reason. Why, all of a sudden, do we have people unable to study while black, unable to mow a lawn while black, unable to have a picnic while black, and being attacked? It's coming from the President of the United States. He's dog whistling every day. He's separating and dividing, and he is basically emboldening those folks who feel this way."

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who became famous by falsely accusing an assistant district attorney of raping a black teenage girl, weighed in. He said: "(The Smollett attack) is only a reminder of the times that we are living in, that people feel empowered to express their hate and feel there will be no accountability . ... The President should have said, 'My brand shouldn't stand for that.' This hate-filled climate is set by ... the President of the United States, who gets the award for climate setting, if he is not at fault for a direct act."

The Rev. Jesse Jackson released a statement: "Hatred against another simply because of who they are is like acid rain. It falls from the top down and pollutes the environment." Former Vice President Joe Biden tweeted: "What happened today to @ Jussiesmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbour; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts." Sen. Kamala Harris, D-calif., in a tweet, called the alleged attack "a modern day lynching."

Isn't it good news that the story is false? Isn't it good news that Trump-supporting goons are not patrolling the streets at night, armed with bleach and a noose, to find, attack, whitewash and lynch black and gay Trump-bashers? A Peopletv host actually said she was "hoping" and "praying" that Smollett's story was true.

Why did so many uncritically buy Smollett's story? One reason is that an Axios poll last November found that 61% of Democrats believe Republicans are "racist/ bigoted/sexist." Thirty-one percent of Republicans feel that way about Democrats. And most Democrats and members of the media believe Trump is a racist. So why doubt such a juicy story that falsely advances two narratives? Trump is Exhibit A that racism remains a major problem in America. And if Trump is a "racist," therefore so are his supporters.

But what does it say about America's alleged "systemic," "structural" and "institutional" racism when, in 2019, the cupboard is so bare that "racist attacks" have to be manufactured? Last year, in a span of a few weeks, three black motorists claimed they were victims of racism by the white cops who pulled them over. One, a reverend, was the president of a local branch of the NAACP. He posted on social media a long, detailed description of the alleged interaction with the cop whom he claimed racially profiled him and made harassing comments. A black female motorist took to social media to say she had a "traumatic experience" in Virginia when she was pulled over for speeding and "threatened" by a "white cop, who "degraded" her "as an African-american." And a viral post by a civil rights "activist" claimed a Texas trooper sexually assaulted another black woman following a traffic stop and then arrested her for DUI. But they were all unaware that they were being recorded. The tapes show all three were lying. The cops involved were courteous, polite and respectful. The black motorists lied about the white cops. But if not for the recordings, who knows what might have happened to the careers of the officers.

As to the belief that racism remains a serious problem in America, can we agree that nirvana is not an option? In a nation of 330 million people, bad actors abound. After all, one survey in 2017 found that 7% of adult Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows. That works out to over 17 million adults. And a 1997 Gallup poll found that 4% of Americans believed Elvis was still alive.

But today's definition of "race relations" pretty much comes down to this: how black people feel about white people and how white people feel about how black people feel about white people. [size=200]Racism has so receded as an impediment to progress that new terms became necessary to describe offensive "racist" behaviour, such as "microaggressions." This means whites are racist, even if they don't think they are, because of their "white privilege." If white people spent as much time thinking about how to oppress black people as black people think they do, white people wouldn't have enough time to oppress black people.[/size]


By Michelle Malkin

More fake noose stories

Smollett's tale shows that if you give the media enough rope ...

Is it any wonder that news consumers are at the end of their ropes of patience with the "mainstream media"?

Three weeks ago, when I first documented troubling questions, contradictions and doubts about Trumphating, attention-craving actor Jussie Smollett's absurd hate crime claims, few in the "professional" journalism herd paid heed. Now, everyone's a Johnny-comelately debunker.

And everyone's making excuses:

How could we have known? Why would anyone lie about racism?

What could have possibly prepared us for such a scandalous swindle?

I'm especially looking at you, Robin Roberts. You and ABC'S Good Morning America willingly played public relations agents for Smollett last week while his story was already falling apart and he refused to be fully transparent with investigators. Now, you defend yourselves by hiding behind a veil of ignorance about hate crimes hoaxes.

Listen and learn, addled enablers of fraud. Fake Noose is a sick phenomenon that has run rampant across the country unchecked. I've chronicled the self victimization pathology in my books, columns and blog posts for years:

Columbia u, 2007

Remember black psychology professor Madonna Constantine? She made the rounds on none other than ABC'S Good Morning America, claiming she found a "degrading" noose (made of hand-tied twine) hanging from her office door. Constantine led fist-waving protests, decried "systematic racism," and prompted a nationwide uproar, as I reported at the time in the New York Post. Things didn't add up when Columbia initially blocked investigators from obtaining 56 hours of surveillance video. No culprits could be found on the militantly progressive campus obsessed with diversity and multiculturalism. It turned out that Constantine was desperately trying to distract from a brewing internal probe of her serial plagiarism, for which she was eventually fired. The hate crime probe hit a dead end and Constantine faced no criminal charges over the Fake Noose incident.

baltimore Fire DEP'T, '07

Another manufactured outrage erupted when black firefighter-paramedic apprentice Donald Maynard claimed he found a knotted rope and threatening note with a noose drawing on it at his stationhouse. A federal civil rights investigation ensued and the NAACP cried racism — until Maynard confessed to the noose nonsense amid a department-wide cheating scandal. A top official revealed that Maynard admitted "conducting a scheme meant to create the perception that members within our department were acting in a discriminatory and unprofessional manner." Maynard faced no criminal charges over the Fake Noose incident.

u OF Delaware, 2015

Black Lives Matter agitators and campus activists triggered a full alert when a student spotted a "racist display" of three "noose-like objects" hanging from trees. The UD president called it "deplorable;" protesters wept that they were not being taken seriously. After investigating, police discovered the "nooses" were metal "remnants of paper lanterns" hung as decorations during an alumni weekend celebration.

Salisbury STATE u, 2016

Students, faculty and administrators were horrified when a stick figure hanging from a noose on a whiteboard was discovered at the school's library. The N-word and hashtag #Whitepower also appeared in the menacing graffiti. Campus authorities immediately launched an investigation, which exposed two black students as the perpetrators. Prosecutors declined to file criminal charges against the Fake Noosers.


A paroxysm of protest struck K-state after someone reported a noose hanging from a tree on campus. Black students lambasted authorities for not acting quickly enough. They stoked anger online with the hashtag #Dontleaveushanging and demanded increased security. But the "noose" was made of cut pieces of nylon parachute cord, which police believed had been discarded by someone who "may have simply been practicing tying different kinds of knots."

Michigan STATE u, 2017

When a student reported a noose hanging outside her dorm room, MSU administrators went into full freakout mode over the racial incident. Cops and the Office of Institutional Equity were immediately notified. "A noose is a symbol of intimidation and threat that has a horrendous history in America," the university president bemoaned. But it turned out the "noose" was a "packaged leather shoelace" that someone had dropped accidentally.


NPR called the discovery of "nooses" lying on the grounds of two Smithsonian Institute museums the "latest in a string of hate incidents" after Trump's election. The African-American museum director called them a "reminder of America's dark history." But the museums refused to release surveillance video and my public records request filed last November yielded zero corroboration of any hate crime. The Washington Post, New York Times and ABC'S Good Morning America, which all splashed the story front and centre, have yet to follow up.

Mississippi Capitol, 2018

ABC, CBS, CNN and Yahoo were among the media outlets that blared headlines about seven nooses and "hate signs" found hanging in trees by the capitol building before a special runoff election for U.S. Senate. The stories created an unmistakable impression that the nooses were left by GOP racists intending to intimidate black voters. In truth, the nooses were a publicity stunt perpetrated by Democrats.

In the wake of Smollett's folly, media sensationalists bluster that there's no way they could have known they were being strung along. Thanks for the valuable admission, elite news professionals, that you are not only dumb and blind but incompetent to boot. It doesn't take a fancy journalism degree to learn from the long, sordid history of Fake Noose: When you've seen one social justice huckster, you've seen 'em all.


Do the Asians on this site face racism where you live? Just wondering.

My Filipino Aunty Cora came around one day to my place all upset once. She was working for aged care cleaning someone's house and they reported her to the company complaining she smelled of garlic and some other things, (not sure exactly what it was). The people weren't Australian, they were English... that was the first and only time I saw her hurt.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "caskur"Do the Asians on this site face racism where you live? Just wondering.

My Filipino Aunty Cora came around one day to my place all upset once. She was working for aged care cleaning someone's house and they reported her to the company complaining she smelled of garlic and some other things, (not sure exactly what it was). The people weren't Australian, they were English... that was the first and only time I saw her hurt.

I had an EI ask me if I have peripheral vision.  Sticks and stones can break my bones, but silly racial stereotypes will never hurt me. I can't stand crybabies and their victim complexes.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "caskur"Do the Asians on this site face racism where you live? Just wondering.

My Filipino Aunty Cora came around one day to my place all upset once. She was working for aged care cleaning someone's house and they reported her to the company complaining she smelled of garlic and some other things, (not sure exactly what it was). The people weren't Australian, they were English... that was the first and only time I saw her hurt.

I had an EI ask me if I have peripheral vision.  Sticks and stones can break my bones, but silly racial stereotypes will never hurt me. I can't stand crybabies and their victim complexes.

I think that's a legitimate question IF that person's TONE was sincere. Why I say that is because I once saw a claim on TV that Aborigines can see twice the distance of everybody else... different races have their different strengths and weaknesses. The Japanese eyes are too slanted.. it's good for preventing snow blindness apparently but they can't see very well so they used to go through operations as babies. I don't know if they still do that though.  

You should be able to tell from the tone... Someone might say, how you going fatty Foster?... or someone driving pass and calls out,"ya fat bitch." Obviously you laugh at one and die of embarrassment at the

When people come to Australia, usually Australians enquire your name and where you come from... they see that as RACIST... unbelievable. When I meet someone, I usually ask 3 questions, name, where do you come from and what did your father do for a job. I find out everything about that person within 10 minutes. I'm laughing to myself as I recall this because one guy I spoke to in front of his girlfriend told me more about himself than he ever told his girlfriend. She said I got more out of him in 5 minutes than she got out of him in a year.

I had this little fantasy as a child. I wanted to know everyone on the planet. That was my dream.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


double post mistake.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


i wasn't upset by the EI's question. I can't stand Oprah. but she is right about one thing. Excellence is the bet deterrent to racism.

The harder one works and the more education they have,  the less likely they will experience social problems. That applies to all races.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
The more harder one works"> ... 26.jpg&f=1">[/img]


Quote from: "caskur"Do the Asians on this site face racism where you live? Just wondering.

My Filipino Aunty Cora came around one day to my place all upset once. She was working for aged care cleaning someone's house and they reported her to the company complaining she smelled of garlic and some other things, (not sure exactly what it was). The people weren't Australian, they were English... that was the first and only time I saw her hurt.

Not since high school where my brother and I were the only non Caucasians in the church basement classroom..

My children attend the same school now, but they have real buildings with all the facilities and certified teachers instead of supervised home schooling..

The same school is majority non Caucasian today.


Quote from: "Shen Li"i wasn't upset by the EI's question. I can't stand Oprah. but she is right about one thing. Excellence is the bet deterrent to racism.

The harder one works and the more education they have,  the less likely they will experience social problems. That applies to all races.

The best revenge under ANY condition is to be, the best you can be... I heard that on Oprah a couple of decades back. It was referring to a relationship break up but you can apply that to anything.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"Do the Asians on this site face racism where you live? Just wondering.

My Filipino Aunty Cora came around one day to my place all upset once. She was working for aged care cleaning someone's house and they reported her to the company complaining she smelled of garlic and some other things, (not sure exactly what it was). The people weren't Australian, they were English... that was the first and only time I saw her hurt.

Not since high school where my brother and I were the only non Caucasians in the church basement classroom..

My children attend the same school now, but they have real buildings with all the facilities and certified teachers instead of supervised home schooling..

The same school is majority non Caucasian today.

We didn't have Asians when I went to Primary School... we had Italians and Poms... we used to tease the Italians.. calling them garlic, one garlic muncher still visits me 48 years on.... omg, 48 years???? His sister Anna was a fast runner and in my class, and we used to scream on sports day, Go-anna, Goanna Goanna. She complained so we had to stop. She was very sooky back then and a dobber!


"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


You attended a real school..

We just had three rooms in a church basement.


Quote from: "Fashionista"You attended a real school..

We just had three rooms in a church basement.

Yes, Bicton Primary School was very large when I went there. 40-45 kids per class, 2 grade 1 classes, 2 grade 2 classes, right up to grade 7.

When my grandfather went there were only a couple of rooms and Bicton suburb was mostly  bush. Now it's mostly multi millionaires in 3 story mansions.  ac_unsure

Do you remember how many children in total in those 3 rooms?
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


I was talking to an asshole right here in lapland..

I said that asians get discriminated against in american universities.

She said its okay because asians live their nose buried in the books.

I dont get this mentality..

Its the same as letting women join the special forces by lowering the standards.


Quote from: "Odinson"I was talking to an asshole right here in lapland..

I said that asians get discriminated against in american universities.

She said its okay because asians live their nose buried in the books.

I dont get this mentality..

Its the same as letting women join the special forces by lowering the standards.
its the-- every group must be equally represented and merit gets thrown out the window mentality of leftists.

IMO government has no business playing favorites when it comes to race.  There's a lawsuit against discriminating against Asians, it is still tied up in court.

Affirmative action lawsuit against Harvard in judge's hands"> ... ds-n971776">

In the UK they are discriminating against whites particularly males in picking the police force--

Police Unlawfully Rejected 'Exceptional' Recruit for Being Straight White Male, Tribunal Finds"> ... hite-male/">

UK: Top Police Chief Wants to Discriminate Against White Recruits to 'Shock the System'"> ... he-system/">