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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles


Christian Corner

Started by Anonymous, July 27, 2013, 11:57:29 AM

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Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
It was disgusting Odie.

Stuff like that happens. People need to see how horrible it is.

You didn't need the visual aid Odie..

I agree with the mods of Vancouver Forum.

Yea, I knew I get punished somehow. It is just temp. ban.


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"

Stuff like that happens. People need to see how horrible it is.

You didn't need the visual aid Odie..

I agree with the mods of Vancouver Forum.

Yea, I knew I get punished somehow. It is just temp. ban.

I gave you a temporary ban here, so I understand.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Blue"I have most my Christmas shopping over with except for my mother, I have no clue what to get her.

I'm all for Christmas, and always have been even if I think that it's a stolen pagan holiday. I even say Marry Christmas, and don't even mind a little star on the tree .

I think those who wish it out of the public spotlight need to stop being a-holes, and just enjoy.

Of course I can do without the crowds, and Commercialism of it all.">

Jesus and not Santa Claus or consumerism is the reason for the season.

It may be now, but it was taking from pagans that celebrated the winter solstice. The Catholics took it as their own, and made up it was about Jesus to get converts, and people to stop the pagan ways.

Here at my home it's just about gift giving, and family. It certainly isn't Jesus birthday which is likely in August by what some have suggested.  

LOL I looked and saw Christmas Corner yesterday when opening the thread  :lol:


Quote from: "Blue"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Blue"I have most my Christmas shopping over with except for my mother, I have no clue what to get her.

I'm all for Christmas, and always have been even if I think that it's a stolen pagan holiday. I even say Marry Christmas, and don't even mind a little star on the tree .

I think those who wish it out of the public spotlight need to stop being a-holes, and just enjoy.

Of course I can do without the crowds, and Commercialism of it all.">

Jesus and not Santa Claus or consumerism is the reason for the season.

It may be now, but it was taking from pagans that celebrated the winter solstice. The Catholics took it as their own, and made up it was about Jesus to get converts, and people to stop the pagan ways.

Here at my home it's just about gift giving, and family. It certainly isn't Jesus birthday which is likely in August by what some have suggested.  

LOL I looked and saw Christmas Corner yesterday when opening the thread  :lol:

Same goes for Easter Frosty. Just another sales drive for confection makers.


Most of the holidays was taken from pagan ones, but the Catlicks had to give in somehow to get convert, and not look bad getting drunk.

Like today they are kissing everyone's butts to keep people, even catering to gays which is wrong in the bible.

Having beer parties, fish fries, carnivals, and such, 6 flags over Jesus is what it is.

It's alright because the pope speaks for God :roll: Well he's making God a hypocrite by proxy.


Quote from: "Blue"Most of the holidays was taken from pagan ones, but the Catlicks had to give in somehow to get convert, and not look bad getting drunk.

Like today they are kissing everyone's butts to keep people, even catering to gays which is wrong in the bible.

Having beer parties, fish fries, carnivals, and such, 6 flags over Jesus is what it is.

It's alright because the pope speaks for God :roll: Well he's making God a hypocrite by proxy.

I'm an atheist, so you are preaching to the choir so to speak. Big religion is just as bad as big labour, big government, big NGO's and big charities.


I agree, and a non believer myself, but I have a soft side to good Christians, and good people of other faiths.

I know there is good Catholics, good Muslims even, but they are very misguided in their books, and beliefs.


Quote from: "Blue"I agree, and a non believer myself, but I have a soft side to good Christians, and good people of other faiths.

I know there is good Catholics, good Muslims even, but they are very misguided in their books, and beliefs.

I draw the line with Fashionista though. That xtian is pure evil. :lol:


Today's sermon was about being a faithful servant of the Lord with  Matthew 24:36-51 as a reference..

So any of us including those of us in the body of Christ put our own pleasures and comforts almost forgetting that with our salvation comes responsibility to God.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Blue"I agree, and a non believer myself, but I have a soft side to good Christians, and good people of other faiths.

I know there is good Catholics, good Muslims even, but they are very misguided in their books, and beliefs.

I draw the line with Fashionista though. That xtian is pure evil. :lol:

And the Devil was a pleasant creature :lol:


For November 12 and from Our Daily Bread.

The flashing lights of the police car drew my attention to a motorist who had been pulled over for a traffic violation. As the officer, ticket book in hand, walked back to his car, I could clearly see the embarrassed driver sitting helplessly behind the wheel of her car. With her hands, she attempted to block her face from the view of passersby—hoping to hide her identity. Her actions were a reminder to me of how embarrassing it can be when we are exposed by our choices and their consequences.

When a guilty woman was brought before Jesus and her immorality was exposed, the crowd did more than just watch. They called for her condemnation, but Jesus showed mercy. The only One with the right to judge sin responded to her failure with compassion. After dispatching her accusers, "Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more'" (John 8:11). His compassion reminds us of His forgiving grace, and His command to her points to His great desire that we live in the joy of that grace. Both elements show the depth of Christ's concern for us when we stumble and fall.

Even in our most embarrassing moments of failure, we can cry out to Him and find that His grace is truly amazing.

Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found;

Was blind, but now I see. —Newton

Jesus alone can supply the grace we need for each trial we face.


Daily devotional for Our Daily Bread for November 14..

By serving others we serve our Lord.

On Helping Others

When snowstorms bury the grazing lands, ranchers must feed their herds by hand. As hay is tossed from wagons and trucks, the strongest animals bull their way to the front. Timid or sickly animals get little or no feed unless the rancher intervenes.

Workers in refugee camps and food pantries report a similar pattern. When they open their stores to those in need, the weak and timid may not make it to the front of the line. Like the ranchers, these human lifelines must take steps to ensure that their services reach the feeble, weary, and sick at the edge of society's attention.

They are carrying out a principle set forth by God long ago. In Leviticus 19, Moses instructed Israel's farmers and vintners to leave portions of their crops so the poor and the stranger could have something to eat (vv.9-10).

We too can serve as caretakers to the weak and weary. Whether we're teachers coaxing quiet students to open up, workers coming alongside a struggling co-worker, prisoners looking out for new arrivals, or parents showing attention to their children, we have ways to honor God by helping others.

As we seek to serve those in need, may the grace of God that reached us in our need move us to reach out to others in theirs.

Father, open my eyes to those struggling to have

enough food, enough love, enough hope; then open my

heart to find ways to help them receive love, using my

hands in service to them—and through them, to You.

By serving others, we serve God.


I do not understand how some1 can so devoutly go into church.

I have always wondered how is your sex life, fash?

We have sex many times per day. She can have 15 orgasms per intercourse but I try to do better. She sometimes loses her consciousness and in fact the first time I saw that happening to a woman, I called an ambulance. She was not responding and I was worried.


Quote from: "Odinson"I do not understand how some1 can so devoutly go into church.

I have always wondered how is your sex life, fash?

We have sex many times per day. She can have 15 orgasms per intercourse but I try to do better. She sometimes loses her consciousness and in fact the first time I saw that happening to a woman, I called an ambulance. She was not responding and I was worried.

How dare you...that is none of your business Odinson..

I have never discussed that with anyone let alone on a forum for everyone to read.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"I do not understand how some1 can so devoutly go into church.

I have always wondered how is your sex life, fash?

We have sex many times per day. She can have 15 orgasms per intercourse but I try to do better. She sometimes loses her consciousness and in fact the first time I saw that happening to a woman, I called an ambulance. She was not responding and I was worried.

How dare you...that is none of your business Odinson..

I have never discussed that with anyone let alone on a forum for everyone to read.


Kuinkas kehtaat senkin renttu! "how dare you, you scaundrel".

You females love us scaundrels. ;)