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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

The Bricktop "I Hate America and Guns" Thread.

Started by Angry White Male, May 20, 2018, 09:26:52 PM

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Did I say I was in a non-white area?

To be honest, I have no clue what colour the area was. We were picked up at the airport by the hotel bus after a 12 hour flight and taken straight to the hotel. It was near the LA airport. Her bag was stolen from a Taco Bell. Most if not all the staff were Mexican (hardly a surprise) and we think it was a staff member who was the thief. But no real evidence. We did drive through South Central LA at one point and I've never seen a locality that typified the complete collapse of the rule of law, civil decency and communal pride as that war zone.

Angry White Male

I've driven through south central LA, but for work.  Why the hell would you purposely drive there?  White people don't belong there!


We were on the way to Disneyland and there was a blockage on the freeway, so we had to divert. There was a wide road on the perimeter of the district that we had to take. We didn't stop.


Mate and I separately and together have a combined time of 16 years living in (not touring in)  all 4 corners of the US .. and loved every moment of it. Have always been treated better there than anywhere else ... in all a total of 5 extremely  different locations between us .. S, N, E and West

While we are listening to an Aussie "tourist" tell us how bad another place is, let me tell you WHY my family left Oz

My dad, born with a bad stutter still managed to get Masters in Mechanical Engineering there. After tolerating years of Aussie ridicule including at work despite his stellar credentials , his boss set him up with a steel firm in N America and recommended he go abroad where a better kind of people would give him  a chance to succeed even with his affliction.

He took the job and found no ridicule  .. was treated as good as anyone .. so he brought his family over here and flourished in his job and was treated extremely well at all times. In fact the confidence gained around "decent" people here seemed to alleviate most of the stutter .... set up and head manned steel mills in US, Canada, Brazil etc. etc. and no one gave him any grief.

So screw your OZ and your "typical Assies" and your hatred. There are places with far better people

You and Joe need to be put on an island together for life so you can discuss the US without being a pain in the ass to all other humans
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Angry White Male


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Angry White Male

The guy drives through South Central LA, which white people don't even belong in, and thinks the entire country is like that?  He picked the absolute worst place for a drive, other than maybe Detroit...


I bet you were mainly treated well on your hauls around the states??

Ya, Deeetroit is bad now. Didn't used to be. We used to go downtown for shows and parties a lot as a teen .. always felt safe and always treated really well by black & white

Mate has done business there .. with blacks in fact

But that was long ago - before it was  infiltrated and all the good folk left Detoitstan / Dearbornsan.. leaving a wasteland for the entire area
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Angry White Male

I never personally had a problem in my travels down there.  Met some good people.  Of course with trucking, you're never in the same place for long, so you really don't make 'friends' per se, but I have no regrets for spending almost the better part of two years down there...


True nuff, not time to make ongoing friends in that job

We also have only fond memories of our years there ... found great people and got great treatment while living in all 4 corners of it (Ohio, Florida, Caliphornica, Washington state)

Also spent a lot of teen time in Nashville ... since have always wanted to live there .... such neat people I was blessed to get to know a bit
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Angry White Male

My stepfathers brother was born in Southern Ontario, but somehow ended up marrying a teacher from the US.  I have no idea how they met.

Anyhow, they could now live anywhere they chose, and he prefers Indiana.  They were up a couple of years back for a visit, and I asked him if he'll ever live here again.  No way, he said.  He is very happy in Indiana, and runs his own handyman business there.


Quote from: "cc"Mate and I separately and together have a combined time of 16 years living in (not touring in)  all 4 corners of the US .. and loved every moment of it. Have always been treated better there than anywhere else ... in all a total of 5 extremely  different locations between us .. S, N, E and West

While we are listening to an Aussie "tourist" tell us how bad another place is, let me tell you WHY my family left Oz

My dad, born with a bad stutter still managed to get Masters in Mechanical Engineering there. After tolerating years of Aussie ridicule including at work despite his stellar credentials , his boss set him up with a steel firm in N America and recommended he go abroad where a better kind of people would give him  a chance to succeed even with his affliction.

He took the job and found no ridicule  .. was treated as good as anyone .. so he brought his family over here and flourished in his job and was treated extremely well at all times. In fact the confidence gained around "decent" people here seemed to alleviate most of the stutter .... set up and head manned steel mills in US, Canada, Brazil etc. etc. and no one gave him any grief.

So screw your OZ and your "typical Assies" and your hatred. There are places with far better people

You and Joe need to be put on an island together for life so you can discuss the US without being a pain in the ass to all other humans

That's nice. I'm happy for you. It would be nicer if you stuck to the point. Your personal experiences are not relevant to the issue of America as a bastion of all that is wrong with the world.

Nor have I EVER claimed Australia to be superior. In fact, you might recall that I have often cited the ills of the US are duplicated in many places, including Australia. This discussion is not about which nation is superior...because there is no measure I am aware of that defines "superior" insofar as nations go. I have travelled in MANY parts of the world, including the US, and there is no people I would regard as repellent. People often claim Parisians are rude. I've never experienced that.

However, the happy experience of you and your family excludes the slaughter of innocents due to an insane gun control mentality. It does not seem to recognise the utter irrationality of invading or sanctioning other countries because they don't conform to America's view of how nation's should be governed. It fails to mention the total hypocrisy that America is constantly guilty of. It doesn't seem to want to address the absurd imbalance in wealth distribution, lack of health care, unfettered illegal immigration, corrupt politics, racial division, social division, corporate malpractices, unjust gaol population, street riots, decaying cities and Presidential war criminals.

So, screw YOUR "I love America because I made a lot of money" BS, and discuss the real issue I address.

And I already LIVE on an island, toots. So fuck you!!


Quote from: "cc"Mate and I separately and together have a combined time of 16 years living in (not touring in)  all 4 corners of the US .. and loved every moment of it. Have always been treated better there than anywhere else ... in all a total of 5 extremely  different locations between us .. S, N, E and West

While we are listening to an Aussie "tourist" tell us how bad another place is, let me tell you WHY my family left Oz

My dad, born with a bad stutter still managed to get Masters in Mechanical Engineering there. After tolerating years of Aussie ridicule including at work despite his stellar credentials , his boss set him up with a steel firm in N America and recommended he go abroad where a better kind of people would give him  a chance to succeed even with his affliction.

He took the job and found no ridicule  .. was treated as good as anyone .. so he brought his family over here and flourished in his job and was treated extremely well at all times. In fact the confidence gained around "decent" people here seemed to alleviate most of the stutter .... set up and head manned steel mills in US, Canada, Brazil etc. etc. and no one gave him any grief.

So screw your OZ and your "typical Assies" and your hatred. There are places with far better people

You and Joe need to be put on an island together for life so you can discuss the US without being a pain in the ass to all other humans

I go to Florida every winter. I've always had a great time. I've been treated well by locals and American tourists alike.

Now, I would not want to buy real estate there for the reasons we talked about. The state is getting crowded and of course hurricanes. But, I like that state.


Bricktop must have forgotten his anti gun control ranting pills again.

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