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The Ontario election

Started by Anonymous, June 02, 2018, 02:51:01 PM

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These radicals could form the government of Ontario.



At the early May Reena Foundation fundraiser, two days before the writ was dropped, PC leader Doug Ford mentioned to me he knew his opponents would throw everything dirty they could at him during the Ontario election campaign.

He was right.

The past 30 days have been, well, insightful and full of the very "mudslinging, hatred and divisive comments" NDP Andrea Horwath keeps claiming she abhors (just before she quickly pivots and slings mud at her opponents.)

It's pretty near all been directed at Ford.

Ford's spokesperson Melissa Lantsman puts it this way: "This entire election campaign, Doug Ford has been subjected to deeply personal smears. The other parties continue to go deeper and deeper into the gutter in a desperate bid to keep the party with the taxpayer's money going at Queen's Park."

Guess in Horwath's case, it's only "mudslinging" if her rag tag group of anti-police, anti-Israel, anti-war, pro-civil-disobedience and various other nutty agenda-driven candidates are put under the microscope.

What Ford never really articulated that day, or perhaps didn't realize until thrown to the wolves, was just how intense the efforts would be.

Let's put outgoing Premier Kathleen Wynne and NDP leader Andrea Horwath aside for a moment.

In a scenario eerily similar to the presidential election that gave the United States Donald Trump, Ford has had to come up against the complicit left-wing media.

They've attacked him non-stop but have virtually given Horwath a free pass over the past 30 days as her fortunes increased in the polls, lapping up her propaganda as if it's the gospel.

I decided to join the Horwath campaign trail last week after I got sick of listening to media lob her softball questions.

Ford has been the subject of at least two social media campaigns — #notdoug and #notford, the latter one orchestrated by former TV debt counsellor Gail Vaz-Oxlade, who has gone so off the rails about a possible PC win, she told supporters on Twitter to STFU.

The big unions have been so shameless about trying to stop Doug they've taken to calling members to try to bully them into voting NDP.

I know.

I got more than one call from Unifor, our media union.

A reader who didn't want his name used said OPSEU has been doing the same.

ETFO held a virtual rally for teachers throughout Ontario last Wednesday urging them to vote (NDP) and has actually encouraged its members to volunteer on (NDP) campaigns Thursday to get out the vote.

But getting back to Wynne and Horwath, aside from their failed attempts in the early days of the campaign to paint Ford as a Trump clone, anti-immigrant and divisive, they've been downright disingenuous about the impact of his attempts to streamline government.

Never mind disingenuous. I can't believe the sheer chutzpah of the two of them as they pretend — or flat out dismiss the idea — that they had nothing to do with the sorry state of Ontario today.

I say both of them because Horwath propped up Wynne repeatedly.

I've even been told of efforts by Liberal canvassers to tell vulnerable seniors at the door that with Ford as premier rent control will no longer exist.

But the ads and the daily propaganda spewed by the two of them is downright deceitful.

I'm talking about the 20,000 jobs I've heard Horwath say will be gone under Ford.

I asked her last week where that number came from.

She said they took the four-cents on the dollar that Ford intends to reduce and extrapolated that across nurses, doctors and any other provincial public services.

"You take the 4% and you get a number," she said, claiming efficiencies is "another word for cuts." (Not that it is.)

In other words, Horwath's numbers were pulled out of thin air.

Nevertheless with the constant attempts at indoctrination of more vulnerable voters by the Liberals and NDPers, the complicit cozy media, union intimidation and social media propaganda, it's a wonder anyone can break through the noise.

Yes indeed it's been a dirty 30 days. The Ford haters must really be worried."> ... yve-played">

Tomorrow is decision day in Ontario. I've never seen an election like it. A very moderate Tory like Doug Ford is being subjected to the same radical, but well financed libel that Trump faced and still faces on a daily basis in Ontario. Unfortunately, this dishonest smear campaign of the fringe NDP will probably work. I am predicting Doug Ford will not get enough seats to win and Horvath will be propped up by the few victorious Fiberals.


With the corpse of the Wynne Liberals all but on the autopsy table — the cause of death being old age, arrogance, fiscal incompetence and political corruption — Ontario must now decide what devil it will hire to fix the province's woes.

This election has been one for the ages, an unorthodox ride with more twists and turns than a snake in a rockpile.

It began with the abrupt bouncing and then resignation of Patrick Brown from the PC party leadership over unverified and denied claims of sexual impropriety.

Cue Doug Ford, big brother of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who catapulted into the leadership over party's former deputy leader Christine Elliott and Caroline Mulroney, daughter of our former PM.

It has ended with Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne's unexpected throwing-in of the towel on the campaign and NDP leader

Despite the twists and turns, most pollsters predict a dead-heat run for the finish line.

It is now up to the voters.

It's time to sweep aside the heated rhetoric and hyperbolic attack ads and[size=150] vote for the team best prepared to repair the damage successive Liberal governments inflicted upon the province, including a debt hole that is $325-billion deep and growing.

As Ford put it, "[size=150]The Liberals have us in terrible debt, and hydro and taxes are through the roof. The province cannot compete."


There is no gobbledygook in this, no talking points.

It's our collective reality.

Ontario Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne speaks to the media as Candidate Li Koo looks on during a campaign event in Toronto on Wednesday, June 6, 2018. Tijana Martin/The Canadian Press

The NDP has no plan to lay down the debt shovel, and instead plan on handing out "free" anything-and-everything as if there's no cost for their reckless brand of buy-your-vote politics.

[size=150]If the NDP does win, and they follow their promised Liberal-esque path, Ontario's debt is projected to climb to at least $377 billion by 2021 — leaving us with debt-interest payments of $16.9 billion a year.


That's almost $17 billion going into the pockets of the rich who invest in government IOUs.

That's $17 billion that will not be going to mend an ailing health-care system already on life support, or put toward aging infrastructure or lower the outrageous cost of electricity, or give a much-needed tax break to Ontario's middle class.

Worse, [size=150]if the NDP make Ontario a sanctuary province as Horwath has blindly promised because she has some secret garden where money grows, Concerned Ontario Doctors warn such largesse will cost taxpayers a minimum of another $2.5 billion a year to dish out free and extended health care to illegals [/size]who are already flooding into the province because Toronto is a magnet to legitimate and economic refugees.

If you think our health care system is overwhelmed now, a sanctuary province status is the last thing that needs to happen.

What is needed, instead, is fiscal sanity.

Those who fear the tough medicine of former Tory Premier Mike Harris coming back to haunt them should fear more the return of Bob Rae's NDP government in the form of Andrea Horwath's cabal of activist misfits who don't know how to put down the spending shovel.

Think of that hole — that $325-billion debt hole.

And think of it growing by the billions, unchecked and out of control.

That fixes things how?"> ... op-digging">

Andrea Horvath will make Bob Rae look like a good fiscal manager.


Minority NDP guv in Ontario, eh?

Looks like Liberal Kathryn Wynne may end up holding the balance of power there after the election.


Quote from: "JOE"Minority NDP guv in Ontario, eh?

Looks like Liberal Kathryn Wynne may end up holding the balance of power there after the election.

No, coalition or some type of informal arrangement between Horvath and what will be left of the Liberals. It's going to be tough for the PC's to get to 63 seats.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "JOE"Minority NDP guv in Ontario, eh?

Looks like Liberal Kathryn Wynne may end up holding the balance of power there after the election.

No, coalition or some type of informal arrangement between Horvath and what will be left of the Liberals. It's going to be tough for the PC's to get to 63 seats.

Ford's team can still pull it off. The NDP is running a fleet of loonie candidates unfit to manage the public purse. Many common sense voters will think twice before giving them a blank check. Will NDP voters show up today. That is the big question.


Any real socialist who votes NDP is not a real socialist. I hate to say it, but Ford is the least bad option.


Ironic or what. They turned on crazy ideas and crazy spending to get rid of "her" .... and now could replace her with "her X2"

Has Ontario gone from mostly bonkers to totally bonkers?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Ironic or what. They turned on crazy ideas and crazy spending to get rid of "her" .... and now could replace her with "her X2"

Has Ontario gone from mostly bonkers to totally bonkers?

Everything I've read about Ford from Horvath and Wynn is that he is a dangerous Trump style populist. As if that's a bad thing.


Hopefully Ontario will be saved from such catastrophe .... greatly improved economy  ... many more jobs .. noticeably increased paychecks   .. lower taxes etc. etc.

could totally ruin this piece of heaven called Ontariario
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Hopefully Ontario will be saved from such catastrophe .... improved economy could ruin all residents

My run is to Kenora. Everybody at CP at that end hates Wynn for destroying Ontario. But, some think Horvath will be an improvement. :crazy:


10 races to watch in the Ontario election


Incumbent Liberal Joe Dickson has held the riding — previously called Ajax-Pickering — since 2007 and won in 2014 with more than 50 per cent of the vote. But the Liberals are in an uphill battle to hold the so-called 905 ridings, which encircle the city of Toronto. And there is a strong Progressive Conservative challenger in Rod Phillips. He is the former president and CEO of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and former chair of Postmedia's board of directors.


This southwestern Ontario riding used to flip between the Progressive Conservatives and the NDP, but in 2014 it elected a Liberal as part of Kathleen Wynne's majority government. As with most, if not all, Liberal ridings in this election, Cambridge is considered in play. Incumbent Kathryn McGarry served for two years on the backbenches, then was made natural resources minister, but her profile was boosted in January when she was promoted to transportation minister.


Two recent polls have Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner winning this riding. It would be the first seat in the legislature for his party. Schreiner finished third in the riding during the last election, narrowly behind the Progressive Conservative candidate. But the race was thrown open when the incumbent and prominent Liberal Liz Sandals announced she would not run again.

London North Centre

Former deputy premier Deb Matthews has held the riding since 2003, but is not running for re-election. The NDP currently hold two other ridings in the city of London and came in second to Matthews in 2014. The Progressive Conservative candidate formerly held the riding as a federal Conservative MP.

Ottawa Centre

The riding is considered a Liberal stronghold, with the party holding it since 1995 and Yasir Naqvi winning it with 52 per cent of the vote in 2014. The riding includes a lot of public sector workers and students. Naqvi is a popular politician and has a high profile as attorney general, but the NDP is nipping at his heels. New Democrat candidate Joel Harden ran out of lawn signs 10 days into the campaign due to demand.


This bellwether riding has voted for the winner in every election since 1987. The incumbent is Jeff Leal, agriculture minister, who has represented Peterborough since 2003 and won the last election handily, but he will be in a tough fight. It could shape up to be a three-way race. A projection has this riding as too close to call.

St. Catharines

Liberal Jim Bradley has represented St. Catharines for a whopping 41 years and this could be the election that ends that streak. Previously safe Liberal seats are in play all over the province, including this one. The NDP believes it has a good chance of taking this riding, but the Tories came in second to Bradley in 2014.

Scarborough Centre

This bellwether riding has voted for the winner in every election since 1971. Liberal Brad Duguid held the riding since 2003, but did not run for re-election. This could be a three-way race, with both the Tories and the NDP competitive here, though projections give an edge to the NDP. This was one of the ridings in which the Progressive Conservatives overturned disputed nominations.


This riding has been Liberal since 1995 except for a brief period following the 2014 election. The NDP narrowly won the seat over the Liberals, but the New Democrat stepped down a few months later, prompting a byelection. That byelection sparked a scandal that led to two Liberals standing trial for Election Act bribery charges, though they were ultimately acquitted. Glenn Thibeault, who had been the NDP MP for the riding, was elected for the provincial Liberals in that byelection. He has served as energy minister at a time when hydro prices became the most contentious file in the province and a source of much anger toward the Liberals. The NDP, typically strong in the north, could snag this riding back.


This riding, like most in downtown and central Toronto, will be a pitched battle between the Liberals and the NDP. Though the Liberals are expected to lose a lot of their seats in this election, University-Rosedale, as well as Toronto-St. Paul's and Toronto Centre, are ones that the Liberals stand a chance of winning.


A hacked Facebook page containing a supposedly inspirational meme from Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was never reported to police or Facebook, NDP leader Andrea Horwath confirmed Wednesday.

"I'm too busy on the (campaign) bus doing my job," she said, referring to the meme posted on the personal Facebook page of Scarborough-Agincourt NDP candidate Tasleem Riaz.

Riaz insisted when approached by reporters last week that she didn't post it — that she was hacked at least twice "a few years back" when she was out of the country. Hacking is a criminal offence.

"Honestly, honestly, I'm the person who's spreading love and peace in the community," Riaz said at the time.

When I asked Horwath about the status of the page on the fourth stop of her last day on the campaign trail — this one on Keele St. and attended by former NDP councillor Howard Moscoe and former MPP Rosario Marchese — I was heckled by a few members of the rowdy crowd.

According to information provided to the Toronto Sun, a Facebook page in Riaz's name is still up and contains the meme.

"It is my understanding some hateful person has put up another hateful Facebook page suggesting it is Tasleem's which it is not ... I'm disgusted by this entire situation," Horwath said, to cries of "Disgusting! Shame!" from the crowd.

"But I can tell you whoever is putting the hate out there and tagging it to Tasleem is a disgraceful human being not only for the content but what they're doing to Tasleem," she added to applause.

There you have it. This pretty much sums up the NDP leader's response (or lack thereof) to this controversial candidate and others who are hostile towards Israel, hostile towards the police, carbon tax-obsessed, poppy-hating, civil disobedience-promoting candidates revealed in the past two weeks.

That's what I call disgusting and shameful."> ... the-police">

If this was someone close to Doug Ford he would be under overwhelming pressure to drop them as a candidate.

Berry Sweet

A lot of mixed reactions.  Hopefully it's a good thing, with politics it never is.  Just sit back and watch.  Enjoy the show!

Angry White Male

I miss Robbie...  He was always good for a laugh!