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Ontariario Final Result - Ford PC's / 76 - 40 - 7 - 1

Started by cc, June 07, 2018, 09:22:30 PM

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Seoulbro is giddy as hell as we knew he would be. I have a problem getting excited by a Conservative win even though I know the NDP has become the anti working class party.


FDS, a new local strain of the dreaded TDS that we have all been witness to, became virulent before the final count was in
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"FDS, a new local strain of TDS, became virulent before the final count was in

That makes me like Ford even though he is a Conservative.


Quote from: "cc"Update

Conservatism is a mental disease, one of cruelty to fellow people. But it's a disease of choice, and it must be eradicated

Good work, ppl of #Ontario. You decided that hate and discrimination is better than love and understanding. You fucked the province over for the next 4 years.

I feel so sick to my stomach and disappointed in voters. You have ushered in Trumpism into a Canadian government. Screw you to all those who have. You have proven yourself stupid ignorant bafoons

Ford Nation Is an Abomination

We live in a province where white cisgender heterosexual men who voted Conservative are essentially saying they don't give a shit about the women in their lives.

One for Bro - Why aren't our people actually showing up to vote?

I don't understand what this province is and how heartless and horrible the people are who just voted in this inhumane monster. I'm actually disgusted. #Toronto is such a bubble while the majority of #Ontario is full of terrible.

Mediocre white men continue to fail up.

Doug Ford's first act as Premier is to shut up a woman. Nice start.

A reminder that unqualified white men don't even need to try to acquire high levels of power.

Discrimination? Inhumane monster??

I'm not well versed with Ontario politics, so could someone clue me in as to what in Doug Ford's platform was was so discriminatory that he's an inhumane monster?


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "cc"Update

Conservatism is a mental disease, one of cruelty to fellow people. But it's a disease of choice, and it must be eradicated

Good work, ppl of #Ontario. You decided that hate and discrimination is better than love and understanding. You fucked the province over for the next 4 years.

I feel so sick to my stomach and disappointed in voters. You have ushered in Trumpism into a Canadian government. Screw you to all those who have. You have proven yourself stupid ignorant bafoons

Ford Nation Is an Abomination

We live in a province where white cisgender heterosexual men who voted Conservative are essentially saying they don't give a shit about the women in their lives.

One for Bro - Why aren't our people actually showing up to vote?

I don't understand what this province is and how heartless and horrible the people are who just voted in this inhumane monster. I'm actually disgusted. #Toronto is such a bubble while the majority of #Ontario is full of terrible.

Mediocre white men continue to fail up.

Doug Ford's first act as Premier is to shut up a woman. Nice start.

A reminder that unqualified white men don't even need to try to acquire high levels of power.

I saw a bit of this ceec. Ford won't be under constant attack because he won't play ball on scam carbon taxes, because he will allow beer and wine in corner stores(unionized LCBO are shitting themselves), or that he will make life more affordable for workers and employers. He will be under daily attack because he is insubordinate to the progtard scum who want to continue destroying that province.

I see an ultra prog alt on VF is already playing the idiot Ford card. It will be four years of this detachment from the real world and real working people that all Canadians will have to endure.

That would be Kuklinski. As ignorant a person as you will find anywhere with a tonne of bullshit thrown in just for fun.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "cc"Update

Conservatism is a mental disease, one of cruelty to fellow people. But it's a disease of choice, and it must be eradicated

Good work, ppl of #Ontario. You decided that hate and discrimination is better than love and understanding. You fucked the province over for the next 4 years.

I feel so sick to my stomach and disappointed in voters. You have ushered in Trumpism into a Canadian government. Screw you to all those who have. You have proven yourself stupid ignorant bafoons

Ford Nation Is an Abomination

We live in a province where white cisgender heterosexual men who voted Conservative are essentially saying they don't give a shit about the women in their lives.

One for Bro - Why aren't our people actually showing up to vote?

I don't understand what this province is and how heartless and horrible the people are who just voted in this inhumane monster. I'm actually disgusted. #Toronto is such a bubble while the majority of #Ontario is full of terrible.

Mediocre white men continue to fail up.

Doug Ford's first act as Premier is to shut up a woman. Nice start.

A reminder that unqualified white men don't even need to try to acquire high levels of power.

Discrimination? Inhumane monster??

I'm not well versed with Ontario politics, so could someone clue me in as to what in Doug Ford's platform was was so discriminatory that he's an inhumane monster?

Ford is Hitler. Hitler and Trump I tell you. :laugh3:


FDS, a local strain of the dreaded TDS became "viral" about 9 pm eastern last night
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"FDS, a local strain of the dreaded TDS became "viral" about 9 pm eastern last night

And will last for at least four years.

Does anyone know what Ford wants to do? All I know is that he opposes Justin's carbon tax which he should.



The Progressive Conservatives have won a majority government in Ontario. It's a stunning victory for the party led by Doug Ford, whose campaign was heavy on populist promises but light on fiscal details. The New Democrats, who had been neck and neck with the Tories in several polls before the election, will form the Official Opposition. The election has also marked a stunning collapse for the Liberals, who governed the province for the last 15 years. Ford positioned himself during the campaign as a defender of "the little guy," promising to lower taxes, cut hydro rates and eliminate the province's cap-and-trade-system. Here's everything you need to know about his platform.

On their fiscal plans: While the party has provided no overall budget — and thus no projected deficits or surpluses — the PCs have said their government would order up an audit of the province's spending and sniff out billions in "efficiencies."

On taxes: The PC platform includes income-tax cuts of 20 per cent for individuals earning between $42,960 and $85,923 and a credit that would decrease taxes for those earning minimum wage to zero. The party has also pledged to cut both corporate taxes (from 11.5 to 10.5 per cent) and the small business tax rate (from 3.5 to 3.2 per cent).

On the environment: The Tories say the will scrap the province's cap-and-trade system, and launch a Supreme Court of Canada challenge over any attempt by the federal government to force a carbon tax on Ontario. Instead, the party proposes a special investment fund for new technologies aimed at reducing emissions in the province.

On energy: The Tories say they will lower electricity bills for families, farmers and small businesses by 12 per cent, and fire the board of directors and chief executive of Hydro One. As well, the Tories say they will lower prices at the pump by decreasing gas taxes by 10 cents a litre. And Ontario's Green Energy Act will be killed, say the PCs, to put a stop to "sweetheart deals."

On education: Ford's plan promises to roll back the province's updated sex-ed curriculum, "until we can install a new one that is age appropriate and based on real consultation with parents." Also on the PCs' watch: cell phones in all primary and secondary school classrooms will be banned, there will be a "fix" of the province's standardized-testing regime and universities will be required to "uphold free speech on campuses and in classrooms."

On health care: The Tories promise to reduce hospital wait times and end the practice of "hallway medicine." The party says it will add 15,000 long-term care beds over five years and spend $3.8 billion on mental health, addictions and housing supports over the next decade. Another promise: free dental care for low-income seniors.

On transportation: True to the Ford brand, the PCs have pledged to upload responsibility for Toronto's subway infrastructure from the city to the province. The Tories say they will also inject $5 billion in new subway-related funding.

On booze: Ford promises to allow beer and wine sales in convenience stores. He says he will also allow the "buck-a-beer" to return to the province.


Quote from: "seoulbro"The Progressive Conservatives have won a majority government in Ontario. It's a stunning victory for the party led by Doug Ford, whose campaign was heavy on populist promises but light on fiscal details. The New Democrats, who had been neck and neck with the Tories in several polls before the election, will form the Official Opposition. The election has also marked a stunning collapse for the Liberals, who governed the province for the last 15 years. Ford positioned himself during the campaign as a defender of "the little guy," promising to lower taxes, cut hydro rates and eliminate the province's cap-and-trade-system. Here's everything you need to know about his platform.

On their fiscal plans: While the party has provided no overall budget — and thus no projected deficits or surpluses — the PCs have said their government would order up an audit of the province's spending and sniff out billions in "efficiencies."

On taxes: The PC platform includes income-tax cuts of 20 per cent for individuals earning between $42,960 and $85,923 and a credit that would decrease taxes for those earning minimum wage to zero. The party has also pledged to cut both corporate taxes (from 11.5 to 10.5 per cent) and the small business tax rate (from 3.5 to 3.2 per cent).

On the environment: The Tories say the will scrap the province's cap-and-trade system, and launch a Supreme Court of Canada challenge over any attempt by the federal government to force a carbon tax on Ontario. Instead, the party proposes a special investment fund for new technologies aimed at reducing emissions in the province.

On energy: The Tories say they will lower electricity bills for families, farmers and small businesses by 12 per cent, and fire the board of directors and chief executive of Hydro One. As well, the Tories say they will lower prices at the pump by decreasing gas taxes by 10 cents a litre. And Ontario's Green Energy Act will be killed, say the PCs, to put a stop to "sweetheart deals."

On education: Ford's plan promises to roll back the province's updated sex-ed curriculum, "until we can install a new one that is age appropriate and based on real consultation with parents." Also on the PCs' watch: cell phones in all primary and secondary school classrooms will be banned, there will be a "fix" of the province's standardized-testing regime and universities will be required to "uphold free speech on campuses and in classrooms."

On health care: The Tories promise to reduce hospital wait times and end the practice of "hallway medicine." The party says it will add 15,000 long-term care beds over five years and spend $3.8 billion on mental health, addictions and housing supports over the next decade. Another promise: free dental care for low-income seniors.

On transportation: True to the Ford brand, the PCs have pledged to upload responsibility for Toronto's subway infrastructure from the city to the province. The Tories say they will also inject $5 billion in new subway-related funding.

On booze: Ford promises to allow beer and wine sales in convenience stores. He says he will also allow the "buck-a-beer" to return to the province.

You can't not like all of these. But, how will they pay for it?



Quote from: "cc"Ahead in 68 at moment

63 needed for majority


The Liberals slit their own throats by staying in power far far too long.

Wynn should have stepped down last year.

a change of leader would have helped.


^^Not quite.

One of the obvious reasons for the big victory of Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives Thursday night was completely overlooked during the just-completed election campaign.

It was a new law in Ontario that for the first time restricted third-party advertising during the campaign to $100,000, and to $600,000 for the six months prior to the election.

That eliminated a huge advantage the Ontario Liberals enjoyed in the 2007, 2011 and 2014 elections, where there were no limits on third-party advertising and public and private sector unions spent millions of dollars relentlessly attacking whoever the PC leader happened to be at the time.

That benefitted the Ontario Liberals — who won all three elections — because they were able to use all of their advertising budgets to run positive ads about their leaders (Dalton McGuinty in 2007 and 2011, Kathleen Wynne in 2014), the negative ones against the PC leaders having been created, and paid for, by the labour unions.

The amounts of money involved were staggering and, according to Ontario Chief Electoral Officer Greg Essensa, who had been warning about the problem for years, risked  creating "an uneven playing field," influencing election outcomes.

Given that Thursday's election of  Ford and a PC majority government was the first time the PCs have won an Ontario election since 1999, and the first time limits were placed on third-party advertising, it would appear Essensa was right.

While elections are influenced by many factors and people like to say they aren't influenced by negative advertising, the fact is, negative ads works, particularly if they are repeated relentlessly.

If they didn't work, political organizations wouldn't spend millions of dollars running them.

In the 2007, 2011 and 2014 elections, labour unions in Ontario, according to the Globe and Mail, spent $15.4 million on third-party advertising, much of it attacking PC leader John Tory in 2007 and Tim Hudak in 2011 and 2014.

hat was 94% of all third-party advertising during these elections, compared to corporate ads of only $641,000 in total, plus $409,000 by other advocacy groups.

In the 2014 election alone, third parties spent $8.7 million on election advertising, higher than any of the political parities and an increase of almost 400% from 2007.

Hudak and the PCs repeatedly argued that the lack of any limits on third-party advertising reduced them to having to campaign election after election with one hand tied behind their backs, giving the Liberals a huge advantage every time out.

They tried to prove through the courts that umbrella labour organizations like the so-called Working Families Coalition — an alliance of teacher, nursing and construction unions — were actually Liberal front groups, but were unsuccessful.

Ironically, it was Wynne's Liberal government that eventually tightened campaign financing laws after her victory in the 2014 election, where the Liberals again benefited from the lack of any limits on third-party advertising.

They did so amid growing controversy about their own fundraising practices, including selling access to Liberal cabinet ministers, going so far as to set up individual fundraising quotas for them of up to $500,000.

As a result of such criticism, the government tightened election financing rules for this election, the first one they've lost in Ontario since 1999, followed by victories in the 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2014 elections, until Thursday night.

You could even say the Liberals contributed to their own demise."> ... ds-victory">


as a detached observer I thought Wynn was going nutty & her last term policies reflrcted a woman who was out of control.

in that regard she reminded me somewhat of the last days of BCs Christy Clark.