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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


England is headed for the World Cup Semi Finals

Started by Aryan, July 07, 2018, 12:07:26 PM

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Oh, that ... ya, guess I can be mean

But stop whining about not getting an answer to your non-question question
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Not that I care...but what are we talking about here?


Dunno bout others, but I'm talking about the Liverpool Lollipop producing  .... backing up his stupid slimeball made up accusation

Of course he's not talking back because he cannot back it up / produce
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Bricktop"Not that I care...but what are we talking about here?

Ceec is English/German descent and Scouse thinks she is a white hating Ashkeanzi. Same old.



I'll just walk on pass then. Nothing to see here.


CC is still in denial about being a Zionist Jew, you're right, there's nothing more to see or be added here.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"CC, what are your thoughts on International Jewry?

I've quizzed her about this before, she either goes quiet or reverts back to ranting  about 'progs' and Islam.  :laugh:


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"CC, what are your thoughts on International Jewry?

I've quizzed her about this before, she either goes quiet or reverts back to ranting  about 'progs' and Islam.  :laugh:

Just so the rest of us can understand more clearly where you're going here, are you lumping international Jewry and Zionism into the same question?  Also, what exactly do you mean by international Jewry?  As I said somewhere above, it's potentially a good question...just a bit jumbled.

EDIT to add:  Sorry, looks like "international Jewry" is actually Mel's my question is for the both of ya.


Quote from: "cc"Dunno bout others, but I'm talking about the Liverpool Lollipop producing  .... backing up his stupid slimeball made up accusation

Of course he's not talking back because he cannot back it up / produce

You oppose white nationalism, pretty much the only ideology which would send your dreaded dune coons and their backward religion packing en masse back to the Middle East. This not only makes you thoroughly anti-white, it also demonstrates how flawed your thinking is and suggests that you haven't thought your political beliefs through properly. Afterall, what's worse, predominantly white nations whose government has the indigenous people's best interests at heart or libturd ruled multiracial shite holes full of sand n1ggers?


Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"CC, what are your thoughts on International Jewry?

I've quizzed her about this before, she either goes quiet or reverts back to ranting  about 'progs' and Islam.  :laugh:

Just so the rest of us can understand more clearly where you're going here, are you lumping international Jewry and Zionism into the same question?  Also, what exactly do you mean by international Jewry?  As I said somewhere above, it's potentially a good question...just a bit jumbled.

It's basically a reference to the NWO, or more precisely the uber rich cabal of 1%  elite bankster families who call the shots from behind the scenes. Western governments are merely puppets on a string that ultimately serve the interests of this clique of Jews and crypto Jews.

Now for Zionism, this really has caused a huge rift in the Jewish sphere of control. Jews on the political left until recently have enjoyed decades of unwavering and unconditional support from liberals, Marxists, Communists and just about every other walk of life within the left camp. However, due to the Israel/Palestine saga, this support has dried up and much of the left has shunned Israel and Zionism...... but don't fall into the trap of believing that the left has turned it's back on Jews, because it hasn't, only Zionists and Zionism. There are still plenty of Cultural Marxist open border Jews who even think Israel should sling it's borders open and invite the dregs of the third world, just like Europe has been forced to do.  So, now we have a lot more Jews on the political right than we did before, you will know them as 'Neo Cons' or put more simply, Israel 'first' flag wavers, America is choc full with them.

As I have said before, these left wing and right wing Jews do not get along and disagree on a lot of things, but one thing they do share common ground on is their hatred of White Nationalism. They will even combine forces temporarily if need be to fight it.... Arguably these Zionist Kosher nationalist Jews are more dangerous than the leftist ones, due to how they have infiltrated much of the political right and steered certain parties into the direction which they see fit, ie pro Israel and anti-white nationalist.  They have hoovered up a lot of potential  support which the WN cause could have had, but controlling both sides is an age old tactic of their's and has proven to be very effective.


France vs Belgium tonight, my money's on Belgium, they're fucking sick!


A thread about England having a good team in the World Cup has turned into an inquisition about cc's ethnic origins.



Quote from: "Fashionista"A thread about England having a good team in the World Cup has turned into an inquisition about cc's ethnic origins.


Like every thread he enters including his own threads ....  it got "Scoused"
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I think you'll find I've been doing my best to keep the thread on topic, it's others including yourself who've been doing the derailing....


Quote from: "Fashionista"A thread about England having a good team in the World Cup has turned into an inquisition about cc's ethnic origins.


That's the only thoughts that dunce scouse can fit into his acorn sized brain. You should know what he has posted by now before reading his drivel.