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The Greatest Hysteria in American History, With an Added "Truth does not Matter to the media" Twist

Started by cc, August 08, 2018, 02:31:14 PM

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We are living through the greatest mass hysteria in American history. For many Americans, the McCarthy era held that dubious distinction, but what is happening now is incomparably worse.

For one thing, albeit poorly directed, any hysteria that existed then was directed against the greatest evil in the world at the time: communism.

In contrast, the country is choking on hysteria over the extremely unlikely possibility -- for which there is still no evidence -- that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, and the absurdity that President Trump works for Russian President Vladimir Putin

The mainstream media did not support McCarthy. Most in the media were highly critical of McCarthy.

will live in infamy as much as the Pearl Harbor attack or Kristallnacht[/b]."

All this hysteria is built on next to nothing. At its core, it is an attempt to undo the 2016 election. The mainstream media refuse to accept that Hillary Clinton lost. They said she would win -- handily. They predicted a landslide. How could they have possibly gotten it so wrong? Their answer is they didn't; Trump and Putin stole it.

If truth mattered to the media, their ongoing narrative would be: "Democrats and the left still do not accept Trump victory."

If truth mattered to the media, every American would know Trump has been harder on Russia than former President Barack Obama was. Every American would be reminded that Obama reassured Putin's right-hand man, then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, that he wouldn't be too tough on Russia. Thinking his mic was off, he whispered into Medvedev's ear: "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility."

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that Obama sent Army meals to Ukraine and Trump has sent anti-tank missiles and other arms to repel the Russians.

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that Obama watched Syria burn and Russia come to dominate that country, while Trump has bombed Syrian military installations, including one where Russians were killed.

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that it is Trump who has weakened Russia's ally Iran, while Obama immeasurably strengthened it.

Instead the media scream "treason," "impeachment" and the like 24/7; Hollywood stars curse the president; others curse his daughter or the first lady (one of the most regal in American history) and show President Trump in various death poses. Meanwhile, leftist mobs shout at administration officials and Republican members of Congress while they eat in restaurants, shop in stores and sleep in their homes.

If you vote Democrat this November, you are voting for hysteria, lies, socialism and even the cheapening of the Holocaust.

But more than anything, a vote for Democrats in November is a vote for hysteria -- the greatest and darkest in American history.">Friendly Source, yes. But I challenge anyone to prove the guts of it it to not be the case
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"We are living through the greatest mass hysteria in American history. For many Americans, the McCarthy era held that dubious distinction, but what is happening now is incomparably worse.

For one thing, albeit poorly directed, any hysteria that existed then was directed against the greatest evil in the world at the time: communism.

In contrast, the country is choking on hysteria over the extremely unlikely possibility -- for which there is still no evidence -- that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, and the absurdity that President Trump works for Russian President Vladimir Putin

The mainstream media did not support McCarthy. Most in the media were highly critical of McCarthy.

will live in infamy as much as the Pearl Harbor attack or Kristallnacht[/b]."

All this hysteria is built on next to nothing. At its core, it is an attempt to undo the 2016 election. The mainstream media refuse to accept that Hillary Clinton lost. They said she would win -- handily. They predicted a landslide. How could they have possibly gotten it so wrong? Their answer is they didn't; Trump and Putin stole it.

If truth mattered to the media, their ongoing narrative would be: "Democrats and the left still do not accept Trump victory."

If truth mattered to the media, every American would know Trump has been harder on Russia than former President Barack Obama was. Every American would be reminded that Obama reassured Putin's right-hand man, then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, that he wouldn't be too tough on Russia. Thinking his mic was off, he whispered into Medvedev's ear: "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility."

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that Obama sent Army meals to Ukraine and Trump has sent anti-tank missiles and other arms to repel the Russians.

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that Obama watched Syria burn and Russia come to dominate that country, while Trump has bombed Syrian military installations, including one where Russians were killed.

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that it is Trump who has weakened Russia's ally Iran, while Obama immeasurably strengthened it.

Instead the media scream "treason," "impeachment" and the like 24/7; Hollywood stars curse the president; others curse his daughter or the first lady (one of the most regal in American history) and show President Trump in various death poses. Meanwhile, leftist mobs shout at administration officials and Republican members of Congress while they eat in restaurants, shop in stores and sleep in their homes.

If you vote Democrat this November, you are voting for hysteria, lies, socialism and even the cheapening of the Holocaust.

But more than anything, a vote for Democrats in November is a vote for hysteria -- the greatest and darkest in American history.">Friendly Source, yes. But I challenge anyone to prove the guts of it it to not be the case

I know that something is going on now in the mass media that I have never seen before..

In the West, there is not enough news reporting and too much editorializing.


Editorializing seems all media is doing of late.

Actually, it's FAR worse than that. Many so-called reporters are making these hysterical claims not as "opinion" or "editorializing" ...  but stating the hysteria their own mind creates within themselves  as "actual fact / news"

Our own main networks are as guilty as those in the US as they have caught the hysteria virus and state their fears as fact  and / or  simply parrot what so-called reporters in the US state or make it up themselves .... Europe similar ... treating their own hysteria as if its reporting of facts. Not all hysteria being reported as fact / news is Trump related

Sadly, some people believe what they are told (made up) by "supposedly credible" reporters ... some through naivety  and some because it is what they WANT to believe. Things are not looking good for Western society
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Editorializing seems all media is doing of late.

Actually, it's FAR worse than that. Many so-called reporters are making these hysterical claims not as "opinion" or "editorializing" ...  but stating what their own mind creates within themselves  as "actual fact / news"

Our own main networks are as guilty as those in the US as they have caught the hysteria virus and state their fears as fact  and / or  simply parrot what so-called reporters in the US state or make it up themselves .... Europe similar ... treating their own hysteria as if its reporting of facts

Sadly, some people believe what they are told (made up) by "supposedly credible" reporters. Things are not looking good for Western society

Taiwan is a very divided society....along pan green(localization) and pan blue(Chinese nationalist) sides..

The press in Taiwan is split along those sides too..

But, even the most pro pan green or pan blue news source is not as dishonest as what I'm seeing in North America right now.



The scariest part of this is that these "reporters" actually believe what their minds create and actually think (or accept without question what their peers pass on to them) they are being "honest" .. and think they are doing their duty to inform the public of their own imagined  dangers

They could all pass a lie detector for the question "are you reporting fact", because to them they are
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Fashionista"

But, even the most pro pan green or pan blue news source is not as dishonest as what I'm seeing in North America right now.

It is not only North America. It is the UK. Australia. Canada.

Journalists are around 70% self professed socialists. As revenue from print media dries up, they say sillier and sillier things for ONE purpose.

Sell papers, or TV advertising space to make a profit for their capitalist masters.


I guess "for profit", sensationalism and the delightful feeling of anger sell ...

still, it seems like those with mics are on a personal political / societal "mission" .... as of course their owners would also have to be or it would not be happening

So I'll compromise - it's both
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Its all about the money.

Their job is not to inform, but make a profit. So they go where the money is, and that is inciting rage on one side of the political spectrum or the other.

When any debate about the bias of the media is engaged, too often their primary goal as an organisation is ignored. If people stopped watching or reading, they don't get paid. So they shout out to specific segments of the community, rather than rely on appealing to the wider population.

There's no money in the middle of the road.

So, FNC whips up a frenzy on the right, and CNN preaches to the left. At least both are guaranteed an audience of sorts.

Its a business. Bias, in lieu of greed, is good.

But the inherent problem with pandering to a specific segment is that you're preaching to the choir. The net effect is miniscule. It may look and sound like an incitement to war...but in reality its just screaming from the pulpit what the pundits want to hear.

Journalists no longer want to report the news, they want to BE the news and attract a following that pays the bills.

The following chart clearly illustrates why mass media journalists are becoming more shrill and sensationalising.">//

Newspapers are losing money every day. TV only slightly less so. And this trend will continue. What we are really seeing is journalist scum inciting public division, hate and violence to save their jobs.


trumps presidency has been like  the "The Live" Sunglasses.  Somehow he caused the left to shed all pretenses --they are showing themselves for the hardcore, totalitarian, control-everyone's-life extremists they really are.

I used to say the media is biased.  they are not biased, they are now full out SJWS getting paid for their activism, trying to get Trump anyway they can.

Maybe in America 2.0 we'll insist on a more objective media.


Quote from: "Bricktop"Its all about the money.

That's not right IMO.    CNN's ratings are nothing compared to FOX who ALWAYS beats them, its not even close.  But they don't care, just like most of the rest of the print and TV media.  They are there  to push a leftist agenda.  that is their goal.   period. Media activists get paid because outside of FOX news they have a near monopoly on print and TV media.  You either watch leftist news, which is on every channel other than FOX, or you watch FOX, or you watch nothing.  You either read leftist print media, or you read nothing.

take a look at every survey ever taken on the subject--  the media is overwhelmingly filled with leftists.

Quote from: "Bricktop"So, FNC whips up a frenzy on the right, and CNN preaches to the left. At least both are guaranteed an audience of sorts.

FOX was created because every news outlet on TV in the US was left biased.  their editorial shows generally cater to the right,  but their actual news is not anywhere near as biased as CNN or almost any other outlet  They exist as an antidote to leftist crap and they exist as the lone alternative to the left's monopoly on media power.


I am aware of that. You've just corroborated my comment, that media is now tailored to a specific, not general, audience. Hence there is a total absence of objectivity.

So, the leftards tune in to CNN, and nod their heads in agreement whenever they attack the right. The right tunes into FNC and nods their head in consensus with their observations of the left.

But where is the objective centre? There isn't one...because it doesn't pay. People no longer want information, they want confirmation that their views are the correct ones...and the mass media spoon feds them all the confirmation they need.


Quote from: "Bricktop"I am aware of that. You've just corroborated my comment, that media is now tailored to a specific, not general, audience. Hence there is a total absence of objectivity.

So, the leftards tune in to CNN, and nod their heads in agreement whenever they attack the right. The right tunes into FNC and nods their head in consensus with their observations of the left.

But where is the objective centre? There isn't one...because it doesn't pay. People no longer want information, they want confirmation that their views are the correct ones...and the mass media spoon feds them all the confirmation they need.

In my opinion, Fox is not nearly as biased as CNN or MSNBC.


I can't say...I don't watch CNN or MSNBC. Is that where the show featuring a desk full of leftard hags sit around talking crap about things they nothing about. Whoopi Leftberg is on it.


Quote from: "Bricktop"I can't say...I don't watch CNN or MSNBC. Is that where the show featuring a desk full of leftard hags sit around talking crap about things they nothing about. Whoopi Leftberg is on it.

A person could be forgiven for  confusing the two. :laugh3:


Quote from: "Bricktop"I am aware of that. You've just corroborated my comment, that media is now tailored to a specific, not general, audience. Hence there is a total absence of objectivity.

So, the leftards tune in to CNN, and nod their heads in agreement whenever they attack the right. The right tunes into FNC and nods their head in consensus with their observations of the left.

But where is the objective centre? There isn't one...because it doesn't pay. People no longer want information, they want confirmation that their views are the correct ones...and the mass media spoon feds them all the confirmation they need.

How do you figure out what is the objective center?  The left (and their media) keep getting more and more extreme, the right in general more moderate .  Bill clinton ran as a moderate democrat.  Trump is only implementing polices that clinton implemented, like border enforcement,  and the left is going batshit crazy.  The right of today is the moderate left of 20 years ago.  

I think, correct me if I'm wrong,you are under the impression that the right and left are equally to blame in the US.  This is not even close to the case.  Look at how extreme the left has become, how violent and vicious  they are as well, there's really no comparison.