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Center Right, Coalition Avenir Quebec Projected to Win Majority Government in Quebec

Started by Anonymous, October 01, 2018, 09:46:48 PM

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The CAQ is leading with 74 seats

Liberal-31 seats

PQ-10 seats

And the extreme left wing QS has 10 seats.

This is the first time since 1970 any party other than the Liberals and the Parti Quebecois have formed a government.

It will be interesting to see if the new premier, Francois Legault, goes along with Justine's carbon tax. I know the CAQ will oppose his open border policy.


Official Update - They won a majority govt - a populist victory

Francois Legault promised he would bring change to Quebec, and he has finally managed to do that.

The Coalition Avenir Quebec was elected Monday as the province's new government, making it the first time since 1970 that a party other than the Liberals or the Parti Quebecois will be governing Quebec.

What to expect

The CAQ's raison d'etre is to improve Quebec's economy and education and to that end the party made multiple promises aimed at streamlining the province's bureaucracy.

The party's promises include:

eliminating up to 30,000 civil servant positions through early retirement

eliminating 200,000 additional civil servant jobs

reducing immigration to 40,000 per year

making immigrants take a language and values test after three years

raising the legal age for purchasing cannabis to 21

eliminating school boards and replace them with regional service centres

scrapping CHSLDs and replacing them with modern seniors' homes

prohibiting government employees from wearing religious symbols

Legault has promised new spending measures to improve the lives of Quebecers, including:

extending the REM to other suburbs

extending the Blue metro line in Montreal

creating a tramway in Montreal's east end

adding lanes to Highway 30

spending $400 million on high speed internet

spending $1 billion on new seniors' residences

increasing the family allowance

Legault went back and forth on several issues during the campaign, including how best to integrate immigrants.

Following the English-language debate, Legault said he would, as did the leaders of all four parties, keep the English secretariat."> ... -1.4117198">

The new first family!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_960/image.jpg">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Official - They won, a majority govt - a populist victory

Francois Legault promised he would bring change to Quebec, and he has finally managed to do that.

The Coalition Avenir Quebec was elected Monday as the province's new government, making it the first time since 1970 that a party other than the Liberals or the Parti Quebecois will be governing Quebec.

What to expect

The CAQ's raison d'etre is to improve Quebec's economy and education and to that end the party made multiple promises aimed at streamlining the province's bureaucracy.

The party's promises include:

eliminating up to 30,000 civil servant positions through early retirement

eliminating 200,000 additional civil servant jobs

reducing immigration to 40,000 per year

making immigrants take a language and values test after three years

raising the legal age for purchasing cannabis to 21

eliminating school boards and replace them with regional service centres

scrapping CHSLDs and replacing them with modern seniors' homes

prohibiting government employees from wearing religious symbols

Legault has promised new spending measures to improve the lives of Quebecers, including:

extending the REM to other suburbs

extending the Blue metro line in Montreal

creating a tramway in Montreal's east end

adding lanes to Highway 30

spending $400 million on high speed internet

spending $1 billion on new seniors' residences

increasing the family allowance

Legault went back and forth on several issues during the campaign, including how best to integrate immigrants.

Following the English-language debate, Legault said he would, as did the leaders of all four parties, keep the English secretariat."> ... -1.4117198">

There's some stuff in there I really like. Whether this unknown party sticks to it is another story.

He will be a thorn in Justine's pumps on illegal border crossings. That is a good thing. I am sure Justine did not want the the CAQ to win.


I am just watching the results now on CBC..

I wonder how this will affect next year's federal election.



Quote from: "Fashionista"I am just watching the results now on CBC..

I wonder how this will affect next year's federal election.


It could be interesting. The two hard left sovereigntist parties really hate the tiny concessions Trudeau made to get a new trade deal with the US. The CAQ is rather silent on the issue.


Here's where the parties stood on some issues.

Immigration and Identity">




The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec is on track to win power for the first time in Canada's Quebec province, turning the page on nearly 15 years of liberal rule and allowing the party to make good on its promises to curb immigration.[/quote]


Quote from: "Wazzzup"The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec is on track to win power for the first time in Canada's Quebec province, turning the page on nearly 15 years of liberal rule and allowing the party to make good on its promises to curb immigration.
Herman started a thread about this already Wazzzup..

Would you like me to merge the two threads?


Quote from: "Herman"The CAQ is leading with 74 seats

Liberal-31 seats

PQ-10 seats

And the extreme left wing QS has 10 seats.

This is the first time since 1970 any party other than the Liberals and the Parti Quebecois have formed a government.

It will be interesting to see if the new premier, Francois Legault, goes along with Justine's carbon tax. I know the CAQ will oppose his open border policy.

Isnt the Quebec Liberal Party more like the Federal conservative part?

They already had an ex Conservative as their leader/premier.

So if Quebec voted them out, and this new party in, Quebec appears to have shifted even further to the right.this new party even appears to be further to the right of the federal conservative party

But given Quebec's dependence on federal monies & their love of social programs/entitlements, the very people who voted the new party in could also turn agsinst them quite quickly if they decidevto cut all of their progrsms as the party has proposed.

Should be interesting

Mu We live in interesting times.


Quoteshifted even further to the right

Old Joe is in denial. There aint no right anywhere in Canada. You get prog and proggier.

And former federal NDP leader was a former cabinet minister in a Quebec Liberal government. But, you know  the Liberals are really just a big tent anti independence party.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec is on track to win power for the first time in Canada's Quebec province, turning the page on nearly 15 years of liberal rule and allowing the party to make good on its promises to curb immigration.

Herman started a thread about this already Wazzzup..

Would you like me to merge the two threads?[/quote]oops sorry, I did not see it.  By all means merge away.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec is on track to win power for the first time in Canada's Quebec province, turning the page on nearly 15 years of liberal rule and allowing the party to make good on its promises to curb immigration.

Herman started a thread about this already Wazzzup..

Would you like me to merge the two threads?
oops sorry, I did not see it.  By all means merge away.[/quote]
Okie dokie.



I suppose Quebeckers voted the way they did largely because of the influx of refugees?

If theres one thing that scares them most is anything that could threaten their language and culture.

So this new party must have tapped into tjst fear snd capitalized upon it

Anti immigrant sentiment?

Would nr interesting to see an electoral map to see how the province voted.


Quote from: "JOE"I suppose Quebeckers voted the way they did largely because of the influx of refugees?

If theres one thing that scares them most is anything that could threaten their language and culture.

So this new party must have tapped into tjst fear snd capitalized upon it

Anti immigrant sentiment?

Would nr interesting to see an electoral map to see how the province voted.

A three second search and you will find what you are looking for.